private static void UpdateAppTransportSecuritySettingsIfNeeded(PlistDocument plist)
            var pluginParentDir = AppLovinIntegrationManager.MediationSpecificPluginParentDirectory;
            var mediationDir    = Path.Combine(pluginParentDir, "MaxSdk/Mediation/");
            var projectHasAtsRequiringNetworks = AtsRequiringNetworks.Any(atsRequiringNetwork => Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(mediationDir, atsRequiringNetwork)));

            if (!projectHasAtsRequiringNetworks)

            var          root = plist.root.values;
            PlistElement atsRoot;

            root.TryGetValue("NSAppTransportSecurity", out atsRoot);

            if (atsRoot == null || atsRoot.GetType() != typeof(PlistElementDict))
                // Add the missing App Transport Security settings for publishers if needed.
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Adding App Transport Security settings...");
                atsRoot = plist.root.CreateDict("NSAppTransportSecurity");
                atsRoot.AsDict().SetBoolean("NSAllowsArbitraryLoads", true);

            var atsRootDict = atsRoot.AsDict().values;

            // Check if both NSAllowsArbitraryLoads and NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent are present and remove NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent if both are present.
            if (atsRootDict.ContainsKey("NSAllowsArbitraryLoads") && atsRootDict.ContainsKey("NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent"))
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Removing NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent");
    static MaxInitialize()

        // Check that the publisher is targeting iOS 9.0+
        if (!PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString.StartsWith("9.") && !PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString.StartsWith("1"))
            MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Detected iOS project version less than iOS 9 - The AppLovin MAX SDK WILL NOT WORK ON < iOS9!!!");

        var changesMade = false;

        // Check if we have legacy adapter CHANGELOGs.
        foreach (var network in Networks)
            var mediationAdapterDir = Path.Combine("Assets", "MaxSdk/Mediation/" + network);

            // If new directory exists
            if (CheckExistence(mediationAdapterDir))
                var androidChangelogFile = Path.Combine(mediationAdapterDir, AndroidChangelog);
                if (CheckExistence(androidChangelogFile))
                    changesMade = true;

                var iosChangelogFile = Path.Combine(mediationAdapterDir, IosChangelog);
                if (CheckExistence(iosChangelogFile))
                    changesMade = true;

        // Check if any obsolete networks are installed
        foreach (var obsoleteNetwork in ObsoleteNetworks)
            var networkDir = Path.Combine("Assets", "MaxSdk/Mediation/" + obsoleteNetwork);
            if (CheckExistence(networkDir))
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Deleting obsolete network " + obsoleteNetwork + " from path " + networkDir + "...");
                changesMade = true;

        // Refresh UI
        if (changesMade)
            MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("AppLovin MAX Migration completed");
Exemple #3
    private static void InvokeEvent <T1, T2>(Action <T1, T2> evt, T1 param1, T2 param2)
        if (!CanInvokeEvent(evt))

        MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Invoking event: " + evt + ". Params: " + param1 + ", " + param2);
        evt(param1, param2);
Exemple #4
    private static void InvokeEvent <T>(Action <T> evt, T param)
        if (!CanInvokeEvent(evt))

        MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Invoking event: " + evt + ". Param: " + param);
Exemple #5
    private static void InvokeEvent(Action evt)
        if (!CanInvokeEvent(evt))

        MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Invoking event: " + evt);
Exemple #6
        private AppLovinIntegrationManager()
            // Add asset import callbacks.
            AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted += packageName =>
                if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName))

                var pluginParentDir          = PluginParentDirectory;
                var isPluginOutsideAssetsDir = IsPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory;
                MovePluginFilesIfNeeded(pluginParentDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDir);
                AddLabelsToAssetsIfNeeded(pluginParentDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDir);

                importingNetwork = null;

            AssetDatabase.importPackageCancelled += packageName =>
                if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName))

                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Package import cancelled.");
                importingNetwork = null;

            AssetDatabase.importPackageFailed += (packageName, errorMessage) =>
                if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName))

                importingNetwork = null;
Exemple #7
        private static void ShowPluginUpdateDialogIfNeeded(PluginData data)
            // Check if publisher has disabled auto update.
            if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool(KeyAutoUpdateEnabled, true))

