/// <summary>
 /// Construct a sequence of <see cref="WikiPageStub"/> from the given page IDs.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="site">The site in which to query for the pages.</param>
 /// <param name="ids">The page IDs to query.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Either <paramref name="site"/> or <paramref name="ids"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 /// <returns>A sequence of <see cref="WikiPageStub"/> containing the page information.</returns>
 /// <remarks>For how the missing pages are handled, see the "remarks" section of <see cref="WikiPage"/>.</remarks>
 public static IAsyncEnumerable <WikiPageStub> FromPageIds(WikiSite site, IEnumerable <int> ids)
     return(AsyncEnumerableFactory.FromAsyncGenerator <WikiPageStub>(async(sink, ct) =>
         var titleLimit = site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits)
             ? 500
             : 50;
         foreach (var partition in ids.Partition(titleLimit))
             var jresult = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                 action = "query",
                 pageids = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition),
             }), ct);
             Debug.Assert(jresult["query"] != null);
             var jpages = jresult["query"]["pages"];
             foreach (var id in partition)
                 var jpage = jpages[id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)];
                 if (jpage["missing"] == null)
                     sink.Yield(new WikiPageStub(id, (string)jpage["title"], (int)jpage["ns"]));
                     sink.Yield(new WikiPageStub(id, MissingPageTitle, UnknownNamespaceId));
             await sink.Wait();
Exemple #2
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumParameters(MediaWikiVersion version)
     return(new OrderedKeyValuePairs <string, object>
         { "ppprop", SelectedProperties == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(SelectedProperties) }
        private IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumParams(bool isList)
            var prefix = isList ? null : "g";
            var dict   = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { prefix + "rcdir", TimeAscending ? "newer" : "older" },
                { prefix + "rcstart", StartTime },
                { prefix + "rcend", EndTime },
                { prefix + "rcnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
                { prefix + "rcuser", UserName },
                { prefix + "rcexcludeuser", ExcludedUserName },
                { prefix + "rctag", Tag },
                { prefix + "rctype", ParseRecentChangesTypes(TypeFilters) },
                { prefix + "rcshow", ParseFilters() },
                { prefix + "rctoponly", LastRevisionsOnly },
                { prefix + "rclimit", PaginationSize }

            if (isList)
                var fields = "user|userid|comment|parsedcomment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes|redirect|loginfo|tags|sha1";
                if (Site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.Patrol))
                    fields += "|patrolled";
                dict.Add("rcprop", fields);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
            if ((TargetTitle != null) == (TargetPageId != null))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Prompts.ExceptionArgumentExpectEitherNull2, nameof(TargetTitle), nameof(TargetPageId)));
            var actualPaginationSize = PaginationSize;

            if (AllowRedirectedLinks)
                // When the blredirect parameter is set, this module behaves slightly differently.
                // bllimit applies to both levels separately: if e.g. bllimit=10,
                // at most 10 first-level pages (pages that link to bltitle) and
                // 10 second-level pages (pages that link to bltitle through a redirect) will be listed.
                // Continuing queries also works differently.
                actualPaginationSize = Math.Max(1, PaginationSize / 2);
            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "bltitle", TargetTitle },
                { "blpageid", TargetPageId },
                { "blnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
                { "blfilterredir", RedirectsFilter.ToString("redirects", "nonredirects") },
                { "bllimit", actualPaginationSize },
                { "blredirect", AllowRedirectedLinks }
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "srsearch", Keyword },
                { "srnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? "*" : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
                { "srwhat", MatchingField },
                { "srlimit", PaginationSize },
                { "srinterwiki", IncludesInterwiki },
                { "srbackend", BackendName }

            // Include redirect pages in the search. From 1.23 onwards, redirects are always included. (Removed in 1.23)
            if (Site.SiteInfo.Version < new MediaWikiVersion(1, 23))
                dict["srredirects"] = true;
            dict["srwhat"] = MatchingField switch
                SearchableField.Title => "title",
                SearchableField.Text => "text",
                SearchableField.NearMatch => "nearmatch",
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object?> > EnumListParameters()
     return(new Dictionary <string, object>
         { "tlnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) }, { "tllimit", PaginationSize }, { "tltemplates", MatchingTitles == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(MatchingTitles) },
         { "tldir", OrderDescending ? "descending" : "ascending" }
Exemple #7
        public async Task Issue67()
            var site  = await WpEnSiteAsync;
            var items = await new CategoriesGenerator(site)
                PageTitle = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(new[] { "Test", ".test", "Test_(Unix)", "Test_(assessment)" }),

