Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add event handlers to ICaisisInputControls to mark relevant forms as dirty
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void InitalizeEvents(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // set require fields
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                int?toxicityId    = null;
                int?patientItemId = null;
                // get keys
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryPatientItemId))
                    string dpid = base.DecrypyValue(QueryPatientItemId);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dpid))
                        patientItemId = int.Parse(dpid);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryToxicityId))
                    toxicityId = int.Parse(QueryToxicityId);
                // set hidden fields: important, use raw QS for pass through
                PatientItemId.Value   = QueryPatientItemId;
                ToxicityIdField.Value = QueryToxicityId;
                // check if SAE
                if (toxicityId.HasValue)
            // add "dirty" tracking for forms
            foreach (ICaisisInputControl iCIC in CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(this))
                if (iCIC.Table == "Toxicities")
                    iCIC.ValueChanged += new CaisisEventHandler(MarkToxicityDirty);
                else if (iCIC.Table == "SeriousAdverseEvents")
                    iCIC.ValueChanged += new CaisisEventHandler(MarkSAEDirty);
                iCIC.ValueChanged += MarkTableFieldsDirty;

            // query default list of patient MedTxAgents
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseSchemaId))
                int protocolSchemaId        = int.Parse(BaseSchemaId);
                int patientSchemaId         = int.Parse(PatientSchemaId);
                MedicalTherapyDa da         = new MedicalTherapyDa();
                DataTable        trialMedTx = da.GetProtocolSchemaTherapies(protocolSchemaId);
                // combine data
                var trialAgents = trialMedTx.AsEnumerable().Select(m => m[MedicalTherapy.MedTxAgent].ToString()).Distinct().ToArray();
                IEnumerable <MedicalTherapy> patientTherapies = BOL.ProtocolMgmt.GetRecordsByPatientSchema <MedicalTherapy>(patientSchemaId);
                protocolMedTxAgents = from agent in trialAgents
                                      join tx in patientTherapies on agent equals tx[MedicalTherapy.MedTxAgent].ToString() into g
                                      let tx = g.FirstOrDefault()
                                               let txAdmin = tx == null ? new MedTxAdministration[0] : BOL.BusinessObject.GetByParent <MedTxAdministration>((int)tx[MedTxAdministration.MedicalTherapyId])
                                                             select agent;
Exemple #2
        public int Populate(int patientId, DateTime?fromDate, DateTime?toDate, IEnumerable <string> txExactMatch, IEnumerable <string> txLikeMatch)
            MedicalTherapyDa da   = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataView         view = da.GetPatientTherapiesByType(patientId, txExactMatch, txLikeMatch).DefaultView;
            // filter
            List <string> filters = new List <string>();

            if (fromDate.HasValue)
                string fromDateFilter = string.Format("{0} > #{1:d}#", MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate, fromDate);
            if (toDate.HasValue)
                string toDateFilter = string.Format("{0} < #{1:d}#", MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate, toDate);
            if (filters.Count() > 0)
                view.RowFilter = string.Join(" AND ", filters.ToArray());

            view      = view.ToTable().DefaultView;
            view.Sort = MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate;
            int recordCount = view.Count;

            MedTxGrid.VisibleBlankRows = recordCount > 0 ? 0 : 2;
            MedTxGrid.DataSource       = view;

Exemple #3
        override protected void BuildMedTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType, string MedTxType)
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            if (MedTxType.Length > 0)
                Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, MedTxType);
                Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);

            if (Ds.Tables.Count > 0 && Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataView Dv = new DataView(Ds.Tables[0]);
                Dv.RowFilter = (BOL.MedicalTherapy.MedTxType + " = 'HORM'");
                if (Dv.Count > 0)
                    MedicalTherapies.DataSource = Dv;
        protected void BuildChemoTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);
            DataView dv = new DataView(Ds.Tables[0]);

            dv.RowFilter = MedicalTherapy.MedTxType + " LIKE '%CHEMO%' ";

            if (dv.Count > 0)
                MedicalTherapies.DataSource = dv;
        protected void BuildHormoneMedTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);

            DataView Dv = Ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;

            Dv.RowFilter = Caisis.BOL.MedicalTherapy.MedTxType + " IN ('HORM', 'Horm', 'horm', 'HORMONE', 'Hormone', 'hormone')";

            if (Dv.Count > 0)
                MedicalTherapies.DataSource = Dv;
                PriorHormoneTxExist = true;
        protected void BuildImmunoMedTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);

            DataView Dv = Ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;

            Dv.RowFilter = Caisis.BOL.MedicalTherapy.MedTxType + " IN ('IMMUNO', 'Immuno', 'immuno')";

            if (Dv.Count > 0)
                MedicalTherapies.DataSource = Dv;
                PriorImmunoTxExist = true;
Exemple #7
        protected virtual void BuildMedTxHistory(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);

            if (Ds.Tables.Count > 0 && Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                NoMedTxHxMsgTr.Visible = false;