            // Check if the current and latest version are the same or if the publisher is on a newer version (on beta). If so, skip update.
            var comparison = data.AppLovinMax.CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult;

            if (comparison == MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Equal || comparison == MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Greater)

            // A new version of the plugin is available. Show a dialog to the publisher.
            var option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex(
                "AppLovin MAX Plugin Update",
                "A new version of AppLovin MAX plugin is available for download. Update now?",
                "Not Now",
                "Don't Ask Again");

            if (option == 0) // Download
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Downloading plugin...");
                AppLovinIntegrationManager.downloadPluginProgressCallback = AppLovinIntegrationManagerWindow.OnDownloadPluginProgress;
            else if (option == 1) // Not Now
                // Do nothing
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Update postponed.");
            else if (option == 2) // Don't Ask Again
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Auto Update disabled. You can enable it again from the AppLovin Integration Manager");
                EditorPrefs.SetBool(KeyAutoUpdateEnabled, false);
    private AppLovinIntegrationManager()
        // Add asset import callbacks.
        AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted += packageName =>
            if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName))

            importingNetwork = null;

        AssetDatabase.importPackageCancelled += packageName =>
            if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName))

            MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Package import cancelled.");
            importingNetwork = null;

        AssetDatabase.importPackageFailed += (packageName, errorMessage) =>
            if (!IsImportingNetwork(packageName))

            importingNetwork = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the position of the MREC to the new coordinates provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">The ad unit identifier of the MREC for which to update the position</param>
 /// <param name="x">The X coordinate (horizontal position) of the MREC relative to the top left corner of the screen.</param>
 /// <param name="y">The Y coordinate (vertical position) of the MREC relative to the top left corner of the screen.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="GetMRecLayout">
 /// The MREC is placed within the safe area of the screen. You can use this to get the absolute position Rect of the MREC on screen.
 /// </seealso>
 public static void UpdateMRecPosition(string adUnitIdentifier, float x, float y)
     MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Updating MREC position to '(" + x + "," + y + ")");
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the position of the MREC to the new position provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">The ad unit identifier of the MREC for which to update the position</param>
 /// <param name="mrecPosition">A new position for the MREC</param>
 public static void UpdateMRecPosition(string adUnitIdentifier, AdViewPosition mrecPosition)
     MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Updating MREC position to '" + mrecPosition + "' for ad unit id '" +
                            adUnitIdentifier + "'");
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the MREC placement for an ad unit identifier to tie the future ad events to.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the MREC to set the placement for</param>
 /// <param name="placement">Placement to set</param>
 public static void SetMRecPlacement(string adUnitIdentifier, string placement)
     MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Setting MREC placement to '" + placement + "' for ad unit id '" + adUnitIdentifier +
        [PostProcessBuild(int.MaxValue)] // We want to run Quality Service script last.
        public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string buildPath)
            if (!AppLovinSettings.Instance.QualityServiceEnabled)

            var sdkKey = AppLovinSettings.Instance.SdkKey;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdkKey))
                MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to install AppLovin Quality Service plugin. SDK Key is empty. Please enter the AppLovin SDK Key in the Integration Manager.");

            var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(buildPath, OutputFileName);

            // Check if Quality Service is already installed.
            if (File.Exists(outputFilePath) && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(buildPath, "AppLovinQualityService")))
                // TODO: Check if there is a way to validate if the SDK key matches the script. Else the pub can't use append when/if they change the SDK Key.

            // Download the ruby script needed to install Quality Service
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            var downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(outputFilePath);
            var downloadHandler = new AppLovinDownloadHandler(path);
            var postJson      = string.Format("{{\"sdk_key\" : \"{0}\"}}", sdkKey);
            var bodyRaw       = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postJson);
            var uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(bodyRaw);
            uploadHandler.contentType = "application/json";

            var unityWebRequest = new UnityWebRequest("")
                method          = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST,
                downloadHandler = downloadHandler,
                uploadHandler   = uploadHandler

#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            var operation = unityWebRequest.SendWebRequest();
            var operation = webRequest.Send();

            // Wait for the download to complete or the request to timeout.
            while (!operation.isDone)

#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
            if (unityWebRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
#elif UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            if (unityWebRequest.isNetworkError || unityWebRequest.isHttpError)
            if (webRequest.isError)
                MaxSdkLogger.UserError("AppLovin Quality Service installation failed. Failed to download script with error: " + unityWebRequest.error);