 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
     return(new Dictionary <string, object>
         { "eititle", TargetTitle },
         { "einamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
         { "eifilterredir", RedirectsFilter.ToString("redirects", "nonredirects") },
         { "eilimit", PaginationSize }
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh a sequence of revisions by revid, along with their owner pages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If there's invalid revision id in <paramref name="revIds"/>, an <see cref="ArgumentException"/> will be thrown while enumerating.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static IAsyncEnumerable <Revision> FetchRevisionsAsync(WikiSite site, IEnumerable <int> revIds, IWikiPageQueryProvider options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (revIds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(revIds));
            var queryParams = options.EnumParameters(site.SiteInfo.Version).ToDictionary();

            // Remove any rvlimit magic word generated by RevisionsPropertyProvider.
            // We are only fetching by revisions.
            var titleLimit = options.GetMaxPaginationSize(site.SiteInfo.Version, site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits));

            return(AsyncEnumerableFactory.FromAsyncGenerator <Revision>(async sink =>
                // Page ID --> Page Stub
                var stubDict = new Dictionary <int, WikiPageStub>();
                var revDict = new Dictionary <int, Revision>();
                using (site.BeginActionScope(null, (object)revIds))
                    foreach (var partition in revIds.Partition(titleLimit))
                        site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} revisions from {Site}.", partition.Count, site);
                        queryParams["revids"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition);
                        var jobj = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(queryParams), cancellationToken);
                        var jpages = (JObject)jobj["query"]["pages"];
                        // Generate stubs first
                        foreach (var p in jpages)
                            var jrevs = p.Value["revisions"];
                            if (jrevs == null || !jrevs.HasValues)
                            var id = Convert.ToInt32(p.Key);
                            if (!stubDict.TryGetValue(id, out var stub))
                                stub = new WikiPageStub(id, (string)p.Value["title"], (int)p.Value["ns"]);
                                stubDict.Add(id, stub);
                            foreach (var jrev in jrevs)
                                var rev = jrev.ToObject <Revision>(Utility.WikiJsonSerializer);
                                rev.Page = stub;
                                revDict.Add(rev.Id, rev);
                        await sink.YieldAndWait(partition.Select(id => revDict.TryGetValue(id, out var rev) ? rev : null));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumParameters(MediaWikiVersion version)
            var p = new OrderedKeyValuePairs <string, object>
                { "lhprop", "pageid|title|redirect" },
                { "lhshow", RedirectFilter.ToString("redirect", "!redirect", null) }

            if (NamespaceSelection != null)
                p.Add("lhnamespace", MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceSelection));
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CategoryTitle))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Prompts.ExceptionArgumentIsEmpty1, nameof(CategoryTitle)));
     return(new Dictionary <string, object>
         { "cmtitle", CategoryTitle },
         { "cmlimit", PaginationSize },
         { "cmnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
         { "cmtype", ParseMemberTypes(MemberTypes) }
Exemple #12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumParameters(MediaWikiVersion version)
            var p = new OrderedKeyValuePairs <string, object>
                { "clprop", "sortkey|timestamp|hidden" },
                { "clshow", HiddenCategoryFilter.ToString("hidden", "!hidden", null) }

            if (CategorySelection != null)
                p.Add("clcategories", MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(CategorySelection));
Exemple #13
        public static async Task RefreshEntitiesAsync(IEnumerable <Entity> entities, EntityQueryOptions options,
                                                      IEnumerable <string> languages, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (entities == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));
            var langs = languages == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(languages);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(langs))
                langs = null;
            // You can even fetch pages from different sites.
            foreach (var siteEntities in entities.GroupBy(p => p.Site))
                var site = siteEntities.Key;
                var req  = BuildQueryOptions(langs, options);
                req["action"] = "wbgetentities";
                var titleLimit = site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits) ? 500 : 50;
                using (site.BeginActionScope(entities, options))
                    foreach (var partition in siteEntities.Partition(titleLimit).Select(partition => partition.ToList()))
                        //site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} pages from {Site}.", partition.Count, site);
                        // We use ids to query pages.
                        req["ids"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Id));
                        var jresult = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(req), cancellationToken);

