public PointDirection3 Transform(MathTransform tran, MathUtility uti) { var vec = Direction.ToSwMathVector(uti).IMultiplyTransform(tran); var point = Point.ToSwMathPoint(uti).IMultiplyTransform(tran); return(new PointDirection3(vec.ToVector3(), point.ToVector3())); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Point in the global frame that was in the specified direction in the given component's frame /// </summary> /// <param name="compTransform">The transfrom that the orginal vector was in. If null the vector will be based in the global frame</param> /// <param name="point">The local location of the point to be created</param> /// <returns>The transformed MathPoint</returns> public static MathPoint CreatePoint(MathTransform compTransform, double[] point) { if (compTransform != null) return RobotInfo.mathUtil.CreatePoint(point).MultiplyTransform(compTransform); else return RobotInfo.mathUtil.CreatePoint(point); }
public GeomVue(View vue, Sketch esquisse) { MathUtility SwMath = App.Sw.GetMathUtility(); gPoint ptCentreVue = new gPoint(vue.Position); gPoint ptMin = new gPoint(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity, 0); gPoint ptMax = new gPoint(Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.NegativeInfinity, 0); foreach (SketchPoint s in esquisse.GetSketchPoints2()) { MathPoint swStartPoint = SwMath.CreatePoint(new Double[3] { s.X, s.Y, s.Z }); MathTransform SketchXform = esquisse.ModelToSketchTransform; SketchXform = SketchXform.Inverse(); swStartPoint = swStartPoint.MultiplyTransform(SketchXform); MathTransform ViewXform = vue.ModelToViewTransform; swStartPoint = swStartPoint.MultiplyTransform(ViewXform); gPoint swViewStartPt = new gPoint(swStartPoint); ptMin.Min(swViewStartPt); ptMax.Max(swViewStartPt); } ptMinX = ptMin.X; ptMinY = ptMin.Y; ptMaxX = ptMax.X; ptMaxY = ptMax.Y; MajCentreRectangle(); ptCentreVueX = ptCentreVue.X; ptCentreVueY = ptCentreVue.Y; }
private double[] putInComponentSpace(ReflectionPoint rp, Component2 component) { // TODO : debug!! MathTransform invertMainBodyXForm = component.Transform2.Inverse(); return(rp.location.IMultiplyTransform(invertMainBodyXForm).ArrayData); }
/// <summary> /// Class constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="elasticSearchGateway"></param> /// <param name="elevationDataStorage"></param> /// <param name="clentsFactory"></param> /// <param name="osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor"></param> /// <param name="osmRepository"></param> /// <param name="dataContainerConverterService"></param> /// <param name="wikipediaGateway"></param> /// <param name="itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory"></param> /// <param name="latestFileFetcherExecutor"></param> /// <param name="tagsHelper"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> public OsmPointsOfInterestAdapter(IElasticSearchGateway elasticSearchGateway, IElevationDataStorage elevationDataStorage, IClientsFactory clentsFactory, IOsmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor, IOsmRepository osmRepository, IDataContainerConverterService dataContainerConverterService, IWikipediaGateway wikipediaGateway, IItmWgs84MathTransfromFactory itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory, IOsmLatestFileFetcherExecutor latestFileFetcherExecutor, ITagsHelper tagsHelper, IOptions <ConfigurationData> options, ILogger logger) : base(dataContainerConverterService, logger) { _clientsFactory = clentsFactory; _osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor = osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor; _osmRepository = osmRepository; _wikipediaGateway = wikipediaGateway; _tagsHelper = tagsHelper; _latestFileFetcherExecutor = latestFileFetcherExecutor; _elevationDataStorage = elevationDataStorage; _wgs84ItmMathTransform = itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory.CreateInverse(); _options = options.Value; _elasticSearchGateway = elasticSearchGateway; }
public static Camera createCamera(Component2 fieldOfView, SldWorks swApp, ModelDoc2 swDoc, AssemblyDoc swAssembly, SelectionMgr swSelectionMgr, MathUtility mathUtils) { IMathPoint centreOfVision = getCentreOfVision(fieldOfView, swDoc, swSelectionMgr, mathUtils); if (centreOfVision == null) { swApp.SendMsgToUser2("you need to insert the camera first!", 1, 1); return(null); } RefPlane cameraNormalPlane = getCameraNormalPlane(fieldOfView, swDoc, swSelectionMgr); // note that we reverse this transform because our plane normal is pointing the wrong direction :( MathTransform cameraTransform = Camera.reverseTransform(cameraNormalPlane.Transform, mathUtils); MathVector cameraDirection = getCameraDirection(cameraTransform, mathUtils); drawRayForCamera(cameraDirection, centreOfVision, swDoc, swSelectionMgr); Camera camera = new Camera(fieldOfView, mathUtils.CreatePoint((double[])centreOfVision.ArrayData), cameraDirection); camera.swApp = swApp; camera.swDoc = swDoc; camera.swAssembly = swAssembly; camera.swSelectionMgr = swSelectionMgr; camera.mathUtils = mathUtils; return(camera); }
public CoordinateConverter(string _projection) { try { CoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = new CoordinateSystemFactory(); CoordinateSystem = csFactory.CreateFromWkt(_projection); CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFactory = new CoordinateTransformationFactory(); XYToLonLatTransform = ctFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(CoordinateSystem, WGS84).MathTransform; LonLatToXYTransform = ctFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(WGS84, CoordinateSystem).MathTransform; XYToWebTransform = ctFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(CoordinateSystem, WebMercator).MathTransform; WebToXYTransform = ctFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(WebMercator, CoordinateSystem).MathTransform; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_projection.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("web_mercator")) { CoordinateTransformationFactory ctFactory = new CoordinateTransformationFactory(); LonLatToXYTransform = ctFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(WGS84, WebMercator).MathTransform; XYToLonLatTransform = LonLatToXYTransform.Inverse(); } else { throw ex; } } }
private static Geometry Transform(Geometry geom, MathTransform transform, int targetSrid) { geom = geom.Copy(); geom.Apply(new MathTransformFilter(transform)); geom.SRID = targetSrid; return(geom); }
/// <summary> /// Service's constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="clinetsFactory"></param> /// <param name="elasticSearchGateway"></param> /// <param name="osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor"></param> /// <param name="tagsHelper"></param> /// <param name="osmRepository"></param> /// <param name="pointsOfInterestAdapterFactory"></param> /// <param name="featuresMergeExecutor"></param> /// <param name="latestFileFetcherExecutor"></param> /// <param name="graphHopperGateway"></param> /// <param name="pointsOfInterestFilesCreatorExecutor"></param> /// <param name="elevationDataStorage"></param> /// <param name="itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> public DatabasesUpdaterService(IClientsFactory clinetsFactory, IElasticSearchGateway elasticSearchGateway, IOsmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor, ITagsHelper tagsHelper, IOsmRepository osmRepository, IPointsOfInterestAdapterFactory pointsOfInterestAdapterFactory, IFeaturesMergeExecutor featuresMergeExecutor, IOsmLatestFileFetcherExecutor latestFileFetcherExecutor, IGraphHopperGateway graphHopperGateway, IPointsOfInterestFilesCreatorExecutor pointsOfInterestFilesCreatorExecutor, IElevationDataStorage elevationDataStorage, IItmWgs84MathTransfromFactory itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory, ILogger logger) { _elasticSearchGateway = elasticSearchGateway; _osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor = osmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor; _tagsHelper = tagsHelper; _osmRepository = osmRepository; _pointsOfInterestAdapterFactory = pointsOfInterestAdapterFactory; _pointsOfInterestFilesCreatorExecutor = pointsOfInterestFilesCreatorExecutor; _featuresMergeExecutor = featuresMergeExecutor; _latestFileFetcherExecutor = latestFileFetcherExecutor; _graphHopperGateway = graphHopperGateway; _osmGateway = clinetsFactory.CreateNonAuthClient(); _elevationDataStorage = elevationDataStorage; _logger = logger; _mathTransform = itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory.CreateInverse(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts coordinates in projected meters to decimal degrees. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">Point in meters</param> /// <returns>Transformed point in decimal degrees</returns> public override double[] MetersToDegrees(double[] p) { double num = Math.Atan((p[0] - this._falseEasting) / (this.ro0 - (p[1] - this._falseNorthing))); double x = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p[0] - this._falseEasting, 2) + Math.Pow(this.ro0 - (p[1] - this._falseNorthing), 2)); double num3 = (this.C - ((Math.Pow(x, 2) * Math.Pow(this.n, 2)) / Math.Pow(base._semiMajor, 2))) / this.n; Math.Sin(num3 / (1 - (((1 - this.e_sq) / (2 * this.e)) * Math.Log((1 - this.e) / (1 + this.e))))); double a = Math.Asin(num3 * 0.5); double maxValue = double.MaxValue; int num6 = 0; while (Math.Abs((double)(a - maxValue)) > 1E-06) { maxValue = a; double num7 = Math.Sin(a); double num8 = this.e_sq * Math.Pow(num7, 2); a += (Math.Pow(1 - num8, 2) / (2 * Math.Cos(a))) * (((num3 / (1 - this.e_sq)) - (num7 / (1 - num8))) + ((1 / (2 * this.e)) * Math.Log((1 - (this.e * num7)) / (1 + (this.e * num7))))); num6++; if (num6 > 0x19) { throw new ApplicationException("Transformation failed to converge in Albers backwards transformation"); } } double rad = this.lon_center + (num / this.n); return(new double[] { MathTransform.Radians2Degrees(rad), MathTransform.Radians2Degrees(a) }); }
/// <summary> /// Converts coordinates in decimal degrees to projected meters. /// </summary> /// <param name="lonlat">The point in decimal degrees.</param> /// <returns>Point in projected meters</returns> public override double[] DegreesToMeters(double[] lonlat) { double num4; double num = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(lonlat[0]); double num2 = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(lonlat[1]); if (Math.Abs((double)(Math.Abs(num2) - 1.5707963267948966)) > 1E-10) { double sinphi = Math.Sin(num2); double x = MapProjection.tsfnz(this.e, num2, sinphi); num4 = (base._semiMajor * this.f0) * Math.Pow(x, this.ns); } else { double num3 = num2 * this.ns; if (num3 <= 0) { throw new ApplicationException(); } num4 = 0; } double a = this.ns * MapProjection.adjust_lon(num - this.center_lon); return(new double[] { ((num4 * Math.Sin(a)) + this._falseEasting), ((this.rh - (num4 * Math.Cos(a))) + this._falseNorthing) }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a vector in the global frame that was in the specified direction in the given component's frame /// </summary> /// <param name="compTransform">The transfrom that the orginal vector was in. If null the vector will be based in the global frame</param> /// <param name="vector">The direction of the vector to be created</param> /// <returns>The transformed MathVector</returns> public static MathVector CreateVector(MathTransform compTransform, double[] vector) { if (compTransform != null) return RobotInfo.mathUtil.CreateVector(vector).MultiplyTransform(compTransform).Normalise(); else return RobotInfo.mathUtil.CreateVector(vector).Normalise(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a latitude value in degrees to radians. /// </summary> /// <param name="y">The value in degrees to to radians.</param> /// <param name="edge">If true, -90 and +90 are valid, otherwise they are considered out of range.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected static double LatitudeToRadians(double y, bool edge) { if (!(edge ? ((y >= -90) && (y <= 90)) : ((y > -90) && (y < 90)))) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("x", y, " not a valid latitude in degrees."); } return(MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(y)); }
private static MathVector getCameraDirection(MathTransform cameraTransform, MathUtility mathUtils) { double[] canonicalRay = { 0, 0, 1 }; MathVector normalVector = mathUtils.CreateVector(canonicalRay); MathVector cameraDirection = normalVector.MultiplyTransform(cameraTransform); return(cameraDirection); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a longitude value in degrees to radians. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">The value in degrees to convert to radians.</param> /// <param name="edge">If true, -180 and +180 are valid, otherwise they are considered out of range.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected static double LongitudeToRadians(double x, bool edge) { if (!(edge ? ((x >= -180) && (x <= 180)) : ((x > -180) && (x < 180)))) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("x", x, " not a valid longitude in degrees."); } return(MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(x)); }
public static double[] GetXYZ(MathTransform transform) { double[] XYZ = new double[3]; XYZ[0] = transform.ArrayData[9]; XYZ[1] = transform.ArrayData[10]; XYZ[2] = transform.ArrayData[11]; return(XYZ); }
// Used only by the part exporter public void exportLink(bool zIsUp) { createBaseRefOrigin(zIsUp); MathTransform coordSysTransform = ActiveSWModel.Extension.GetCoordinateSystemTransformByName("Origin_global"); Matrix <double> GlobalTransform = ops.getTransformation(coordSysTransform); localizeLink(mRobot.BaseLink, GlobalTransform); //Creating package directories URDFPackage package = new URDFPackage(mPackageName, mSavePath); package.createDirectories(); string meshFileName = package.MeshesDirectory + + ".STL"; string windowsMeshFileName = package.WindowsMeshesDirectory + + ".STL"; string windowsURDFFileName = package.WindowsRobotsDirectory + + ".urdf"; string windowsManifestFileName = package.WindowsPackageDirectory + "manifest.xml"; //Creating manifest file PackageXMLWriter manifestWriter = new PackageXMLWriter(windowsManifestFileName); PackageXML Manifest = new PackageXML(; Manifest.writeElement(manifestWriter); //Customizing STL preferences to how I want them saveUserPreferences(); setSTLExportPreferences(); setLinkSpecificSTLPreferences("", mRobot.BaseLink.STLQualityFine, ActiveSWModel); int errors = 0; int warnings = 0; //Saving part as STL mesh ActiveSWModel.Extension.SaveAs(windowsMeshFileName, (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Geometry.Mesh.filename = meshFileName; mRobot.BaseLink.Collision.Geometry.Mesh.filename = meshFileName; correctSTLMesh(windowsMeshFileName); mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Material.Texture.filename = package.TexturesDirectory + Path.GetFileName(mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Material.Texture.wFilename); string textureSavePath = package.WindowsTexturesDirectory + Path.GetFileName(mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Material.Texture.wFilename); if (mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Material.Texture.wFilename != "") { System.IO.File.Copy(mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Material.Texture.wFilename, textureSavePath, true); } //Writing URDF to file URDFWriter uWriter = new URDFWriter(windowsURDFFileName); //mRobot.addLink(mLink); mRobot.writeURDF(uWriter.writer); resetUserPreferences(); }
