protected void LoadData() { string dptList = GetChildrenBySelft(); Maticsoft.BLL.tTask BLL = new Maticsoft.BLL.tTask(); string sortField = GridDpt.SortField; string sortDirection = GridDpt.SortDirection; string where = ""; where += " SaveDpt in (" + dptList + ")"; if (drpSearch.SelectedValue != "") { where += " and IsCheck='" + drpSearch.SelectedValue + "' "; } if (txtValue.Text.Trim() != "") { where += " and Title like '%" + txtValue.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } GridDpt.RecordCount = BLL.GetRecordCount(where); DataView view = BLL.GetListByPage(where, " SaveTime desc ", GridDpt.PageIndex * GridDpt.PageSize, (GridDpt.PageIndex + 1) * GridDpt.PageSize).Tables[0].DefaultView; view.Sort = String.Format("{0} {1}", sortField, sortDirection); GridDpt.DataSource = view.ToTable(); GridDpt.DataBind(); }
protected void LoadData() { int dptId = GetIdentityUser().dptId; Maticsoft.BLL.tTask BLL = new Maticsoft.BLL.tTask(); string sortField = GridDpt.SortField; string sortDirection = GridDpt.SortDirection; string where = " IsCheck='已审核' "; if (drpSearch.SelectedValue == "") { where += string.Format(" and Id in (select TaskId from v_task_save where DptId={0}) ", dptId); } else if (drpSearch.SelectedValue == "已上报") { where += string.Format(" and Id in (select TaskId from v_task_save where DptId={0} and SavaDpt={1}) ", dptId, dptId); } else { where += string.Format(" and Id in (select TaskId from v_task_save where DptId={0} and SavaDpt is null) ", dptId); } if (txtValue.Text.Trim() != "") { where += " and (Title like '%" + txtValue.Text.Trim() + "%') or (TaskLevel like '%" + txtValue.Text.Trim() + "%') "; } GridDpt.RecordCount = BLL.GetRecordCount(where); DataView view = BLL.GetListByPage(where, " SaveTime desc ", GridDpt.PageIndex * GridDpt.PageSize, (GridDpt.PageIndex + 1) * GridDpt.PageSize).Tables[0].DefaultView; view.Sort = String.Format("{0} {1}", sortField, sortDirection); GridDpt.DataSource = view.ToTable(); GridDpt.DataBind(); }
protected void GridDpt_RowCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e) { int roleID = GetSelectedDataKeyID(GridDpt); if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { BLL.tTask BLL = new Maticsoft.BLL.tTask(); if (BLL.GetModel(roleID).IsCheck == "已审核") { Alert.ShowInTop("已经审核,无法删除!"); return; } bool isTrue = BLL.Delete(roleID); if (!isTrue) { Alert.ShowInTop("删除失败!"); return; } else { LoadData(); } } else if (e.CommandName == "Check") { Model.tUsers user = GetIdentityUser(); BLL.tTask BLL = new Maticsoft.BLL.tTask(); if (!haveRight(user.userId, "及时任务审批")) { Alert.ShowInTop("当前用户没有权限审批!"); return; } Model.tTask top = BLL.GetModel(roleID); if (top.IsCheck == "已审核") { //if (top.IsCheckPeo != user.usersName) //{ // Alert.ShowInTop("当前用户没有权限审批!"); // return; //} top.IsCheck = "待审核"; top.IsCheckPeo = null; top.IsCheckTime = null; } else { top.IsCheck = "已审核"; top.IsCheckPeo = user.usersName; top.IsCheckTime = DateTime.Now; } bool isTrue = BLL.Update(top); if (!isTrue) { Alert.ShowInTop("操作失败!"); return; } else { LoadData(); } } else if (e.CommandName == "Edit") { string openUrl = String.Format("./TaskEdit.aspx?Id={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(roleID.ToString())); PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(Window1.GetSaveStateReference(roleID.ToString()) + Window1.GetShowReference(openUrl, "编辑任务")); } else { } }