                        var jentities = (JObject)jresult["entities"];
                        foreach (var entity in partition)
                            var jentity = jentities[entity.Id];
                            // We can write Q123456 as q123456 in query params, but server will return Q123456 anyway.
                            if (jentity == null)
                                jentity = jentities.Properties().FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                                                string.Equals(p.Name, entity.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            if (jentity == null)
                                throw new UnexpectedDataException($"Cannot find the entity with id {entity.Id} in the response.");
                            entity.LoadFromJson(jentity, options, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a sequence of <see cref="WikiPageStub"/> from the given page titles.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="site">The site in which to query for the pages.</param>
 /// <param name="titles">The page IDs to query.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Either <paramref name="site"/> or <paramref name="titles"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 /// <returns>A sequence of <see cref="WikiPageStub"/> containing the page information.</returns>
 /// <remarks>For how the missing pages are handled, see the "remarks" section of <see cref="WikiPage"/>.</remarks>
 public static IAsyncEnumerable <WikiPageStub> FromPageTitles(WikiSite site, IEnumerable <string> titles)
     if (site == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(site));
     if (titles == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(titles));
     return(AsyncEnumerableFactory.FromAsyncGenerator <WikiPageStub>(async(sink, ct) =>
         var titleLimit = site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits)
             ? 500
             : 50;
         foreach (var partition in titles.Partition(titleLimit))
             var jresult = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                 action = "query", titles = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition),
             }), ct);
             Debug.Assert(jresult["query"] != null);
             // Process title normalization.
             var normalizedDict = jresult["query"]["normalized"]?.ToDictionary(n => (string)n["from"],
                                                                               n => (string)n["to"]);
             var pageDict = ((JObject)jresult["query"]["pages"]).Properties()
                            .ToDictionary(p => (string)p.Value["title"], p => p.Value);
             foreach (var name in partition)
                 if (normalizedDict == null || !normalizedDict.TryGetValue(name, out var normalizedName))
                     normalizedName = name;
                 var jpage = pageDict[normalizedName];
                 if (jpage["missing"] == null)
                     sink.Yield(new WikiPageStub((int)jpage["pageid"], (string)jpage["title"], (int)jpage["ns"]));
                     sink.Yield(new WikiPageStub(MissingPageIdMask, (string)jpage["title"], (int)jpage["ns"]));
             await sink.Wait();
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumParameters(MediaWikiVersion version)
            var p = new OrderedKeyValuePairs <string, object>
                    "rvprop", FetchContent
                        ? "ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user|userid|contentmodel|sha1|tags|size|content"
                        : "ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user|userid|contentmodel|sha1|tags|size"

            if (Slots != null || version >= new MediaWikiVersion(1, 32))
                // If user specified Slots explicitly, then we will respect it regardless of MW version.
                p.Add("rvslots", Slots == null ? RevisionSlot.MainSlotName : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(Slots));
Exemple #16
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "rnnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
                { "rnlimit", PaginationSize },

            if (Site.SiteInfo.Version >= new Version(1, 26))
                dict.Add("rnfilterredir", RedirectsFilter.ToString("redirects", "nonredirects"));
            else if (RedirectsFilter == PropertyFilterOption.WithProperty)
                dict.Add("rnredirect", true);
                // for MW 1.26-, we cannot really implement RedirectsFilter == PropertyFilterOption.WithoutProperty
Exemple #17
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
            var prop = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "gsradius", Radius },
                { "gsnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
                { "gsprimary", IncludesSecondaryCoordinates ? "all" : "primary" },
                { "gsglobe", TargetCoordinate.Globe },
                { "gslimit", PaginationSize },

            if (TargetTitle != null)
                // When searching by page title, it would be better for MW API to
                // assume `gsglobe` corresponds to the `globe` of that page,
                // but there is currently no such behavior.
                prop["gspage"] = TargetTitle;
            else if (!BoundingRectangle.IsEmpty)
                var rect = BoundingRectangle;
                // This is way too large than the width acceptable by MW API.
                // And this causes weird `Right` value.
                if (rect.Width > 180)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bounding box is too big.", nameof(BoundingRectangle));
                var right = rect.Right;
                if (right > 180)
                    right -= 360;
                prop["gsbbox"] = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}",
                                               rect.Top, rect.Left, rect.Bottom, right);
                prop["gscoord"] = TargetCoordinate.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                  + "|" + TargetCoordinate.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Exemple #18
        public static IAsyncEnumerable <string> EntityIdsFromSiteLinksAsync(WikiSite site,
                                                                            string siteName, IEnumerable <string> siteLinks)
            Debug.Assert(siteName != null);
            Debug.Assert(siteLinks != null);
            var titleLimit = site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits) ? 500 : 50;

            return(AsyncEnumerableFactory.FromAsyncGenerator <string>(async(sink, ct) =>
                var req = new OrderedKeyValuePairs <string, string>
                    { "action", "wbgetentities" },
                    { "props", "sitelinks" },
                    { "sites", siteName },
                    { "sitefilter", siteName },
                using (site.BeginActionScope(siteLinks))
                    foreach (var partition in siteLinks.Partition(titleLimit).Select(partition => partition.ToList()))
                        //site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} pages from {Site}.", partition.Count, site);
                        for (int i = 0; i < partition.Count; i++)
                            if (partition[i] == null)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Link titles contain null element.", nameof(siteLinks));
                            // Do some basic title normalization locally.
                            // Note Wikibase cannot even normalize the first letter case of the title.
                            partition[i] = partition[i].Trim(whitespaceAndUnderscore).Replace('_', ' ');
                        req["titles"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition);
                        var jresult = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(req), ct);
                        var jentities = (JObject)jresult["entities"];
                        var nameIdDict = jentities.PropertyValues().Where(e => e["missing"] == null)
                                         .ToDictionary(e => (string)e["sitelinks"][siteName]["title"], e => (string)e["id"]);
                        await sink.YieldAndWait(partition.Select(title =>
                                                                 nameIdDict.TryGetValue(title, out var id) ? id : null));
Exemple #19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > EnumListParameters()
            var prop = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "gsradius", Radius },
                { "gsnamespace", NamespaceIds == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(NamespaceIds) },
                { "gsprimary", IncludesSecondaryCoordinates ? "all" : "primary" },
                { "gsglobe", TargetCoordinate.Globe },
                { "gslimit", PaginationSize },

            if (TargetTitle != null)
                // When searching by page title, it would be better for MW API to
                // assume `gsglobe` corresponds to the `globe` of that page,
                // but there is currently no such behavior.
                prop["gspage"] = TargetTitle;
                prop["gscoord"] = TargetCoordinate.Latitude + "|" + TargetCoordinate.Longitude;
Exemple #20
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override string ToString()
            var tags = Tags == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(Tags);

            return($"Revision#{Id}, {Flags}, {tags}, SHA1={Sha1}");
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh a sequence of pages.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task RefreshPagesAsync(IEnumerable <WikiPage> pages, IWikiPageQueryProvider options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (pages == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pages));
            // You can even fetch pages from different sites.
            foreach (var sitePages in pages.GroupBy(p => new WikiPageGroupKey(p)))
                var site        = sitePages.Key.Site;
                var queryParams = options.EnumParameters().ToDictionary();
                var titleLimit  = options.GetMaxPaginationSize(site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits));
                using (site.BeginActionScope(sitePages, options))
                    foreach (var partition in sitePages.Partition(titleLimit))
                        if (sitePages.Key.HasTitle)
                            // If a page has both title and ID information,
                            // we will use title anyway.
                            site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} pages by title.", partition.Count);
                            queryParams["titles"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Title));
                            site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} pages by ID.", partition.Count);
                            Debug.Assert(sitePages.All(p => p.PageStub.HasId));
                            queryParams["pageids"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Id));
                        // For single-page fetching, force fetching 1 revision only.
                        if (partition.Count == 1)
                            queryParams["rvlimit"] = 1;
                        var jobj = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(queryParams), cancellationToken);

