protected void cmbMedicalType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { MedicalType mt = SelectedMedicalType; UpdateForMedicalType(mt); UpdateNextMedical(); }
protected void UpdateForMedicalType(MedicalType mt) { bool fNeedsDOB = ProfileCurrency.RequiresBirthdate(mt); rowDOB.Visible = valDOBRequired.Enabled = fNeedsDOB; rowOtherMedical.Visible = mt == MedicalType.Other; valMonthsMedical.Enabled = !fNeedsDOB; }
public void Init(MedicalType type, GameObject targetTrans) { mtype = type; Client.IGameOption option = Client.ClientGlobal.Instance().gameOption; if (option == null) { return; } int itemid = 0; if (type != MedicalType.HpAtOnce) { List <uint> medicalIDs = new List <uint>(); List <ItemDataBase> items = GameTableManager.Instance.GetTableList <ItemDataBase>(); uint level = (uint)((null != DataManager.Instance.MainPlayer) ? DataManager.Instance.MainPlayer.GetProp((int)Client.CreatureProp.Level) : 0); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { if (items[i].useLevel <= level) { if (items[i].baseType == 2 && items[i].subType == (uint)type + 1) { medicalIDs.Add(items[i].itemID); } } } if (medicalIDs.Count > 0) { int exeTimes = 0; for (int m = 0; m < medicalIDs.Count; m++) { int num = DataManager.Manager <ItemManager>().GetItemNumByBaseId(medicalIDs[m]); if (num != 0) { itemid = (int)medicalIDs[m]; } else { exeTimes++; } } if (exeTimes == medicalIDs.Count) { itemid = (int)medicalIDs[medicalIDs.Count - 1]; } } } else { itemid = option.GetInt("MedicalSetting", type.ToString() + "itemid", 0); } UpdateItem((uint)itemid, targetTrans); }
public static bool RequiresBirthdate(MedicalType mt) { return(mt != MedicalType.Other && mt != MedicalType.CASAClass1); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an enumerable of medical status based on for FAA medicals, or else expiration and type /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <CurrencyStatusItem> MedicalStatus(DateTime lastMedical, int monthsToMedical, MedicalType mt, DateTime?dob, bool fUsesICAOMedical) { // if no last medical, then this is easy: we know nothing. if (!lastMedical.HasValue()) { return(Array.Empty <CurrencyStatusItem>()); } if (RequiresBirthdate(mt) && (dob == null || !dob.HasValue)) { return new CurrencyStatusItem[] { new CurrencyStatusItem(Resources.Currency.NextMedical, Resources.Currency.NextMedicalRequiresBOD, CurrencyState.NotCurrent) { CurrencyGroup = CurrencyStatusItem.CurrencyGroups.Medical } } } ; bool fWas40AtExam = dob != null && dob.Value.AddYears(40).CompareTo(lastMedical) < 0; bool fWas60AtExam = dob != null && dob.Value.AddYears(60).CompareTo(lastMedical) < 0; bool fWas50AtExam = dob != null && dob.Value.AddYears(50).CompareTo(lastMedical) < 0; List <CurrencyStatusItem> lst = new List <CurrencyStatusItem>(); switch (mt) { case MedicalType.Other: AddOtherMedicalItems(lst, lastMedical, monthsToMedical, fUsesICAOMedical); break; case MedicalType.EASA1stClass: AddEASA1stClassItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam, fWas60AtExam); break; case MedicalType.EASA2ndClass: AddEASA2ndClassItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam, fWas50AtExam, dob.Value); break; case MedicalType.EASALAPL: AddEASALAPLItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam, dob.Value); break; case MedicalType.FAA1stClass: AddFAA1stClassItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam); break; case MedicalType.FAA2ndClass: AddFAA2ndClassItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam); break; case MedicalType.FAA3rdClass: lst.Add(StatusForDate(lastMedical.AddCalendarMonths(fWas40AtExam ? 24 : 60), Resources.Currency.NextMedical, CurrencyStatusItem.CurrencyGroups.Medical)); break; case MedicalType.CASAClass1: AddCASA1stClassItems(lst, lastMedical); break; case MedicalType.CASAClass2: AddCASA2ndClassItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam); break; case MedicalType.CanadaPPL: // Canadian rules: and // Under 40 years of age: 60 month, Over 40 years of age: 24 month lst.Add(StatusForDate(lastMedical.AddCalendarMonths(fWas40AtExam ? 24 : 60), Resources.Currency.NextMedicalCanadaPPL, CurrencyStatusItem.CurrencyGroups.Medical)); break; case MedicalType.CanadaGlider: // Canadian rules: and // Glider or ultralight - 60 months lst.Add(StatusForDate(lastMedical.AddCalendarMonths(60), Resources.Currency.NextMedicalCanadaGlider, CurrencyStatusItem.CurrencyGroups.Medical)); break; case MedicalType.CanadaCommercial: AddCanadaCommercialItems(lst, lastMedical, fWas40AtExam, fWas60AtExam); break; } return(lst); }
