Exemple #1
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        trisstart = triindex;

        if (Lock)
            return(triindex + ((crosses - 2) * (evert - svert)));

        if (layerPath == null || layerSection == null)

        MegaSpline pathspline    = layerPath.splines[curve];
        MegaSpline sectionspline = layerSection.splines[crosscurve];

        // so for each loft section run through
        int     vi  = 0;
        Vector2 uv  = Vector2.zero;
        Vector3 p   = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 scl = Vector3.one;

        float scalemultx = 1.0f;
        float scalemulty = 1.0f;

        Vector3 cmax = crossmax;

        cmax.x = 0.0f;
        cmax.z = 0.0f;

        Vector3 cmin = crossmin;

        cmin.x = 0.0f;
        cmin.z = 0.0f;

        Vector3 totaloff = Vector3.zero;

        float uvstart = pathStart;

        if (UVOrigin == MegaLoftUVOrigin.SplineStart)
            uvstart = 0.0f;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Color col1 = color;

        Matrix4x4 tm;
        Vector3   lastup = loft.up;

        float calpha = 0.0f;

        for (int cr = 0; cr < crosses; cr++)
            float a     = ((float)cr / (float)(crosses - 1));
            float alpha = pathStart + (pathLength * a);

            totaloff = offset;

            if (useOffsetX)
                totaloff.x += offsetCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (useOffsetY)
                totaloff.y += offsetCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (useOffsetZ)
                totaloff.z += offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(alpha);

            // get the point on the spline
            if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.New)
                tm = loft.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, alpha, true, alignCross, ref lastup);
                tm = loft.GetDeformMatNew(pathspline, alpha, true, alignCross);

            if (useTwistCrv)
                float twist = twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha) * twistAmt;

                float tw1 = pathspline.GetTwist(alpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                tm = tm * twisttm;

            if (useCrossScaleCrv)
                float sa = Mathf.Repeat(a + scaleoff, 1.0f);
                scalemultx = crossScaleCrv.Evaluate(sa);

            if (!sepscale)
                scalemulty = scalemultx;
                if (useCrossScaleCrvY)
                    float sa = Mathf.Repeat(a + scaleoffY, 1.0f);
                    scalemulty = crossScaleCrvY.Evaluate(sa);

            scl.x = crossScale.x * scalemultx;                  // Use plus here and have curve as 0010
            scl.y = crossScale.y * scalemulty;

            Vector3 crrot = cmax;
            crrot.y *= scl.y;

            Vector3 cminrot = cmin;
            cminrot.y *= scl.y;

            // Now need to loop through all the meshsections
            for (int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++)
                MegaMeshSection     ms   = meshsections[m];
                MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                if (mats.Enabled)
                    if (loft.useColors)
                        if (mats.colmode == MegaLoftColMode.Loft)
                            calpha = a;
                            calpha = alpha;

                        calpha = Mathf.Repeat(calpha + mats.coloffset, 1.0f);
                        col1.r = mats.colR.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.g = mats.colG.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.b = mats.colB.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.a = mats.colA.Evaluate(calpha);

                    for (int v = 0; v < ms.cverts.Count; v++)
                        p.x = ms.cverts[v].x * scl.x;
                        p.y = ms.cverts[v].y * scl.y;                           // Curve for this value
                        p.z = ms.cverts[v].z * scl.z;

                        p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

                        uv.x = alpha - uvstart;                         //pathStart;
                        uv.y = ms.cuvs[v].y;                            // - crossStart;	// again not sure here start;

                        if (mats.physuv)
                            uv.x *= pathspline.length;
                            uv.y *= sectionspline.length;
                            if (mats.uvcalcy)
                                //uv.x = ((a * LoftLength) / sectionspline.length) - uvstart;
                                uv.x = ((alpha * pathspline.length) / sectionspline.length) - uvstart;

                        if (conform)
                            ms.verts1.Add(p + totaloff);
                            ms.verts.Add(p + totaloff);

                        if (mats.swapuv)
                            float ux = uv.x;
                            uv.x = uv.y;
                            uv.y = ux;

