Exemple #1
        public void IResolveManagerIsNullShouldThrow()
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter();

            Action act = () => formatter.Format("something", "somename", null);

            act.ShouldThrow <PtvArgumentException>().WithMessage("Resolve manager cannot be null and has to be provided.", "Because resolve manager is used for resolving of other instances.");
Exemple #2
        public void FormatValueNameResolveManagerEntityShouldNotThrowNotImplemented()
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter();

            Action act = () => formatter.Format("something", "somename", null, null);

            act.ShouldNotThrow <NotImplementedException>();
Exemple #3
        public void FormatValueNameShouldNotThrowNotImplemented()
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter();

            Action act = () => formatter.Format("something", "somename");

            act.ShouldNotThrow <NotImplementedException>();
Exemple #4
        public void TestWithTooLongJson()
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter(50);

            string valueIn = "{\"entityMap\":{},\"blocks\":[{\"text\":\"Toimisto ottaa vastaan asumisoikeusasunnon hakemukset järjestysnumeron saaneilta hakijoilta.\",\"type\":\"unstyled\",\"key\":\"N5A1X\",\"depth\":0,\"inlineStyleRanges\":[],\"entityRanges\":[]}]}";

            Action act = () => formatter.Format(valueIn, "DemoName", new MockResolveManager());

            act.ShouldThrowExactly <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>();
Exemple #5
        public void TestWithPlainText()
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter();

            string valueIn = "some text here";

            string valueOut = formatter.Format(valueIn, "DemoName", new MockResolveManager()) as string;

            // MaxLengthFormatter returns the same string that it was passed so the string references should be the same
            ReferenceEquals(valueIn, valueOut).Should().BeTrue();
Exemple #6
        public void TestWithJson()
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter(500);

            string valueIn = "{\"entityMap\":{},\"blocks\":[{\"text\":\"Toimisto ottaa vastaan asumisoikeusasunnon hakemukset järjestysnumeron saaneilta hakijoilta.\",\"type\":\"unstyled\",\"key\":\"N5A1X\",\"depth\":0,\"inlineStyleRanges\":[],\"entityRanges\":[]}]}";

            string valueOut = formatter.Format(valueIn, "DemoName", new MockResolveManager()) as string;

            // MaxLengthFormatter returns the same string that it was passed so the string references should be the same
            ReferenceEquals(valueIn, valueOut).Should().BeTrue();
Exemple #7
        public void TestWithObject()
            // the formatter expects the value to be string
            MaxLengthFormatter formatter = new MaxLengthFormatter();
            SomeDemoObject     obj       = new SomeDemoObject()
                Integer = 100,
                String  = "Some text",
                Type    = "Demo"

            Action act = () => formatter.Format(obj, "Demo", new MockResolveManager());

            act.ShouldThrowExactly <PtvArgumentException>($"Expected value is string! Value {obj.ToString()} of type Demo is not valid.");