            // Check if Ruby is installed
            var rubyVersion = AppLovinCommandLine.Run("ruby", "--version", buildPath);
            if (rubyVersion.ExitCode != 0)
                MaxSdkLogger.UserError("AppLovin Quality Service installation requires Ruby. Please install Ruby, export it to your system PATH and re-export the project.");

            // Ruby is installed, run `ruby AppLovinQualityServiceSetup.rb`
            var result = AppLovinCommandLine.Run("ruby", OutputFileName, buildPath);

            // Check if we have an error.
            if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to set up AppLovin Quality Service");

Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the position of the cross promo ad to the new coordinates provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">The ad unit identifier of the cross promo ad for which to update the position</param>
 /// <param name="x">The X coordinate (horizontal position) of the cross promo ad relative to the top left corner of the screen.</param>
 /// <param name="y">The Y coordinate (vertical position) of the cross promo ad relative to the top left corner of the screen.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The width of the cross promo ad.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height of the cross promo ad.</param>
 /// <param name="rotation">The rotation of the cross promo ad in degrees.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="GetCrossPromoAdLayout">
 /// The cross promo ad is placed within the safe area of the screen. You can use this to get the absolute position Rect of the cross promo ad on screen.
 /// </seealso>
 public static void UpdateCrossPromoAdPosition(string adUnitIdentifier, float x, float y, float width, float height, float rotation)
     MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Updating cross promo ad position to (" + x + "," + y + ") with size " + width + " x " + height + " and rotation of " + rotation + " degrees");
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the cross promo ad placement for an ad unit identifier to tie the future ad events to.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adUnitIdentifier">Ad unit identifier of the cross promo ad to set the placement for</param>
 /// <param name="placement">Placement to set</param>
 public static void SetCrossPromoAdPlacement(string adUnitIdentifier, string placement)
     MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Setting cross promo ad placement to '" + placement + "' for ad unit id '" + adUnitIdentifier + "'");
        static MaxInitialize()
            // Check that the publisher is targeting iOS 9.0+
            if (!PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString.StartsWith("9.") && !PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString.StartsWith("1"))
                MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Detected iOS project version less than iOS 9 - The AppLovin MAX SDK WILL NOT WORK ON < iOS9!!!");

            var pluginParentDir          = AppLovinIntegrationManager.PluginParentDirectory;
            var isPluginOutsideAssetsDir = AppLovinIntegrationManager.IsPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory;
            var changesMade = AppLovinIntegrationManager.MovePluginFilesIfNeeded(pluginParentDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDir);
            if (isPluginOutsideAssetsDir)
                // If the plugin is not under the assets folder, delete the MaxSdk/Mediation folder in the plugin, so that the adapters are not imported at that location and imported to the default location.
                var mediationDir = Path.Combine(pluginParentDir, "MaxSdk/Mediation");
                if (Directory.Exists(mediationDir))
                    FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(mediationDir + ".meta");
                    changesMade = true;

            AppLovinIntegrationManager.AddLabelsToAssetsIfNeeded(pluginParentDir, isPluginOutsideAssetsDir);

            // Check if we have legacy adapter CHANGELOGs.
            foreach (var network in Networks)
                var mediationAdapterDir = Path.Combine(pluginParentDir, "MaxSdk/Mediation/" + network);

                // If new directory exists
                if (CheckExistence(mediationAdapterDir))
                    var androidChangelogFile = Path.Combine(mediationAdapterDir, AndroidChangelog);
                    if (CheckExistence(androidChangelogFile))
                        changesMade = true;

                    var iosChangelogFile = Path.Combine(mediationAdapterDir, IosChangelog);
                    if (CheckExistence(iosChangelogFile))
                        changesMade = true;

            // Check if any obsolete networks are installed
            foreach (var obsoleteNetwork in ObsoleteNetworks)
                var networkDir = Path.Combine(pluginParentDir, "MaxSdk/Mediation/" + obsoleteNetwork);
                if (CheckExistence(networkDir))
                    MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Deleting obsolete network " + obsoleteNetwork + " from path " + networkDir + "...");
                    changesMade = true;

            // Refresh UI
            if (changesMade)
                MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("AppLovin MAX Migration completed");