                        uv.x *= mats.UVScale.x;
                        uv.y *= mats.UVScale.y;

                        uv.x += mats.UVOffset.x;
                        uv.y += mats.UVOffset.y;

                        ms.uvs.Add(uv);                         //[vi] = uv;

                        if (loft.useColors)


        // Faces
        int index = triindex;
        int fi    = 0;          // Calc this

        if (enabled)
            if (flip)
                for (int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++)
                    MegaMeshSection     ms   = meshsections[m];
                    MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                    if (mats.Enabled)
                        for (int cr = 0; cr < crosses - 1; cr++)
                            for (int f = 0; f < ms.cverts.Count - 1; f++)
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);

                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + ms.cverts.Count);

                                fi += 6;

                            index += ms.cverts.Count;
                        index += ms.cverts.Count;
                for (int m = 0; m < meshsections.Count; m++)
                    MegaMeshSection     ms   = meshsections[m];
                    MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                    if (mats.Enabled)
                        for (int cr = 0; cr < crosses - 1; cr++)
                            for (int f = 0; f < ms.cverts.Count - 1; f++)
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);

                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);

                                fi += 6;

                            index += ms.cverts.Count;

                        index += ms.cverts.Count;

        if (conform)

        return(triindex + fi);          //triindex;
Exemple #2
    public override Vector3 SampleSplines(MegaShapeLoft loft, float ca, float pa)
        Vector3 p = Vector3.zero;

        float lerp = 0.0f;

        Matrix4x4 pathtm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        //if ( SnapToPath )
        //pathtm = layerPath.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        //Vector3 sclc = Vector2.one;
        Matrix4x4 tm;

        float offx = 0.0f;
        float offy = 0.0f;
        float offz = 0.0f;

        //bool clsd = layerPath.splines[curve].closed;

        Vector3 lastup = locup;

        float alpha     = pa;           //(float)pi / (float)PathSteps;
        float pathalpha = pathStart + (pathLength * alpha);

        //if ( clsd )
        //pathalpha = Mathf.Repeat(pathalpha, 1.0f);

        //if ( useScaleXCrv )
        //sclc.x = scaleCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        //if ( useScaleYCrv )
        //sclc.y = scaleCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if (useTwistCrv)
            float twist = twistCrv.Evaluate(pathalpha);
            float tw1   = layerPath.splines[curve].GetTwist(pathalpha);

            MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
            if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
            if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);
        // Need to get the crosssection for the given alpha and the lerp value
        int csect = GetSection(pathalpha, out lerp);

        lerp = ease.easing(0.0f, 1.0f, lerp);

        Vector3 off = Vector3.zero;

        if (loftsections[csect].snap)
            off = loftsections[0].shape.splines[loftsections[0].curve].knots[0].p - loftsections[csect].shape.splines[loftsections[csect].curve].knots[0].p;
            off = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3 crossp1 = GetCross(csect, ca, off);

        if (loftsections[csect + 1].snap)
            off = loftsections[0].shape.splines[loftsections[0].curve].knots[0].p - loftsections[csect + 1].shape.splines[loftsections[csect + 1].curve].knots[0].p;
            off = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3 crossp2 = GetCross(csect + 1, ca, off);

        if (useOffsetX)
            offx = offsetCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if (useOffsetY)
            offy = offsetCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        if (useOffsetZ)
            offz = offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(pathalpha);

        //float size = 1.0f / layerPath.splines[0].length;

        p = Vector3.Lerp(crossp1, crossp2, lerp);
        //if ( useScaleXCrv )
        //p.x *= sclc.x;

        //if ( useScaleYCrv )
        //p.y *= sclc.y;

        p.x += offx;
        p.y += offy;
        p.z += offz;

        p  = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
        p += offset;

Exemple #3
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        if (Lock)

        if (layerPath == null || layerPath.splines == null || layerPath.splines.Count == 0)

        if (loftsections.Count < 2)             //== 0 )

        Vector2 uv = Vector2.zero;
        Vector3 p  = Vector3.zero;

        //int wc = 1;	//ActualCrossVerts;
        float lerp = 0.0f;

        Matrix4x4 pathtm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        //if ( SnapToPath )
        //	pathtm = layerPath.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        //Vector3 sclc = Vector2.one;
        Matrix4x4 tm;

        float offx = 0.0f;
        float offy = 0.0f;
        float offz = 0.0f;

        MegaSpline pathspline = layerPath.splines[curve];

        //bool clsd = layerPath.splines[curve].closed;

        float uvstart = pathStart;

        if (UVOrigin == MegaLoftUVOrigin.SplineStart)
            uvstart = 0.0f;

        Vector3 lastup = locup;

        Color col1 = color;

        float calpha = 0.0f;

        //float uvalpha = 0.0f;

        for (int pi = 0; pi < crosses; pi++)
            float alpha     = (float)pi / (float)(crosses - 1);         //PathSteps;
            float pathalpha = pathStart + (pathLength * alpha);

            //uvalpha = pathalpha;
            //if ( clsd )
            //	pathalpha = Mathf.Repeat(pathalpha, 1.0f);

            //if ( useScaleXCrv )
            //	sclc.x = scaleCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            //if ( useScaleYCrv )
            //	sclc.y = scaleCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useTwistCrv)
                float twist = twistCrv.Evaluate(pathalpha);
                float tw1   = layerPath.splines[curve].GetTwist(pathalpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
                if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);
            // Need to get the crosssection for the given alpha and the lerp value
            int csect = GetSection(pathalpha, out lerp);

            lerp = ease.easing(0.0f, 1.0f, lerp);

            MegaLoftSection cs1 = loftsections[csect];
            MegaLoftSection cs2 = loftsections[csect + 1];

            //MegaSpline sectionspline = cs1.shape.splines[cs1.curve];

            if (useOffsetX)
                offx = offsetCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useOffsetY)
                offy = offsetCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useOffsetZ)
                offz = offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            for (int i = 0; i < cs1.meshsections.Count; i++)
                MegaMeshSection ms0 = loftsections[0].meshsections[i];

                //float slen = sectionspline.knots[ms0.lastknot].length - sectionspline.knots[ms0.firstknot].length;

                MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms0.mat];

                if (mats.Enabled)
                    MegaMeshSection ms1 = cs1.meshsections[i];
                    MegaMeshSection ms2 = cs2.meshsections[i];

                    if (loft.useColors)
                        if (mats.colmode == MegaLoftColMode.Loft)
                            calpha = alpha;
                            calpha = pathalpha;

                        calpha = Mathf.Repeat(calpha + mats.coloffset, 1.0f);
                        col1.r = mats.colR.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.g = mats.colG.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.b = mats.colB.Evaluate(calpha);
                        col1.a = mats.colA.Evaluate(calpha);

                    for (int v = 0; v < ms1.cverts.Count; v++)
                        p = Vector3.Lerp(ms1.cverts[v], ms2.cverts[v], lerp);                           // Easing here?
                        //if ( useScaleXCrv )
                        //	p.x *= sclc.x;

                        //if ( useScaleYCrv )
                        //	p.y *= sclc.y;

                        p.x += offx;
                        p.y += offy;
                        p.z += offz;

                        p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

                        p += offset;

                        //int ix = (pi * wc) + v;
                        if (conform)

                        uv.y = Mathf.Lerp(ms1.cuvs[v].y, ms2.cuvs[v].y, lerp);

                        uv.x = alpha - uvstart;                         //pathStart;
                        //uv.y = ms.cuvs[v].y;	// - crossStart;	// again not sure here start;

                        if (mats.physuv)
                            uv.x *= pathspline.length;
                            uv.y *= ms0.len;                                    //sectionspline.length;
                            if (mats.uvcalcy)
                                //uv.x = ((alpha * LoftLength) / sectionspline.length) - uvstart;
                                uv.x = ((alpha * pathspline.length) / ms0.len) - uvstart;