                MedicalTxRptr.DataSource = Ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                NoMedTxHxMsgTr.Visible = true;
Exemple #8
        protected virtual void BuildMedTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType, string MedTxType)
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            if (MedTxType.Length > 0)
                Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, MedTxType);
                Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);

            if (Ds.Tables.Count > 0 && Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                MedicalTherapies.DataSource = Ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
Exemple #9
        protected void GetAntiViralMedTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            MedicalTherapyDa antiViralMedTxDa = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          antiViralMedTxDs = antiViralMedTxDa.FormGetSpecialRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, MedicalTherapy.MedTxType, "IN", "'Anti-viral History'");

            if (antiViralMedTxDs.Tables.Count > 0 && antiViralMedTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                // limit to last 10 records
                PastRecordsCountAntiViral = antiViralMedTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                DataView antiViralMedTxDv = new DataView(antiViralMedTxDs.Tables[0]);
                antiViralMedTxDv.Sort = MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate + " DESC ";
                antiViralMedTxDv      = GetTopDataViewRows(antiViralMedTxDv, 10);
                antiViralMedTxDv.Sort = MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate + " ASC, " + MedicalTherapy.MedTxAgent + " ASC ";

                antiViralHistory.DataSource = antiViralMedTxDv;
                PastRecordsCountAntiViral = 0;
        protected void GetMedTx(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            MedicalTherapyDa medTxDa = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          medTxDs = medTxDa.FormGetSpecialRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, MedicalTherapy.MedTxType, " NOT IN ", "'Anti-viral History'");

            if (medTxDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                // limit to last 10 records
                PastRecordsCountMedTx = medTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                DataView medTxDv = new DataView(medTxDs.Tables[0]);
                medTxDv.Sort = MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate + " DESC ";
                medTxDv      = GetTopDataViewRows(medTxDv, 10);
                medTxDv.Sort = MedicalTherapy.MedTxDate + " ASC ";

                MedicalTherapies.DataSource = medTxDv;
                PastRecordsCountMedTx = 0;
        protected void BuildCurrentMedTx()
            MedicalTherapyDa Da = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          Ds = new DataSet();

            Ds = Da.FormGetRecords(this._patientId, this._eformName, "Dynamic");

//            MedTxAdministrationDa Daa =  = new MedTxAdministrationDa();
//            DataSet Dsa = Daa.FormGetRecords(this._patientId, this._eformName, "Dynamic");

            if (Ds.Tables.Count > 0 && Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (Ds.Tables[0].Rows[(Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) - 1]["MedTxStopDateText"].ToString().Length < 1)
                    CurrentTXLabel.Text          = Ds.Tables[0].Rows[(Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) - 1]["MedTxAgent"].ToString();
                    CurrentTXStartDateLabel.Text = Ds.Tables[0].Rows[(Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) - 1]["MedTxDateText"].ToString();
                    mostRecentTxRow.Attributes.Add("onclick", "LoadDataEntryForm('MedicalTherapy', " + Ds.Tables[0].Rows[(Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) - 1]["MedicalTherapyId"].ToString() + ", 'MedTxDateText,MedTxDate,MedTxStopDateText,MedStopTxDate,MedTxType,MedTxAgent,MedTxDose,MedTxUnits,MedTxInstitution,MedTxNotes', 'CurrentMedicalTherapy_GU');");
                    mostRecentTxRow.Visible = true;
//                    mostRecentTxRowHelpText.Visible = true;
//                    newTxLabel.Text = "New";
        /// <summary>
        /// Add event handlers to ICaisisInputControls to mark relevant forms as dirty
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void InitalizeEvents(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // add "dirty" tracking for forms
            foreach (ICaisisInputControl iCIC in CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(this))
                if (iCIC.Table == "Toxicities")
                    iCIC.ValueChanged += new CaisisEventHandler(MarkToxicityDirty);
                else if (iCIC.Table == "SeriousAdverseEvents")
                    iCIC.ValueChanged += new CaisisEventHandler(MarkSAEDirty);

            // query default list of patient MedTxAgents
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseSchemaId))
                int protocolSchemaId = int.Parse(BaseSchemaId);
                MedicalTherapyDa da  = new MedicalTherapyDa();
                protocolMedTxAgents = da.GetProtocolSchemaTherapies(protocolSchemaId).AsEnumerable().Select(r => r[MedicalTherapy.MedTxAgent].ToString()).ToArray();
Exemple #13
        protected virtual void BuildAdditionalGUMedicationSection(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            // Medications
            string stopDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

            if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType].ToString() == "Clinic" && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString().Length > 0)
                    stopDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate]).ToShortDateString();
                catch { }

            MedicationDa medDa = new MedicationDa();
            DataSet      medDs = medDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, stopDate);


            foreach (DataRow dr in medDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                dr["MedTableType"] = "Medications";