                        if (sitePages.Key.HasTitle)
                            // Process title normalization.
                            var normalized = jobj["query"]["normalized"]?.ToDictionary(n => (string)n["from"], n => (string)n["to"]);
                            // Process redirects.
                            var redirects    = jobj["query"]["redirects"]?.ToDictionary(n => (string)n["from"], n => (string)n["to"]);
                            var pageInfoDict = ((JObject)jobj["query"]["pages"]).Properties()
                                               .ToDictionary(p => (string)p.Value["title"]);
                            foreach (var page in partition)
                                var title = page.Title;
                                // Normalize the title first.
                                if (normalized?.ContainsKey(title) ?? false)
                                    title = normalized[title];
                                // Then process the redirects.
                                var redirectTrace = new List <string>();
                                while (redirects?.ContainsKey(title) ?? false)
                                    redirectTrace.Add(title); // Adds the last title
                                    var next = redirects[title];
                                    if (redirectTrace.Contains(next))
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot resolve circular redirect: {string.Join("->", redirectTrace)}.");
                                    title = next;
                                // Finally, get the page.
                                var pageInfo = pageInfoDict[title];
                                if (redirectTrace.Count > 0)
                                    page.RedirectPath = redirectTrace;
                                MediaWikiHelper.PopulatePageFromJson(page, (JObject)pageInfo.Value, options);
                            foreach (var page in partition)
                                var jPage = (JObject)jobj["query"]["pages"][page.Id.ToString()];
                                MediaWikiHelper.PopulatePageFromJson(page, jPage, options);
Exemple #22
        private async Task ProgressiveEditAsync(IEnumerable <EntityEditEntry> edits, string summary, bool isBot,
                                                bool strict, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Debug.Assert(edits != null);
            var checkbaseRev = true;

            foreach (var prop in edits.GroupBy(e => e.PropertyName))
                if (prop.Any(p => p.Value == null))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Detected null value in {prop} entries.", nameof(edits));
                switch (prop.Key)
                case nameof(DataType):
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Setting data type is not possible in progressive mode.");

                case nameof(Labels):
                    foreach (var p in prop)
                        var value   = (WbMonolingualText)p.Value;
                        var jresult = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                            action = "wbsetlabel",
                            token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                            id = Id,
                            @new = Id == null ? FormatEntityType(Type) : null,
                            baserevid = checkbaseRev && LastRevisionId > 0 ? (int?)LastRevisionId : null,
                            bot = isBot,
                            summary = summary,
                            language = value.Language,
                            value = p.State == EntityEditEntryState.Updated ? value.Text : null,
                        }), cancellationToken);

                        if (!strict)
                            checkbaseRev = false;

                case nameof(Descriptions):
                    foreach (var p in prop)
                        var value   = (WbMonolingualText)p.Value;
                        var jresult = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                            action = "wbsetdescription",
                            token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                            id = Id,
                            @new = Id == null ? FormatEntityType(Type) : null,
                            baserevid = checkbaseRev && LastRevisionId > 0 ? (int?)LastRevisionId : null,
                            bot = isBot,
                            summary = summary,
                            language = value.Language,
                            value = p.State == EntityEditEntryState.Updated ? value.Text : null,
                        }), cancellationToken);

                        if (!strict)
                            checkbaseRev = false;

                case nameof(Aliases):
                    var entries = prop.GroupBy(t => ((WbMonolingualText)t.Value).Language);
                    foreach (var langGroup in entries)
                        var addExpr = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(langGroup
                                                                 .Where(e => e.State == EntityEditEntryState.Updated)
                                                                 .Select(e => ((WbMonolingualText)e.Value).Text));
                        var removeExpr = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(langGroup
                                                                    .Where(e => e.State == EntityEditEntryState.Removed)
                                                                    .Select(e => ((WbMonolingualText)e.Value).Text));
                        var jresult = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                                action = "wbsetaliases",
                                token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                                id = Id,
                                @new = Id == null ? FormatEntityType(Type) : null,
                                baserevid = checkbaseRev && LastRevisionId > 0 ? (int?)LastRevisionId : null,
                                bot = isBot,
                                summary = summary,
                                language = langGroup.Key,
                                add = addExpr.Length == 0 ? null : addExpr,
                                remove = removeExpr.Length == 0 ? null : removeExpr,
                            }), cancellationToken);