private Double AngleCubeDeVisualisation(View vue, Sketch esquisse) { MathUtility SwMath = App.Sw.GetMathUtility(); List <gPoint> LstPt = new List <gPoint>(); foreach (SketchPoint s in esquisse.GetSketchPoints2()) { MathPoint point = SwMath.CreatePoint(new Double[3] { s.X, s.Y, s.Z }); MathTransform SketchXform = esquisse.ModelToSketchTransform; SketchXform = SketchXform.Inverse(); point = point.MultiplyTransform(SketchXform); MathTransform ViewXform = vue.ModelToViewTransform; point = point.MultiplyTransform(ViewXform); gPoint swViewStartPt = new gPoint(point); LstPt.Add(swViewStartPt); } // On recherche le point le point le plus à droite puis le plus haut LstPt.Sort(new gPointComparer(ListSortDirection.Descending, p => p.X)); LstPt.Sort(new gPointComparer(ListSortDirection.Descending, p => p.Y)); // On le supprime LstPt.RemoveAt(0); // On recherche le point le point le plus à gauche puis le plus bas LstPt.Sort(new gPointComparer(ListSortDirection.Ascending, p => p.X)); LstPt.Sort(new gPointComparer(ListSortDirection.Ascending, p => p.Y)); // C'est le point de rotation gPoint pt1 = LstPt[0]; // On recherche le plus loin gPoint pt2; Double d1 = pt1.Distance(LstPt[1]); Double d2 = pt1.Distance(LstPt[2]); if (d1 > d2) { pt2 = LstPt[1]; } // En cas d'égalité, on renvoi le point le plus à gauche else if (d1 == d2) { pt2 = (LstPt[1].X < LstPt[2].X) ? LstPt[1] : LstPt[2]; } else { pt2 = LstPt[2]; } gVecteur v = new gVecteur(pt1, pt2); return(Math.Atan2(v.Y, v.X)); }
public static MathTransform reverseTransform(MathTransform transform, MathUtility mathUtility) { double[] transformData = (double[])transform.ArrayData; for (int i = 0; i < transformData.GetLength(0); i++) { transformData[i] = -transformData[i]; } return(mathUtility.CreateTransform(transformData)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of an TransverseMercatorProjection projection object. /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">List of parameters to initialize the projection.</param> /// <param name="inverse">Flag indicating wether is a forward/projection (false) or an inverse projection (true).</param> /// <remarks> /// <list type="bullet"> /// <listheader><term>Items</term><description>Descriptions</description></listheader> /// <item><term>semi_major</term><description>Semi major radius</description></item> /// <item><term>semi_minor</term><description>Semi minor radius</description></item> /// <item><term>scale_factor</term><description></description></item> /// <item><term>central meridian</term><description></description></item> /// <item><term>latitude_origin</term><description></description></item> /// <item><term>false_easting</term><description></description></item> /// <item><term>false_northing</term><description></description></item> /// </list> /// </remarks> public TransverseMercator(List <ProjectionParameter> parameters, bool inverse) : base(parameters, inverse) { base.Name = "Transverse_Mercator"; base.Authority = "EPSG"; base.AuthorityCode = 0x264fL; ProjectionParameter parameter = base.GetParameter("semi_major"); ProjectionParameter parameter2 = base.GetParameter("semi_minor"); ProjectionParameter parameter3 = base.GetParameter("scale_factor"); ProjectionParameter parameter4 = base.GetParameter("central_meridian"); ProjectionParameter parameter5 = base.GetParameter("latitude_of_origin"); ProjectionParameter parameter6 = base.GetParameter("false_easting"); ProjectionParameter parameter7 = base.GetParameter("false_northing"); if (parameter == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'semi_major'"); } if (parameter2 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'semi_minor'"); } if (parameter3 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'scale_factor'"); } if (parameter4 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'central_meridian'"); } if (parameter5 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'latitude_of_origin'"); } if (parameter6 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'false_easting'"); } if (parameter7 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'false_northing'"); } this.r_major = parameter.Value; this.r_minor = parameter2.Value; this.scale_factor = parameter3.Value; this.central_meridian = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter4.Value); this.lat_origin = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter5.Value); this.false_easting = parameter6.Value; this.false_northing = parameter7.Value; = 1 - Math.Pow(this.r_minor / this.r_major, 2); this.e = Math.Sqrt(; this.e0 = MapProjection.e0fn(; this.e1 = MapProjection.e1fn(; this.e2 = MapProjection.e2fn(; this.e3 = MapProjection.e3fn(; this.ml0 = this.r_major * MapProjection.mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, this.lat_origin); this.esp = / (1 -; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of an Albers projection object. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para>The parameters this projection expects are listed below.</para> /// <list type="table"> /// <listheader><term>Items</term><description>Descriptions</description></listheader> /// <item><term>latitude_of_center</term><description>The latitude of the point which is not the natural origin and at which grid coordinate values false easting and false northing are defined.</description></item> /// <item><term>longitude_of_center</term><description>The longitude of the point which is not the natural origin and at which grid coordinate values false easting and false northing are defined.</description></item> /// <item><term>standard_parallel_1</term><description>For a conic projection with two standard parallels, this is the latitude of intersection of the cone with the ellipsoid that is nearest the pole. Scale is true along this parallel.</description></item> /// <item><term>standard_parallel_2</term><description>For a conic projection with two standard parallels, this is the latitude of intersection of the cone with the ellipsoid that is furthest from the pole. Scale is true along this parallel.</description></item> /// <item><term>false_easting</term><description>The easting value assigned to the false origin.</description></item> /// <item><term>false_northing</term><description>The northing value assigned to the false origin.</description></item> /// </list> /// </remarks> /// <param name="parameters">List of parameters to initialize the projection.</param> /// <param name="isInverse">Indicates whether the projection forward (meters to degrees or degrees to meters).</param> public AlbersProjection(List <ProjectionParameter> parameters, bool isInverse) : base(parameters, isInverse) { base.Name = "Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"; ProjectionParameter parameter = base.GetParameter("longitude_of_center"); ProjectionParameter parameter2 = base.GetParameter("latitude_of_center"); ProjectionParameter parameter3 = base.GetParameter("standard_parallel_1"); ProjectionParameter parameter4 = base.GetParameter("standard_parallel_2"); ProjectionParameter parameter5 = base.GetParameter("false_easting"); ProjectionParameter parameter6 = base.GetParameter("false_northing"); if (parameter == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'longitude_of_center'"); } if (parameter2 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'latitude_of_center'"); } if (parameter3 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'standard_parallel_1'"); } if (parameter4 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'standard_parallel_2'"); } if (parameter5 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'false_easting'"); } if (parameter6 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing projection parameter 'false_northing'"); } this.lon_center = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter.Value); double lat = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter2.Value); double num2 = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter3.Value); double num3 = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter4.Value); this._falseEasting = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter5.Value); this._falseNorthing = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(parameter6.Value); if (Math.Abs((double)(num2 + num3)) < double.Epsilon) { throw new ApplicationException("Equal latitudes for standard parallels on opposite sides of Equator."); } this.e_sq = 1 - Math.Pow(base._semiMinor / base._semiMajor, 2); this.e = Math.Sqrt(this.e_sq); double num4 = this.alpha(num2); double num5 = this.alpha(num3); double x = Math.Cos(num2) / Math.Sqrt(1 - (this.e_sq * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(num2), 2))); double num7 = Math.Cos(num3) / Math.Sqrt(1 - (this.e_sq * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(num3), 2))); this.n = (Math.Pow(x, 2) - Math.Pow(num7, 2)) / (num5 - num4); this.C = Math.Pow(x, 2) + (this.n * num4); this.ro0 = this.Ro(this.alpha(lat)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts coordinates in decimal degrees to projected meters. /// </summary> /// <param name="lonlat">The point in decimal degrees.</param> /// <returns>Point in projected meters</returns> public override double[] DegreesToMeters(double[] lonlat) { double num = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(lonlat[0]); double lat = MathTransform.Degrees2Radians(lonlat[1]); double a = this.alpha(lat); double num4 = this.Ro(a); double num5 = this.n * (num - this.lon_center); return(new double[] { (this._falseEasting + (num4 * Math.Sin(num5))), ((this._falseNorthing + this.ro0) - (num4 * Math.Cos(num5))) }); }
public CrsTransform(CoordinateSystem from, CoordinateSystem to) { _from = from; _to = to; CoordinateTransformationFactory ctfac = new CoordinateTransformationFactory(); _trans = ctfac.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(_from, _to); _mathTransform = _trans.MathTransform; }
/// <summary> /// Controller's constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="graphHopperGateway"></param> /// <param name="elevationDataStorage"></param> /// <param name="itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory"></param> /// <param name="geometryFactory"></param> public RoutingController(IGraphHopperGateway graphHopperGateway, IElevationDataStorage elevationDataStorage, IItmWgs84MathTransfromFactory itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory, GeometryFactory geometryFactory) { _graphHopperGateway = graphHopperGateway; _elevationDataStorage = elevationDataStorage; _geometryFactory = geometryFactory; _wgs84ItmMathTransform = itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory.CreateInverse(); }
public static Matrix3D GetMatrixFromMathTransform(ref MathTransform trasf) { double[] amatr = (double[])trasf.ArrayData; Matrix3D res = new Matrix3D(amatr[0], amatr[1], amatr[2], 0, amatr[3], amatr[4], amatr[5], 0, amatr[6], amatr[7], amatr[8], 0, amatr[9], amatr[10], amatr[11], 1); return res; }
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming /// <summary> /// Creates an instance of this class /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">An enumeration of projection parameters</param> /// <param name="inverse">Indicator if this projection is inverse</param> protected MapProjection(IEnumerable <ProjectionParameter> parameters, MapProjection inverse) : this(parameters) { _inverse = inverse; if (_inverse != null) { inverse._inverse = this; _isInverse = !inverse._isInverse; } }
public override Point LocationToPoint(Location location) { if (MathTransform == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The CoordinateSystem property is not set."); } var coordinate = MathTransform.Transform(new Coordinate(location.Longitude, location.Latitude)); return(new Point(coordinate.X, coordinate.Y)); }
public void MultiplyTransfom(MathTransform trans) { MathUtility Mu = App.Sw.GetMathUtility(); MathPoint mp = Mu.CreatePoint(new double[] { X, Y, Z }); mp = mp.MultiplyTransform(trans); Double[] pt = (Double[])mp.ArrayData; X = pt[0]; Y = pt[1]; Z = pt[2]; }
public void TestGetRPYMathTransform(double[] matrixData, double[] expected) { MathUtility util = SwApp.GetMathUtility(); MathTransform transform = util.CreateTransform((object)matrixData); double[] result = MathOps.GetRPY(transform); for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++) { Assert.Equal(expected[i], result[i], 10); } }
public void TestGetTransformationFromMathTransform(double[] matrixData, double[] expected) { MathUtility util = SwApp.GetMathUtility(); MathTransform transform = util.CreateTransform((object)matrixData); double[] result = MathOps.GetTransformation(transform).AsColumnMajorArray(); for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++) { Assert.Equal(expected[i], result[i]); } }
/// <summary> /// Class constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="adaptersFactory"></param> /// <param name="elevationDataStorage"></param> /// <param name="elasticSearchGateway"></param> /// <param name="itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> public ExternalSourcesController(IPointsOfInterestAdapterFactory adaptersFactory, IElevationDataStorage elevationDataStorage, IElasticSearchGateway elasticSearchGateway, IItmWgs84MathTransfromFactory itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory, ILogger logger) { _adaptersFactory = adaptersFactory; _elevationDataStorage = elevationDataStorage; _elasticSearchGateway = elasticSearchGateway; _wgs84ItmTransform = itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory.CreateInverse(); _logger = logger; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="logger"></param> /// <param name="elevationDataStorage"></param> /// <param name="itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory"></param> /// <param name="osmGeoJsonConverter"></param> /// <param name="tagsHelper"></param> public OsmGeoJsonPreprocessorExecutor(ILogger logger, IElevationDataStorage elevationDataStorage, IItmWgs84MathTransfromFactory itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory, IOsmGeoJsonConverter osmGeoJsonConverter, ITagsHelper tagsHelper) { _logger = logger; _osmGeoJsonConverter = osmGeoJsonConverter; _elevationDataStorage = elevationDataStorage; _wgs84ItmConverter = itmWgs84MathTransfromFactory.CreateInverse(); _tagsHelper = tagsHelper; }
public static Matrix getRotationMatrix(MathTransform transform) { var rot = new DenseMatrix(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { rot.At(i, j, transform.ArrayData[i + 3 * j]); } } return(rot); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public double[] GetQuaternionFromMatrix(ref MathTransform trasf) { double[] q = new double[4]; double[] amatr = (double[])trasf.ArrayData; double s, tr; // for speed reasons: .. double m00 = amatr[0]; double m01 = amatr[3]; double m02 = amatr[6]; double m10 = amatr[1]; double m11 = amatr[4]; double m12 = amatr[7]; double m20 = amatr[2]; double m21 = amatr[5]; double m22 = amatr[8]; tr=m00 + m11 + m22; // diag sum if (tr >= 0) { s = Math.Sqrt(tr + 1.0); q[0] = 0.5 * s; s = 0.5 / s; q[1] = (m21 - m12) * s; q[2] = (m02 - m20) * s; q[3] = (m10 - m01) * s; } else { int i = 0; if (m11 > m00) { i = 1; if (m22 > m11) i = 2; } else { if (m22 > m00) i = 2; } switch (i) { case 0: s = Math.Sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1); q[1] = 0.5 * s; s = 0.5 / s; q[2] = (m01 + m10) * s; q[3] = (m20 + m02) * s; q[0] = (m21 - m12) * s; break; case 1: s = Math.Sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1); q[2] = 0.5 * s; s = 0.5 / s; q[3] = (m12 + m21) * s; q[1] = (m01 + m10) * s; q[0] = (m02 - m20) * s; break; case 2: s = Math.Sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1); q[3] = 0.5 * s; s = 0.5 / s; q[1] = (m20 + m02) * s; q[2] = (m12 + m21) * s; q[0] = (m10 - m01) * s; break; } } return q; }
public void PythonTraverseFeatures_for_collshapes(Component2 swComp, long nLevel, ref string asciitext, int nbody, ref MathTransform chbodytransform, ref bool found_collisionshapes, Component2 swCompBase) { CultureInfo bz = new CultureInfo("en-BZ"); Feature swFeat; swFeat = (Feature)swComp.FirstFeature(); String bodyname = "body_" + nbody; MathTransform subcomp_transform = swComp.GetTotalTransform(true); MathTransform invchbody_trasform = (MathTransform)chbodytransform.Inverse(); MathTransform collshape_subcomp_transform = subcomp_transform.IMultiply(invchbody_trasform); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order! // Export collision shapes if (this.checkBox_collshapes.Checked) { object[] bodies; object bodyInfo; bodies = (object[])swComp.GetBodies3((int)swBodyType_e.swAllBodies, out bodyInfo); if (bodies != null) { // see if it contains some collision shape bool build_collision_model = false; for (int ib = 0; ib < bodies.Length; ib++) { Body2 swBody = (Body2)bodies[ib]; if (swBody.Name.StartsWith("COLL.")) build_collision_model = true; } if (build_collision_model) { if (!found_collisionshapes) { found_collisionshapes = true; // fetch SW attribute with Chrono parameters SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute myattr = (SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute)swCompBase.FindAttribute(this.mSWintegration.defattr_chbody, 0); if (myattr != null) { asciitext += "\n# Collision parameters \n"; double param_friction = ((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("friction")).GetDoubleValue(); double param_restitution = ((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("restitution")).GetDoubleValue(); double param_rolling_friction = ((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("rolling_friction")).GetDoubleValue(); double param_spinning_friction = ((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("spinning_friction")).GetDoubleValue(); double param_collision_envelope = ((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("collision_envelope")).GetDoubleValue(); double param_collision_margin = ((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("collision_margin")).GetDoubleValue(); int param_collision_family = (int)((Parameter)myattr.GetParameter("collision_family")).GetDoubleValue(); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetFriction({1:g});\n", bodyname, param_friction); if (param_restitution != 0) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetImpactC({1:g});\n", bodyname, param_restitution); if (param_rolling_friction != 0) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetRollingFriction({1:g});\n", bodyname, param_rolling_friction); if (param_spinning_friction != 0) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetSpinningFriction({1:g});\n", bodyname, param_spinning_friction); //if (param_collision_envelope != 0.03) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().SetEnvelope({1:g});\n", bodyname, param_collision_envelope * ChScale.L); //if (param_collision_margin != 0.01) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().SetSafeMargin({1:g});\n", bodyname, param_collision_margin * ChScale.L); if (param_collision_family != 0) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().SetFamily({1});\n", bodyname, param_collision_family); } // clear model only at 1st subcomponent where coll shapes are found in features: asciitext += "\n# Collision shapes \n"; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().ClearModel()\n", bodyname); } for (int ib = 0; ib < bodies.Length; ib++) { Body2 swBody = (Body2)bodies[ib]; if (swBody.Name.StartsWith("COLL.")) { bool rbody_converted = false; if (ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToSphere(swBody)) { Point3D center_l = new Point3D(); // in local subcomponent double rad = 0; ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToSphere(swBody, ref rad, ref center_l); Point3D center = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(center_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().AddSphere({1}, chrono.ChVectorD({2},{3},{4}))\n", bodyname, rad * ChScale.L, center.X * ChScale.L, center.Y * ChScale.L, center.Z * ChScale.L); rbody_converted = true; } if (ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToBox(swBody)) { Point3D vC_l = new Point3D(); Vector3D eX_l = new Vector3D(); Vector3D eY_l = new Vector3D(); Vector3D eZ_l = new Vector3D(); ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToBox(swBody, ref vC_l, ref eX_l, ref eY_l, ref eZ_l); Point3D vC = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(vC_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); Vector3D eX = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(eX_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); Vector3D eY = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(eY_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); Vector3D eZ = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(eZ_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); double hsX = eX.Length * 0.5; double hsY = eY.Length * 0.5; double hsZ = eZ.Length * 0.5; Point3D vO = vC + 0.5 * eX + 0.5 * eY + 0.5 * eZ; Vector3D Dx = eX; Dx.Normalize(); Vector3D Dy = eY; Dy.Normalize(); Vector3D Dz = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Dx, Dy); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr = chrono.ChMatrix33D()\n"); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr[0,0]={0}; mr[1,0]={1}; mr[2,0]={2} \n", Dx.X, Dx.Y, Dx.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr[0,1]={0}; mr[1,1]={1}; mr[2,1]={2} \n", Dy.X, Dy.Y, Dy.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr[0,2]={0}; mr[1,2]={1}; mr[2,2]={2} \n", Dz.X, Dz.Y, Dz.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().AddBox({1},{2},{3},chrono.ChVectorD({4},{5},{6}),mr)\n", bodyname, hsX * ChScale.L, hsY * ChScale.L, hsZ * ChScale.L, vO.X * ChScale.L, vO.Y * ChScale.L, vO.Z * ChScale.L); rbody_converted = true; } if (ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToCylinder(swBody)) { Point3D p1_l = new Point3D(); Point3D p2_l = new Point3D(); double rad = 0; ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToCylinder(swBody, ref p1_l, ref p2_l, ref rad); Point3D p1 = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(p1_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); Point3D p2 = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(p2_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); Vector3D Dy = p1 - p2; Dy.Normalize(); double hsY = (p1 - p2).Length * 0.5; double hsZ = rad; double hsX = rad; Point3D vO = p1 + 0.5 * (p2 - p1); Vector3D Dx = new Vector3D(); if (Dy.X < 0.9) { Vector3D Dtst = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); Dx = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Dtst, Dy); } else { Vector3D Dtst = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0); Dx = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Dtst, Dy); } Vector3D Dz = Vector3D.CrossProduct(Dx, Dy); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr = chrono.ChMatrix33D()\n"); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr[0,0]={0}; mr[1,0]={1}; mr[2,0]={2} \n", Dx.X, Dx.Y, Dx.