Exemple #1
    /** Calculates target point from the current line segment.
     * \param p Current position
     * \param a Line segment start
     * \param b Line segment end
     * The returned point will lie somewhere on the line segment.
     * \see #forwardLook
     * \todo This function uses .magnitude quite a lot, can it be optimized?
    protected Vector3 CalculateTargetPoint(Vector3 p, Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
        a.y = p.y;
        b.y = p.y;

        float magn = (a - b).magnitude;

        if (magn == 0)

        float   closest  = Mathfx.Clamp01(Mathfx.NearestPointFactor(a, b, p));
        Vector3 point    = (b - a) * closest + a;
        float   distance = (point - p).magnitude;

        float lookAhead = Mathf.Clamp(forwardLook - distance, 0.0F, forwardLook);

        float offset = lookAhead / magn;

        offset = Mathf.Clamp(offset + closest, 0.0F, 1.0F);
        return((b - a) * offset + a);
Exemple #2
        public bool FinalInts(Vector3 target, Vector3 closeEdgeConstraint, bool drawGizmos, out Vector3 closest)

            float a = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.z, direction.x);

            Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(direction, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 p1    = cross * (float)Math.Tan(angle) * limit;

            Vector3 pLeft  = origin + direction * limit + p1;
            Vector3 pRight = origin + direction * limit - p1;

            Vector3 pLeft2  = pLeft + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a + angle)) * 100;
            Vector3 pRight2 = pRight + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a - angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a - angle)) * 100;

            bool anyCloseFound = false;

            closest = Vector3.zero;

            int IgnoreDirection = Vector3.Dot(closeEdgeConstraint - origin, cross) > 0 ? 2 : 1;           //(pRight-(transform.position+velocity)).sqrMagnitude < (pLeft-(transform.position+velocity)).sqrMagnitude ? 2 : 1;//Vector3.Dot (pRight-pLeft,target-pLeft) > 0 ? 1 : 2;

            for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
                if (j == IgnoreDirection)

                List <IntersectionPair> ints = j == 1 ? ints1 : (j == 2 ? ints2 : ints3);

                /*IntersectionState prevInside = ints[0].state;
                 * if (ints[0].state == IntersectionState.Outside) {
                 *      ints[0].SetState (IntersectionState.Exit);
                 * }*/

                /*for (int i=1;i<ints.Count;i++) {
                 *      Debug.Log ("Intersection at "+j+", "+i+" : "+ints[i].factor);
                 *      prevInside = ints[i].state;
                 *      if (prevInside == IntersectionState.Outside) {
                 *              ints[i].SetState (IntersectionState.Enter);
                 *      } else if (prevInside == IntersectionState.Inside) {
                 *              ints[i].SetState (ints[i].state == IntersectionState.Inside ? IntersectionState.Inside : IntersectionState.Exit);
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * if (ints[ints.Count-1].state == IntersectionState.Exit) {
                 *      ints.Add (new IntersectionPair (1,false));
                 * }*/

                Vector3 start = (j == 1 || j == 3 ? pLeft : pRight);
                Vector3 end   = (j == 1 ? pLeft2 : (j == 2 ? pRight2 : pRight));

                float closestFactor = Mathfx.NearestPointFactor(start, end, target);

                float closeMin = float.PositiveInfinity;
                float closeMax = float.NegativeInfinity;

                bool anySegmClose = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < ints.Count - (j == 3 ? 1 : 0); i++)
                    if (drawGizmos)
                        Debug.DrawRay(start + (end - start) * ints[i].factor, Vector3.down, ints[i].state == IntersectionState.Outside ? Color.green : Color.red);
                    if (ints[i].state == IntersectionState.Outside && ((i == ints.Count - 1 && (i == 0 || ints[i - 1].state != IntersectionState.Outside)) || (i < ints.Count - 1 && ints[i + 1].state == IntersectionState.Outside)))
                        anySegmClose = true;
                        float startFactor = ints[i].factor;
                        float endFactor   = i == ints.Count - 1 ? (j == 3 ? 1 : float.PositiveInfinity) : ints[i + 1].factor;

                        if (drawGizmos)
                            Debug.DrawLine(start + (end - start) * startFactor + Vector3.up, start + (end - start) * Mathf.Clamp01(endFactor) + Vector3.up, Color.green);

                        if (startFactor <= closestFactor && endFactor >= closestFactor)
                            closeMin = closestFactor;
                            closeMax = closestFactor;
                        else if (endFactor < closestFactor && endFactor > closeMax)
                            closeMax = endFactor;
                        else if (startFactor > closestFactor && startFactor < closeMin)
                            closeMin = startFactor;

                if (anySegmClose)
                    //The closest factor
                    float closeV = closeMin == float.NegativeInfinity ? closeMax : (closeMax == float.PositiveInfinity ? closeMin : (Mathf.Abs(closestFactor - closeMin) < Mathf.Abs(closestFactor - closeMax) ? closeMin : closeMax));

                    /*if (Mathf.Abs(closestFactor-closeMin) < Mathf.Abs(closestFactor-closeMax)) {
                     *      segmClose = start+ (end-start)*closeMin;
                     * } else {
                     *      segmClose = start+ (end-start)*closeMax;
                     * }*/
                    Vector3 segmClose = start + (end - start) * closeV;

                    if (!anyCloseFound || (segmClose - target).sqrMagnitude < (closest - target).sqrMagnitude)
                        closest = segmClose;
                    if (drawGizmos)
                        Debug.DrawLine(target, closest, Color.yellow);

                    anyCloseFound = true;