                        if (mats.swapuv)
                            float ux = uv.x;
                            uv.x = uv.y;
                            uv.y = ux;

                        uv.x *= mats.UVScale.x;
                        uv.y *= mats.UVScale.y;

                        uv.x += mats.UVOffset.x;
                        uv.y += mats.UVOffset.y;

                        ms0.uvs.Add(uv);                                //[vi] = uv;

                        if (loft.useColors)

#if false
                        uv.y = uvstart + alpha;

                        uv.x *= UVScale.x;
                        uv.y *= UVScale.y;

                        uv.x += UVOffset.x;
                        uv.y += UVOffset.y;

        int index = triindex;
        int fi    = 0;          // Calc this

        if (enabled)
            if (flip)
                for (int m = 0; m < loftsections[0].meshsections.Count; m++)
                    MegaMeshSection     ms   = loftsections[0].meshsections[m];
                    MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                    if (mats.Enabled)
                        for (int cr = 0; cr < crosses - 1; cr++)
                            for (int f = 0; f < ms.cverts.Count - 1; f++)
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);

                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + ms.cverts.Count);

                                fi += 6;

                            index += ms.cverts.Count;
                        index += ms.cverts.Count;
                for (int m = 0; m < loftsections[0].meshsections.Count; m++)
                    MegaMeshSection     ms   = loftsections[0].meshsections[m];
                    MegaMaterialSection mats = sections[ms.mat];

                    if (mats.Enabled)
                        for (int cr = 0; cr < crosses - 1; cr++)
                            for (int f = 0; f < ms.cverts.Count - 1; f++)
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);

                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f + 1 + ms.cverts.Count);
                                ms.tris.Add(index + f);

                                fi += 6;

                            index += ms.cverts.Count;

                        index += ms.cverts.Count;

        if (conform)

        return(triindex + fi);          //triindex;
    public void OnSceneGUI()
        MegaLoftLayerComplex layer = (MegaLoftLayerComplex)target;
        MegaShapeLoft        loft  = layer.gameObject.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

        if (loft == null)

        if (layer.layerPath == null)

        if (!layer.showsections)

        MegaSpline pathspline = layer.layerPath.splines[layer.curve];

        Matrix4x4 pathtm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        if (layer.SnapToPath)
            pathtm = layer.layerPath.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        Matrix4x4 tm;

        float offx = 0.0f;
        float offy = 0.0f;
        float offz = 0.0f;

        Vector3 lastup = locup;

        for (int i = 1; i < layer.sections.Count - 1; i++)
            MegaLoftSection section = layer.sections[i];

            float alpha = section.alpha;

            if (layer.useOffsetX)
                offx = layer.offsetCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetY)
                offy = layer.offsetCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetZ)
                offz += layer.offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(alpha);

            //if ( layer.useTwistCrv )
            //	float twist = layer.twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha);
            //	MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * twist);
            //	tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
            //	tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);

            if (layer.useTwistCrv)
                float twist = layer.twistCrv.Evaluate(section.alpha);
                float tw1   = pathspline.GetTwist(section.alpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                if (layer.frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
                if (layer.frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);

            Vector3 p = section.crossverts[0];
            if (layer.useScaleXCrv)
                p.x *= layer.scaleCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useScaleYCrv)
                p.y *= layer.scaleCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            p.x += offx;
            p.y += offy;
            p.z += offz;

            Vector3 tp = p;
            p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

            p += layer.offset;

            Matrix4x4 tantm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, alpha + 0.01f, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);
            Vector3   tan   = tantm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tp);
            tan += layer.offset;

            tan = (tan - p).normalized;

