Exemple #1
        private static Vector3 Truncate(Vector3 value, int decimals)
            float power = MathF.Pow(10, decimals);

            value.X = float.IsNegative(value.X) ? MathF.Ceiling(value.X * power) / power : MathF.Floor(value.X * power) / power;
            value.Y = float.IsNegative(value.Y) ? MathF.Ceiling(value.Y * power) / power : MathF.Floor(value.Y * power) / power;
            value.Z = float.IsNegative(value.Z) ? MathF.Ceiling(value.Z * power) / power : MathF.Floor(value.Z * power) / power;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Divide Width and Height as real numbers and return the Ceiling.
        /// </summary>
        public static Size DivideRoundUp(this Size originalSize, int divX, int divY)
            var sizeVect = (Vector2)(SizeF)originalSize;

            sizeVect  /= new Vector2(divX, divY);
            sizeVect.X = MathF.Ceiling(sizeVect.X);
            sizeVect.Y = MathF.Ceiling(sizeVect.Y);

            return(new Size((int)sizeVect.X, (int)sizeVect.Y));
        public void DrawLine(int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a = 0)
            if (Math.Abs(xEnd - xStart) > Math.Abs(yEnd - yStart))
                var direction = xEnd > xStart ? 1 : -1;
                for (var x = xStart; direction > 0 ? x <= xEnd : x >= xEnd; x += direction)
                    var y        = (float)(x - xStart) / (xEnd - xStart) * (yEnd - yStart) + yStart;
                    var yFloor   = MathF.Floor(y);
                    var yCeiling = MathF.Ceiling(y);
                    var yCenter  = y - yFloor > yCeiling - y ? yCeiling : yFloor;

                    SetRGBA(x, yCenter, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(x, yCenter + 1, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(x, yCenter - 1, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(x + 1, yCenter, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(x - 1, yCenter, r, g, b, a);
                    //if (yFloor == yCeiling)
                    //    SetRGBA(x, yFloor, r, g, b, a);
                    //    BlendRGBA(x, yFloor, MathF.Sqrt(yCeiling - y), r, g, b, a);
                    //    BlendRGBA(x, yCeiling, MathF.Sqrt(y - yFloor), r, g, b, a);
                var direction = yEnd > yStart ? 1 : -1;
                for (var y = yStart; direction > 0 ? y <= yEnd : y >= yEnd; y += direction)
                    var x        = (float)(y - yStart) / (yEnd - yStart) * (xEnd - xStart) + xStart;
                    var xFloor   = MathF.Floor(x);
                    var xCeiling = MathF.Ceiling(x);
                    var xCenter  = x - xFloor > xCeiling - x ? xCeiling : xFloor;

                    SetRGBA(xCenter, y, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(xCenter + 1, y, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(xCenter - 1, y, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(xCenter, y + 1, r, g, b, a);
                    SetRGBA(xCenter, y - 1, r, g, b, a);
                    //if (xFloor == xCeiling)
                    //    SetRGBA(xFloor, y, r, g, b, a);
                    //    BlendRGBA(xFloor, y, MathF.Sqrt(xCeiling - x), r, g, b, a);
                    //    BlendRGBA(xCeiling, y, MathF.Sqrt(x - xFloor), r, g, b, a);
        protected override void FrameUpdate(FrameEventArgs args)

            _timeLeft -= args.DeltaSeconds;

            // Lerp to our new vertical offset if it's been modified.
            if (MathHelper.CloseToPercent(_verticalOffsetAchieved - VerticalOffset, 0, 0.1))
                _verticalOffsetAchieved = VerticalOffset;
                _verticalOffsetAchieved = MathHelper.Lerp(_verticalOffsetAchieved, VerticalOffset, 10 * args.DeltaSeconds);

            if (!_entityManager.GetComponent <TransformComponent>(_senderEntity).Coordinates.IsValid(_entityManager))
                Modulate = Color.White.WithAlpha(0);

            if (_timeLeft <= FadeTime)
                // Update alpha if we're fading.
                Modulate = Color.White.WithAlpha(_timeLeft / FadeTime);
                // Make opaque otherwise, because it might have been hidden before
                Modulate = Color.White;

            if (_entityManager.Deleted(_senderEntity) || _timeLeft <= 0)
                // Timer spawn to prevent concurrent modification exception.
                Timer.Spawn(0, Die);

            var worldPos    = _entityManager.GetComponent <TransformComponent>(_senderEntity).WorldPosition;
            var scale       = _eyeManager.MainViewport.GetRenderScale();
            var offset      = new Vector2(0, EntityVerticalOffset * EyeManager.PixelsPerMeter * scale);
            var lowerCenter = (_eyeManager.WorldToScreen(worldPos) - offset) / UIScale;

            var screenPos = lowerCenter - (Width / 2, ContentHeight + _verticalOffsetAchieved);