            MedicalTherapyDa medTxDa = new MedicalTherapyDa();
            DataSet          medTxDs = medTxDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType);

            if (medTxDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataView medTxDv = new DataView(medTxDs.Tables[0]);
                string   filter  = "(MedTxRoute = 'Orally') AND (Isnull(MedTxStopDateText,'') = '')";
                medTxDv.RowFilter = filter;

                foreach (DataRowView drv in medTxDv)
                    DataRow newRow;
                    newRow = medDs.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    newRow["Medication"]      = drv.Row["MedTxAgent"];
                    newRow["MedDose"]         = drv.Row["MedTxDose"];
                    newRow["MedUnits"]        = drv.Row["MedTxUnits"];
                    newRow["MedSchedule"]     = drv.Row["MedTxSchedule"];
                    newRow["MedIndication"]   = drv.Row["MedTxIndication"];
                    newRow["MedRoute"]        = drv.Row["MedTxRoute"];
                    newRow["MedDateText"]     = drv.Row["MedTxDateText"];
                    newRow["MedDate"]         = drv.Row["MedTxDate"];
                    newRow["MedStopDateText"] = drv.Row["MedTxStopDateText"];
                    newRow["MedicationId"]    = drv.Row["MedicalTherapyId"];
                    newRow["MedTableType"]    = "MedicalTherapy";


            DataView medDv = new DataView(medDs.Tables[0]);

            medDv.Sort = "MedDate, MedStopDate, Medication";

            medicationsAll.DataSource = medDv;

        // this is mostly identical to the method BuildMedications(int minNumMedRowsToShow, int minNumBlankMedRows)
        // but we need to populate 2 different medications sections on this form and the usual methods both
        // call for the same repeater id.  this version uses a different ID for the repeater
        protected virtual void BuildAdditionalGUMedicationSection(int minNumMedRowsToShow, int minNumBlankMedRows, int numRowsToShowIfNoRecords)
            if (patientID != 0)
                // Medications
                string stopDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

                if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType].ToString() == "Clinic" && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString().Length > 0)
                        stopDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate]).ToShortDateString();
                    catch { }

                MedicationDa medDa = new MedicationDa();
                DataSet      medDs = medDa.FormGetRecords(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic", stopDate);

                MedicalTherapyDa medTxDa = new MedicalTherapyDa();
                DataSet          medTxDs = medTxDa.FormGetRecords(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic");
                if (medTxDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataView medTxDv = new DataView(medTxDs.Tables[0]);
                    string   filter  = "(MedTxRoute = 'Orally') AND (Isnull(MedTxStopDateText,'') = '')"; //"(MedTxRoute = 'Orally') AND (MedTxStopDateText = '')";
                    medTxDv.RowFilter = filter;

                    foreach (DataRowView drv in medTxDv)
                        DataRow newRow;
                        newRow = medDs.Tables[0].NewRow();
                        newRow["Medication"]      = drv.Row["MedTxAgent"];
                        newRow["MedDose"]         = drv.Row["MedTxDose"];
                        newRow["MedUnits"]        = drv.Row["MedTxUnits"];
                        newRow["MedSchedule"]     = drv.Row["MedTxSchedule"];
                        newRow["MedIndication"]   = drv.Row["MedTxIndication"];
                        newRow["MedRoute"]        = drv.Row["MedTxRoute"];
                        newRow["MedDateText"]     = drv.Row["MedTxDateText"];
                        newRow["MedDate"]         = drv.Row["MedTxDate"];
                        newRow["MedStopDateText"] = drv.Row["MedTxStopDateText"];

                // set the number of blank rows that are added to the medications section

                if (medDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    int numBlankMedRows = minNumMedRowsToShow - medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                    // be sure you have at least the number of blank rows specified earlier
                    if (numBlankMedRows < minNumBlankMedRows)
                        numBlankMedRows = minNumBlankMedRows;

                    // add the blank rows
                    for (int i = 0; i < numBlankMedRows; i++)
                        DataRow blankMedsRow;
                        blankMedsRow = medDs.Tables[0].NewRow();
                        blankMedsRow["Medication"]      = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedDose"]         = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedSchedule"]     = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedDateText"]     = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedStopDateText"] = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedIndication"]   = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedRoute"]        = "&nbsp;";
                        blankMedsRow["MedDate"]         = "12/31/9999"; // temp fix to facilitate sorting - VERY HACKY - jf

                    DataView medDv = new DataView(medDs.Tables[0]);
                    medDv.Sort = "MedDate, MedStopDate, Medication";

                    AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataSource = medDv;
                    AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataSource = BlankMedications(numRowsToShowIfNoRecords).DefaultView;
                AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataSource = BlankMedications(numRowsToShowIfNoRecords).DefaultView;