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr[0,1]={0}; mr[1,1]={1}; mr[2,1]={2} \n", Dy.X, Dy.Y, Dy.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "mr[0,2]={0}; mr[1,2]={1}; mr[2,2]={2} \n", Dz.X, Dz.Y, Dz.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().AddCylinder({1},{2},{3},chrono.ChVectorD({4},{5},{6}),mr)\n", bodyname, hsX * ChScale.L, hsZ * ChScale.L, hsY * ChScale.L, vO.X * ChScale.L, vO.Y * ChScale.L, vO.Z * ChScale.L); // note order hsX-Z-Y rbody_converted = true; } if (ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToConvexHull(swBody, 30) && !rbody_converted) { Point3D[] vertexes = new Point3D[1]; // will be resized by SWbodyToConvexHull ConvertToCollisionShapes.SWbodyToConvexHull(swBody, ref vertexes, 30); if (vertexes.Length > 0) { asciitext += String.Format(bz, "pt_vect = chrono.vector_ChVectorD()\n"); for (int iv = 0; iv < vertexes.Length; iv++) { Point3D vert_l = vertexes[iv]; Point3D vert = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(vert_l, ref collshape_subcomp_transform); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "pt_vect.push_back(chrono.ChVectorD({0},{1},{2}))\n", vert.X * ChScale.L, vert.Y * ChScale.L, vert.Z * ChScale.L); } asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.GetCollisionModel().AddConvexHull(pt_vect)\n", bodyname); } } } // end dealing with a collision shape } // end solid bodies traversal for converting to coll.shapes } // end if build_collision_model } } // end collision shapes export }
public static Point3D PointTransform(Point3D pt, ref MathTransform trasf) { //Point3D pp = new Point3D(pt.X,pt.Y,pt.Z); Matrix3D M = GetMatrixFromMathTransform(ref trasf); return M.Transform(pt); }
public void globalAxis(double[] Axis, MathTransform coordsysTransform) { if (coordsysTransform != null) { Vector<double> vec = new DenseVector(new double[] { Axis[0], Axis[1], Axis[2], 0 }); Matrix<double> transform = ops.getTransformation(coordsysTransform); vec = transform * vec; Axis[0] = vec[0]; Axis[1] = vec[1]; Axis[2] = vec[2]; } ops.threshold(Axis, 0.00001); }
public void PythonTraverseFeatures_for_links(Feature swFeat, long nLevel, ref string asciitext, ref MathTransform roottrasf, ref Component2 assemblyofmates) { Feature swSubFeat; int num_link = 0; while ((swFeat != null)) { // Export mates as constraints if ((swFeat.GetTypeName2() == "MateGroup") && (this.checkBox_constraints.Checked)) { swSubFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetFirstSubFeature(); while ((swSubFeat != null)) { ConvertMates.ConvertMateToPython(ref swSubFeat, ref asciitext, ref mSWApplication, ref saved_parts, ref num_link, ref roottrasf, ref assemblyofmates); swSubFeat = (Feature)swSubFeat.GetNextSubFeature(); } // end while loop on subfeatures mates } // end if mate group swFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetNextFeature(); } // end while loop on features }
public void PythonTraverseFeatures_for_markers(Feature swFeat, long nLevel, ref string asciitext, int nbody, MathTransform swCompTotalTrasf) { CultureInfo bz = new CultureInfo("en-BZ"); int nmarker = 0; String bodyname = "body_" + nbody; while ((swFeat != null)) { // asciitext += "# feature: " + swFeat.Name + " [" + swFeat.GetTypeName2() + "]" + "\n"; // Export markers, if any (as coordinate systems) if (swFeat.GetTypeName2() == "CoordSys") { nmarker++; CoordinateSystemFeatureData swCoordSys = (CoordinateSystemFeatureData)swFeat.GetDefinition(); MathTransform tr = swCoordSys.Transform; MathTransform tr_part = swCompTotalTrasf; MathTransform tr_abs = tr.IMultiply(tr_part); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order! double[] quat = GetQuaternionFromMatrix(ref tr_abs); double[] amatr = (double[])tr_abs.ArrayData; String markername = "marker_" + nbody + "_" + nmarker; asciitext += "\n# Auxiliary marker (coordinate system feature)\n"; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} =chrono.ChMarker()\n", markername); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName('{1}')" + "\n", markername, swFeat.Name); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.AddMarker({1})\n", bodyname, markername); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Impose_Abs_Coord(chrono.ChCoordsysD(chrono.ChVectorD({1},{2},{3}),chrono.ChQuaternionD({4},{5},{6},{7})))\n", markername, amatr[9]*ChScale.L, amatr[10]*ChScale.L, amatr[11]*ChScale.L, quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]); } swFeat = (Feature)swFeat.GetNextFeature(); } }
public static bool ConvertMateToPython( ref Feature swMateFeature, ref string asciitext, ref ISldWorks mSWApplication, ref Hashtable saved_parts, ref int num_link, ref MathTransform roottrasf, ref Component2 assemblyofmates ) { if (swMateFeature == null) return false; Mate2 swMate = (Mate2)swMateFeature.GetSpecificFeature2(); if (swMate == null) return false; object foo =null; bool[] suppressedflags; suppressedflags = (bool[])swMateFeature.IsSuppressed2((int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, foo); if (suppressedflags[0] == true) return false; if (swMate.GetMateEntityCount() >= 2) { // Get the mated parts MateEntity2 swEntityA = swMate.MateEntity(0); MateEntity2 swEntityB = swMate.MateEntity(1); Component2 swCompA = swEntityA.ReferenceComponent; Component2 swCompB = swEntityB.ReferenceComponent; double[] paramsA = (double[])swEntityA.EntityParams; double[] paramsB = (double[])swEntityB.EntityParams; // this is needed because parts might reside in subassemblies, and mate params are expressed in parent subassembly MathTransform invroottrasf = (MathTransform)roottrasf.Inverse(); MathTransform trA = roottrasf; MathTransform trB = roottrasf; if (assemblyofmates != null) { MathTransform partrasfA = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true); if (partrasfA != null) trA = partrasfA.IMultiply(invroottrasf); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order! MathTransform partrasfB = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true); if (partrasfB != null) trB = partrasfB.IMultiply(invroottrasf); // row-ordered transf. -> reverse mult.order! } // Fetch the python names using hash map (python names added when scanning parts) ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension); ModelDoc2 swModel = (ModelDoc2)mSWApplication.ActiveDoc; swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension; String name1 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompA)]; String name2 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompB)]; // Only constraints between two parts or part & layout can be created if ( ((name1 != null) || (name2 != null)) && (name1 != name2) ) { CultureInfo bz = new CultureInfo("en-BZ"); if (name1 == null) name1 = "body_0"; if (name2 == null) name2 = "body_0"; // Add some comment in Python, to list the referenced SW items asciitext += "\n# Mate constraint: " + swMateFeature.Name + " [" + swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() + "]" + " type:" + swMate.Type + " align:" + swMate.Alignment + " flip:" + swMate.Flipped + "\n"; for (int e = 0; e < swMate.GetMateEntityCount(); e++) { MateEntity2 swEntityN = swMate.MateEntity(e); Component2 swCompN = swEntityN.ReferenceComponent; String ce_nameN = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompN)]; asciitext += "# Entity " + e + ": C::E name: " + ce_nameN + " , SW name: " + swCompN.Name2 + " , SW ref.type:" + swEntityN.Reference.GetType() + " (" + swEntityN.ReferenceType2 + ")\n"; } asciitext += "\n"; // // For each type of SW mate, see which C::E mate constraint(s) // must be created. Some SW mates correspond to more than one C::E constraints. // bool swapAB_1 = false; bool do_CHmate_Xdistance = false; double do_distance_val = 0.0; bool do_CHmate_parallel = false; bool do_parallel_flip = false; bool do_CHmate_orthogonal = false; bool do_CHmate_spherical = false; bool do_CHmate_pointline = false; // to simplify things later... // NOTE: swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() seems equivalent to swMate.MateEntity(0).ReferenceType2 // but in some cases the latter fails. bool entity_0_as_FACE = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES); bool entity_0_as_EDGE = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) || (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) || (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES); bool entity_0_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) || (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) || (swMate.MateEntity(0).