private void buttonConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewInputFiles.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(Configuration.Settings.Language.BatchConvert.NothingToConvert); return; } if (!checkBoxOverwriteOriginalFiles.Checked) { if (textBoxOutputFolder.Text.Length < 2) { MessageBox.Show(Configuration.Settings.Language.BatchConvert.PleaseChooseOutputFolder); return; } else if (!Directory.Exists(textBoxOutputFolder.Text)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(textBoxOutputFolder.Text); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); return; } } } _converting = true; buttonConvert.Enabled = false; buttonCancel.Enabled = false; progressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks; progressBar1.Maximum = listViewInputFiles.Items.Count; progressBar1.Value = 0; progressBar1.Visible = progressBar1.Maximum > 2; string toFormat = comboBoxSubtitleFormats.Text; groupBoxOutput.Enabled = false; groupBoxConvertOptions.Enabled = false; buttonInputBrowse.Enabled = false; buttonSearchFolder.Enabled = false; _count = 0; _converted = 0; _errors = 0; _abort = false; BackgroundWorker worker1 = new BackgroundWorker(); BackgroundWorker worker2 = new BackgroundWorker(); BackgroundWorker worker3 = new BackgroundWorker(); worker1.DoWork += DoThreadWork; worker1.RunWorkerCompleted += ThreadWorkerCompleted; worker2.DoWork += DoThreadWork; worker2.RunWorkerCompleted += ThreadWorkerCompleted; worker3.DoWork += DoThreadWork; worker3.RunWorkerCompleted += ThreadWorkerCompleted; listViewInputFiles.BeginUpdate(); foreach (ListViewItem item in listViewInputFiles.Items) item.SubItems[3].Text = "-"; listViewInputFiles.EndUpdate(); Refresh(); int index = 0; while (index < listViewInputFiles.Items.Count && _abort == false) { ListViewItem item = listViewInputFiles.Items[index]; string fileName = item.Text; try { SubtitleFormat format = null; Encoding encoding; var sub = new Subtitle(); var fi = new FileInfo(fileName); if (fi.Length < 1024 * 1024) // max 1 mb { format = sub.LoadSubtitle(fileName, out encoding, null); if (format == null) { var ebu = new Ebu(); if (ebu.IsMine(null, fileName)) { ebu.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = ebu; } } if (format == null) { var pac = new Pac(); if (pac.IsMine(null, fileName)) { pac.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = pac; } } if (format == null) { var cavena890 = new Cavena890(); if (cavena890.IsMine(null, fileName)) { cavena890.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = cavena890; } } if (format == null) { var spt = new Spt(); if (spt.IsMine(null, fileName)) { spt.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = spt; } } if (format == null) { var cheetahCaption = new CheetahCaption(); if (cheetahCaption.IsMine(null, fileName)) { cheetahCaption.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = cheetahCaption; } } if (format == null) { var capMakerPlus = new CapMakerPlus(); if (capMakerPlus.IsMine(null, fileName)) { capMakerPlus.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = capMakerPlus; } } if (format == null) { var captionate = new Captionate(); if (captionate.IsMine(null, fileName)) { captionate.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = captionate; } } if (format == null) { var ultech130 = new Ultech130(); if (ultech130.IsMine(null, fileName)) { ultech130.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = ultech130; } } if (format == null) { var nciCaption = new NciCaption(); if (nciCaption.IsMine(null, fileName)) { nciCaption.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = nciCaption; } } if (format == null) { var avidStl = new AvidStl(); if (avidStl.IsMine(null, fileName)) { avidStl.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = avidStl; } } if (format == null) { var elr = new ELRStudioClosedCaption(); if (elr.IsMine(null, fileName)) { elr.LoadSubtitle(sub, null, fileName); format = elr; } } if (format != null && format.GetType() == typeof(MicroDvd)) { if (sub != null && sub.Paragraphs.Count > 0 && sub.Paragraphs[0].Duration.TotalMilliseconds < 1001) { if (sub.Paragraphs[0].Text.StartsWith("29.") || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text.StartsWith("23.") || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text.StartsWith("29,") || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text.StartsWith("23,") || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text == "24" || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text == "25" || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text == "30" || sub.Paragraphs[0].Text == "60") sub.Paragraphs.RemoveAt(0); } } } var bluRaySubtitles = new