private void InitData() { Item item = null; MedicalType drugMedicalType = null; MeasurementUnit boxMeasUnit = null; ItemType inventoryItemType = null; Contact muzahid = null; Department entDepartment = null; ServiceProviderType doctorServiceProvider = null; using (Repository <Contact> contactRepo = new Repository <Contact>()) { contactRepo.DeleteAll(); muzahid = new Contact { FirstName = "Muzahidul", LastName = "Islam", PhoneNumber = "01833353657", Email = "*****@*****.**", City = "Dhaka" }; Contact rashed = new Contact { FirstName = "Rashidul", LastName = "Alam", PhoneNumber = "017xxxxxxx", Email = "*****@*****.**", City = "Dhaka" }; Contact kashpia = new Contact { FirstName = "Kashpia", LastName = "Naharin", PhoneNumber = "0171xxxxxx", Email = "*****@*****.**", City = "Feni" }; contactRepo.Insert(muzahid); contactRepo.Insert(rashed); contactRepo.Insert(kashpia); } using (Repository <Department> deptRepo = new Repository <Department>()) { deptRepo.DeleteAll(); entDepartment = new Department { Name = "ENT" }; deptRepo.Insert(entDepartment); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Dermatology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Cosmetology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Diabetology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Gastroentrology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Medicine" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Nephrology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Neurology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Nutririon & Dietetics" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Gynecology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Oncology" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Paediatrics" }); deptRepo.Insert(new Department { Name = "Urology" }); } using (Repository <ServiceProvider> serviceProvidereRepo = new Repository <ServiceProvider>()) { serviceProvidereRepo.DeleteAll(); serviceProvidereRepo.Insert(new ServiceProvider { Contact = muzahid, Department = entDepartment, AssignedToAllUsers = true, Code = "D001", IsReferer = false, Speciality = "Surgery", ServiceProviderType = doctorServiceProvider }); } using (Repository <ServiceProviderType> serviceProviderTypeRepo = new Repository <ServiceProviderType>()) { serviceProviderTypeRepo.DeleteAll(); doctorServiceProvider = new ServiceProviderType { Name = "Doctor" }; serviceProviderTypeRepo.Insert(doctorServiceProvider); serviceProviderTypeRepo.Insert(new ServiceProviderType { Name = "Surgeon" }); serviceProviderTypeRepo.Insert(new ServiceProviderType { Name = "Anesthetist" }); serviceProviderTypeRepo.Insert(new ServiceProviderType { Name = "Nurse" }); } using (Repository <MedicalType> medicalTypeRepo = new Repository <MedicalType>()) { medicalTypeRepo.DeleteAll(); drugMedicalType = new MedicalType { Name = "Drug" }; medicalTypeRepo.Insert(drugMedicalType); medicalTypeRepo.Insert(new MedicalType { Name = "Treatment" }); medicalTypeRepo.Insert(new MedicalType { Name = "Laboratory Test" }); medicalTypeRepo.Insert(new MedicalType { Name = "Surgery" }); medicalTypeRepo.Insert(new MedicalType { Name = "Inpatient Accomodation" }); } using (Repository <MeasurementUnit> measurementUnitRepo = new Repository <MeasurementUnit>()) { measurementUnitRepo.DeleteAll(); boxMeasUnit = new MeasurementUnit { Name = "Box" }; measurementUnitRepo.Insert(boxMeasUnit); measurementUnitRepo.Insert(new MeasurementUnit { Name = "File" }); measurementUnitRepo.Insert(new MeasurementUnit { Name = "Inch" }); measurementUnitRepo.Insert(new MeasurementUnit { Name = "Kg" }); } using (Repository <ItemType> itemTypeRepo = new Repository <ItemType>()) { itemTypeRepo.DeleteAll(); inventoryItemType = new ItemType { Name = "Inventory" }; itemTypeRepo.Insert(inventoryItemType); itemTypeRepo.Insert(new ItemType { Name = "Service" }); } using (Repository <Item> itemRepo = new Repository <Item>()) { itemRepo.DeleteAll(); item = new Item { Name = "Napa Extend", MedicalType = drugMedicalType, ItemType = inventoryItemType, BuyPrice = 10, SalePrice = 14.5M, Code = "P001", GenericName = "Paracetamol", ItemCategory = new ItemCategory { Name = "CAT-1", MedicalType = drugMedicalType }, MeasurementUnit = boxMeasUnit }; itemRepo.Insert(item); } using (Repository <ItemCategory> itemCategoryRepo = new Repository <ItemCategory>()) { itemCategoryRepo.DeleteAll(); var aiItemCategory = new ItemCategory { Name = "Anti-Inflammatory", MedicalType = drugMedicalType }; itemCategoryRepo.Insert(aiItemCategory); itemCategoryRepo.Insert(new ItemCategory { Name = "Antihistamine", MedicalType = drugMedicalType }); } using (Repository <PatientService> patientServiceRepo = new Repository <PatientService>()) { patientServiceRepo.DeleteAll(); } using (Repository <Patient> patientRepo = new Repository <Patient>()) { patientRepo.DeleteAll(); patientRepo.Insert(new Patient { FirstName = "Masum", LastName = "Ahammed", Gender = true, NationalId = "269321844923", PhoneNumber = "01713738465", Occupation = "Service", Email = "*****@*****.**", FatherName = "ABC Ahammed", DOB = new DateTime(1980, 6, 21), City = "Dhaka", Country = "Bangladesh", BloodGroup = "O+", Street = "Mohammadia Housing Society", Zip = "1207" }); } }
private static bool WasMedicalTypeSelected(MedicalType medicalType, SearchData lastSearchData) { return lastSearchData.SearchedMedicalTypes.Contains(medicalType); }
public static MedicalTypeGoogleService ToGoogleService(MedicalType medicalType) { return (MedicalTypeGoogleService)medicalType; }
public static MedicalTypeDatabaseService ToDatabaseService(MedicalType medicalType) { return (MedicalTypeDatabaseService)medicalType; }
public static PushpinType FromMedicalType(MedicalType medicalType) { return new PushpinType { MedicalType = medicalType }; }
public void Initialize(Patient_cu patient, ScanningMode scanningMode, MedicalType medicalType) { ActiveSelectedPatient = patient; ActiveScanningMode = scanningMode; MedicalType = medicalType; BackColor = Color.White; List <PatientAttachment_cu> list = null; switch (ActiveScanningMode) { case ScanningMode.Regular: if (ActiveSelectedPatient != null) { if (ImagesList == null) { ImagesList = new List <PatientAttachment_cu>(); } } ImagesList = PatientAttachment_cu.ItemsList.FindAll(item => Convert.ToInt32(item.Patient_CU_ID) .Equals(Convert.ToInt32(ActiveSelectedPatient.Person_CU_ID)) && Convert.ToInt32(item.ImageType_P_ID).Equals(Convert.ToInt32(ImageType_P_ID))); emptySpaceItem3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlItem4.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlItem3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlGroup2.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlGroup3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlItem5.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlItem15.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; simpleSeparator4.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlGroup2.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlGroup3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; layoutControlItem5.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; lytSelectAll.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; break; case ScanningMode.MedicalVisit: if (PEMRBusinessLogic.ActivePEMRObject != null && PEMRBusinessLogic.ActivePEMRObject.List_VisitTiming_Attachment != null) { foreach (VisitTiming_Attachment visitTimingAttachement in PEMRBusinessLogic.ActivePEMRObject .List_VisitTiming_Attachment) { PatientAttachment_cu patientAttachment = PatientAttachment_cu.ItemsList.Find(item => Convert.ToInt32(item.ID) .Equals(Convert.ToInt32(visitTimingAttachement.PatientAttachement_CU_ID))); if (patientAttachment != null) { if (ImagesList == null) { ImagesList = new List <PatientAttachment_cu>(); } ImagesList.Add(patientAttachment); } } } emptySpaceItem3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlItem4.