public ActionResult Index() { var t = _dbContext.BasicInformations.First(); var CalCount = MatlabReader.Read <double>(t.PathToData, "Vk_record").Column(0); return(Ok(CalCount.ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 50 == 0))); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { const string dataset = "nips12raw_str602"; string filename = Path.Combine(DataPath, dataset + ".mat"); var dataList = MatlabReader.List(filename); var counts = MatlabReader.Read <double>(filename, "counts"); var wc = MatlabReader.Read <double>(filename, "wc"); // var lda = new LDA(wc.RowCount, 20); const int batches = 100; var lda = new LDAShared(batches, wc.RowCount, 20); var wordsInDoc = counts.EnumerateColumns() .Select(row => row.EnumerateIndexed().ToDictionary(ia => ia.Item1, ia => (int)ia.Item2)) .ToArray(); Dirichlet[] postTheta; Dirichlet[] postPhi; lda.Infer(wordsInDoc, 1.0, 1.0, out postTheta, out postPhi); var ldaPredict = new LDAPredictionModel(wc.RowCount, 20); var predictions = ldaPredict.Predict(postTheta, postPhi); foreach (var prediction in predictions) { Console.WriteLine(prediction); } }
private void BrowseTransferFunctionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Users\ConraN01\Documents\Spyder_WS\MRI_RF_TF_Tool_Project\Test Files for Python Utility\Neuro Orion MRI RF Heating TF Files"; ofd.Filter = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Title = "Select TF files..."; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (ofd.FileNames.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "No files selected", "TF Reading Error"); return; } try { var f = ofd.FileName; var shortfname = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f); var mz = MatlabReader.Read <double>(f, "z"); var msr = MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(f, "Sr"); // Take either first row or column.... if (mz.ColumnCount == 1 && mz.RowCount > 1) { TFz = mz.Column(0); } else if (mz.RowCount == 1 && mz.ColumnCount > 1) { TFz = mz.Row(0); } else { throw new FormatException("Input matrix must be 1xN or Nx1, with N>=2"); } if (msr.ColumnCount == 1 && msr.RowCount > 1) { TFSr = msr.Column(0); } else if (mz.RowCount == 1 && msr.ColumnCount > 1) { TFSr = msr.Row(0); } else { throw new FormatException("Input matrix must be 1xN or Nx1, with N>=2"); } if (TFz.Count != TFSr.Count) { throw new FormatException("Input matrices must be of equal dimensions"); } TransferFunctionFilenameLabel.Text = shortfname; TFFileFullPath = ofd.FileName; ViewTFButton.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, "TF File could not be opened!\n\n" + ex.Message, "Error loading TF file", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void SolidPoint3D() { var projcoord = MatlabReader.Read <double>("..\\..\\..\\MGroup.IGA.Tests\\InputFiles\\SolidPointProjectiveCP.mat", "projcoord"); var projectiveCPCoordinates = new double[735, 4]; var counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCPKsi3D + 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCPHeta3D + 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < numberofCPZeta3D + 1; k++) { var index = k * (numberOfCPHeta3D + 1) * (numberOfCPKsi3D + 1) + j * (numberOfCPKsi3D + 1) + i; projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 0] = projcoord.At(index, 0); projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 1] = projcoord.At(index, 1); projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 2] = projcoord.At(index, 2); projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 3] = projcoord.At(index, 3); } } } var point = ParaviewNurbs3D.SolidPoint3D(numberOfCPKsi3D, degreeKsi3D, knotValueVectorKsi3D, numberOfCPHeta3D, degreeHeta3D, knotValueVectorHeta3D, numberofCPZeta3D, degreeZeta3D, knotValueVectorZeta3D, projectiveCPCoordinates, coordinateKsi3D, coordinateHeta3D, coordinateZeta3D); var expectedPoint = new double[] { 0.75, 0, 0, 1 }; for (int i = 0; i < point.Length; i++) { Utilities.AreValuesEqual(expectedPoint[i], point[i], 1e-14); } }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Create([FromBody] ddd collection) { Console.WriteLine(collection); var dateTimes = collection.selectedOptiont.Select(s => { if (DateTime.TryParse(s, out DateTime dt)) { return(dt); } else { // 这种时间应该是不会有对应的记录的 return(DateTime.MinValue); } }); var t = _dbContext.BasicInformations .Where(s => dateTimes.Any(t => s.DateTime == t)); List <IEnumerable <double> > data = new(t.Count()); foreach (var item in t) { // data.Add(MatlabReader.Read <double>(item.PathToData, collection.dataItem).Column(0) .ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 50 == 0)); } //t.Select(s => ); //var CalCount = MatlabReader.Read<double>(t.First().PathToData, "Vk_record").Column(0); var dates = _dbContext.BasicInformations.Take(3).Select(s => s.DateTime); return(Ok(new { collection, data, dates })); //return Ok(collection); }