List<BluRaySupParser.PcsData>(); bool isVobSub = false; bool isMatroska = false; if (format == null && fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".sup") && Main.IsBluRaySupFile(fileName)) { var log = new StringBuilder(); bluRaySubtitles = BluRaySupParser.ParseBluRaySup(fileName, log); } else if (format == null && fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".sub") && Main.HasVobSubHeader(fileName)) { isVobSub = true; } else if (format == null && fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".mkv") && item.SubItems[2].Text.StartsWith("Matroska")) { isMatroska = true; } if (format == null && bluRaySubtitles.Count == 0 && !isVobSub && !isMatroska) { if (progressBar1.Value < progressBar1.Maximum) progressBar1.Value++; labelStatus.Text = progressBar1.Value + " / " + progressBar1.Maximum; } else { if (isMatroska) { if (Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower() == ".mkv" || Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower() == ".mks") { Matroska mkv = new Matroska(); bool isValid = false; bool hasConstantFrameRate = false; double frameRate = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; double milliseconds = 0; string videoCodec = string.Empty; mkv.GetMatroskaInfo(fileName, ref isValid, ref hasConstantFrameRate, ref frameRate, ref width, ref height, ref milliseconds, ref videoCodec); if (isValid) { var subtitleList = mkv.GetMatroskaSubtitleTracks(fileName, out isValid); if (subtitleList.Count > 0) { foreach (MatroskaSubtitleInfo x in subtitleList) { if (x.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_VOBSUB") { //TODO: convert from VobSub image based format } else if (x.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_HDMV/PGS") { //TODO: convert from Blu-ray image based format } else if (x.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_TEXT/UTF8" || x.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_TEXT/SSA" || x.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_TEXT/ASS") { _matroskaListViewItem = item; List<SubtitleSequence> mkvSub = mkv.GetMatroskaSubtitle(fileName, (int)x.TrackNumber, out isValid, MatroskaProgress); bool isSsa = false; if (x.CodecPrivate.ToLower().Contains("[script info]")) { if (x.CodecPrivate.ToLower().Contains("[V4 Styles]".ToLower())) format = new SubStationAlpha(); else format = new AdvancedSubStationAlpha(); isSsa = true; } else { format = new SubRip(); } if (isSsa) { foreach (Paragraph p in Main.LoadMatroskaSSa(x, fileName, format, mkvSub).Paragraphs) { sub.Paragraphs.Add(p); } } else { foreach (SubtitleSequence p in mkvSub) { sub.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(p.Text, p.StartMilliseconds, p.EndMilliseconds)); } } break; } } } } } } else if (bluRaySubtitles.Count > 0) { item.SubItems[3].Text = "OCR..."; var vobSubOcr = new VobSubOcr(); vobSubOcr.FileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); vobSubOcr.InitializeBatch(bluRaySubtitles, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr, fileName); sub = vobSubOcr.SubtitleFromOcr; } else if (isVobSub) { item.SubItems[3].Text = "OCR..."; var vobSubOcr = new VobSubOcr(); vobSubOcr.InitializeBatch(fileName, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr, true); sub = vobSubOcr.SubtitleFromOcr; } if (comboBoxSubtitleFormats.Text == new AdvancedSubStationAlpha().Name && _assStyle != null) { sub.Header = _assStyle; } else if (comboBoxSubtitleFormats.Text == new SubStationAlpha().Name && _ssaStyle != null) { sub.Header = _ssaStyle; } int prevIndex = -1; foreach (Paragraph p in sub.Paragraphs) { string prevText = string.Empty; var prev = sub.GetParagraphOrDefault(prevIndex); if (prev != null) prevText = prev.Text; prevIndex++; if (checkBoxRemoveTextForHI.Checked) { p.Text = _removeForHI.RemoveTextFromHearImpaired(p.Text, prevText); } if (checkBoxRemoveFormatting.Checked) { p.Text = Utilities.RemoveHtmlTags(p.Text); if (p.Text.StartsWith("{") && p.Text.Length > 6 && p.Text[5] == '}') p.Text = p.Text.Remove(0, 6); if (p.Text.StartsWith("{") && p.Text.Length > 6 && p.Text[4] == '}') p.Text = p.Text.Remove(0, 5); } } if (checkBoxFixCasing.Checked) { _changeCasing.FixCasing(sub, Utilities.AutoDetectGoogleLanguage(sub)); _changeCasingNames.Initialize(sub); _changeCasingNames.FixCasing(); } double fromFrameRate; double toFrameRate; if (double.TryParse(comboBoxFrameRateFrom.Text, out fromFrameRate) && double.TryParse(comboBoxFrameRateTo.Text, out toFrameRate)) { sub.ChangeFramerate(fromFrameRate, toFrameRate); } if (timeUpDownAdjust.TimeCode.TotalMilliseconds > 0.00001) { var totalMilliseconds = timeUpDownAdjust.TimeCode.TotalMilliseconds; if (radioButtonShowEarlier.Checked) totalMilliseconds *= -1; sub.AddTimeToAllParagraphs(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalMilliseconds)); } while (worker1.IsBusy && worker2.IsBusy && worker3.