            Vector3 p1 = section.crossverts[section.crossverts.Length - 1];
            if (layer.useScaleXCrv)
                p1.x *= layer.scaleCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useScaleYCrv)
                p1.y *= layer.scaleCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            p1.x += offx;
            p1.y += offy;
            p1.z += offz;

            tp = p1;
            p1 = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p1);

            p1           += layer.offset;
            Handles.color = Color.yellow;
            p             = loft.transform.TransformPoint(p);
            //Vector3 pn = Handles.Slider(p, tan, layer.handlesize, Handles.SphereCap, 0.0f);
            Vector3 pn = Slider(p, tan, layer.handlesize);
            pn = pn - p;
            float delta = pn.magnitude;

            if (Vector3.Dot(tan, pn) < 0.0f)
                delta = -delta;

            section.alpha += delta * 0.0005f;

            float al = section.alpha;                   // + delta * 0.0005f;

            if (al != layer.sections[i].alpha)
                if (i > 0)
                    if (al < layer.sections[i - 1].alpha)
                        al = layer.sections[i - 1].alpha;

                if (i < layer.sections.Count - 1)
                    if (al > layer.sections[i + 1].alpha)
                        al = layer.sections[i + 1].alpha;

                layer.sections[i].alpha = al;

            if (delta != 0.0f)
                GUI.changed  = true;
                loft.rebuild = true;

            tan  = tantm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tp);
            tan += layer.offset;
            tan  = (tan - p1).normalized;

            p1 = loft.transform.TransformPoint(p1);

            //pn = Handles.Slider(p1, tan, layer.handlesize, Handles.SphereCap, 0.0f);
            pn = Slider(p1, tan, layer.handlesize);

            pn = pn - p1;

            delta = pn.magnitude;               //Vector3.Distance(p, pn);

            if (Vector3.Dot(tan, pn) < 0.0f)
                delta = -delta;

            al = section.alpha + delta * 0.0005f;

            if (al != layer.sections[i].alpha)
                if (i > 0)
                    if (al < layer.sections[i - 1].alpha)
                        al = layer.sections[i - 1].alpha;

                if (i < layer.sections.Count - 1)
                    if (al > layer.sections[i + 1].alpha)
                        al = layer.sections[i + 1].alpha;

                layer.sections[i].alpha = al;

            if (delta != 0.0f)
                GUI.changed  = true;
                loft.rebuild = true;

        if (layer.sections.Count > 0)
            if (layer.sections[0].alpha != 0.0f)
                layer.sections[0].alpha = 0.0f;

            for (int i = 1; i < layer.sections.Count - 1; i++)
                if (layer.sections[i].alpha <= layer.sections[i - 1].alpha)
                    layer.sections[i - 1].alpha = layer.sections[i].alpha;

                if (layer.sections[i].alpha >= layer.sections[i + 1].alpha)
                    layer.sections[i].alpha = layer.sections[i + 1].alpha;

            if (layer.sections[layer.sections.Count - 1].alpha != 1.0f)
                layer.sections[layer.sections.Count - 1].alpha = 1.0f;
    static void DrawPath(MegaLoftLayerComplex layer)
        MegaShapeLoft loft = layer.gameObject.GetComponent <MegaShapeLoft>();

        if (loft == null)

        if (layer.layerPath == null)

        if (layer.sections == null || layer.sections.Count < 2)

        for (int i = 0; i < layer.sections.Count; i++)
            if (layer.sections[i].crossverts == null || layer.sections[i].crossverts.Length == 0)

        MegaSpline pathspline = layer.layerPath.splines[layer.curve];

        Matrix4x4 pathtm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        if (layer.SnapToPath)
            pathtm = layer.layerPath.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Color col = Gizmos.color;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;
        Matrix4x4 tm;

        Vector3 lastup = locup;

        for (int i = 0; i < layer.sections.Count; i++)
            MegaLoftSection section = layer.sections[i];

            //if ( layer.useTwistCrv )
            //	float twist = layer.twistCrv.Evaluate(section.alpha);
            //	MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * twist);
            //	tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;	//loft.);
            //	tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);	//loft.);

            if (layer.useTwistCrv)
                float twist = layer.twistCrv.Evaluate(section.alpha);
                float tw1   = pathspline.GetTwist(section.alpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                if (layer.frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
                if (layer.frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, section.alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);