private void BrowseRefButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if (Directory.Exists(@"C: \Users\ConraN01\Documents\")) { ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Users\ConraN01\Documents\Spyder_WS\MRI_RF_TF_Tool_Project\Test Files for Python Utility\Neuro Orion MRI RF Heating TF Files"; } ofd.Filter = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } try { Bkgz = MatlabReader.Read <double>(ofd.FileName, "z").Column(0); BkgSr = MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(ofd.FileName, "Sr").Column(0); BkgFilename = ofd.FileName; BackgroundTFFilenameLabel.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Bkgz = null; BkgSr = null; BackgroundTFFilenameLabel.Text = "..."; BkgFilename = null; Replot(); MessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "TF Reading Error"); return; } Replot(); }
public static void TestReadingMat() { // test reading a .mat file // string path = "/nfs/nhome/live/wittawat/SHARE/gatsby/research/code/saved/test_mat.mat"; string path = "../../Saved/test_mat1.mat"; Dictionary <string, Object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(path); // a struct is read as a Dictionary<string, Object> Console.WriteLine("s: {0}", dict["s"]); Dictionary <string, Object> s = (Dictionary <string, Object>)dict["s"]; Object aobj = s["a"]; Console.WriteLine("s.a: {0}", aobj); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", s["st"]); // cell array (1d) is read as Object[,] (2d) Object[,] cobj = (Object[, ])s["c"]; Console.WriteLine("s.c: {0}", cobj[0, 1]); // a numerical array is read as MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Matrix Object lobj = s["l"]; Console.WriteLine("s.l: {0}", lobj.GetType()); // mat file cannot contain Matlab objects. Otherwise, an exception // is thrown. }
public ETan(string filename) { z = MatlabReader.Read <double>(filename, "etan_z").Column(0); rms = MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(filename, "etan_rms").Column(0); this.filename = filename; name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename); }
private void CompareTFButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); List <Vector <double> > ZList = new List <Vector <double> >(); List <Vector <Complex> > SrList = new List <Vector <Complex> >(); ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Users\ConraN01\Documents\Spyder_WS\MRI_RF_TF_Tool_Project\Test Files for Python Utility\Neuro Orion MRI RF Heating TF Files"; ofd.Multiselect = true; ofd.Filter = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (ofd.FileNames.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "No files selected", "TF Reading Error"); } try { foreach (string f in ofd.FileNames) { ZList.Add(MatlabReader.Read <double>(f, "z").Column(0)); SrList.Add(MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(f, "Sr").Column(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "TF Reading Error"); return; } TFComparisonForm tfcf = new TFComparisonForm(ofd.FileNames, ZList, SrList); tfcf.Show(); }
public void CanReadFirstMatrix() { var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./data/Matlab/A.mat"); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), matrix.GetType()); AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(100.108979553704, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 5); }
public void CanReadFloatNamedSparseMatrix() { var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <float>("./data/Matlab/sparse-small.mat", "S"); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.SparseMatrix), matrix.GetType()); AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(17.6385090630805f, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 6); }
public Disturbance() { IsWindEnabled = Configuration.IsWindEnabled; if (IsWindEnabled) { CalCount = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "cal_count").Column(0); WindModelState = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "wind_model_state"); Wind = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "wind").Column(0); WindLateral = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "wind_lat").Column(0); } }
public void CanReadFloatNamedSparseMatrix() { using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.sparse-small.mat")) { var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <float>(stream, "S"); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.SparseMatrix), matrix.GetType()); AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(17.6385090630805f, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 6); } }