                        if (!strict)
                            checkbaseRev = false;

                case nameof(SiteLinks):
                    var entries = prop.GroupBy(t => ((EntitySiteLink)t.Value).Site);
                    foreach (var siteGroup in entries)
                        string link = null, badges = null;
                            var item = siteGroup.Single();
                            if (item.State == EntityEditEntryState.Updated)
                                var value = (EntitySiteLink)item.Value;
                                link   = value.Title;
                                badges = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(value.Badges);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            throw new ArgumentException("One site can own at most one site link.", nameof(edits));
                        var jresult = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                                action = "wbsetsitelink",
                                token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                                id = Id,
                                @new = Id == null ? FormatEntityType(Type) : null,
                                baserevid = checkbaseRev && LastRevisionId > 0 ? (int?)LastRevisionId : null,
                                bot = isBot,
                                summary = summary,
                                linksite = siteGroup.Key,
                                linktitle = link,
                                badges = badges,
                            }), cancellationToken);

                        if (!strict)
                            checkbaseRev = false;

                case nameof(Claims):
                    foreach (var entry in prop.Where(e => e.State == EntityEditEntryState.Updated))
                        var value         = (Claim)entry.Value;
                        var claimContract = value.ToContract(false);
                        if (value.Id == null)
                            // New claim. We need to assign an ID manually.
                            // https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T182573#3828344
                            if (Id == null)
                                // This is a new entity, so we need to create it first.
                                var jresult1 = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                                    action = "wbeditentity",
                                    token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                                    @new = FormatEntityType(Type),
                                    bot = isBot,
                                    summary = (string)null,
                                    data = "{}"
                                }), cancellationToken);

                                if (!strict)
                                    checkbaseRev = false;
                            claimContract.Id = Utility.NewClaimGuid(Id);
                        var jresult = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                            action = "wbsetclaim",
                            token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                            @new = Id == null ? FormatEntityType(Type) : null,
                            baserevid = checkbaseRev && LastRevisionId > 0 ? (int?)LastRevisionId : null,
                            bot = isBot,
                            summary = summary,
                            claim = Utility.WikiJsonSerializer.Serialize(claimContract),
                        }), cancellationToken);

                        // jresult["claim"] != null
                        LastRevisionId = (int)jresult["pageinfo"]["lastrevid"];
                        if (!strict)
                            checkbaseRev = false;
                    foreach (var batch in prop.Where(e => e.State == EntityEditEntryState.Removed)
                             .Select(e => ((Claim)e.Value).Id).Partition(50))
                        var jresult = await Site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                            action = "wbremoveclaims",
                            token = WikiSiteToken.Edit,
                            id = Id,
                            @new = Id == null ? FormatEntityType(Type) : null,
                            baserevid = checkbaseRev && LastRevisionId > 0 ? (int?)LastRevisionId : null,
                            bot = isBot,
                            summary = summary,
                            claim = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(batch),
                        }), cancellationToken);

                        LastRevisionId = (int)jresult["pageinfo"]["lastrevid"];
                        if (!strict)
                            checkbaseRev = false;

                    throw new ArgumentException($"Unrecognized {nameof(Entity)} property name: {prop.Key}.");

            void LoadEntityMinimal(JToken jentity)
                Debug.Assert(jentity != null);
                Id             = (string)jentity["id"];
                Type           = SerializableEntity.ParseEntityType((string)jentity["type"]);
                LastRevisionId = (int)jentity["lastrevid"];
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a sequence of <see cref="WikiPageStub"/> from the given page IDs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="site">The site in which to query for the pages.</param>
        /// <param name="ids">The page IDs to query.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Either <paramref name="site"/> or <paramref name="ids"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <returns>A sequence of <see cref="WikiPageStub"/> containing the page information.</returns>
        /// <remarks>For how the missing pages are handled, see the "remarks" section of <see cref="WikiPage"/>.</remarks>
        public static async IAsyncEnumerable <WikiPageStub> FromPageIds(WikiSite site, IEnumerable <int> ids,
                                                                        [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var titleLimit = site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits)
                ? 500
                : 50;

            foreach (var partition in ids.Partition(titleLimit))
                var jresult = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(
                    new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new { action = "query", pageids = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition), }), cancellationToken);

