Exemple #1
 private static uint Round(uint seed, uint input)
     seed += input * PRIME32_2;
     seed  = MathR.RotateLeft(seed, 13);
     seed += PRIME32_1;
        public (Vec3 color, Ray ray) Scatter(Ray rIn, HitRecord hitRec)
            var col           = new Vec3(1, 1, 1);
            var nOverNP       = hitRec.IsFrontFace ? (1 / RefIndex) : RefIndex;
            var unitDirection = rIn.Direction.Normalize();
            var cosAlpha      = Math.Min(MathR.Dot(unitDirection * -1, hitRec.N), 1.0F);
            var sinAlpha      = MathF.Sqrt(1.0F - (cosAlpha * cosAlpha));

            // TIR
            if (nOverNP * sinAlpha > 1)
                var reflect    = MathR.Reflect(unitDirection, hitRec.N);
                var scatterRay = new Ray(hitRec.P, reflect);
                return(col, scatterRay);

            var reflectionProp = MathR.Schlick(cosAlpha, RefIndex);

            if (Rand.Rand01() < reflectionProp)
                var reflect    = MathR.Reflect(unitDirection, hitRec.N);
                var scatterRay = new Ray(hitRec.P, reflect);
                return(col, scatterRay);

            var refract     = MathR.Refract(unitDirection, hitRec.N, nOverNP);
            var scatterRay2 = new Ray(hitRec.P, refract);

            return(col, scatterRay2);
Exemple #3
        public void SmallerThanOneException(int n)
            void action() => MathR.NthPrime(n);

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(action);
            AssertExtensions.ThrowsExceptionMessage <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(action, "N can't be smaller than one. (Parameter 'n')");
        public (Vec3 color, Ray ray) Scatter(Ray rIn, HitRecord hitRec)
            var scatteredDirection = hitRec.N + MathR.RandomUnitVector();
            var scatterRay         = new Ray(hitRec.P, scatteredDirection);

            return(Color, scatterRay);
Exemple #5
        float Alpha(float height)
            float minHeight = verticalCorrectionSlider.minValue;
            float maxHeight = verticalCorrectionSlider.maxValue;

            return(MathR.Map(height, minHeight, maxHeight, 0, 1));
        // Unity function
        void LateUpdate()
            if (target && spatialIndicator)
                spatialIndicator.position = target.position;

            if (!shouldHide && target && overlayIndicator)
                var point = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(target.position);
                var z = overlayIndicator.localEulerAngles.z;
                if (point.z > 0 && Mathf.Abs(point.x) < 1)
                else if (point.z > 0)
                    if (point.x > 0 && point.x < 10)
                        z = MathR.Map(point.x, 3f, 10f, -45f, -90f);
                    else if (point.x < 0 && point.x > -10)
                        z = MathR.Map(point.x, -3f, -10f, 45f, 90f);
                else if (point.z < 0 && point.x > -10 && point.x < 10)
                    z = MathR.Map(point.x, -10f, 10f, 90f, -90f) + 180;
                var eu = new Vector3(0, 0, z);
                overlayIndicator.localEulerAngles = eu;
        void Update()
            if (!playing)
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            if (time.OutOfBounds(0, maxTime))
                playing = false;
            float length = MathR.Lerp(
                min: (direction) ? 0 : maxLength,
                max: (direction) ? maxLength : 0,
                time: time / maxTime,
                type: MathR.LerpType.LINEAR);

            if (length.OutOfBounds(0, maxLength))
                playing = false;
Exemple #8
 public static IEnumerator Fade(this Renderer self, float start, float end, float time)
     foreach (var value in MathR.LerpE(start, end, time))
         yield return(null);
Exemple #9
 public static IEnumerable Fade(this MediaPlayerCtrl self, float start, float end, float time, MathR.LerpType type)
     foreach (var value in MathR.LerpE(start, end, time, type))
         self.ForEachRenderer(r => r.SetAlpha(value));
         yield return(null);
Exemple #10
        public void SetPosition(float normalized)
            var topPosN = MathR.Map(normalized, 0, 1, TOP_MIN, TOP_MAX);
            var btmPosN = MathR.Map(normalized, 0, 1, BTM_MIN, BTM_MAX);