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlItem3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlGroup2.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlGroup3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlItem5.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlItem15.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; simpleSeparator4.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlGroup2.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlGroup3.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; layoutControlItem5.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; lytSelectAll.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; break; } switch (medicalType) { case MedicalType.InvestigationResult: chkPersonalPhoto.Enabled = false; chkID.Enabled = false; chkPassport.Enabled = false; chkInvestigation.Enabled = true; chkSurgery.Enabled = false; chkLab.Enabled = false; chkOther.Enabled = false; chkInvestigation.Checked = true; break; case MedicalType.LabResult: chkPersonalPhoto.Enabled = false; chkID.Enabled = false; chkPassport.Enabled = false; chkInvestigation.Enabled = false; chkSurgery.Enabled = false; chkLab.Enabled = true; chkOther.Enabled = false; chkLab.Checked = true; break; case MedicalType.SurgeryResult: chkPersonalPhoto.Enabled = false; chkID.Enabled = false; chkPassport.Enabled = false; chkInvestigation.Enabled = false; chkLab.Enabled = false; chkSurgery.Enabled = true; chkOther.Enabled = false; chkSurgery.Checked = true; break; case MedicalType.None: chkPersonalPhoto.Enabled = true; chkID.Enabled = true; chkPassport.Enabled = true; chkSurgery.Enabled = true; chkInvestigation.Enabled = true; chkLab.Enabled = true; chkOther.Enabled = true; chkPersonalPhoto.Checked = true; break; } CommonViewsActions.FillListBoxControl(lstImageNames, ImagesList, "ImageName"); lstImageNames.Refresh(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationStaticConfiguration.SkinName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ApplicationStaticConfiguration.SkinName)) { if (ApplicationStaticConfiguration.SkinName.Equals("McSkin")) { lblPatientID.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange; lblPatientName.ForeColor = lblInsuranceCarrierName.ForeColor = lblInsuranceLevelName.ForeColor = lblInsurancePercentage.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; labelControl1.ForeColor = labelControl3.ForeColor = labelControl5.ForeColor = labelControl7.ForeColor = Color.Black; btnClose.Image = Properties.Resources.ExitIcon_8; } else { lblPatientID.ForeColor = Color.OrangeRed; lblPatientName.ForeColor = lblInsuranceCarrierName.ForeColor = lblInsuranceLevelName.ForeColor = lblInsurancePercentage.ForeColor = Color.Ivory; labelControl1.ForeColor = labelControl3.ForeColor = labelControl5.ForeColor = labelControl7.ForeColor = Color.OldLace; btnClose.Image = Properties.Resources.Exit_1_16; } } lblPatientID.Text = ActiveSelectedPatient.Person_CU_ID.ToString(); lblPatientName.Text = ActiveSelectedPatient.PatientFullName; if (ActiveSelectedPatient.InsuranceCarrier_InsuranceLevel_CU_ID != null) { InsuranceCarrier_InsuranceLevel_cu insuranceBridge = InsuranceCarrier_InsuranceLevel_cu.ItemsList.Find( item => Convert.ToInt32(item.ID) .Equals(Convert.ToInt32(ActiveSelectedPatient.InsuranceCarrier_InsuranceLevel_CU_ID))); if (insuranceBridge != null) { InsuranceCarrier_cu insuranceCarrier = InsuranceCarrier_cu.ItemsList.Find( item => Convert.ToInt32(item.ID).Equals(Convert.ToInt32(insuranceBridge.InsuranceCarrier_CU_ID))); if (insuranceCarrier != null) { lblInsuranceCarrierName.Text = insuranceCarrier.Name_P; } InsuranceLevel_cu insurancelevel = InsuranceLevel_cu.ItemsList.Find( item => Convert.ToInt32(item.ID).Equals(Convert.ToInt32(insuranceBridge.InsuranceLevel_CU_ID))); if (insurancelevel != null) { lblInsuranceLevelName.Text = insurancelevel.Name_P; } lblInsurancePercentage.Text = Convert.ToString(insuranceBridge.InsurancePercentage * 100); } } }