                Debug.Assert(jresult["query"] != null);
                var jpages = jresult["query"]["pages"];
                using (ExecutionContextStash.Capture())
                    foreach (var id in partition)
                        var jpage = jpages[id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)];
                        if (jpage["missing"] == null)
                            yield return(new WikiPageStub(id, (string)jpage["title"], (int)jpage["ns"]));
                            yield return(new WikiPageStub(id, MissingPageTitle, UnknownNamespaceId));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate transcluded pages trans from the page.
        /// </summary>
        public static IAsyncEnumerable <string> EnumTransclusionsAsync(WikiSite site, string titlesExpr, IEnumerable <int> namespaces = null, IEnumerable <string> transcludedTitlesExpr = null, int limit = -1)
            // transcludedTitlesExpr should be full titles with ns prefix.
            var pa = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "action", "query" }, { "prop", "templates" }, { "tllimit", limit > 0 ? limit : site.ListingPagingSize }, { "tlnamespace", namespaces == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(namespaces) }, { "tltemplates", transcludedTitlesExpr == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(transcludedTitlesExpr) }

            pa["titles"] = titlesExpr;
            var resultCounter = 0;

            return(QueryWithContinuation(site, pa, null)
                   .SelectMany(jpages =>
                var page = jpages.Values().First();
                var links = (JArray)page?["templates"];
                if (links != null)
                    resultCounter += links.Count;
                    site.Logger.LogDebug("Loaded {Count} items transcluded by [[{Title}]] on {Site}.",
                                         resultCounter, titlesExpr, site);
                    return links.Select(l => (string)l["title"]).ToAsyncEnumerable();
                return AsyncEnumerable.Empty <string>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate links from the page.
        /// </summary>
        public static IAsyncEnumerable <string> EnumLinksAsync(WikiSite site, string titlesExpr, /* optional */ IEnumerable <int> namespaces)
            var pa = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "action", "query" }, { "prop", "links" }, { "pllimit", site.ListingPagingSize }, { "plnamespace", namespaces == null ? null : MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(namespaces) },

            pa["titles"] = titlesExpr;
            var resultCounter = 0;

            return(QueryWithContinuation(site, pa, null)
                   .SelectMany(jpages =>
                var page = jpages.Values().First();
                var links = (JArray)page?["links"];
                if (links != null)
                    resultCounter += links.Count;
                    site.Logger.LogDebug("Loaded {Count} items linking to [[{Title}]] on {Site}.", resultCounter, titlesExpr, site);
                    return links.Select(l => (string)l["title"]).ToAsyncEnumerable();
                return AsyncEnumerable.Empty <string>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously purges the pages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A collection of pages that haven't been successfully purged, because of either missing or invalid titles.</returns>
        public static async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <PurgeFailureInfo> > PurgePagesAsync(IEnumerable <WikiPage> pages, PagePurgeOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (pages == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pages));
            List <PurgeFailureInfo> failedPages = null;

            // You can even purge pages from different sites.
            foreach (var sitePages in pages.GroupBy(p => new WikiPageGroupKey(p)))
                var site       = sitePages.Key.Site;
                var titleLimit = site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits)
                    ? 500
                    : 50;
                using (site.BeginActionScope(sitePages, options))
                    foreach (var partition in sitePages.Partition(titleLimit).Select(partition => partition.ToList()))
                        string titles;
                        string ids;
                        if (sitePages.Key.HasTitle)
                            // If a page has both title and ID information,
                            // we will use title anyway.
                            site.Logger.LogDebug("Purging {Count} pages by title.", partition.Count);
                            titles = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Title));
                            ids    = null;
                            site.Logger.LogDebug("Purging {Count} pages by ID.", partition.Count);
                            Debug.Assert(sitePages.All(p => p.PageStub.HasId));
                            titles = null;
                            ids    = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Id));
                            var jresult = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(new
                                action = "purge",
                                titles = titles,
                                pageids = ids,
                                forcelinkupdate = (options & PagePurgeOptions.ForceLinkUpdate) == PagePurgeOptions.ForceLinkUpdate,
                                forcerecursivelinkupdate = (options & PagePurgeOptions.ForceRecursiveLinkUpdate) == PagePurgeOptions.ForceRecursiveLinkUpdate,
                            }), cancellationToken);