            topPanel.SetNormalizedLocalPosition(topPosN.WithX(.5f), screen);
            bottomPanel.SetNormalizedLocalPosition(btmPosN.WithX(.5f), screen);
            position = position_last = normalized;
Exemple #11
        public float Evaluate(float x, float y, float z)
            int xi0 = ((int)Floor(x)) & TABLE_SIZE_MASK;
            int yi0 = ((int)Floor(y)) & TABLE_SIZE_MASK;
            int zi0 = ((int)Floor(z)) & TABLE_SIZE_MASK;

            int xi1 = (xi0 + 1) & TABLE_SIZE_MASK;
            int yi1 = (yi0 + 1) & TABLE_SIZE_MASK;
            int zi1 = (zi0 + 1) & TABLE_SIZE_MASK;

            float tx = x - (int)Floor(x);
            float ty = y - (int)Floor(y);
            float tz = z - (int)Floor(z);

            float u = MathR.Smoothstep(tx);
            float v = MathR.Smoothstep(ty);
            float w = MathR.Smoothstep(tz);

            // Edge Vectors
            Vector3 c000 = Gradient[HashV3(xi0, yi0, zi0)];
            Vector3 c100 = Gradient[HashV3(xi1, yi0, zi0)];
            Vector3 c010 = Gradient[HashV3(xi0, yi1, zi0)];
            Vector3 c110 = Gradient[HashV3(xi1, yi1, zi0)];

            Vector3 c001 = Gradient[HashV3(xi0, yi0, zi1)];
            Vector3 c101 = Gradient[HashV3(xi1, yi0, zi1)];
            Vector3 c011 = Gradient[HashV3(xi0, yi1, zi1)];
            Vector3 c111 = Gradient[HashV3(xi1, yi1, zi1)];

            float x0 = tx, x1 = tx - 1;
            float y0 = ty, y1 = ty - 1;
            float z0 = tz, z1 = tz - 1;

            // Point Vectors
            Vector3 p000 = new Vector3(x0, y0, z0);
            Vector3 p100 = new Vector3(x1, y0, z0);
            Vector3 p010 = new Vector3(x0, y1, z0);
            Vector3 p110 = new Vector3(x1, y1, z0);

            Vector3 p001 = new Vector3(x0, y0, z1);
            Vector3 p101 = new Vector3(x1, y0, z1);
            Vector3 p011 = new Vector3(x0, y1, z1);
            Vector3 p111 = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1);

            // Lerping
            float a = MathR.Lerp(Vector3.Dot(c000, p000), Vector3.Dot(c100, p100), u);
            float b = MathR.Lerp(Vector3.Dot(c010, p010), Vector3.Dot(c110, p110), u);
            float c = MathR.Lerp(Vector3.Dot(c001, p001), Vector3.Dot(c101, p101), u);
            float d = MathR.Lerp(Vector3.Dot(c011, p011), Vector3.Dot(c111, p111), u);

            float e = MathR.Lerp(a, b, v);
            float f = MathR.Lerp(c, d, v);

            return(MathR.Lerp(e, f, w));
Exemple #12
        public (Vec3 color, Ray ray) Scatter(Ray rIn, HitRecord hitRec)
            var reflect            = rIn.Direction.Reflect(hitRec.N);
            var scatteredDirection = reflect + (MathR.RandomUnitVector() * Fuzz);

            if (scatteredDirection.Dot(hitRec.N) > 0)
                var scatterRay = new Ray(hitRec.P, scatteredDirection);
                return(Color, scatterRay);
Exemple #13
 //Shifts from top to bottom and swaps them.
 IEnumerator _ShiftPanels(float time)
     foreach (var pos in MathR.LerpE(0f, 1f, time, shiftType))
         if (pos < position)
             continue;                                 //starts from the current location
         yield return(null);
Exemple #14
        IEnumerator Lerp(bool blurIn)
            float itrMin = (blurIn) ? 0 : maxIteration;
            float itrMax = (blurIn) ? maxIteration : 0;
            float sprMin = (blurIn) ? 0 : maxSpread;
            float sprMax = (blurIn) ? maxSpread : 0;
            var   itrEnm = MathR.LerpE(itrMin, itrMax, lerpTime, lerpType).GetEnumerator();
            var   sprEnm = MathR.LerpE(sprMin, sprMax, lerpTime, lerpType).GetEnumerator();