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } ThreadDoWorkParameter parameter = new ThreadDoWorkParameter(checkBoxFixCommonErrors.Checked, checkBoxMultipleReplace.Checked, checkBoxSplitLongLines.Checked, checkBoxAutoBalance.Checked, checkBoxSetMinimumDisplayTimeBetweenSubs.Checked, item, sub, GetCurrentSubtitleFormat(), GetCurrentEncoding(), Configuration.Settings.Tools.BatchConvertLanguage, fileName, toFormat, format); if (!worker1.IsBusy) worker1.RunWorkerAsync(parameter); else if (!worker2.IsBusy) worker2.RunWorkerAsync(parameter); else if (!worker3.IsBusy) worker3.RunWorkerAsync(parameter); } } catch { if (progressBar1.Value < progressBar1.Maximum) progressBar1.Value++; labelStatus.Text = progressBar1.Value + " / " + progressBar1.Maximum; } index++; } while (worker1.IsBusy || worker2.IsBusy || worker3.IsBusy) { try { Application.DoEvents(); } catch { } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } _converting = false; labelStatus.Text = string.Empty; progressBar1.Visible = false; buttonConvert.Enabled = true; buttonCancel.Enabled = true; groupBoxOutput.Enabled = true; groupBoxConvertOptions.Enabled = true; buttonInputBrowse.Enabled = true; buttonSearchFolder.Enabled = true; }
private void LoadVobSubFromMatroska(MatroskaSubtitleInfo matroskaSubtitleInfo, string fileName) { if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.ContentEncodingType == 1) { MessageBox.Show("Encrypted vobsub content not supported"); } bool isValid; var matroska = new Matroska(); ShowStatus(_language.ParsingMatroskaFile); Refresh(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; List<SubtitleSequence> sub = matroska.GetMatroskaSubtitle(fileName, (int)matroskaSubtitleInfo.TrackNumber, out isValid, MatroskaProgress); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; if (isValid) { MakeHistoryForUndo(_language.BeforeImportFromMatroskaFile); _subtitleListViewIndex = -1; _subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); List<VobSubMergedPack> mergedVobSubPacks = new List<VobSubMergedPack>(); Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic.VobSub.Idx idx = new Logic.VobSub.Idx(matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); foreach (SubtitleSequence p in sub) { if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.ContentEncodingType == 0) // compressed with zlib { bool error = false; MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream(); ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib.ZOutputStream outZStream = new ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib.ZOutputStream(outStream); MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(p.BinaryData); byte[] buffer = null; try { CopyStream(inStream, outZStream); buffer = new byte[outZStream.TotalOut]; outStream.Position = 0; outStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); error = true; } finally { outStream.Close(); outZStream.Close(); inStream.Close(); } if (!error) mergedVobSubPacks.Add(new VobSubMergedPack(buffer, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(p.StartMilliseconds), 32, null)); } else { mergedVobSubPacks.Add(new VobSubMergedPack(p.BinaryData, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(p.StartMilliseconds), 32, null)); } mergedVobSubPacks[mergedVobSubPacks.Count - 1].EndTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(p.EndMilliseconds); // fix overlapping (some versions of Handbrake makes overlapping time codes - thx Hawke) if (mergedVobSubPacks.Count > 1 && mergedVobSubPacks[mergedVobSubPacks.Count - 2].EndTime > mergedVobSubPacks[mergedVobSubPacks.Count - 1].StartTime) mergedVobSubPacks[mergedVobSubPacks.Count - 2].EndTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(mergedVobSubPacks[mergedVobSubPacks.Count - 1].StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - 1); } var formSubOcr = new VobSubOcr(); _formPositionsAndSizes.SetPositionAndSize(formSubOcr); formSubOcr.Initialize(mergedVobSubPacks, idx.Palette, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr, null); //TODO - language??? if (_loading) { formSubOcr.Icon = (Icon)this.Icon.Clone(); formSubOcr.ShowInTaskbar = true; formSubOcr.ShowIcon = true; } if (formSubOcr.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { ResetSubtitle(); _subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); _subtitle.WasLoadedWithFrameNumbers = false; foreach (Paragraph p in formSubOcr.SubtitleFromOcr.Paragraphs) _subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(p); ShowSource(); SubtitleListview1.Fill(_subtitle, _subtitleAlternate); _subtitleListViewIndex = -1; SubtitleListview1.FirstVisibleIndex = -1; SubtitleListview1.SelectIndexAndEnsureVisible(0); _fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); _converted = true; Text = Title; Configuration.Settings.Save(); } _formPositionsAndSizes.SavePositionAndSize(formSubOcr); } }