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS); bool entity_1_as_FACE = (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES); bool entity_1_as_EDGE = (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES) || (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS) || (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES); bool entity_1_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) || (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) || (swMate.MateEntity(1).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS); Point3D cA = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); Point3D cB = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); Vector3D dA = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); Vector3D dB = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); Point3D cAloc = new Point3D(paramsA[0], paramsA[1], paramsA[2]); cA = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cAloc, ref trA); Point3D cBloc = new Point3D(paramsB[0], paramsB[1], paramsB[2]); cB = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cBloc, ref trB); if (!entity_0_as_VERTEX) { Vector3D dAloc = new Vector3D(paramsA[3], paramsA[4], paramsA[5]); dA = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dAloc, ref trA); } if (!entity_1_as_VERTEX) { Vector3D dBloc = new Vector3D(paramsB[3], paramsB[4], paramsB[5]); dB = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dBloc, ref trB); } if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateCoincident") { if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) && (entity_1_as_VERTEX)) { do_CHmate_spherical = true; } if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_VERTEX)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_VERTEX)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; do_CHmate_orthogonal = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; do_CHmate_orthogonal = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED) do_parallel_flip = true; } if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateConcentric") { if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_VERTEX)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_pointline = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED) do_parallel_flip = true; } if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateParallel") { if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_orthogonal = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_orthogonal = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED) do_parallel_flip = true; } if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MatePerpendicular") { if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_orthogonal = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_orthogonal = true; } if ((entity_0_as_EDGE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_EDGE)) { do_CHmate_parallel = true; swapAB_1 = true; } if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED) do_parallel_flip = true; } if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateDistanceDim") { if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; do_CHmate_parallel = true; } if ((entity_0_as_VERTEX) && (entity_1_as_FACE)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; } if ((entity_0_as_FACE) && (entity_1_as_VERTEX)) { do_CHmate_Xdistance = true; swapAB_1 = true; } //***TO DO*** cases of distance line-vs-line and line-vs-vertex and vert-vert. // Those will require another .cpp ChLinkMate specialized class(es). if (swMate.Alignment == (int)swMateAlign_e.swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED) do_parallel_flip = true; // Get the imposed distance value, in SI units string confnames = ""; do_distance_val = swMate.DisplayDimension.GetDimension2(0).IGetSystemValue3((int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, 0, ref confnames); if (swMate.Flipped) do_distance_val = -do_distance_val; } //// //// WRITE PYHTON CODE CORRESPONDING TO CONSTRAINTS //// if (do_CHmate_Xdistance) { num_link++; String linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateXdistance()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cA.X * ChScale.L, cA.Y * ChScale.L, cA.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cB.X * ChScale.L, cB.Y * ChScale.L, cB.Z * ChScale.L); if (!entity_0_as_VERTEX) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z); if (!entity_1_as_VERTEX) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, if (!swapAB_1) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1); //if (do_distance_val!=0) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetDistance({1})\n", linkname, do_distance_val * ChScale.L *-1); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname); } if (do_CHmate_parallel) { if (Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(dA, dB)) > 0.98) { num_link++; String linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateParallel()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cA.X * ChScale.L, cA.Y * ChScale.L, cA.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cB.X * ChScale.L, cB.Y * ChScale.L, cB.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z); if (do_parallel_flip) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetFlipped(True)\n", linkname); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, if (!swapAB_1) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dB,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname); } else { asciitext += "\n# ChLinkMateParallel skipped because directions not parallel! \n"; } } if (do_CHmate_orthogonal) { if (Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(dA, dB)) < 0.02) { num_link++; String linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateOrthogonal()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cA.X * ChScale.L, cA.Y * ChScale.L, cA.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cB.X * ChScale.L, cB.Y * ChScale.L, cB.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, if (!swapAB_1) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dB,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname); } else { asciitext += "\n# ChLinkMateOrthogonal skipped because directions not orthogonal! \n"; } } if (do_CHmate_spherical) { num_link++; String linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateSpherical()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cA.X * ChScale.L, cA.Y * ChScale.L, cA.