            while (itrEnm.MoveNext() | sprEnm.MoveNext())
                iterations = (int)itrEnm.Current;
                blurSpread = sprEnm.Current;
                yield return(null);
Exemple #15
    private IEnumerator Lerp(bool win)
        m_lerp = 0.0f;

        while (m_lerp < 1.0f)
            m_lerp += Time.deltaTime * 15.0f;

            transform.localScale = MathR.Lerp(Constantes.VECTOR_3_ZERO, m_scale, m_lerp, INTERPOLATION.ExponentialEaseIn);

            yield return(null);

        if (!win)
            Invoke("Deactive", 0.25f);
    private IEnumerator ActivePillar()
        m_lerp     = 0.0f;
        m_isActive = true;
        m_currentCharacter.Invoke("ActiveCuspe", 0.1f);

        while (m_lerp < 1.0f)
            m_lerp += Time.deltaTime * m_upSpeed;

            transform.localPosition = MathR.Lerp(m_normalPos, m_activePos, m_lerp, m_upInterpolation);

            yield return(null);

        m_currentCharacter = null;
        m_isChanging       = false;
Exemple #17
    private IEnumerator MoveTo()
        while (m_lerp < 1.0f)
            m_lerp += Time.deltaTime;

            m_position      = transform.position;
            m_endPosition   = m_winner.transform.position;
            m_endPosition.z = m_position.z;

            transform.position          = MathR.Lerp(m_position, m_endPosition, m_lerp, INTERPOLATION.Linear);
            mainCamera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Lerp(5.0f, 2.0f, m_lerp);

            yield return(null);


        Invoke("Load", 2.0f);
    private IEnumerator DeactivePillar()
        if (m_sword != null)
            m_sword.SetState(new Fall());
            m_sword = null;

        m_lerp = 0.0f;
        m_currentCharacter.Invoke("ActiveCuspe", 0.1f);

        while (m_lerp < 1.0f)
            m_lerp += Time.deltaTime * m_downSpeed;

            transform.localPosition = MathR.Lerp(m_activePos, m_normalPos, m_lerp, m_downInterpolation);

            yield return(null);

        m_isActive         = false;
        m_isChanging       = false;
        m_currentCharacter = null;
Exemple #19
 public HitRecord(float t, Vec3 p, Vec3 n, Ray r, IMaterial material) : this()
     (T, P, R, N, Material) = (t, p, r, n, material);
     IsFrontFace            = MathR.Dot(r.Direction, N) < 0;
     N = IsFrontFace ? n : n * -1;
Exemple #20
 public BigInteger Fibonacci() => MathR.Fibonacci(N);
Exemple #21
 float NormalizeFromLocalPosition(float posL)
     return(MathR.Map(posL, MinLocalPosition(), MaxLocalPosition(), 0, 1));
Exemple #22
 float DenormalizeToLocalPosition(float posN)
     return(MathR.Map(posN, 0, 1, MinLocalPosition(), MaxLocalPosition()));
Exemple #23
 float NormalizeFromValue(float val)
     return(MathR.Map(val, minValue, maxValue, 0, 1));
Exemple #24
 float DenormalizeToValue(float posN)
     return(MathR.Map(posN, 0, 1, minValue, maxValue));
Exemple #25
 public static Vector2 Lerp(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float t)
     return(new Vector2(MathR.Lerp(a.X, b.X, t), MathR.Lerp(a.Y, b.Y, t)));
Exemple #26
 private static void AssertEquals(int n, long prime) => Assert.AreEqual(prime, MathR.NthPrime(n));
Exemple #27
 /// Linearly interpolates between 2 vectors
 public static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 a0, Vector3 a1, float t)
     return(new Vector3(MathR.Lerp(a0.X, a1.X, t),
                        MathR.Lerp(a0.Y, a1.Y, t),
                        MathR.Lerp(a0.Z, a1.Z, t)));
Exemple #28
 IEnumerable <float> IterateScales()
     return(MathR.LerpE(minSize, maxSize, lerpTime, lerpType));
Exemple #29
 public BigInteger NthPrime() => MathR.NthPrime(N);
Exemple #30
 public BigInteger Factorial() => MathR.Factorial(N);