private void LinkPointToTris(int curPoint)         //Send the current unvisited star as the seed point SOMETHING WRONG
        for (int i = 0; i < externalPoints.Count; ++i) //For all the external points
            int nextPoint = i + 1;                     //Assign the next point

            if (nextPoint == externalPoints.Count)     //If the next point is out of range
                nextPoint = 0;                         //Set it to the first point in the list

            Vector3 lineCurToExternal = MathsFunctions.ABCLineEquation(unvisitedStars[curPoint].transform.position, externalPoints[i].transform.position); //Create a line between the external point and the unvisited star

            if (IsIllegalIntersection(i, curPoint, lineCurToExternal))                                                                                     //If there is an illegal intersection between the external point-current point line and the external point-unvisited point line
                continue;                                                                                                                                  //Move onto the next external point

            Vector3 lineCurToNextExternal = MathsFunctions.ABCLineEquation(unvisitedStars[curPoint].transform.position, externalPoints[nextPoint].transform.position);

            if (IsIllegalIntersection(nextPoint, curPoint, lineCurToNextExternal)) //If there is an illegal intersection between the next point-current point line and the external point-unvisited point line
                continue;                                                          //Move onto the next external point

            bool illegal = false;                          //Say that the line is not illegal

            for (int j = 0; j < externalPoints.Count; ++j) //Check through all other external points
                if (j == i || j == nextPoint)

                if (MathsFunctions.IsInTriangle(externalPoints[i].transform.position, externalPoints[nextPoint].transform.position, unvisitedStars[curPoint].transform.position, externalPoints[j].transform.position) == true)                //If the point lies in any of the triangles
                    //if(MathsFunctions.PointsAreColinear(externalPoints[i].transform.position, externalPoints[nextPoint].transform.position, externalPoints[j].transform.position) == false)
                    //if(MathsFunctions.PointsAreColinear(externalPoints[i].transform.position, unvisitedStars[curPoint].transform.position, externalPoints[j].transform.position) == false)
                    //if(MathsFunctions.PointsAreColinear(externalPoints[nextPoint].transform.position, unvisitedStars[curPoint].transform.position, externalPoints[j].transform.position) == false)
                    illegal = true;                                    //It is an illegal triangle
                    break;                                             //

            if (illegal)            //If it's an illegal triangle
                continue;           //Skip to the next point

            GameObject pointA = externalPoints[i];             //Otherwise assign the points of the triangle
            GameObject pointB = externalPoints[nextPoint];
            GameObject pointC = unvisitedStars[curPoint];

            Triangle newTri = new Triangle();       //Create a new triangle object
            newTri.points.Add(pointA);              //Add the points
            newTri.lines.Add(MathsFunctions.ABCLineEquation(pointA.transform.position, pointB.transform.position));               //Calculate the line equations between the points
            newTri.lines.Add(MathsFunctions.ABCLineEquation(pointB.transform.position, pointC.transform.position));
            newTri.lines.Add(MathsFunctions.ABCLineEquation(pointC.transform.position, pointA.transform.position));
            tempTri.Add(newTri);              //Add the triangle to the temptriangle list