            // Round to nearest 0.5
            screenPos = (screenPos * 2).Rounded() / 2;
            LayoutContainer.SetPosition(this, screenPos);

            var height = MathF.Ceiling(MathHelper.Clamp(lowerCenter.Y - screenPos.Y, 0, ContentHeight));

            SetHeight = height;
Exemple #5
        public SquareFormation(Vector3 goal, IPathReceiver <PotentialField>[] pathReceivers)
            Goal = goal;
            var size = (int)MathF.Ceiling(MathF.Sqrt(pathReceivers.Length));

            PathReceivers = new Array2D <IPathReceiver <PotentialField> >(size, size);
            for (int i = 0; i < pathReceivers.Length; i++)
                PathReceivers[i] = pathReceivers[i];
Exemple #6
    public int CalculatePrice()
        if (this.quantity == 0)
        float multiplier = 1.09f; //TODO: Move this to a global
        float price      = this.baseCost * MathF.Pow(multiplier, this.quantity);

        return((int)MathF.Ceiling(price)); //The Math.ceil() function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number.
        public int CalculateIndexCount()
            //Get number of probes
            var size   = Grid.Max - Grid.Min;
            var stride = size / Grid.Step;

            stride.X = MathF.Ceiling(stride.X);
            stride.Y = MathF.Ceiling(stride.Y);
            stride.Z = MathF.Ceiling(stride.Z);
            return((int)(stride.X * stride.Y * stride.Z) * 8); //8 probes in each
        public AtlasGlyph(Glyph fontGlyph, float scale, float ascend)
            CharIndex = (char)fontGlyph.CharIndex;
            Advance   = MathF.Round(fontGlyph.AdvanceWidth * scale);
            XMin      = MathF.Floor(fontGlyph.XMin * scale);
            Rectangle bbox = fontGlyph.GetBBox(scale);

            YBearing = bbox.Y + MathF.Ceiling(ascend * scale);
            YMin     = MathF.Floor(fontGlyph.YMin * scale);
            Size     = fontGlyph.GetDrawBox(scale).Size;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>Inflate the rectangle, snapping all 4 edges to integers.</summary>
        public static Rect inflateToIntegers(this Rect pixels)
            Vector2 tl = pixels.topLeft;
            Vector2 br = pixels.bottomRight;

            tl.X = MathF.Floor(tl.X);
            tl.Y = MathF.Floor(tl.Y);
            br.X = MathF.Ceiling(br.X);
            br.Y = MathF.Ceiling(br.Y);
            return(new Rect(tl, br));
Exemple #10
        private static BigInteger CreateMask(int bits)
            var mask = (BigInteger)0xff;
            var size = (int)MathF.Ceiling(bits / 8f);

            for (var i = 1; i < size; i++)
                mask ^= 0xff << (8 * i);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates the frame component blocks.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitComponents()
            this.McusPerLine   = (int)MathF.Ceiling(this.SamplesPerLine / 8F / this.MaxHorizontalFactor);
            this.McusPerColumn = (int)MathF.Ceiling(this.Scanlines / 8F / this.MaxVerticalFactor);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.ComponentCount; i++)
                JpegComponent component = this.Components[i];
        public static int Digits(this float self)
            float i = RoundToNextSignificant(self);

            if (float.IsInfinity(i))

            return((int)MathF.Ceiling(-MathF.Log10(i)) + 2);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ShapeRegion"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">The shape.</param>
        public ShapeRegion(IPath shape)
            this.Shape = shape.AsClosedPath();
            int left = (int)MathF.Floor(shape.Bounds.Left);
            int top  = (int)MathF.Floor(shape.Bounds.Top);

            int right  = (int)MathF.Ceiling(shape.Bounds.Right);
            int bottom = (int)MathF.Ceiling(shape.Bounds.Bottom);

            this.Bounds = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
Exemple #14
        private float GetSamplingRadius(int sourceSize, int destinationSize)
            float scale = (float)sourceSize / destinationSize;

            if (scale < 1F)
                scale = 1F;

            return(MathF.Ceiling(scale * this.sampler.Radius));
Exemple #15
        protected override void FrameUpdate(FrameEventArgs args)

