public async Task <AkeneoResponse> UploadAsync(MediaUpload media, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken)) { if (!File.Exists(media.FilePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File with path {media.FilePath} not found."); } var filename = media.FileName ?? Path.GetFileName(media.FilePath); var formContent = new MultipartFormDataContent { { new JsonContent(media.Product, AkeneoSerializerSettings.Update), "product" }, { new StreamContent(File.OpenRead(media.FilePath)), "file", filename } }; _logger.Debug($"Preparing to upload image '{filename}' from '{media.FilePath}'."); var response = await HttpClient.PostAsync(Endpoints.MediaFiles, formContent, ct); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { await AddAuthHeaderAsync(ct); response = await HttpClient.PostAsync(Endpoints.MediaFiles, new MultipartFormDataContent { { new JsonContent(media.Product, AkeneoSerializerSettings.Update), "product" }, { new StreamContent(File.OpenRead(media.FilePath)), "file", filename } }, ct); } return(response.IsSuccessStatusCode ? AkeneoResponse.Success(response.StatusCode, new KeyValuePair <string, PaginationLink>(PaginationLinks.Location, new PaginationLink { Href = response.Headers?.Location?.ToString() })) : await response.Content.ReadAsJsonAsync <AkeneoResponse>()); }
public ActionResult Guncelle(UserUpdateModel model) { if (model.Kullanici != null) { if (model.ProfilPic != null) { #region UploadPhotoSaveToDatabase MediaUpload m = new MediaUpload(); m = UploadSaveToDatabase(model.ProfilPic); _uow.GetRepo <MediaUpload>() .Add(m); _uow.Commit(); #endregion model.Kullanici.ProfilPic = m.Path.ToString(); } _uow.GetRepo <Kullanici>() .Update(model.Kullanici); if (_uow.Commit() > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Listele", "User")); } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Upload(MediaUpload mediaUpload, HttpPostedFileBase file) { try { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { var uploadedMedia = new UploadedMedia(); uploadedMedia.FileName = file.FileName; uploadedMedia.Length = file.ContentLength; uploadedMedia.ContentType = file.ContentType; using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(file.InputStream)) { uploadedMedia.Stream = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength); } this._mediaUploadService.Process(uploadedMedia, mediaUpload.DataClassification); ViewBag.Message = "File Uploaded Successfully!!"; } else { ViewBag.Message = "No file uploaded."; } return(View()); } catch { ViewBag.Message = "File upload failed!!"; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Upload(IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files) { foreach (HttpPostedFileBase item in files) { string uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extention = Path.GetExtension(item.FileName); //fiziksel dosya konumunu belirttik //HttpContext.Server.MapPath() bulunduğumuz web dizini gönderir. string fullFileName = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/Media/Images/" + uniqueFileName + extention); //bu itemi şu dizine kaydet demek item.SaveAs(fullFileName); MediaUpload upload = new MediaUpload(); upload.Name = uniqueFileName + extention; upload.Path = "/Media/Images/" + uniqueFileName + extention; _uow.GetRepo <MediaUpload>() .Add(upload); _uow.Commit(); //yeni bir dosya açmak için //System.IO.File.Create(fullFileName); //dosya silme işlemi klasörden silme //System.IO.File.Delete(fullFileName); // Dosya Var Mı ? bool bir değer döndür. //System.IO.File.Exists(fullFileName); } return(RedirectToAction("FileManager")); }
public void TestConstructor() { var method = new MediaUpload(JsonReader.Parse(SampleInsertMethod) as JsonDictionary); Assert.That(method.MaxSize, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(method.MaxSize, Is.EqualTo("10GB")); }
public void TestAccepts() { var method = new MediaUpload(JsonReader.Parse(SampleInsertMethod) as JsonDictionary); Assert.That(method.Accepts, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(method.Accepts.Length, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(method.Accepts, Is.EquivalentTo( new string[] { "image/*", "video/*", "audio/*" })); }
public async Task <string> UploadStreamAsync(string containerPath, MediaUpload media) { var blockBlob = await GetBlockBlobAsync(containerPath, media.FileName); media.File.Position = 0; await blockBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(media.File); return(blockBlob.StorageUri?.PrimaryUri.AbsoluteUri); }
private MediaUpload mu; // reference to Media Upload component, attached dynamically at runtime #region UNITY_EVENT_FUNCTIONS /// <summary> /// General Start routine. /// </summary> void Start() { // attach a new component of type MediaUpload to this GameObject mu = this.gameObject.AddComponent <MediaUpload>(); // configure MediaUpload component mu.cnfgSrvr_uploadURL = "https://USER_SERVER_URL:USER_PORT/umu/uploadbinarydata"; mu.cnfgSrvr_sessionNameTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"; //mu.cnfgSrvr_isAllowedToConnect = false; // initialize MediaUpload component bool muIsInitialized = mu.init(); }
public void TestProtocols() { var method = new MediaUpload(JsonReader.Parse(SampleInsertMethod) as JsonDictionary); Assert.That(method.Simple, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(method.Simple.MultiPart, Is.True); Assert.That(method.Simple.Path, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(method.Simple.Path, Is.EqualTo("/upload/test/v4/resources")); Assert.That(method.Resumable, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(method.Resumable.MultiPart, Is.True); Assert.That(method.Resumable.Path, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(method.Resumable.Path, Is.EqualTo("/resumable/upload/test/v4/resources")); }
MediaUpload UploadSaveToDatabase(HttpPostedFileBase img) { string uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extention = Path.GetExtension(img.FileName); string fullFileName = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/Media/Images/" + uniqueFileName + extention); img.SaveAs(fullFileName); MediaUpload upload = new MediaUpload(); upload.Name = uniqueFileName + extention; upload.Path = "/Media/Images/" + uniqueFileName + extention; return(upload); }
public Task <bool> SaveUploadAsync(MediaUpload model) { return(Task.Run(() => { _uow.GetRepo <MediaUpload>() .Add(model); if (_uow.Commit() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } })); }
public async Task Shoud_Upload_Image() { /* Setup */ var fileUpload = new MediaUpload { Product = { Identifier = "boxer-tel-0m-0m", Attribute = "Product_Image_Medium" }, FilePath = "C:\\tmp\\product_logo.png" }; /* Test */ var response = await Client.UploadAsync(fileUpload); /* Assert */ }
public ActionResult UploadMedia(MediaUpload model) { if (Session["User"] == null) { return(Content("login")); } int UserId = ((Urdu_Magazine.Models.User)Session["User"]).id; if (ModelState.IsValid) { Dictionary <bool, string> uploadResults = uploadMediaFiles(model.Image); string result; if (uploadResults == null) { return(Content("Cannot create directory.")); } else if (uploadResults.TryGetValue(false, out result)) { ModelState.AddModelError(result, "Cannot upload this file. Try Again."); } else if (uploadResults.TryGetValue(true, out result)) { var fileNameAndImagePath = result.Split('>'); UploadMedia uploadMedia = new UploadMedia { imgName = model.Name, userId = UserId, imgFileName = fileNameAndImagePath[0], imgPath = fileNameAndImagePath[1] }; db.UploadMedias.Add(uploadMedia); db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { message = "success", Id = uploadMedia.Id, file = uploadMedia.imgName, path = uploadMedia.imgPath }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Content("failed")); }
private async void UploadUserImage(object obj) { _media = new MediaUpload(); string type = obj.ToString(); if (type == "banner") { flag = true; Banner = await _media.PickPhoto(); Visibility = true; } else if (type == "ProfileImage") { ProfileImage = await _media.PickPhoto(); Visibility = true; } }
public ActionResult MediaMetadata(MediaUpload mediaUpload, HttpPostedFileBase file) { try { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { var uploadedMedia = new UploadedMedia(); uploadedMedia.FileName = file.FileName; uploadedMedia.Length = file.ContentLength; uploadedMedia.ContentType = file.ContentType; using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(file.InputStream)) { uploadedMedia.Stream = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength); this._mediaUploadService.Process(uploadedMedia, mediaUpload.DataClassification); ViewBag.Message = "File Uploaded Successfully!!"; if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(mediaUpload.SomeCustomData, "Directory") == 0) { long check = file.InputStream.Position; //Rewind: file.InputStream.Position = 0; //_studentRawImportService.Do(file.InputStream); } //Place Using outside of Do, as it will close the underlying Stream (not good) } } else { ViewBag.Message = "No file uploaded."; } return(View()); } catch { ViewBag.Message = "File upload failed!!"; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Guncelle(PostViewModel model) { if (model.Post != null) { if (model.PostedPic != null) { MediaUpload m = new MediaUpload(); m = UploadSaveToDatabase(model.PostedPic); _uow.GetRepo <MediaUpload>() .Add(m); model.Post.PostPic = m.Path.ToString(); } _uow.GetRepo <Post>() .Update(model.Post); if (_uow.Commit() > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Listele", "Post")); } } return(RedirectToAction("Listele", "Post")); }