public void CanReadFirstMatrix() { using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.A.mat")) { var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <double>(stream); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount); Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), matrix.GetType()); AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(100.108979553704, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 5); } }
public static void TestLoadingMatData() { string path = Config.PathToSavedFile("data/banknote_norm.mat"); Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(path); Matrix x = (Matrix)dict["X"]; Console.WriteLine(x); Console.WriteLine(); Matrix y = (Matrix)dict["Y"]; Console.WriteLine(y); }
internal void LogisticIrtTest() { Variable <int> numStudents = Variable.New <int>().Named("numStudents"); Range student = new Range(numStudents); VariableArray <double> ability = Variable.Array <double>(student).Named("ability"); ability[student] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1e-6).ForEach(student); Variable <int> numQuestions = Variable.New <int>().Named("numQuestions"); Range question = new Range(numQuestions); VariableArray <double> difficulty = Variable.Array <double>(question).Named("difficulty"); difficulty[question] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1e-6).ForEach(question); VariableArray <double> discrimination = Variable.Array <double>(question).Named("discrimination"); discrimination[question] = Variable.Exp(Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1).ForEach(question)); VariableArray2D <bool> response = Variable.Array <bool>(student, question).Named("response"); response[student, question] = Variable.BernoulliFromLogOdds(((ability[student] - difficulty[question]).Named("minus") * discrimination[question]).Named("product")); bool[,] data; double[] discriminationTrue = new double[0]; bool useDummyData = false; if (useDummyData) { data = new bool[4, 2]; for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < data.GetLength(1); j++) { data[i, j] = (i > j); } } } else { // simulated data // also try IRT2PL_10_250.mat //TODO: change path for cross platform using Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(@"..\..\..\Tests\Data\IRT2PL_10_1000.mat"); Matrix m = (Matrix)dict["Y"]; data = ConvertToBool(m.ToArray()); m = (Matrix)dict["discrimination"]; discriminationTrue = Util.ArrayInit(data.GetLength(1), i => m[i]); } numStudents.ObservedValue = data.GetLength(0); numQuestions.ObservedValue = data.GetLength(1); response.ObservedValue = data; InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine(); engine.Algorithm = new VariationalMessagePassing(); Console.WriteLine(StringUtil.JoinColumns(engine.Infer(discrimination), " should be ", StringUtil.ToString(discriminationTrue))); }
// event RecordShipStateEvent; public Ship() { DeckEnable = Configuration.IsDeckCompensationEnabled; omega_d_2i = vb.Dense(new double[] { omega_dx_2i, omega_dy_2i, omega_dz_2i }); DeckPosition = Position; if (DeckEnable) { ForwardFilterState = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./ForwardFilter.mat", "forward_filter_state"); CurrentDeckPredict = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./ForwardFilter.mat", "current_deck_predict").Column(0); CurrentDeckControl = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./ForwardFilter.mat", "current_deck_control").Column(0); CurrentDeckLateralControl = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./ForwardFilter.mat", "current_deck_control_lat").Column(0); } }
public void MatlabWriteNumericNameTest() { string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteNumericNameTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat"; using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName)) { writer.Write("24", new int[0]); } Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName); int[] ints = (int[])vars["24"]; Assert.Empty(ints); }
//[DeploymentItem(@"Data\test.mat", "Data")] public void MatlabWriterTest() { Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(Path.Combine(TestUtils.DataFolderPath, "test.mat")); string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriterTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat"; using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName)) { foreach (var entry in dict) { writer.Write(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } MatlabReaderTester(fileName); }
private void OpenMatFile() { //TODO: Change to button reaction or.. as a resource in debug using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\ImageData.mat")) { _faceCoordinates = MatlabReader.Read <double>(reader.BaseStream, "SubDir_Data"); List <double> list = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { list.Add(_faceCoordinates[i, 0]); } } ; }
static private void TestSparseGeneration(string Path) { var UniformMat = MatlabReader.Read <double> (Path, "Tri"); var NodeCount = MatlabReader.Read <double> (Path, "NodeCount"); var Count = NodeCount.ToArray(); var Delaunay = new int[UniformMat.RowCount, UniformMat.ColumnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < Delaunay.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Delaunay.GetLength(1); j++) { Delaunay [i, j] = (int)UniformMat [i, j] - 1; } } var myArray = new Sparse(Delaunay, (int)Count[0, 0]); }
//[DeploymentItem(@"Data\IRT2PL_10_250.mat", "Data")] public void MatlabReaderTest2() { Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(Path.Combine(TestUtils.DataFolderPath, "IRT2PL_10_250.mat")); Assert.Equal(5, dict.Count); Matrix m = (Matrix)dict["Y"]; Assert.True(m.Rows == 250); Assert.True(m.Cols == 10); Assert.True(m[0, 1] == 0.0); Assert.True(m[1, 0] == 1.0); m = (Matrix)dict["difficulty"]; Assert.True(m.Rows == 10); Assert.True(m.Cols == 1); Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(m[1], 0.7773) < 2e-4); }
//[DeploymentItem(@"Data\test.mat", "Data")] public void MatlabWriterTest() { Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(Path.Combine( #if NETCORE Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(PsychTests).Assembly.Location), // work dir is not the one with Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll on netcore and neither is .Location on netfull #endif "Data", "test.mat")); string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriterTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat"; using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName)) { foreach (var entry in dict) { writer.Write(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } MatlabReaderTester(fileName); }
public void MatlabMatrixRoundtrip() { var denseDouble = Matrix <double> .Build.Random(20, 20); var denseComplex = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Random(10, 10); var diagonalDouble = Matrix <double> .Build.DiagonalOfDiagonalArray(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }); var sparseDouble = Matrix <double> .Build.Sparse(20, 20, (i, j) => i % (j + 1) == 2?i + 10 *j : 0); var denseDoubleP = MatlabWriter.Pack(denseDouble, "denseDouble"); var denseComplexP = MatlabWriter.Pack(denseComplex, "denseComplex"); var diagonalDoubleP = MatlabWriter.Pack(diagonalDouble, "diagonalDouble"); var sparseDoubleP = MatlabWriter.Pack(sparseDouble, "sparseDouble"); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <double>(denseDoubleP).Equals(denseDouble)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <Complex>(denseComplexP).Equals(denseComplex)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <double>(diagonalDoubleP).Equals(diagonalDouble)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <double>(sparseDoubleP).Equals(sparseDouble)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <double>(denseDoubleP).Storage, Is.TypeOf <DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <double> >()); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <Complex>(denseComplexP).Storage, Is.TypeOf <DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <Complex> >()); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <double>(diagonalDoubleP).Storage, Is.TypeOf <SparseCompressedRowMatrixStorage <double> >()); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Unpack <double>(sparseDoubleP).Storage, Is.TypeOf <SparseCompressedRowMatrixStorage <double> >()); if (File.Exists("testrt.mat")) { File.Delete("testrt.mat"); } MatlabWriter.Store("testrt.mat", new[] { denseDoubleP, denseComplexP, diagonalDoubleP, sparseDoubleP }); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <double>("testrt.mat", "denseDouble").Equals(denseDouble)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <Complex>("testrt.mat", "denseComplex").Equals(denseComplex)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <double>("testrt.mat", "diagonalDouble").Equals(diagonalDouble)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <double>("testrt.mat", "sparseDouble").Equals(sparseDouble)); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <double>("testrt.mat", "denseDouble").Storage, Is.TypeOf <DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <double> >()); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <Complex>("testrt.mat", "denseComplex").Storage, Is.TypeOf <DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage <Complex> >()); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <double>("testrt.mat", "diagonalDouble").Storage, Is.TypeOf <SparseCompressedRowMatrixStorage <double> >()); Assert.That(MatlabReader.Read <double>("testrt.mat", "sparseDouble").Storage, Is.TypeOf <SparseCompressedRowMatrixStorage <double> >()); File.Delete("testrt.mat"); }