            _timeLeft -= args.DeltaSeconds;
            if (_entityManager.Deleted(_senderEntity) || _timeLeft <= 0)
                // Timer spawn to prevent concurrent modification exception.
                Timer.Spawn(0, Die);

            // Lerp to our new vertical offset if it's been modified.
            if (MathHelper.CloseToPercent(_verticalOffsetAchieved - VerticalOffset, 0, 0.1))
                _verticalOffsetAchieved = VerticalOffset;
                _verticalOffsetAchieved = MathHelper.Lerp(_verticalOffsetAchieved, VerticalOffset, 10 * args.DeltaSeconds);

            if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent <TransformComponent>(_senderEntity, out var xform) || xform.MapID != _eyeManager.CurrentMap)
                Modulate = Color.White.WithAlpha(0);

            if (_timeLeft <= FadeTime)
                // Update alpha if we're fading.
                Modulate = Color.White.WithAlpha(_timeLeft / FadeTime);
                // Make opaque otherwise, because it might have been hidden before
                Modulate = Color.White;

            var offset   = (-_eyeManager.CurrentEye.Rotation).ToWorldVec() * -EntityVerticalOffset;
            var worldPos = xform.WorldPosition + offset;

            var lowerCenter = _eyeManager.WorldToScreen(worldPos) / UIScale;
            var screenPos   = lowerCenter - (ContentSize.X / 2, ContentSize.Y + _verticalOffsetAchieved);

            // Round to nearest 0.5
            screenPos = (screenPos * 2).Rounded() / 2;
            LayoutContainer.SetPosition(this, screenPos);

            var height = MathF.Ceiling(MathHelper.Clamp(lowerCenter.Y - screenPos.Y, 0, ContentSize.Y));

            SetHeight = height;
Exemple #16
        public void UpdateStatsHungryAndUnhappyLimits()
            Pet   generatedPet     = _petFactory.GetPet();
            float minutesToSadness = MathF.Ceiling((generatedPet.Happiness - generatedPet.HAPPINESS_MIN) / MathF.Abs(generatedPet.HappinessRate));
            float minutesToStarve  = MathF.Ceiling((generatedPet.HUNGRINESS_MAX - generatedPet.Hungriness) / MathF.Abs(generatedPet.HungrinessRate));
            float minutesElapsed   = (minutesToSadness > minutesToStarve) ? minutesToSadness : minutesToStarve;

            generatedPet.LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutesElapsed);
            Assert.Equal(generatedPet.Hungriness, generatedPet.HUNGRINESS_MAX);
            Assert.Equal(generatedPet.Happiness, generatedPet.HAPPINESS_MIN);
Exemple #17
        public async Task <int> GetNumOfPagesWithProductsForCategory(string categoryName, int numProductsOnPage)
            var categoryId = (await _dataContext.Categories.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == categoryName)).CategoryID;

            var productsCount = _dataContext.Products.Where(x => x.CategoryId == categoryId)?.Count();

            var result = (numProductsOnPage <= 0)
                ? productsCount ?? 0
                : (int)MathF.Ceiling((float)productsCount / (float)numProductsOnPage);

        public override void ReceiveSignal(Signal signal, Connection connection)
            if (connection.Name != "signal_in")
            if (!float.TryParse(signal.value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out float value))
            switch (Function)
            case FunctionType.Round:
                value = MathF.Round(value);

            case FunctionType.Ceil:
                value = MathF.Ceiling(value);

            case FunctionType.Floor:
                value = MathF.Floor(value);

            case FunctionType.Factorial:
                int   intVal    = (int)Math.Min(value, 20);
                ulong factorial = 1;
                for (int i = intVal; i > 0; i--)
                    factorial *= (ulong)i;
                value = factorial;

            case FunctionType.AbsoluteValue:
                value = MathF.Abs(value);

            case FunctionType.SquareRoot:
                if (value < 0)
                value = MathF.Sqrt(value);

                throw new NotImplementedException($"Function {Function} has not been implemented.");