            Vector3 p1 = section.crossverts[0];

            float offx = 0.0f;
            float offy = 0.0f;
            float offz = 0.0f;
            float sclx = 1.0f;
            float scly = 1.0f;

            if (layer.useScaleXCrv)
                p1.x *= layer.scaleCrvX.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            if (layer.useScaleYCrv)
                p1.y *= layer.scaleCrvY.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetX)
                offx = layer.offsetCrvX.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetY)
                offy = layer.offsetCrvY.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetZ)
                offz = layer.offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            if (layer.useScaleXCrv)
                sclx = layer.scaleCrvX.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            if (layer.useScaleYCrv)
                scly = layer.scaleCrvY.Evaluate(section.alpha);

            p1  = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p1);
            p1 += layer.offset;

            Gizmos.color = seccol;              //Color.red;
            Vector3 mid = Vector3.zero;

            for (int v = 1; v < section.crossverts.Length; v++)
                Vector3 p = section.crossverts[v];
                p.x *= sclx;
                p.y *= scly;

                p.x += offx;
                p.y += offy;
                p.z += offz;

                p  = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
                p += layer.offset;

                Gizmos.DrawLine(loft.transform.TransformPoint(p1), loft.transform.TransformPoint(p));

                p1 = p;

                if (v == section.crossverts.Length / 2)
                    mid = p;

            Handles.color = Color.white;
            Handles.Label(loft.transform.TransformPoint(mid), "Cross: " + i);
            Gizmos.color = col;

        // Draw outside edge
        Vector3 sclc = Vector3.one;
        float   lerp = 0.0f;

        // The position stuff here is waht we could use instead of mesh verts
        Vector3 last  = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 last1 = Vector3.zero;

        lastup = locup;

        for (float alpha = 0.0f; alpha <= 1.0f; alpha += 0.005f)
            if (layer.useScaleXCrv)
                sclc.x = layer.scaleCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useScaleYCrv)
                sclc.y = layer.scaleCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            //if ( layer.useTwistCrv )
            //	float twist = layer.twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha);
            //	MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * twist);
            //	tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(layer.layerPath.splines[layer.curve], alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;	//loft.);
            //	tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(layer.layerPath.splines[layer.curve], alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);	//loft.);

            if (layer.useTwistCrv)
                float twist = layer.twistCrv.Evaluate(alpha);
                float tw1   = pathspline.GetTwist(alpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                if (layer.frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
                if (layer.frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMat(pathspline, alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                    tm = pathtm * layer.GetDeformMatNewMethod(pathspline, alpha, layer.layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);

            // Need to get the crosssection for the given alpha and the lerp value
            int csect = layer.GetSection(alpha, out lerp);

            lerp = layer.ease.easing(0.0f, 1.0f, lerp);

            MegaLoftSection cs1 = layer.sections[csect];
            MegaLoftSection cs2 = layer.sections[csect + 1];

            Vector3 p  = Vector3.Lerp(cs1.crossverts[0], cs2.crossverts[0], lerp);                                                 // * sclc;
            Vector3 p1 = Vector3.Lerp(cs1.crossverts[cs1.crossverts.Length - 1], cs2.crossverts[cs2.crossverts.Length - 1], lerp); // * sclc;
            if (layer.useScaleXCrv)
                p.x  *= sclc.x;
                p1.x *= sclc.x;

            if (layer.useScaleYCrv)
                p.y  *= sclc.y;
                p1.y *= sclc.y;

            if (layer.useOffsetX)
                p.x  += layer.offsetCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);
                p1.x += layer.offsetCrvX.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetY)
                p.y  += layer.offsetCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);
                p1.y += layer.offsetCrvY.Evaluate(alpha);

            if (layer.useOffsetZ)
                p.z  += layer.offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(alpha);
                p1.z += layer.offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(alpha);

            p  = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);
            p += layer.offset;

            p1  = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p1);
            p1 += layer.offset;

            if (alpha > 0.0f)
                Gizmos.DrawLine(loft.transform.TransformPoint(last), loft.transform.TransformPoint(p));
                Gizmos.DrawLine(loft.transform.TransformPoint(last1), loft.transform.TransformPoint(p1));

            last  = p;
            last1 = p1;
    public override int BuildMesh(MegaShapeLoft loft, int triindex)
        if (Lock)

        if (layerPath == null || layerPath.splines == null || layerPath.splines.Count == 0)

        if (sections.Count < 2)                 //== 0 )