internal Subtitle LoadMatroskaSubtitleForSync(MatroskaSubtitleInfo matroskaSubtitleInfo, string fileName) { Subtitle subtitle = new Subtitle(); bool isValid; bool isSsa = false; var matroska = new Matroska(); SubtitleFormat format; if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_VOBSUB") { return subtitle; } if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_HDMV/PGS") { return subtitle; } List<SubtitleSequence> sub = matroska.GetMatroskaSubtitle(fileName, (int)matroskaSubtitleInfo.TrackNumber, out isValid, MatroskaProgress); if (isValid) { if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate.ToLower().Contains("[script info]")) { if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate.ToLower().Contains("[V4 Styles]".ToLower())) format = new SubStationAlpha(); else format = new AdvancedSubStationAlpha(); isSsa = true; } else { format = new SubRip(); } if (isSsa) { foreach (Paragraph p in LoadMatroskaSSa(matroskaSubtitleInfo, fileName, format, sub).Paragraphs) { subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(p); } } else { foreach (SubtitleSequence p in sub) { subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(p.Text, p.StartMilliseconds, p.EndMilliseconds)); } } } return subtitle; }
private void LoadBluRaySubFromMatroska(MatroskaSubtitleInfo matroskaSubtitleInfo, string fileName) { if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.ContentEncodingType == 1) { MessageBox.Show("Encrypted vobsub content not supported"); } bool isValid; var matroska = new Matroska(); ShowStatus(_language.ParsingMatroskaFile); Refresh(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; List<SubtitleSequence> sub = matroska.GetMatroskaSubtitle(fileName, (int)matroskaSubtitleInfo.TrackNumber, out isValid, MatroskaProgress); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; int noOfErrors = 0; string lastError = string.Empty; if (isValid) { MakeHistoryForUndo(_language.BeforeImportFromMatroskaFile); _subtitleListViewIndex = -1; _subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); var subtitles = new List<Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic.BluRaySup.BluRaySupParser.PcsData>(); StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SubtitleSequence p in sub) { byte[] buffer = null; if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.ContentEncodingType == 0) // compressed with zlib { MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream(); ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib.ZOutputStream outZStream = new ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib.ZOutputStream(outStream); MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(p.BinaryData); try { CopyStream(inStream, outZStream); buffer = new byte[outZStream.TotalOut]; outStream.Position = 0; outStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } catch (Exception exception) { TimeCode tc = new TimeCode(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(p.StartMilliseconds)); lastError = tc.ToString() + ": " + exception.Message + ": " + exception.StackTrace; noOfErrors++; } finally { outStream.Close(); outZStream.Close(); inStream.Close(); } } else { buffer = p.BinaryData; } if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 100) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer); var list = BluRaySupParser.ParseBluRaySup(ms, log, true); foreach (var sup in list) { sup.StartTime = (long) ((p.StartMilliseconds - 1)*90.0); sup.EndTime = (long) ((p.EndMilliseconds - 1)*90.0); subtitles.Add(sup); // fix overlapping if (subtitles.Count > 1 && sub[subtitles.Count - 2].EndMilliseconds > sub[subtitles.Count - 1].StartMilliseconds) subtitles[subtitles.Count - 2].EndTime = subtitles[subtitles.Count - 1].StartTime - 1; } ms.Close(); } else if (subtitles.Count > 0) { var lastSub = subtitles[subtitles.Count - 1]; if (lastSub.StartTime == lastSub.EndTime) { lastSub.EndTime = (long)((p.StartMilliseconds - 1) * 90.0); if (lastSub.EndTime - lastSub.StartTime > 1000000) lastSub.EndTime = lastSub.StartTime; } } } if (noOfErrors > 0) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} errror(s) occured during extraction of bdsup\r\n\r\n{1}", noOfErrors, lastError)); } var formSubOcr = new VobSubOcr(); _formPositionsAndSizes.SetPositionAndSize(formSubOcr); formSubOcr.Initialize(subtitles, Configuration.Settings.VobSubOcr, fileName); if (_loading) { formSubOcr.Icon = (Icon)Icon.Clone(); formSubOcr.ShowInTaskbar = true; formSubOcr.ShowIcon = true; } if (formSubOcr.