                            // Now check whether the pages have been purged successfully.
                            foreach (var jitem in jresult["purge"])
                                if (jitem["missing"] != null || jitem["invalid"] != null)
                                    if (failedPages == null)
                                        failedPages = new List <PurgeFailureInfo>();
                                    failedPages.Add(new PurgeFailureInfo(MediaWikiHelper.PageStubFromJson((JObject)jitem), (string)jitem["invalidreason"]));
                        catch (OperationFailedException ex)
                            if (ex.ErrorCode == "cantpurge")
                                throw new UnauthorizedOperationException(ex);
            return(failedPages ?? emptyPurgeFailures);
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh a sequence of pages.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task RefreshPagesAsync(IEnumerable <WikiPage> pages, IWikiPageQueryProvider options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (pages == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pages));
            // You can even fetch pages from different sites.
            foreach (var sitePages in pages.GroupBy(p => new WikiPageGroupKey(p)))
                var site        = sitePages.Key.Site;
                var queryParams = options.EnumParameters(site.SiteInfo.Version).ToDictionary();
                var titleLimit  = options.GetMaxPaginationSize(site.SiteInfo.Version, site.AccountInfo.HasRight(UserRights.ApiHighLimits));
                using (site.BeginActionScope(sitePages, options))
                    foreach (var partition in sitePages.Partition(titleLimit))
                        if (sitePages.Key.HasTitle)
                            // If a page has both title and ID information,
                            // we will use title anyway.
                            site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} pages by title.", partition.Count);
                            queryParams["titles"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Title));
                            site.Logger.LogDebug("Fetching {Count} pages by ID.", partition.Count);
                            Debug.Assert(sitePages.All(p => p.PageStub.HasId));
                            queryParams["pageids"] = MediaWikiHelper.JoinValues(partition.Select(p => p.Id));
                        var jobj = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(queryParams), cancellationToken);

                        var jquery             = (JObject)jobj["query"];
                        var continuationStatus = ParseContinuationParameters(jobj, queryParams, null);
                        // Process continuation caused by props (e.g. langlinks) that contain a list that is too long.
                        if (continuationStatus != CONTINUATION_DONE)
                            var queryParams1       = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            var continuationParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            var jobj1 = jobj;
                            ParseContinuationParameters(jobj1, queryParams1, continuationParams);
                            while (continuationStatus != CONTINUATION_DONE)
                                if (continuationStatus == CONTINUATION_LOOP)
                                    throw new UnexpectedDataException(Prompts.ExceptionUnexpectedContinuationLoop);
                                Debug.Assert(continuationStatus == CONTINUATION_AVAILABLE);
                                site.Logger.LogDebug("Detected query continuation. PartitionCount={PartitionCount}.", partition.Count);
                                jobj1 = await site.InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(new MediaWikiFormRequestMessage(queryParams1), cancellationToken);

                                var jquery1 = jobj1["query"];
                                if (jquery1.HasValues)
                                    // Merge JSON response
                                continuationStatus = ParseContinuationParameters(jobj1, queryParams1, continuationParams);
                        if (sitePages.Key.HasTitle)
                            // Process title normalization.
                            var normalized = jquery["normalized"]?.ToDictionary(n => (string)n["from"], n => (string)n["to"]);
                            // Process redirects.
                            var redirects    = jquery["redirects"]?.ToDictionary(n => (string)n["from"], n => (string)n["to"]);
                            var pageInfoDict = ((JObject)jquery["pages"]).Properties()
                                               .ToDictionary(p => (string)p.Value["title"]);
                            foreach (var page in partition)
                                var title = page.Title;
                                // Normalize the title first.
                                if (normalized?.ContainsKey(title) ?? false)
                                    title = normalized[title];
                                // Then process the redirects.
                                var redirectTrace = new List <string>();
                                while (redirects?.ContainsKey(title) ?? false)
                                    redirectTrace.Add(title); // Adds the last title
                                    var next = redirects[title];
                                    if (redirectTrace.Contains(next))
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Prompts.ExceptionWikiPageResolveCircularRedirect1, string.Join("->", redirectTrace)));
                                    title = next;
                                // Finally, get the page.
                                var pageInfo = pageInfoDict[title];
                                if (redirectTrace.Count > 0)
                                    page.RedirectPath = redirectTrace;
                                MediaWikiHelper.PopulatePageFromJson(page, (JObject)pageInfo.Value, options);
                            foreach (var page in partition)
                                var jPage = (JObject)jquery["pages"][page.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)];
                                MediaWikiHelper.PopulatePageFromJson(page, jPage, options);