void Calc()
        #region Definitions
        //Definition of dimensions on which we will measure the input values
        ContinuousDimension height = new ContinuousDimension("Height", "Personal height", "cm", 100, 250);
        ContinuousDimension weight = new ContinuousDimension("Weight", "Personal weight", "kg", 30, 200);

        //Definition of dimension for output value
        ContinuousDimension consequent = new ContinuousDimension("Suitability for basket ball", "0 = not good, 5 = very good", "grade", 0, 5);

        //Definition of basic fuzzy sets with which we will work
        //  input sets:
        FuzzySet tall    = new LeftLinearSet(height, "Tall person", 170, 185);
        FuzzySet weighty = new LeftLinearSet(weight, "Weighty person", 80, 100);
        //  output set:
        FuzzySet goodForBasket = new LeftLinearSet(consequent, "Good in basket ball", 0, 5);

        //Definition of antedescent
        FuzzyRelation lanky = tall & !weighty;

        FuzzyRelation term = (lanky & goodForBasket) | (!lanky & !goodForBasket);

        #region Input values
        //Console.Write("Enter your height in cm:");
        //decimal inputHeight = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        decimal inputHeight = _inputHeight;

        //Console.Write("Enter your weight in kg:");
        //decimal inputWeight = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        decimal inputWeight = _inputWeight;

        #region Deffuzification of the output set
        Defuzzification result = new MeanOfMaximum(
            new Dictionary <IDimension, decimal> {
            { height, inputHeight },
            { weight, inputWeight }

        //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Your disposition to be a basketball player is {0:F3} out of <0,...,5>", result.CrispValue));
//        Debug.Log("Your disposition to be a basketball player is {0:F3} out of <0,...,5>" + result.CrispValue);
        ans       = (double)result.CrispValue;
        text.text = ans.ToString();

        //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Definitions
            //Definition of dimensions on which we will measure the input values
            ContinuousDimension height = new ContinuousDimension("Height", "Personal height", "cm", 100, 250);
            ContinuousDimension weight = new ContinuousDimension("Weight", "Personal weight", "kg", 30, 200);

            //Definition of dimension for output value
            ContinuousDimension consequent = new ContinuousDimension("Suitability for basket ball", "0 = not good, 5 = very good", "grade", 0, 5);

            //Definition of basic fuzzy sets with which we will work
            //  input sets:
            FuzzySet tall    = new LeftLinearSet(height, "Tall person", 170, 185);
            FuzzySet weighty = new LeftLinearSet(weight, "Weighty person", 80, 100);
            //  output set:
            FuzzySet goodForBasket = new LeftLinearSet(consequent, "Good in basket ball", 0, 5);

            //Definition of antedescent
            FuzzyRelation lanky = tall & !weighty;

            FuzzyRelation term = (lanky & goodForBasket) | (!lanky & !goodForBasket);

            #region Input values
            Console.Write("Enter your height in cm:");
            decimal inputHeight = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Enter your weight in kg:");
            decimal inputWeight = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            #region Auxiliary messages; just for better understanding and not necessary for the final defuzzification
            double isLanky = lanky.IsMember(
                new Dictionary <IDimension, decimal> {
                { height, inputHeight },
                { weight, inputWeight }

            System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("You are lanky to the {0:F3} degree out of range <0,1>.", isLanky));

            System.Console.WriteLine("Membership distribution in the output set for given inputs:");
            for (decimal i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                double membership = term.IsMember(
                    new Dictionary <IDimension, decimal> {
                    { height, inputHeight },
                    { weight, inputWeight },
                    { consequent, i }

                System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("µrelation(height={0:F0},weight={1:F0},consequent={2:F0}) = {3:F3}", inputHeight, inputWeight, i, membership));

            #region Deffuzification of the output set
            Defuzzification result = new MeanOfMaximum(
                new Dictionary <IDimension, decimal> {
                { height, inputHeight },
                { weight, inputWeight }

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Your disposition to be a basketball player is {0:F3} out of <0,...,5>", result.CrispValue));
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");