public ActionResult Upload(IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> items) { MediaUpload media = new MediaUpload(); foreach (HttpPostedFileBase item in items) { string uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extention = Path.GetExtension(item.FileName); string fullFileName = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/Media/Images/" + uniqueFileName + extention); item.SaveAs(fullFileName); media.Name = uniqueFileName + extention; media.Path = "/Media/Images/" + uniqueFileName + extention; _uow.GetRepo <MediaUpload>() .Add(media); } try { if (_uow.Commit() > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("FileManager")); } else { TempData["Msg"] = "Bir hata oluştu!"; return(View()); } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.ProgramLogging(ex.Message); _uow.Commit(); TempData["Msg"] = "Bir hata oluştu!"; return(View()); } }
public void Run(Item processor, Item itemToProcess, Item fieldMapping) { ImportConfig config = new ImportConfig(fieldMapping.Parent.Parent, fieldMapping.Database, ""); Uri baseUri = new Uri(config.BaseUrl); BaseMapping baseMap = new BaseMapping(fieldMapping); MediaProcessor mediaProcessor = new MediaProcessor(processor); HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument(); string content = itemToProcess.Fields[baseMap.NewItemField].Value; document.LoadHtml(content); using (new SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { foreach (var mediaType in mediaProcessor.MediaTypes) { var nodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}/@{1}", mediaType.Identifier, mediaType.Attribute)); if (nodes == null) { continue; } //select nodes in html where path ends with extension listed in config List <HtmlNode> targetedNodes = nodes.Where(n => n.Attributes[mediaType.Attribute].Value.Trim().ToLower() .EndsWith(mediaType.Extension.Trim().ToLower())).ToList(); if (targetedNodes == null) { targetedNodes = nodes.Where(n => n.Attributes[mediaType.Attribute].Value.Trim().ToLower() .Contains(mediaType.Extension.Trim().ToLower())).ToList(); } else { targetedNodes.AddRange(nodes.Where(n => n.Attributes[mediaType.Attribute].Value.Trim().ToLower() .Contains(mediaType.Extension.Trim().ToLower())).ToList()); } foreach (var child in targetedNodes) { try { //Make sure the selected tags have media items to import, with existing parameters to follow string source = child.Attributes[mediaType.Attribute].Value; string mediaExtension = Path.GetExtension(source); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) { continue; } Uri mediaSource = new Uri(source, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); if (mediaSource.IsAbsoluteUri) { if ((mediaSource.Host != baseUri.Host)) { continue; } } else { //This is for internal/relative path images mediaSource = new Uri(baseUri, source); } string destination = mediaProcessor.RetrieveDestination(processor, mediaProcessor.RootDestination, source, mediaSource, baseUri); Item importedMediaItem = MediaUpload.UploadMedia(mediaSource.ToString(), destination, itemToProcess); if (importedMediaItem != null) { var mediaUrl = "-/media/" + importedMediaItem.ID.ToShortID().ToString() + ".ashx"; //Swap the old link with the new link to our media library HtmlNode newChild = child.Clone(); newChild.Attributes[mediaType.Attribute].Value = mediaUrl; content = content.Replace(child.OuterHtml, newChild.OuterHtml); itemToProcess.Editing.BeginEdit(); itemToProcess.Fields[baseMap.NewItemField].Value = content; itemToProcess.Editing.EndEdit(); ImportReporter.Write(itemToProcess, Level.Info, string.Format("Link updated for: {0}", importedMediaItem.Name), baseMap.NewItemField, "Media Importer"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ImportReporter.Write(itemToProcess, Level.Error, string.Format("There was an error importing media from {0}. Error: {1}.", string.Concat(baseUri, child.Attributes[mediaType.Attribute].Value), ex.Message), baseMap.NewItemField, "Media Import"); //Error importing media and/or updating links to media } } } } }
