Exemple #1
        public void Destroyed()
            if (m_currentBuildingThing != null)
                //Removes supplyValue from object being built as it was artificially added !  Same with UnitPower
                //Sets currentlybuilding to null
                m_currentBuildingThing = null;
            //remove the building from builders list
            if (m_sacrifices.Count > 0)
                //Since This buildbehavior removed the workers without removing supply & unitPower yet removed em from the list,
                //Just Adding them back would cause double supplies & unitpower Growth which is bad!
                m_player.RemoveSupply(m_sacrifices.Count * m_sacrifices[0].m_supplyValue);
                m_player.RemoveUnitPower(m_sacrifices[0].m_type, m_sacrifices.Count);

                //Doesn't remove the blocked tiles on map, cause that's the m_builders.RemoveMe() functions job
                MathGameHelper.RestoreXPercentUnits(m_sacrifices, m_player, 0.25f);

            //If the building dies before the new possible sacrifices becomes fullfledged ones!
            foreach (Thing asp in m_aspiringSacrifices)
                //Make it stop moving!
Exemple #2
        public override void RemoveMe(Player a_player, Map a_map)
            Rectangle f_rect = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(ref m_currentposition, ref m_size);

            a_map.RemoveBuildingOnMap(ref f_rect);

            a_player.CurrentMaxSupply -= SupplyIncrement;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// User canceled the build, meaning user will be refunded some of the resources used to build the structure / something else.
        /// </summary>
        public void CancelBuild(Player a_player, Map a_map)
            MathGameHelper.RestoreXPercentUnits(m_builders, a_player, 0.25f);

            Rectangle f_buildArea = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(ref m_object.m_currentposition, ref m_object.m_size);

            //Also removes the blocked tiles from the building
            a_map.RemoveBuildingOnMap(ref f_buildArea);

            m_cancelled = true;
Exemple #4
        public override void RemoveMe(Player a_player, Map a_map)
            if (m_thingState != ThingState.BeingBuilt)

            Rectangle f_rect = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(ref m_currentposition, ref m_size);

            a_map.RemoveBuildingOnMap(ref f_rect);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// If it returns true it tells Player to remove me, by making m_deleteMe = true
        /// </summary>
        public bool DoBuildStuff(Player a_player, Map a_map, PathFinder a_pathfinder, float a_elapsedTime)
            //If not cancelled proceed to build stuff
            if (!m_cancelled)
                //If object is not finished building
                if (m_object.m_thingState == ThingState.BeingBuilt && !m_deleteMe)
                    //If this object isn't being built it needs to check if builders are close enough e.t.c.!
                    if (!m_isBuilding)
                        //If there are no builders there's no need to check they are all within range
                        if (m_builders != null)
                            //Checks builder states, like 1 died or stopped moving e.t.c. thus canceling the build

                            //Has to have the same amount of builders as the price
                            if (m_builders.Count == m_object.m_price && !m_cancelled)
                                //Sets that everyone is in range to start with
                                bool m_everyoneInRange = true;

                                //Loops through all builders to check if they are out of range, if they are m_everyoneINrange is set to false
                                foreach (Thing builder in m_builders)
                                    if ((builder.m_currentposition - m_object.m_currentposition).LengthSquared() > builder.m_buildBehavior.GetBuildRangeSquared())
                                        m_everyoneInRange = false;

                                //If everyone happened to be in range, the building shall be built!
                                if (m_everyoneInRange)
                                    Rectangle f_buildArea = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(m_object.m_currentposition, m_object.m_size);

                                    //Checks if can build there, could be that someone else managed to build before ^_^
                                    if (CanBuildThere(a_map, ref f_buildArea))
                                        if (!m_object.m_isUnit)
                                            a_map.AddBuildingOnMap(ref f_buildArea);
                                        //Sets existance to false so player will remove the builders from the game but the reference will live on in the BuildingObject
                                        //until it's finished building incase of cancelled building or similar
                                        foreach (Thing builder in m_builders)
                                            builder.m_exists = false;
                                        m_isBuilding = true;
                                    }//if you can't build there , like another builder was faster it will cancel the building object
                                        m_cancelled = true;
                        }//If there is no builder the object will start building! as there's no need to check for logics there!
                            Rectangle f_buildArea = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(m_object.m_currentposition, m_object.m_size);

                            if (CanBuildThere(a_map, ref f_buildArea))
                                if (!m_object.m_isUnit)
                                    a_map.AddBuildingOnMap(ref f_buildArea);

                                m_isBuilding = true;
                                m_cancelled = true;

                    }//If m_isBuilding = true
                        if (m_object.m_exists && m_object.m_alive)
                            //Builds the object and when it's finished the m_object.State will change from beingbuilt to something else
                            if (m_object.BuildMe(a_elapsedTime))
                                //One might think you should tell m_builders to clear itself, but the reference to the builders will disappear once this buildingObject disappears
                                //So no need to do so!

                                //Set the interfaces and then return true so player will remove this buildingobject
                                m_object.SpawnMe(a_player, a_map, a_pathfinder);
                                //Removes the supply object was taking up because AddReadyThing will add the supply back
                                //NOTE: No need to worry about unitPower here cause it never added unitpower in a faked way here

                                a_player.AddReadyThing(m_object, null);
                                if (m_builders != null)

                        }//The building was killed
                            DestroyBuild(a_map, a_player);
                            //returns true to tell buildingObject list to delete me!

                }//If m_delete == true or the state isn't beingBuilt anymore somehow
            }//If m_cancelled = true
                if (m_builders != null)
                    /// This part makes it so that builders that's inside a blocked area gets moved to a none-blocked area so they can be used again.
                    /// As example 2 different builder groups build at same area and the builders that can't build there gets trapped inside the blocked tiles.
                    /// So This part makes them if possible move through pathfinder to the position, if that's not possible forcefully move them ignoring tiles completly
                    /// Towards the 'spawn position' of the object (bottom left corner)

                    //The area of m_object
                    Rectangle f_area = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(ref m_object.m_currentposition, ref m_object.m_size);

                    //Loops through each builder
                    foreach (Thing builder in m_builders)
                        //Creates a new point
                        Point f_point = new Point((int)builder.m_currentposition.X, (int)builder.m_currentposition.Y);

                        //Checks if the builder is inside the blocked tile area
                        if (f_area.Contains(f_point))
                            //If it is, get the destination point (lower left corner)
                            Vector3 f_destinationPoint = new Vector3(m_object.m_currentposition.X - m_object.m_size.X * 0.5f
                                                                     , m_object.m_currentposition.Y - m_object.m_size.Y * 0.5f
                                                                     , m_object.m_currentposition.Z);

                            //Try to find path there!
                            if (a_pathfinder.FindPath(builder.m_currentposition, f_destinationPoint) == 1)
                                builder.m_currentposition = f_destinationPoint;

                                /* Possible BAKA code!
                                 * Vector3 f_tempPos = builder.m_currentposition;
                                 * builder.m_currentposition = f_destinationPoint;
                                 * if (a_pathfinder.FindPath(builder.m_currentposition, f_destinationPoint) == 1)
                                 * {
                                 *  builder.ChangeDestination(a_pathfinder.m_pathList);
                                 * }
                                 * else
                                 * {
                                 *  builder.m_currentposition = f_tempPos;
                                 *  builder.ChangeDestination(builder.m_currentposition);
                                 * }*/
                        }//If the builder isn't inside the m_object area, just stop moving!

                //As the object is canceled, it should cease to exist
                m_object.m_exists = false;
Exemple #6
        public void DrawTryingToBuild(GraphicsDevice a_graphics, Vector3 a_wpos, Map a_map, Vector3 a_size, bool a_needWO)
            //This needs some kind of peak function or similar , but a.t.m. if the size is 0 it will think the size is 3
            //and draw white boxes for everything,  reddish if blocked or dark gray if on other height
            if (a_size.X > 0 && a_size.Y > 0)
                #region SettingVariables

                bool f_ok = true;

                Rectangle f_buildArea = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(ref a_wpos, ref a_size);

                ModelClasses.WorldObjects.WorldObject f_worldObject = a_map.GetWorldObject(ref f_buildArea);

                Rectangle f_worldObjectArea = new Rectangle();

                if (f_worldObject != null)
                    f_worldObjectArea = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(ref f_worldObject.m_position, ref f_worldObject.m_size);

                if (a_needWO && f_worldObject == null)
                    f_ok = false;
                else if (a_needWO && f_worldObject != null)
                    a_wpos = f_worldObject.m_position;
                else if (!a_needWO && f_worldObject != null)
                    f_ok = false;

                //Has to be used cause the ray trace gets stuck on bounding box at like 0.000000004 cause of float precision error?
                float f_height = a_map.m_tiles[(int)a_wpos.X, (int)a_wpos.Y].m_height;

                int f_wposLeft  = (int)(a_wpos.X) - (int)(a_size.X * 0.5f);
                int f_wposRight = f_wposLeft + (int)(a_size.X);

                int f_wposBottom = (int)(a_wpos.Y) - (int)(a_size.Y * 0.5f);
                int f_wposTop    = f_wposBottom + (int)a_size.Y;