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { MakeHistoryForUndo(_language.BeforeImportingDvdSubtitle); _subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); SetCurrentFormat(Configuration.Settings.General.DefaultSubtitleFormat); _subtitle.WasLoadedWithFrameNumbers = false; _subtitle.CalculateFrameNumbersFromTimeCodes(CurrentFrameRate); foreach (Paragraph p in formSubOcr.SubtitleFromOcr.Paragraphs) { _subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(p); } ShowSource(); SubtitleListview1.Fill(_subtitle, _subtitleAlternate); _subtitleListViewIndex = -1; SubtitleListview1.FirstVisibleIndex = -1; SubtitleListview1.SelectIndexAndEnsureVisible(0); _fileName = string.Empty; Text = Title; Configuration.Settings.Save(); } _formPositionsAndSizes.SavePositionAndSize(formSubOcr); } }
internal void LoadMatroskaSubtitle(MatroskaSubtitleInfo matroskaSubtitleInfo, string fileName, bool batchMode) { bool isValid; bool isSsa = false; var matroska = new Matroska(); SubtitleFormat format; if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_VOBSUB") { if (batchMode) return; LoadVobSubFromMatroska(matroskaSubtitleInfo, fileName); return; } if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecId.ToUpper() == "S_HDMV/PGS") { if (batchMode) return; LoadBluRaySubFromMatroska(matroskaSubtitleInfo, fileName); return; } ShowStatus(_language.ParsingMatroskaFile); Refresh(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; List<SubtitleSequence> sub = matroska.GetMatroskaSubtitle(fileName, (int)matroskaSubtitleInfo.TrackNumber, out isValid, MatroskaProgress); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; if (isValid) { MakeHistoryForUndo(_language.BeforeImportFromMatroskaFile); _subtitleListViewIndex = -1; if (!batchMode) ResetSubtitle(); _subtitle.Paragraphs.Clear(); if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate.ToLower().Contains("[script info]")) { if (matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate.ToLower().Contains("[V4 Styles]".ToLower())) format = new SubStationAlpha(); else format = new AdvancedSubStationAlpha(); isSsa = true; if (_networkSession == null) { SubtitleListview1.ShowExtraColumn(Configuration.Settings.Language.General.Style); SubtitleListview1.DisplayExtraFromExtra = true; } } else { format = new SubRip(); if (_networkSession == null && SubtitleListview1.IsExtraColumnVisible) SubtitleListview1.HideExtraColumn(); } comboBoxSubtitleFormats.SelectedIndexChanged -= ComboBoxSubtitleFormatsSelectedIndexChanged; SetCurrentFormat(format); comboBoxSubtitleFormats.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBoxSubtitleFormatsSelectedIndexChanged; if (isSsa) { foreach (Paragraph p in LoadMatroskaSSa(matroskaSubtitleInfo, fileName, format, sub).Paragraphs) { _subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(p); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate)) { bool eventsStarted = false; bool fontsStarted = false; bool graphicsStarted = false; var header = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string line in matroskaSubtitleInfo.CodecPrivate.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\n").Split('\n')) { if (!eventsStarted && !fontsStarted && !graphicsStarted) { header.AppendLine(line); } else if (line.Trim().ToLower().StartsWith("dialogue:")) { eventsStarted = true; fontsStarted = false; graphicsStarted = false; } else if (line.Trim().ToLower() == "[events]") { eventsStarted = true; fontsStarted = false; graphicsStarted = false; } else if (line.Trim().ToLower() == "[fonts]") { eventsStarted = false; fontsStarted = true; graphicsStarted = false; } else if (line.Trim().ToLower() == "[graphics]") { eventsStarted = false; fontsStarted = false; graphicsStarted = true; } } _subtitle.Header = header.ToString(); } } else { foreach (SubtitleSequence p in sub) { _subtitle.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(p.Text, p.StartMilliseconds, p.EndMilliseconds)); } } SetEncoding(Encoding.UTF8); ShowStatus(_language.SubtitleImportedFromMatroskaFile); _subtitle.Renumber(1); _subtitle.WasLoadedWithFrameNumbers = false; if (fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".mkv") || fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".mks")) { _fileName = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 4); Text = Title + " - " + _fileName; } else { Text = Title; } _fileDateTime = new DateTime(); _converted = true; if (batchMode) return; SubtitleListview1.Fill(_subtitle, _subtitleAlternate); if (_subtitle.Paragraphs.Count > 0) SubtitleListview1.SelectIndexAndEnsureVisible(0); ShowSource(); } }