            signal.value = value.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            item.SendSignal(signal, "signal_out");
        private static Rectangle GetBoundingRectangle(Vector2 tl, Vector2 tr, Vector2 bl, Vector2 br)
            // Find the minimum and maximum "corners" based on the given vectors
            float minX  = MathF.Min(tl.X, MathF.Min(tr.X, MathF.Min(bl.X, br.X)));
            float maxX  = MathF.Max(tl.X, MathF.Max(tr.X, MathF.Max(bl.X, br.X)));
            float minY  = MathF.Min(tl.Y, MathF.Min(tr.Y, MathF.Min(bl.Y, br.Y)));
            float maxY  = MathF.Max(tl.Y, MathF.Max(tr.Y, MathF.Max(bl.Y, br.Y)));
            float sizeX = maxX - minX + .5F;
            float sizeY = maxY - minY + .5F;

            return(new Rectangle((int)(MathF.Ceiling(minX) - .5F), (int)(MathF.Ceiling(minY) - .5F), (int)MathF.Floor(sizeX), (int)MathF.Floor(sizeY)));
Exemple #20
        static void CalcRevenue(string employee, int money)
            //부모노드가 없거나 money가 0이면 계산 할 것이 없음.
            if (employee.Equals("-") || money < 1)

            int temp = (int)MathF.Ceiling(money / 10); //소수 첫째자리 올림

            m_empTotalRev[employee] += (money - temp); //판매한 칫솔 가격의 10%를 떼고 더해줌
            CalcRevenue(m_empRef[employee], temp);
        public BlockLinearSwizzle(int Width, int Bpp, int BlockHeight = 16)
            BhMask = (BlockHeight * 8) - 1;

            BhShift  = CountLsbZeros(BlockHeight * 8);
            BppShift = CountLsbZeros(Bpp);

            int WidthInGobs = (int)MathF.Ceiling(Width * Bpp / 64f);

            GobStride = 512 * BlockHeight * WidthInGobs;

            XShift = CountLsbZeros(512 * BlockHeight);
        public static T[][] Split <T>(this T[] source, int maxLength)
            var numParts = (int)MathF.Ceiling(source.Length / (float)maxLength);
            var result   = new T[numParts][];

            for (var itP = 0; itP < numParts - 1; itP++)
                var part = new T[maxLength];
                Array.Copy(source, itP * maxLength, part, 0, maxLength);
                result[itP] = part;

            result[^ 1] = new T[source.Length - (numParts - 1) * maxLength];
Exemple #23
        private bool CheckHorizontal(int _IdButton, int _idFillPlayer)
            int row = (int)(MathF.Ceiling((_IdButton + 1) / 3));

            Console.WriteLine("\nCH Row: " + row);
            if ((board[((row - 1) * 3 + 1) - 1] == _idFillPlayer) &&
                (board[((row - 1) * 3 + 2) - 1] == _idFillPlayer) &&
                (board[((row - 1) * 3 + 3) - 1] == _idFillPlayer))
Exemple #24
        private bool CheckVertical(int _IdButton, int _idFillPlayer)
            int col = (int)MathF.Ceiling((_IdButton + 1) % 3);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCH col: " + col);
            if ((board[col + 1 - 2]) == _idFillPlayer &&
                (board[col + 4 - 2]) == _idFillPlayer &&
                (board[col + 7 - 2]) == _idFillPlayer)
Exemple #25
    private void Explode(EntityUid uid, BatteryComponent?battery = null)
        _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Explosion, LogImpact.High, $"Sabotaged power cell {ToPrettyString(uid)} is exploding");

        if (!Resolve(uid, ref battery))

        var radius = MathF.Min(5, MathF.Ceiling(MathF.Sqrt(battery.CurrentCharge) / 30));

        _explosionSystem.TriggerExplosive(uid, radius: radius);
Exemple #26
        void DrawFrame(Settings settings)
            var blockDim = TileDim - (settings.FilterSize - 1);

            if (_LastSettings.FilterSize == settings.FilterSize && _LastSettings.Iterations == settings.Iterations)
                Device.DefaultQueue.WriteBuffer(BlurParamsBuffer, 0, CreateBufferFromArray(new UInt32[] { settings.FilterSize, blockDim }));
                _LastSettings = settings;

            var commandEncoder = Device.CreateCommandEncoder();
            var computePass    = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass();