                //Mouse is in middle, so - 1/2 building size then -1 for additional grid info
                int f_leftSide = f_wposLeft - 1;
                //Same but to right side
                int f_rightSide = f_wposRight + 1;

                //Same but for the bottom
                int f_bottom = f_wposBottom - 1;
                //For the top!
                int f_top = f_wposTop + 1;

                //checks the corners if they have a tile or not, if they don't you can't build
                if (!a_map.IsTile(f_wposLeft, f_wposBottom) || !a_map.IsTile(f_wposLeft, f_wposTop - 1) ||
                    !a_map.IsTile(f_wposRight - 1, f_wposBottom) || !a_map.IsTile(f_wposRight - 1, f_wposTop - 1))
                    f_ok = false;

                if (f_ok)
                    BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Color.White;
                    BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Color.LightPink;


                #region OuterRegion

                //Draws bottom strip first
                if (a_map.IsYPosInside(f_bottom))
                    for (int x = f_leftSide; x < f_rightSide; x++)
                        if (a_map.IsXPosInside(x))
                            DrawBoundingBoxBiggerLines(a_map.m_tiles[x, f_bottom].m_boundBox, a_graphics, Matrix.Identity, m_camera);
                //Draws Top strip
                if (a_map.IsYPosInside(f_top - 1))
                    for (int x = f_leftSide; x < f_rightSide; x++)
                        if (a_map.IsXPosInside(x))
                            DrawBoundingBoxBiggerLines(a_map.m_tiles[x, f_top - 1].m_boundBox, a_graphics, Matrix.Identity, m_camera);

                if (a_map.IsXPosInside(f_leftSide))
                    for (int y = f_bottom + 1; y < f_top - 1; y++)
                        if (a_map.IsYPosInside(y))
                            DrawBoundingBoxBiggerLines(a_map.m_tiles[f_leftSide, y].m_boundBox, a_graphics, Matrix.Identity, m_camera);

                if (a_map.IsXPosInside(f_rightSide - 1))
                    for (int y = f_bottom + 1; y < f_top - 1; y++)
                        if (a_map.IsYPosInside(y))
                            DrawBoundingBoxBiggerLines(a_map.m_tiles[f_rightSide - 1, y].m_boundBox, a_graphics, Matrix.Identity, m_camera);


                #region InnerRegion

                //Lops from bottom to the top
                for (int y = f_wposBottom; y < f_wposTop; y++)
                    if (a_map.IsYPosInside(y))
                        //x = a_wpos.X - 1  (a_wpos is rounded)  and loops until x >= a_wpos + a_buildingsize.X  + 1
                        for (int x = f_wposLeft; x < f_wposRight; x++)
                            if (a_map.IsXPosInside(x))
                                BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Color.Red;
                                //If x is larger than left side and smaller than rightside - 1  and larger than bottom and smaller than top -1
                                //You are at the positions of the building where its positions are
                                //So if the height is not the same as where your mouse is Z wise (not same height) the grid will draw the color red
                                if (f_height == a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_height && a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_type != Tiletype.Blocked && f_ok)
                                    BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Color.GreenYellow;
                                else if (a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_type == Tiletype.Blocked)
                                    BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Darkred;

                                DrawBoundingBoxBiggerLines(a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_boundBox, a_graphics, Matrix.Identity, m_camera);
                        } //End of x for loop
                }         //end of y for loop


                #region Can't_Get_Size_From_BuildBehavior
                a_size = new Vector3(3);

                //Has to be used cause the ray trace gets stuck on bounding box at like 0.000000004 cause of float precision error?
                float f_height = a_map.m_tiles[(int)a_wpos.X, (int)a_wpos.Y].m_height;

                int f_wposLeft  = (int)(a_wpos.X) - (int)(a_size.X * 0.5f);
                int f_wposRight = f_wposLeft + (int)(a_size.X);

                int f_wposBottom = (int)(a_wpos.Y) - (int)(a_size.Y * 0.5f);
                int f_wposTop    = f_wposBottom + (int)a_size.Y;

                //Mouse is in middle, so - 1/2 building size then -1 for additional grid info
                int f_leftSide = f_wposLeft - 1;
                //Same but to right side
                int f_rightSide = f_wposRight + 1;

                //Same but for the bottom
                int f_bottom = f_wposBottom - 1;
                //For the top!
                int f_top = f_wposTop + 1;

                for (int x = f_leftSide; x < f_rightSide; x++)
                    if (a_map.IsXPosInside(x))
                        for (int y = f_bottom; y < f_top; y++)
                            if (a_map.IsYPosInside(y))
                                BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Color.White;