        Vector2 uv = Vector2.zero;
        Vector3 p  = Vector3.zero;

        int   wc   = ActualCrossVerts;
        float lerp = 0.0f;

        Matrix4x4 pathtm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        if (SnapToPath)
            pathtm = layerPath.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Matrix4x4 twisttm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Vector3   sclc = Vector2.one;
        Matrix4x4 tm;

        float offx = 0.0f;
        float offy = 0.0f;
        float offz = 0.0f;

        bool clsd = layerPath.splines[curve].closed;

        float uvstart = pathStart;

        if (UVOrigin == MegaLoftUVOrigin.SplineStart)
            uvstart = 0.0f;

        Vector3 lastup = locup;

        for (int pi = 0; pi < PathSteps + 1; pi++)
            float alpha     = (float)pi / (float)PathSteps;
            float pathalpha = pathStart + (pathLength * alpha);

            if (clsd)
                pathalpha = Mathf.Repeat(pathalpha, 1.0f);

            if (useScaleXCrv)
                sclc.x = scaleCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useScaleYCrv)
                sclc.y = scaleCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useTwistCrv)
                float twist = twistCrv.Evaluate(pathalpha);
                float tw1   = layerPath.splines[curve].GetTwist(pathalpha);
                MegaShapeUtils.RotateZ(ref twisttm, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (twist - tw1));
                if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp) * twisttm;
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup) * twisttm;
                if (frameMethod == MegaFrameMethod.Old)
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMat(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp);
                    tm = pathtm * GetDeformMatNewMethod(layerPath.splines[curve], pathalpha, layerPath.normalizedInterp, ref lastup);
            // Need to get the crosssection for the given alpha and the lerp value
            int csect = GetSection(pathalpha, out lerp);

            lerp = ease.easing(0.0f, 1.0f, lerp);

            MegaLoftSection cs1 = sections[csect];
            MegaLoftSection cs2 = sections[csect + 1];

            if (useOffsetX)
                offx = offsetCrvX.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useOffsetY)
                offy = offsetCrvY.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (useOffsetZ)
                offz = offsetCrvZ.Evaluate(pathalpha);

            if (planaruv)
                float size = 1.0f / layerPath.splines[curve].length;

                Matrix4x4 uvtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(UVOffset.x, 0.0f, UVOffset.y), Quaternion.Euler(UVRotate.x, UVRotate.y, 0.0f), new Vector3(size * UVScale.x, 1.0f, size * UVScale.y));
                for (int v = 0; v < cs1.crossverts.Length; v++)
                    p = Vector3.Lerp(cs1.crossverts[v], cs2.crossverts[v], lerp);
                    if (useScaleXCrv)
                        p.x *= sclc.x;

                    if (useScaleYCrv)
                        p.y *= sclc.y;

                    p.x += offx;
                    p.y += offy;
                    p.z += offz;

                    p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

                    p += offset;
                    int ix = (pi * wc) + v;
                    loftverts[ix] = p;

                    p.y = 0.0f;
                    p   = uvtm.MultiplyPoint(p);

                    loftuvs[ix].x = p.x;
                    loftuvs[ix].y = p.z;
                for (int v = 0; v < cs1.crossverts.Length; v++)
                    p = Vector3.Lerp(cs1.crossverts[v], cs2.crossverts[v], lerp);
                    if (useScaleXCrv)
                        p.x *= sclc.x;

                    if (useScaleYCrv)
                        p.y *= sclc.y;

                    p.x += offx;
                    p.y += offy;
                    p.z += offz;

                    p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

                    p += offset;

                    int ix = (pi * wc) + v;
                    loftverts[ix] = p;
                    uv            = Vector3.Lerp(cs1.crossuvs[v], cs2.crossuvs[v], lerp);
                    uv.y          = uvstart + alpha;

                    uv.x *= UVScale.x;
                    uv.y *= UVScale.y;

                    uv.x += UVOffset.x;
                    uv.y += UVOffset.y;

                    loftuvs[ix] = uv;