public ActionResult Ekle(PostViewModel model) { if (model.PostedPic != null) { #region UploadPhotoSaveToDatabase MediaUpload upload = new MediaUpload(); upload = UploadSaveToDatabase(model.PostedPic); _uow.GetRepo <MediaUpload>() .Add(upload); _uow.Commit(); model.Post.PostPic = upload.Path.ToString(); #endregion } if (model.Post.Tags != null) { char[] separators = { ',', '.', '!', '?', ';', ':', ' ' }; tags = model.Post.Tags.Split(separators); } IsSuccess = false; var validator = new PostAddValidator().Validate(model.Post); if (validator.IsValid) { if (model.Post.Tags != null) { foreach (var item in tags) { model.Post.Tags = item.ToString(); } } model.Post.UserId = 1; model.Post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; _uow.GetRepo <Post>() .Add(model.Post); #region KategoriGönderiSayısıKontrol _uow.GetRepo <Category>() .GetById(model.Post.CategoryId) .PostCount++; #endregion if (_uow.Commit() > 0) { IsSuccess = true; ViewBag.IsSuccess = IsSuccess; ViewBag.Msg = "Yazı başarıyla eklendi."; } else { ViewBag.IsSuccess = IsSuccess; ViewBag.Msg = "Yazı kaydedilirken bir hata oluştu!"; } } else { validator.Errors.ToList().ForEach(x => ModelState.AddModelError(x.PropertyName, x.ErrorMessage)); } CategoryFill(); return(View()); }
public TweetPageViewModel() { _media = new MediaUpload(); }
/// <summary> /// 上传临时素材 /// </summary> private void TemporaryMeidaUpload() { //返回格式:{"status":"error,success,warning","msg":""} // string result = "{\"status\":\"{0}\",\"msg\":\"{1}\"}"; try { //根据前台html的name获取文件 HttpPostedFile upfile = _httpContext.Request.Files["file_temporaryImage"]; if (upfile == null) { ResponseWriteEnd(status.warning.ToString(), "没有选择文件"); } //文件原名称 string oldMediaName = upfile.FileName; //文件后辍名称 string oldMediaExtension = Path.GetExtension(oldMediaName); //判断文件格式是否符合要求 if (!oldMediaExtension.ToLower().Equals(".jpg")) { ResponseWriteEnd(status.warning.ToString(), "请上传jpg格式的文件!"); return; } //判断文件大小是否符合要求 if (upfile.ContentLength >= (1024 * 1024 * 1)) { ResponseWriteEnd(status.warning.ToString(), "请上传1M以内的文件!"); return; } string imgName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-ss") + DateTime.Now.Ticks; bool flag = false; try { upfile.SaveAs(_httpContext.Server.MapPath("/Upload/" + imgName + ".jpg")); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { //写入日志 } if (flag) { //返回json string mediaIdJson = new MediaUpload().GetTemporaryMediaId(_commonClass.Get_access_token(_weiXinConfiguration, "catch"), _httpContext.Server.MapPath("/Upload/" + imgName + ".jpg")); _debugLog.BugWriteTxt(_log.LogTxtPhyPath, "临时素材:" + mediaIdJson); ResponseWriteEnd(status.success.ToString(), "/Upload/" + imgName + ".jpg", mediaIdJson); } else { File.Delete(_httpContext.Server.MapPath("/Upload/" + imgName + ".jpg")); ResponseWriteEnd(status.warning.ToString(), "图片保存出错,已经被删除。"); } } catch (Exception EX_NAME) { ResponseWriteEnd(status.error.ToString(), EX_NAME.ToString()); } }
internal AddMediaResponse AddMedia(string url, string linkid, int TypeId, int MediaContext, string saediFromid, MediaUpload mediaresult) { AddMediaResponse media = new AddMediaResponse(); try { media = AddMediaMapping(url, linkid, TypeId, MediaContext, saediFromid, mediaresult); } catch (Exception ex) { onlineBookingLogBLL.InsertOnlineServiceLog("AddMedia info to cs", ex.Message.ToString(), saediFromid, url, false); } return(media); }
private AddMediaResponse AddMediaMapping(string url, string linkid, int TypeId, int MediaContext, string saediFromid, MediaUpload mediaresult) { AddMediaResponse mediaresponse = new AddMediaResponse(); onlineClient.Url = url; TMedia tmedia = new TMedia(); tmedia.MSGUID = mediaresult.mediauploadResponse.MSGUID; tmedia.TypeID = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.TypeID; tmedia.MediaTimeStamp = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.TimeStamp; tmedia.MediaText = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.Notes; tmedia.MediaSubject = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.Notes; tmedia.MediaPrivateFg = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.MediaPrivateFg; tmedia.MediaExtension = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.MediaExtension; tmedia.MediaContext = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.ContextID; tmedia.FileName = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.FileName; tmedia.LinkID = mediaresult.mediauploadRequest.LinkId; TAddMediaResponse mediaResponse = onlineClient.AddMedia(tmedia); //mapping media onlineBookingLogBLL.InsertOnlineServiceLog(tmedia, mediaResponse, saediFromid, url, mediaResponse.ErrorCode != 0); mediaresponse.ErrorCode = mediaResponse.ErrorCode; mediaresponse.ErrorText = mediaResponse.ErrorText; return(mediaresponse); }