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cB.X * ChScale.L, cB.Y * ChScale.L, cB.Z * ChScale.L); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, if (!swapAB_1) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB)\n", linkname, name1, name2); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA)\n", linkname, name2, name1); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname); } if (do_CHmate_pointline) { num_link++; String linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateGeneric()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetConstrainedCoords(False, True, True, False, False, False)\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cA.X * ChScale.L, cA.Y * ChScale.L, cA.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cB.X * ChScale.L, cB.Y * ChScale.L, cB.Z * ChScale.L); if (!entity_0_as_VERTEX) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.VNULL\n"); if (!entity_1_as_VERTEX) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.VNULL\n"); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, if (!swapAB_1) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cB,cA,dB,dA)\n", linkname, name2, name1); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n\n", linkname); } // Now, do some other special mate type that did not fall in combinations // of do_CHmate_pointline, do_CHmate_spherical, etc etc if (swMateFeature.GetTypeName2() == "MateHinge") { // auto flip direction if anti aligned (seems that this is assumed automatically in MateHinge in SW) if (Vector3D.DotProduct(dA, dB) < 0) dB.Negate(); // Hinge constraint must be splitted in two C::E constraints: a coaxial and a point-vs-plane num_link++; String linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateCoaxial()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cA.X * ChScale.L, cA.Y * ChScale.L, cA.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dA.X, dA.Y, dA.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cB.X * ChScale.L, cB.Y * ChScale.L, cB.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dB.X, dB.Y, dB.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA,dB)\n", linkname, name1, name2); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n", linkname); // NOTE!!! The 'hinge' mate uses 4 references: fetch the two others remaining // and build another C::E link, for point-vs-face mating MateEntity2 swEntityC = swMate.MateEntity(2); MateEntity2 swEntityD = swMate.MateEntity(3); Component2 swCompC = swEntityC.ReferenceComponent; Component2 swCompD = swEntityD.ReferenceComponent; double[] paramsC = (double[])swEntityC.EntityParams; double[] paramsD = (double[])swEntityD.EntityParams; String name3 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompC)]; String name4 = (String)saved_parts[swModelDocExt.GetPersistReference3(swCompD)]; MathTransform trC = roottrasf; MathTransform trD = roottrasf; if (assemblyofmates != null) { MathTransform partrasfC = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true); if (partrasfC != null) trC = partrasfC.IMultiply(invroottrasf); MathTransform partrasfD = assemblyofmates.GetTotalTransform(true); if (partrasfD != null) trD = partrasfD.IMultiply(invroottrasf); } bool entity_2_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(2).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) || (swMate.MateEntity(2).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) || (swMate.MateEntity(2).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS); bool entity_3_as_VERTEX = (swMate.MateEntity(3).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES) || (swMate.MateEntity(3).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS) || (swMate.MateEntity(3).Reference.GetType() == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS); Point3D cC = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); Point3D cD = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); Vector3D dC = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); Vector3D dD = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); Point3D cCloc = new Point3D(paramsC[0], paramsC[1], paramsC[2]); cC = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cCloc, ref trC); Point3D cDloc = new Point3D(paramsD[0], paramsD[1], paramsD[2]); cD = SWTaskpaneHost.PointTransform(cDloc, ref trD); if (!entity_2_as_VERTEX) { Vector3D dCloc = new Vector3D(paramsC[3], paramsC[4], paramsC[5]); dC = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dCloc, ref trC); } if (!entity_3_as_VERTEX) { Vector3D dDloc = new Vector3D(paramsD[3], paramsD[4], paramsD[5]); dD = SWTaskpaneHost.DirTransform(dDloc, ref trD); } num_link++; linkname = "link_" + num_link; asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0} = chrono.ChLinkMateXdistance()\n", linkname); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cC.X * ChScale.L, cC.Y * ChScale.L, cC.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dA = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dC.X, dC.Y, dC.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "cB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", cD.X * ChScale.L, cD.Y * ChScale.L, cD.Z * ChScale.L); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "dB = chrono.ChVectorD({0:g},{1:g},{2:g})\n", dD.X, dD.Y, dD.Z); asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.SetName(\"{1}\")\n", linkname, swMateFeature.Name); // Initialize link, by setting the two csys, in absolute space, if (entity_2_as_VERTEX) asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dA)\n", linkname, name3, name4); else asciitext += String.Format(bz, "{0}.Initialize({1},{2},False,cA,cB,dB)\n", linkname, name3, name4); // Insert to a list of exported items asciitext += String.Format(bz, "exported_items.append({0})\n", linkname); return true; } } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Transforms the inputed array by the inputted transform. /// </summary> /// <param name="trans">Transform to move the point by</param> /// <param name="Pt">Point to be Transformed</param> /// <returns>The transformed point</returns> public static double[] TransformPoint(MathTransform trans, double[] Pt) { double[] newPoint; if (Pt.Length > 3) newPoint = Pt.Take(3).ToArray(); else newPoint = Pt; return RobotInfo.mathUtil.CreatePoint(newPoint).MultiplyTransform(trans).ArrayData; }
public void PythonTraverseComponent_for_collshapes(Component2 swComp, long nLevel, ref string asciitext, int nbody, ref MathTransform chbodytransform, ref bool found_collisionshapes, Component2 swCompBase) { // Look if component contains collision shapes (customized SW solid bodies): PythonTraverseFeatures_for_collshapes(swComp, nLevel, ref asciitext, nbody, ref chbodytransform, ref found_collisionshapes, swCompBase); // Recursive scan of subcomponents Component2 swChildComp; object[] vChildComp = (object[])swComp.GetChildren(); for (long i = 0; i < vChildComp.Length; i++) { swChildComp = (Component2)vChildComp[i]; PythonTraverseComponent_for_collshapes(swChildComp, nLevel + 1, ref asciitext, nbody, ref chbodytransform, ref found_collisionshapes, swCompBase); } }
// // LINK EXPORTING FUNCTIONS // public void PythonTraverseComponent_for_links(Component2 swComp, long nLevel, ref string asciitext, ref MathTransform roottrasf) { // Scan assembly features and save mating info if (nLevel > 1) { Feature swFeat = (Feature)swComp.FirstFeature(); PythonTraverseFeatures_for_links(swFeat, nLevel, ref asciitext, ref roottrasf, ref swComp); } // Recursive scan of subassemblies object[] vChildComp; Component2 swChildComp; vChildComp = (object[])swComp.GetChildren(); for (long i = 0; i < vChildComp.Length; i++) { swChildComp = (Component2)vChildComp[i]; if (swChildComp.Solving == (int)swComponentSolvingOption_e.swComponentFlexibleSolving) PythonTraverseComponent_for_links(swChildComp, nLevel + 1, ref asciitext, ref roottrasf); } }
public static Vector3D DirTransform(Vector3D dir, ref MathTransform trasf) { Matrix3D M = GetMatrixFromMathTransform(ref trasf); M.OffsetX = 0; M.OffsetY = 0; M.OffsetZ = 0; return M.Transform(dir); }