        // Now need to build faces, normal grid face builder
        int fi    = 0;
        int index = triindex;

        if (flip)               //Tris )
            for (int iz = 0; iz < ActualPathSteps - 1; iz++)
                int kv = iz * (ActualCrossVerts) + index;
                for (int ix = 0; ix < ActualCrossVerts - 1; ix++)
                    lofttris[fi + 0] = kv;
                    lofttris[fi + 1] = kv + wc;
                    lofttris[fi + 2] = kv + wc + 1;

                    lofttris[fi + 3] = kv + wc + 1;
                    lofttris[fi + 4] = kv + 1;
                    lofttris[fi + 5] = kv;

                    fi += 6;
            for (int iz = 0; iz < ActualPathSteps - 1; iz++)
                int kv = iz * (ActualCrossVerts) + index;
                for (int ix = 0; ix < ActualCrossVerts - 1; ix++)
                    lofttris[fi + 2] = kv;
                    lofttris[fi + 1] = kv + wc;
                    lofttris[fi + 0] = kv + wc + 1;

                    lofttris[fi + 5] = kv + wc + 1;
                    lofttris[fi + 4] = kv + 1;
                    lofttris[fi + 3] = kv;

                    fi += 6;

        index = triindex + loftverts.Length;

        if (capStart)
            Matrix4x4 uvtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, capStartUVRot), Vector3.one);

            // Do uvs here from end points, as we do some clipping in here
            for (int i = 0; i < capStartVerts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 lp = loftverts[i];

                capStartVerts[i] = lp;

                Vector3 uv1 = crossverts[i];
                uv1.y = lp.y;

                uv1 = uvtm.MultiplyPoint(uv1);
                capStartUVS[i].x = (uv1.x * capStartUVScale.x) + capStartUVOffset.x;
                capStartUVS[i].y = (uv1.y * capStartUVScale.y) + capStartUVOffset.y;

            if (capflip)
                for (int i = 0; i < capfaces.Count; i += 3)
                    capStartTris[i + 2] = capfaces[i + 0] + index;
                    capStartTris[i + 1] = capfaces[i + 1] + index;
                    capStartTris[i + 0] = capfaces[i + 2] + index;
                for (int i = 0; i < capfaces.Count; i += 3)
                    capStartTris[i + 0] = capfaces[i + 0] + index;
                    capStartTris[i + 1] = capfaces[i + 1] + index;
                    capStartTris[i + 2] = capfaces[i + 2] + index;
            fi    += capfaces.Count;
            index += capStartVerts.Length;

        if (capEnd)
            Matrix4x4 uvtm = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, capEndUVRot), Vector3.one);

            int ix = loftverts.Length - capEndVerts.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < capEndVerts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 lp = loftverts[ix + i];

                capEndVerts[i] = lp;

                Vector3 uv1 = crossvertsend[i];
                uv1.y = lp.y;

                uv1            = uvtm.MultiplyPoint(uv1);
                capEndUVS[i].x = (uv1.x * capEndUVScale.x) + capEndUVOffset.x;
                capEndUVS[i].y = (uv1.y * capEndUVScale.y) + capEndUVOffset.y;

            if (capflip)
                for (int i = 0; i < capfacesend.Count; i += 3)
                    capEndTris[i + 0] = capfacesend[i + 0] + index;
                    capEndTris[i + 1] = capfacesend[i + 1] + index;
                    capEndTris[i + 2] = capfacesend[i + 2] + index;
                for (int i = 0; i < capfacesend.Count; i += 3)
                    capEndTris[i + 2] = capfacesend[i + 0] + index;
                    capEndTris[i + 1] = capfacesend[i + 1] + index;
                    capEndTris[i + 0] = capfacesend[i + 2] + index;
            fi += capfacesend.Count;

        return(triindex + fi);          //triindex;