Exemple #1
        public static MeanShiftClusteringResult MeanShiftAccord(Image <Bgr, Byte> image, MeanShiftClusteringAcordParams msParams)
            //Image<Bgr, byte> result = new Image<Bgr, byte>(image.Size);

            //int pixelSize = 3;   // RGB color pixel
            //int kernel = 3;
            //double sigma = 0.06; // kernel bandwidth
            int    pixelSize = 3;              // RGB color pixel
            int    kernel    = msParams.Kernel;
            double sigma     = msParams.Sigma; // kernel bandwidth

            // Load a test image (shown below)
            Bitmap msImage = image.Bitmap;

            // Create converters
            ImageToArray imageToArray = new ImageToArray(min: -1, max: +1);
            ArrayToImage arrayToImage = new ArrayToImage(msImage.Width, msImage.Height, min: -1, max: +1);

            // Transform the image into an array of pixel values
            double[][] pixels;
            imageToArray.Convert(msImage, out pixels);

            // Create a MeanShift algorithm using given bandwidth
            //   and a Gaussian density kernel as kernel function.
            Accord.MachineLearning.MeanShift meanShift = new Accord.MachineLearning.MeanShift(pixelSize, new GaussianKernel(kernel), sigma);

            // We will compute the mean-shift algorithm until the means
            // change less than 0.5 between two iterations of the algorithm
            meanShift.Tolerance     = 0.05;
            meanShift.MaxIterations = 10;

            // Learn the clusters in the data
            var clustering = meanShift.Learn(pixels);

            // Use clusters to decide class labels
            int[] labels      = clustering.Decide(pixels);
            int   regionCount = labels.DistinctCount();

            // Replace every pixel with its corresponding centroid
            pixels.ApplyInPlace((x, i) => meanShift.Clusters.Modes[labels[i]]);

            // Retrieve the resulting image in a picture box
            Bitmap msResult;

            arrayToImage.Convert(pixels, out msResult);
            Image <Bgr, byte> result = new Image <Bgr, byte>(msResult);

            //EmguCvWindowManager.Display(result, "msResult");

            return(new MeanShiftClusteringResult()
                Image = result,
                Labels = labels,
                RegionCount = regionCount
Exemple #2
        // Universal method for dust, mist, fog
        // Source: http://colorimaginglab.ugr.es/pages/pdfs/ao_2015_B222/!
        public BaseMethodResponse RecoveringOfWeatherDegradedImagesBasedOnRGBResponseRatioConstancyMethod(
            Image <Bgr, Byte> image,
            RGBResponseRatioConstancyMethodParams _params
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            Image <Bgr, Byte> result      = new Image <Bgr, byte>(image.Size);
            Image <Bgr, Byte> resultToAll = new Image <Bgr, byte>(image.Size);

            //Apply mean shift clustering
            MeanShiftClusteringAcordParams msParams = new MeanShiftClusteringAcordParams()
                Kernel = _params?.MeanShiftParams?.Kernel ?? 5,
                Sigma  = _params?.MeanShiftParams?.Sigma ?? 0.13
            var msResult = Clustering.MeanShiftAccord(image, msParams);
            var labels   = msResult.Labels.Distinct().ToArray(); //regions numbers

            //Find regions pixels coordinates
            var regionPixelsCoordinates = Clustering.GetRegionsPixelsCoordinates(msResult);

            //Loop through regions
            for (int region = 0; region < msResult.RegionCount; region++)
                //Find min and max values for each channel
                var regionPixels = regionPixelsCoordinates[region].Select(coordinates => image[coordinates.X, coordinates.Y]).ToArray();

                var regionBValues = regionPixels.Select(p => p.Blue).ToArray();
                var regionGValues = regionPixels.Select(p => p.Green).ToArray();
                var regionRValues = regionPixels.Select(p => p.Red).ToArray();

                double[] minValues = new double[3] {
                    regionBValues.Min(), regionGValues.Min(), regionRValues.Min()
                double[] maxValues = new double[3] {
                    regionBValues.Max(), regionGValues.Max(), regionRValues.Max()

                int pixelsCountInRegion = regionPixelsCoordinates[region].Count;

                double B_min = minValues[0];
                double G_min = minValues[1];
                double R_min = minValues[2];

                double B_max = maxValues[0];
                double G_max = maxValues[1];
                double R_max = maxValues[2];

                if (_params.Imin != null)
                    B_min = _params.Imin.Value;
                    G_min = _params.Imin.Value;
                    R_min = _params.Imin.Value;
                if (_params.Imax != null)
                    B_max = _params.Imax.Value;
                    G_max = _params.Imax.Value;
                    R_max = _params.Imax.Value;

                //Apply formula
                for (int i = 0; i < pixelsCountInRegion; i++)
                    var pixelCoordinates = regionPixelsCoordinates[region][i];
                    Bgr pixel            = image[pixelCoordinates.X, pixelCoordinates.Y];

                    double B = (pixel.Blue - B_min) * (B_max / (B_max - B_min));
                    double G = (pixel.Green - G_min) * (G_max / (G_max - G_min));
                    double R = (pixel.Red - R_min) * (R_max / (R_max - R_min));

                    result[pixelCoordinates.X, pixelCoordinates.Y] = new Bgr(B, G, R);

            //apply for all image

            //Find min and max values for each channel
            double[] minValues2;
            double[] maxValues2;
            Point[]  minLocations2;
            Point[]  maxLocations2;
            image.MinMax(out minValues2, out maxValues2, out minLocations2, out maxLocations2);

            double B_min2 = minValues2[0];
            double G_min2 = minValues2[1];
            double R_min2 = minValues2[2];

            double B_max2 = maxValues2[0];
            double G_max2 = maxValues2[1];
            double R_max2 = maxValues2[2];

            if (_params.Imin != null)
                B_min2 = _params.Imin.Value;
                G_min2 = _params.Imin.Value;
                R_min2 = _params.Imin.Value;
            if (_params.Imax != null)
                B_max2 = _params.Imax.Value;
                G_max2 = _params.Imax.Value;
                R_max2 = _params.Imax.Value;

            for (int m = 0; m < image.Rows; m++)
                for (int n = 0; n < image.Cols; n++)
                    Bgr pixel = image[m, n];

                    double B = (pixel.Blue - B_min2) * (B_max2 / (B_max2 - B_min2));
                    double G = (pixel.Green - G_min2) * (G_max2 / (G_max2 - G_min2));
                    double R = (pixel.Red - R_min2) * (R_max2 / (R_max2 - R_min2));

                    resultToAll[m, n] = new Bgr(B, G, R);

            if (_params.ShowWindows)
                EmguCvWindowManager.Display(image, "1. image");
                EmguCvWindowManager.Display(msResult.Image, "2. MS");
                EmguCvWindowManager.Display(resultToAll, "3. resultToAll");
                EmguCvWindowManager.Display(result, "4. result");


            return(new BaseMethodResponse
                EnhancementResult = result,
                DetectionResult = new Image <Gray, byte>(image.Size),
                DetailedResults = new List <IInputArray> {
                    image, msResult.Image, resultToAll, result
                ExecutionTimeMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds