private void CalculateTimes(double s, int trajectoryInstance, out double tj, out double ta, out double tv)
            switch (trajectoryInstance)
            case 1:
            case 3:
                tj = Math.Sqrt(VelocityMax / JerkMax);
                ta = tj;
                tv = s / VelocityMax;

            case 2:
            case 4:
                tj = MathematicTools.GetCubeRoot(s / (2 * JerkMax));
                ta = tj;
                tv = 2 * tj;

            case 5:
                tj = AccelerationMax / JerkMax;
                ta = VelocityMax / AccelerationMax;
                tv = s / VelocityMax;

            case 6:
                tj = AccelerationMax / JerkMax;
                ta = 0.5 * (Math.Sqrt((4 * s * JerkMax * JerkMax + AccelerationMax * AccelerationMax * AccelerationMax) / (AccelerationMax * JerkMax * JerkMax)) - AccelerationMax / JerkMax);
                tv = ta + tj;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"TrajectoryInstance must be between 1 and 6");
Exemple #2
        [InlineData(5.0, 1.0, 1.0, false, 0, 0)]              //Quadratic equation with negative determinant
        public void SolveEquationSolvesLinearEquation(double a, double b, double c, bool expectedSuccess, double expectedX1, double expectedX2)
            var success = MathematicTools.SolveEquation(a, b, c, out var x1, out var x2);

            Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, success);
            Assert.Equal(expectedX1, x1, 4);
            Assert.Equal(expectedX2, x2, 4);
Exemple #3
        public void CubeRootWorking()
            var random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var number = random.NextDouble() * 1e6;
                var root   = MathematicTools.GetCubeRoot(Math.Pow(number, 3));

                Assert.Equal(number, root, 5);
Exemple #4
 public void SolveEquationValidatesInput()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => MathematicTools.SolveEquation(0, 0, 0, out _, out _));
        private ExtendedP2PCalculatorResult Calculate(double targetVelocity)
            var result = new ExtendedP2PCalculatorResult
                Parameters = MotionParameter,
                aFrom      = InitialAcceleration,
                vFrom      = InitialVelocity,
                vTo        = targetVelocity,
                Direction  = GetDirection(targetVelocity)

            if (result.Direction == RampDirection.Constant)

            var decMax = MotionParameter.MaximumDecceleration;
            var jPos   = MotionParameter.PositiveJerk;
            var jNeg   = MotionParameter.NegativeJerk;

            if (result.Direction == RampDirection.Accelerate)
                decMax = MotionParameter.MaximumAcceleration;
                jPos   = MotionParameter.NegativeJerk;
                jNeg   = MotionParameter.PositiveJerk;

            var a0 = InitialAcceleration;
            var v0 = InitialVelocity;
            var t1 = (decMax - a0) / jNeg;
            var t2 = 0.0;
            var t3 = -(decMax / jPos);

            // does profile reach constant a?
            var v_bya0_Ph1 = t1 * a0;
            var v_byjD_Ph1 = 0.5 * jNeg * t1 * t1;
            var v_bya1_Ph3 = t3 * (a0 + jNeg * t1);
            var v_byjA_Ph3 = 0.5 * jPos * t3 * t3;
            var vTotal     = v0 + v_bya0_Ph1 + v_byjD_Ph1 + v_bya1_Ph3 + v_byjA_Ph3;

            if (CheckForFlatRampPart(vTotal, targetVelocity, result.Direction))
                // constant a will be reached
                t1 = (decMax - a0) / jNeg;
                t3 = Math.Abs(decMax / jPos);
                var v_Decc = 0.5 * jNeg * (t1 * t1) + a0 * t1;
                var v_Acc  = -0.5 * jPos * (t3 * t3);
                t2 = (targetVelocity - (v_Decc + v_Acc + v0)) / decMax;
                // constant a will not be reached
                // => calculate max reachable a
                double jerk;
                double t;
                if (a0 < 0)
                    jerk = MotionParameter.PositiveJerk;
                    t    = -a0 / jerk;
                else if (a0 > 0)
                    jerk = MotionParameter.NegativeJerk;
                    t    = -a0 / jerk;
                    t    = 0;
                    jerk = 0;

                //3. Bestimmung ob trotz Bremsen, beschleunigt werden muss und umgekehrt!
                // Geschwindigkeit die erreicht werden würde (v_bya0_to0), falls a0 auf 0 gezogen wird. Dies ist das aussschlagebende Kriterium, ob beschleunigt oder gebremst werden muss
                // Bsp.: v0 =200, a0= -112 , vTarget = 190  Nur durch den Abbau von a0 auf 0 wird eine Geschwindigkeit von ca. 187 erreicht --> es muss mathematisch beschleunigt werden, um die Zieglgeschwindigkeit zu erreichen
                var v_bya0_to0 = v0 + t * a0 + 0.5 * jerk * t * t;
                if (v_bya0_to0 > targetVelocity)
                    Inverted = result.Direction == RampDirection.Accelerate;
                    Inverted = result.Direction != RampDirection.Accelerate;

                if (Inverted)  // Beschleuningen falls wir bremsen ---> Bremsen falls beschleunigen
                    var tmp = jNeg;
                    jNeg = jPos;
                    jPos = tmp;

                // 4. Gleichungssystem, um t1,t2 und t3 zu bestimmen
                var a = 0.5 * jNeg - 0.5 * (jNeg * jNeg / jPos);
                var b = a0 - a0 * (jNeg / jPos);
                var c = v0 - targetVelocity - a0 * a0 / (2 * jPos);

                if (MathematicTools.SolveEquation(a, b, c, out var x1, out var x2))
                    CalculateAllTimes(x1, x2, jPos, jNeg, a0, out t1, out t2, out t3);

            var a1 = a0 + jNeg * t1;
            var v1 = v0 + a0 * t1 + 0.5 * jNeg * t1 * t1;
            var s1 = v0 * t1 + 0.5 * a0 * t1 * t1 + 1.0 / 6.0 * jNeg * t1 * t1 * t1;

            var a2 = a1;
            var v2 = v1 + a1 * t2;
            var s2 = v1 * t2 + 0.5 * a1 * t2 * t2;

            var s3 = v2 * t3 + 0.5 * a2 * t3 * t3 + 1.0 / 6.0 * jPos * t3 * t3 * t3;

            result.Length         = s1 + s2 + s3;
            result.TotalDuration  = t1 + t2 + t3;
            result.Phase1Duration = t1;
            result.Phase1Length   = s1;
            result.Phase2Duration = t2;
            result.Phase2Length   = s2;
            result.Phase3Duration = t3;
            result.Phase3Length   = s3;

        private static double SolveCubicEquation(double A, double B, double C, double D)
            var p             = (9 * A * C - 3 * B * B) / (9 * A * A);
            var q             = (2 * B * B * B - 9 * A * B * C + 27 * A * A * D) / (27 * A * A * A);
            var diskriminante = (27 * A * A * D * D + 4 * B * B * B * D - 18 * A * B * C * D + 4 * A * C * C * C - B * B * C * C) / (108 * A * A * A * A);
            var d1Mats        = double.NaN;

            if (true) // p < 0
                var h1 = Math.Sqrt(-p * 4 / 3);
                var h2 = -q / 2 * Math.Sqrt(-27.0 / (p * p * p));
                if (Math.Abs(h2) > 1)
                    // ERROR!
                var h3 = 1.0 / 3 * Math.Acos(h2);
                var h4 = B / (3 * A);
                if (diskriminante < 0)
                    var x2 = -h1 *Math.Cos(h3 + Math.PI / 3) - h4;

                    var x1 = h1 * Math.Cos(h3) - h4;
                    var x3 = -h1 *Math.Cos(h3 - Math.PI / 3) - h4;

                    if (Math.Abs(x1) < Math.Abs(x2) && Math.Abs(x1) < Math.Abs(x3))
                        d1Mats = x1;
                    else if (Math.Abs(x2) < Math.Abs(x1) && Math.Abs(x2) < Math.Abs(x3))
                        d1Mats = x2;
                        d1Mats = x3;
                else if (diskriminante == 0 && p == 0)
                    d1Mats = -B / (3 * A);
                else if (diskriminante == 0 && p != 0)
                    var x1 = (B * B * B - 4 * A * B * C + 9 * A * A * D) / (3 * A * A * C - A * B * B);
                    var x2 = (A * B * C - 9 * A * A * D) / (6 * A * A * C - 2 * A * B * B);
                    if (Math.Abs(x1) < Math.Abs(x2))
                        d1Mats = x1;
                        d1Mats = x2;
                else if (diskriminante > 0)
                    var u = -(q / 2) + Math.Sqrt(diskriminante);
                    if (u >= 0)
                        u = MathematicTools.GetCubeRoot(u);
                        u = -MathematicTools.GetCubeRoot(-u);
                    var v = -(q / 2) - Math.Sqrt(diskriminante);
                    if (v >= 0)
                        v = MathematicTools.GetCubeRoot(v);
                        v = -MathematicTools.GetCubeRoot(-v);

                    d1Mats = u + v - B / (3 * A);

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the time [s], at which the profile has reached the given distance within ramp.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ramp">Ramp, for which time should be calculated</param>
        /// <param name="distanceWithinRamp">Distance [mm] from beginning of the ramp. If you work with global distances
        /// within profiles, you may need to substract the start distance of the ramp before calling this method.</param>
        /// <returns>Time [s] at which the given distance is reached</returns>
        public static double GetTimeAt(ExtendedRampCalculationResult ramp, double distanceWithinRamp)
            if (distanceWithinRamp > ramp.Length)
                if (Math.Abs(distanceWithinRamp - ramp.Length) > 1e-3)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(distanceWithinRamp), $"DistanceWithinRamp ({distanceWithinRamp:2}mm) must be smaller than length of ramp ({ramp.Length:2}mm)");
                    distanceWithinRamp = ramp.Length;

            var s  = distanceWithinRamp;
            var j1 = ramp.Direction == RampDirection.Accelerate ? ramp.Parameters.PositiveJerk : ramp.Parameters.NegativeJerk;

            if (s <= ramp.Phase1Length)
                // point lies within phase 1
                // a t³ + c t + d =0
                var a = 1.0 / 6 * j1;
                var c = ramp.vFrom;
                var d = -s;

                var cubicResult = Math.Abs(SolveCubicEquation(a, 0, c, d));
                // calculate state at end of phase 1
                var t1 = ramp.Phase1Duration;
                var a1 = j1 * t1;
                var v1 = ramp.vFrom + 0.5 * j1 * t1 * t1;
                var s1 = ramp.vFrom * t1 + 1.0 / 6 * j1 * t1 * t1 * t1;

                if (s <= ramp.Phase1Length + ramp.Phase2Length)
                    // point lies within phase 2
                    // a t² + b t + c = 0
                    var a = 0.5 * a1;
                    var b = v1;
                    var c = s1 - s;
                    if (!MathematicTools.SolveEquation(a, b, c, out var t_1, out var t_2))
                        throw new JointMotionCalculationException($"Failed to solve quadratic equation with a={a:N3}, b={b:N3} and c={c:N3}");

                    var quadraticResult = Math.Abs(t_1 < 0 ? t_2 : t_1);
                    return(t1 + quadraticResult);
                    // point lies within phase 3
                    // calculate state at end of phase 2
                    var t2 = ramp.Phase2Duration;
                    var a2 = a1;
                    var v2 = v1 + a1 * t2;
                    var s2 = s1 + v1 * t2 + 0.5 * a1 * t2 * t2;

                    // calculate state within phase 3
                    var j3 = -j1;
                    // a t³ + b t² + c t + d = 0
                    var a = 1.0 / 6 * j3;
                    var b = 0.5 * a2;
                    var c = v2;
                    var d = s2 - s;

                    var cubicResult = Math.Abs(SolveCubicEquation(a, b, c, d));
                    if (double.IsNaN(cubicResult)) // there are some case where method 1 fails, then call method 2
                        cubicResult = SolveCubic(a, b, c, d)[0].Real;
                    return(t1 + t2 + cubicResult);