private void MatlabReaderTester(string fileName) { Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(fileName); Assert.Equal(12, dict.Count); Matrix aScalar = (Matrix)dict["aScalar"]; Assert.Equal(1, aScalar.Rows); Assert.Equal(1, aScalar.Cols); Assert.Equal(5.0, aScalar[0, 0]); Assert.Equal("string", (string)dict["aString"]); MatlabReader.ComplexMatrix aComplexScalar = (MatlabReader.ComplexMatrix)dict["aComplexScalar"]; Assert.Equal(5.0, aComplexScalar.Real[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(3.0, aComplexScalar.Imaginary[0, 0]); MatlabReader.ComplexMatrix aComplexVector = (MatlabReader.ComplexMatrix)dict["aComplexVector"]; Assert.Equal(1.0, aComplexVector.Real[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(2.0, aComplexVector.Imaginary[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(3.0, aComplexVector.Real[0, 1]); Assert.Equal(4.0, aComplexVector.Imaginary[0, 1]); var aStruct = (Dictionary <string, object>)dict["aStruct"]; Assert.Equal(2, aStruct.Count); Assert.Equal(1.0, ((Matrix)aStruct["field1"])[0]); Assert.Equal("two", (string)aStruct["field2"]); object[,] aCell = (object[, ])dict["aCell"]; Assert.Equal(1.0, ((Matrix)aCell[0, 0])[0]); int[] intArray = (int[])dict["intArray"]; Assert.Equal(1, intArray[0]); int[] uintArray = (int[])dict["uintArray"]; Assert.Equal(1, uintArray[0]); bool[] aLogical = (bool[])dict["aLogical"]; Assert.True(aLogical[0]); Assert.True(aLogical[1]); Assert.False(aLogical[2]); object[,,] aCell3D = (object[, , ])dict["aCell3D"]; Assert.Null(aCell3D[0, 0, 0]); Assert.Equal(7.0, ((Matrix)aCell3D[0, 0, 1])[0, 0]); Assert.Equal(6.0, ((Matrix)aCell3D[0, 1, 0])[0, 0]); double[,,,] array4D = (double[, , , ])dict["array4D"]; Assert.Equal(4.0, array4D[0, 0, 1, 0]); Assert.Equal(5.0, array4D[0, 0, 0, 1]); long[] aLong = (long[])dict["aLong"]; Assert.Equal(1234567890123456789L, aLong[0]); }
//[DeploymentItem(@"Data\IRT2PL_10_250.mat", "Data")] public void MatlabReaderTest2() { Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(Path.Combine( #if NETCORE Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(PsychTests).Assembly.Location), // work dir is not the one with Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll on netcore and neither is .Location on netfull #endif "Data", "IRT2PL_10_250.mat")); Assert.Equal(5, dict.Count); Matrix m = (Matrix)dict["Y"]; Assert.True(m.Rows == 250); Assert.True(m.Cols == 10); Assert.True(m[0, 1] == 0.0); Assert.True(m[1, 0] == 1.0); m = (Matrix)dict["difficulty"]; Assert.True(m.Rows == 10); Assert.True(m.Cols == 1); Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(m[1], 0.7773) < 2e-4); }
public void MatlabWriteStringDictionaryTest() { Dictionary <string, string> dictString = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictString["a"] = "a"; dictString["b"] = "b"; string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteStringDictionaryTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat"; using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName)) { writer.Write("dictString", dictString); } Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName); Dictionary <string, object> dict = (Dictionary <string, object>)vars["dictString"]; foreach (var entry in dictString) { Assert.Equal(dictString[entry.Key], dict[entry.Key]); } }
public void MatlabWriteStringListTest() { List <string> strings = new List <string>(); strings.Add("a"); strings.Add("b"); string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteStringListTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat"; using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName)) { writer.Write("strings", strings); } Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName); string[] array = (string[])vars["strings"]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Assert.Equal(strings[i], array[i]); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; double x, h, a, wu; Matrix <double> data = MatlabReader.Read <double>("data.mat"); Matrix <double> time = MatlabReader.Read <double>("time.mat"); Matrix <double> kp = MatlabReader.Read <double>("kp.mat"); while (data[i, 0] == 0) { i += 1; } txtdelay.Text = time[i, 0].ToString();//计算延时 txtkp.Text = kp[10, 0].ToString(); x = Convert.ToDouble(txtkp.Text); h = Convert.ToDouble(txth.Text); a = Convert.ToDouble(txta.Text); wu = Convert.ToDouble(txtwu.Text); txttime.Text = (System.Math.Sqrt((x * 4 * h / 3.1415 / a) * (x * 4 * h / 3.1415 / a) - 1) / wu).ToString();//计算时间常数 }
public void LoadDataFromMat(string filePath, out Vector[] X, out bool[] Y) { // Expect X (dxn) and Y (1xn) in the mat file Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(filePath); Matrix xmat = (Matrix)dict["X"]; X = MatrixUtils.SplitColumns(xmat); int n = X.Length; // Y is actually a 1xn vector Matrix ymat = (Matrix)dict["Y"]; double[,] yarr = ymat.ToArray(); if (yarr.GetLength(1) != n) { throw new ArgumentException("length of X and Y do not match."); } Y = new bool[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // expect 0, 1 Y[i] = yarr[0, i] > 0.5; } }