private static void WaitForUiInit() { if (_isUsingUix) { typeof(UIXManager).GetMethod(nameof(UIXManager.OnApplicationStart)) !.Invoke(null, null); } else { _logger.Warning("UiExpansionKit (UIX) was not detected. Using coroutine to wait for UiInit. Please consider installing UIX."); _logger.Warning("This also means that the function to change fullscreen resolution will only be usable by changing MelonPrefs directly at the file."); _logger.Warning("Again, please consider installing UIX.");
private void CreatePasteButton() { try { // Hey skids, if you're gonna take this and add to your mod, at least give me some credit. Much appreciated! _keybardPasteButton = Object.Instantiate(GameObject.Find("/UserInterface/MenuContent/Popups/InputPopup/ButtonLeft"), VRCUiPopupManager.field_Public_VRCUiPopupInput_0.transform); _keybardPasteButton.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(335f, -275f); _keybardPasteButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Paste"; = "KeyboardPasteButton"; _keybardPasteButton.GetComponent <Button>().onClick = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent(); _keybardPasteButton.GetComponent <Button>().m_Interactable = true; _keybardPasteButton.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(new Action(() => { try { if (GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer.Length < 256) { GameObject.Find("UserInterface/MenuContent/Popups/InputPopup/InputField").GetComponent <InputField>().text = GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer; } else { Logger.Warning("You cannot paste something more than 256 characters long in the keyboard."); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error($"An error has occurred:\n{e}"); } })); Log("Created the paste button.", _isDebug); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error($"Paste:\n{e}"); } }
private static void WaitForUiInit() { if (MelonHandler.Mods.Any(x => x.Info.Name.Equals("UI Expansion Kit"))) { typeof(UIXManager).GetMethod(nameof(UIXManager.OnApplicationStart)) !.Invoke(null, null); } else { _logger.Warning("UiExpansionKit (UIX) was not detected. Using coroutine to wait for UiInit. Please consider installing UIX.");
private unsafe static bool PatchExports() { IntPtr monolib = MonoLibrary.GetLibPtr(); if (monolib == IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.Warning("Unable to find Mono Library Pointer!"); return(false); } NativeLibrary monoLibrary = new NativeLibrary(monolib); IntPtr mono_export = monoLibrary.GetExport("mono_unity_get_unitytls_interface"); if (mono_export == IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.Warning("Unable to find Mono's mono_unity_get_unitytls_interface Export!"); return(false); } NativeLibrary il2cppLibrary = NativeLibrary.Load(Path.Combine(MelonUtils.GameDirectory, "GameAssembly.dll")); IntPtr il2cpp_export = il2cppLibrary.GetExport("il2cpp_unity_install_unitytls_interface"); if (il2cpp_export == IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.Warning("Unable to find Il2Cpp's il2cpp_unity_install_unitytls_interface Export!"); return(false); } Logger.Msg("Patching mono_unity_get_unitytls_interface..."); MelonUtils.NativeHookAttach((IntPtr)(&mono_export), typeof(Il2CppUnityTls_Module).GetMethod("GetUnityTlsInterface", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer()); Logger.Msg("Patching il2cpp_unity_install_unitytls_interface..."); MelonUtils.NativeHookAttach((IntPtr)(&il2cpp_export), typeof(Il2CppUnityTls_Module).GetMethod("SetUnityTlsInterface", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer()); OriginalSetUnityTlsInterface = (dSetUnityTlsInterface)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(il2cpp_export, typeof(dSetUnityTlsInterface)); return(true); }
private void WarnIfHasTranspiler(PatchInfo patchInfo, MelonLogger.Instance loggerInstance) { if (patchInfo.transpilers.Length <= 0) { return; } string txt = $"Harmony: Method {Original.FullDescription()} will only have its Unhollowed IL available to Transpilers, " + "suggesting you either don't use any Transpilers when Patching this Method or ignore this Warning if modifying the Unhollowed IL is your goal."; if (loggerInstance != null) { loggerInstance.Warning(txt); } else { MelonLogger.Warning(txt); } }
private static void Integrations() { if (_amapiIntegration.Value) { if (MelonHandler.Mods.Any(x => x.Info.Name.Equals("ActionMenuApi"))) { Assets.OnApplicationStart(); _isUsingAmapi = true; } else { Logger.Warning("For a better experience, please consider installing ActionMenuApi."); } } else { Logger.Warning("Integration with ActionMenuApi has been deactivated on Settings."); } if (_uixIntegration.Value) { if (MelonHandler.Mods.Any(x => x.Info.Name.Equals("UI Expansion Kit"))) { typeof(UIXManager).GetMethod("OnApplicationStart") !.Invoke(null, null); _isUsingUix = true; } else { Logger.Warning("For a better experience, please consider installing UIExpansionKit."); } } else { Logger.Warning("Integration with UIExpansionKit has been deactivated on Settings."); } if (!_amapiIntegration.Value && !_uixIntegration.Value) { Logger.Warning("Both integrations (Action Menu and UiExpansionKit) have been deactivated. " + "The mod cannot run without those, therefore, expect it to fail. If this was not intended, " + "please consider activating at least one of the integrations on Settings."); } if (!_isUsingAmapi && !_isUsingUix) { Logger.Error("Failed to load both integrations with UIExpansionKit and ActionMenuApi! The mod will not be loaded."); } else if (!_isUsingUix) { Logger.Warning("Using coroutine to wait for UiInit.");
private void WarnIfOriginalMethodIsInlined(MelonLogger.Instance loggerInstance) { int callerCount = UnhollowerSupport.GetIl2CppMethodCallerCount(Original) ?? -1; if (callerCount > 0 || UnityMagicMethods.IsUnityMagicMethod(Original)) { return; } string txt = $"Harmony: Method {Original.FullDescription()} does not appear to get called directly from anywhere, " + "suggesting it may have been inlined and your patch may not be called."; if (loggerInstance != null) { loggerInstance.Warning(txt); } else { MelonLogger.Warning(txt); } }