                                if (a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_type == Tiletype.Blocked)
                                    BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Darkred;
                                else if (f_height != a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_height)
                                    BoundingBoxBuffer.m_color = Color.DarkGray;

                                DrawBoundingBoxBiggerLines(a_map.m_tiles[x, y].m_boundBox, a_graphics, Matrix.Identity, m_camera);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to start building, goes through a lot of trying to build logic here
        /// </summary>
        public void StartBuild()
            //If currently is not building anything and the queue is larger than 0
            if (m_currentBuildingThing == null && m_buildingQueue.Count > 0)
                Thing f_temp = null;

                //Switch check the buildable types
                switch (m_buildingQueue.Dequeue())
                case ThingType.C_Extractor:
                    //Create extractor at position where you clicked
                    f_temp = m_player.m_thingsAssets.CreateExtractor(m_position);
                    //Extractor needs a SoL so it's looking for a WO and puts the type too
                    m_lookingForWO     = true;
                    m_lookingForWOType = WorldObjectType.SoL;

                case ThingType.C_Igloo:
                    f_temp         = m_player.m_thingsAssets.CreateIgloo(m_position);
                    m_lookingForWO = false;

                case ThingType.C_Barrack:
                    f_temp         = m_player.m_thingsAssets.CreateBarrack(m_position);
                    m_lookingForWO = false;

                //If f_temp got valued
                if (f_temp != null)
                    #region SetPositionCorrect
                    if (!f_temp.m_isUnit)
                        if (f_temp.m_size.X % 2 == 0)
                            m_position.X = (int)m_position.X;
                            m_position.X = (int)m_position.X + Map.m_tileSizeDivided;

                        if (f_temp.m_size.Y % 2 == 0)
                            m_position.Y = (int)m_position.Y;
                            m_position.Y = (int)m_position.Y + Map.m_tileSizeDivided;

                        m_position.Z = m_map.m_tiles[(int)m_position.X, (int)m_position.Y].m_height;

                    #region GetMapData
                    //Checks for stuff on the map, Like a barrack if it gets a SoL? Cancel!

                    Rectangle f_buildArea = MathGameHelper.GetAreaRectangle(m_position, f_temp.m_size);

                    // IF looking for a WO
                    if (m_lookingForWO)
                        //Get a worldobject at the position trying to build at
                        m_currentWorldObject = m_map.GetWorldObject(ref f_buildArea, m_lookingForWOType);

                        if (m_currentWorldObject == null)

                        //If it's SoL check if it's taken or not
                        if (m_currentWorldObject.m_type == WorldObjectType.SoL)
                            if ((m_currentWorldObject as SoL).m_taken)
                                m_currentWorldObject = null;

                        //if found a WO
                        if (m_currentWorldObject == null)
                    }//If not looking for WO
                        //Is outside, because if m_lookingForWO is false and m_currentWorldObject != null  it fails, can't build on a WO
                        m_currentWorldObject = m_map.GetWorldObject(ref f_buildArea);

                        if (m_currentWorldObject != null)

                    #region ValidationAndCreation
                    //Here it validates if it can Add the building / unit,   if it can build on the map (no blocked tiles... or units!)  and that player has enough workers

                    //If possible to add the thingy , and the area is buildable and player has enough selected workers
                    if (m_player.CanAddUnit(f_temp) && m_map.AreaBuildable(ref f_buildArea, m_position.Z) && m_player.m_selectedWorkers >= f_temp.m_price)
                        m_currentBuildingThing = f_temp;
                        if (m_currentBuildingThing.m_requiredBuildTime > 0)
                            float f_hp = 0.1f * (m_currentBuildingThing.m_maxHP - 1);

                            m_currentBuildingThing.HP       = 1;
                            m_currentBuildingThing.HPBuffer = f_hp;
                        //Sets the thingys position to position based by size & tileSize
                        m_currentBuildingThing.m_currentposition = m_position;

                        //find path to building spot
                        m_pathfinder.FindPath(m_builder.m_currentposition, m_position);

                        //Will try to create the new unit, which will either add the builder to an already existing BuildingObject or create a new one if the
                        //m_currentBuildingThing aren't the same
                        if (m_player.TryToCreateNewUnit(m_currentBuildingThing, m_builder, m_map, m_currentWorldObject, m_pathfinder.m_pathLength))
                            //clear previous paths

                            //set path to building spot
                            m_builder.m_destination = m_pathfinder.m_pathList;

                            m_builder.m_thingState = ThingState.Building;

                        m_currentBuildingThing = null;
                        m_currentWorldObject   = null;
                    } //end of if canAddUnit && map.AreaBuildable && m_player.m_selectedworkers >= price
                }     //End of If f_temp != null