            computePass.SetBindGroup(0, ComputeConstants);
            computePass.SetBindGroup(1, ComputeBindGroup0);
            computePass.Dispatch((uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcWidth / ((float)blockDim)), (uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcHeight / ((float)Batch[1])), 1);
            computePass.Dispatch(2, (uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcHeight / ((float)Batch[1])), 1);
            computePass.SetBindGroup(1, ComputeBindGroup1);
            computePass.Dispatch((uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcHeight / ((float)blockDim)), (uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcWidth / ((float)Batch[1])), 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Iterations - 1; ++i)
                computePass.SetBindGroup(1, ComputeBindGroup2);
                computePass.Dispatch((uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcWidth / ((float)blockDim)), (uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcHeight / ((float)Batch[1])), 1);

                computePass.SetBindGroup(1, ComputeBindGroup1);
                computePass.Dispatch((uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcHeight / ((float)blockDim)), (uint)MathF.Ceiling(SrcWidth / ((float)Batch[1])), 1);
            var passEncoder = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(new GpuRenderPassDescriptor(new GpuRenderPassColorAttachment[]
                new GpuRenderPassColorAttachment(SwapChain.GetCurrentTexture().CreateView(), new GpuColorDict()
                    R = 0, G = 0, B = 0, A = 1

            passEncoder.SetVertexBuffer(0, VerticesBuffer, 0, VerticesBuffer.Size);
            passEncoder.SetBindGroup(0, UniformBindGroup);
            passEncoder.Draw(6, 1, 0, 0);
            Device.DefaultQueue.Sumit(new GpuCommandBuffer[] { commandEncoder.Finish() });
        public bool ValidateDeliveryVolume(DeliveryModel delivery)
            var deliveries = _orderService.GetAllDeliveriesInStorage(delivery.StorageId).ToList();
            var overlappingReservations = _orderService.GetReservationsOverlappingDateRange(delivery.DeliveryDate, delivery.DeliveryDate.AddYears(5), delivery.StorageId);
            List <OrderValidationModel> orderValidationModels = new List <OrderValidationModel>();

            if (deliveries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == delivery.Id) == default)
                deliveries.Remove(deliveries.First(x => x.Id == delivery.Id));

            foreach (var d in deliveries)
                OrderValidationModel order = new OrderValidationModel();
                order.StartDate = d.DeliveryDate;
                order.EndDate   = d.DeliveryDate.AddYears(5);
                order.Volume    = (int)MathF.Ceiling(d.Volume * _itemService.GetOne(d.ItemId).Size);

            foreach (var reservation in overlappingReservations)
                OrderValidationModel order = new OrderValidationModel();
                order.StartDate = reservation.StartDate;
                order.EndDate   = reservation.EndDate;

                if (reservation.ItemId != default)
                    order.Volume = (int)MathF.Ceiling(reservation.Volume * _itemService.GetOne(reservation.ItemId).Size);
                    order.Volume = reservation.Volume;


            orderValidationModels.Sort((x, y) => x.StartDate.CompareTo(y.StartDate));

            CheckStorageOverflow(orderValidationModels, _storageService.GetOne(delivery.StorageId).Capacity);

            return(!CheckStorageOverflow(orderValidationModels, _storageService.GetOne(delivery.StorageId).Capacity));
Exemple #28
        public unsafe void Fill(int pixelOffset, Span <byte> destination)
            int startPixelOffset    = dataOffset / Components;
            int requestedPixelCount = (int)MathF.Ceiling(destination.Length / (float)Components);

            int column = startPixelOffset % Width;
            int row    = startPixelOffset / Width;

            var converter32 = new PixelConverter32();
            int pixelSize   = _pixels.PixelType.ElementSize;

            // each iteration is supposed to read pixels from a single row at the time
            int destinationOffset = 0;
            int pixelsLeft        = requestedPixelCount;

            while (pixelsLeft > 0)
                int lastByteOffset = destinationOffset;
                int count          = Math.Min(pixelsLeft, _pixels.Size.Width - column);

                _pixels.GetPixelByteRow(column, row, _rowBuffer);

                if (_transform32.Invoke(
                        _rowBuffer, Components, count, destination,
                        ref destinationOffset, ref converter32))
                    goto ReadEnd;

                // copy over the remaining bytes,
                // as the Fill() caller may request less bytes than sizeof(TPixel)
                int bytesRead     = destinationOffset - lastByteOffset;
                int leftoverBytes = Math.Min(Components, count * Components - bytesRead);

                for (int j = 0; j < leftoverBytes; j++)
                    destination[j + destinationOffset] = converter32.Raw[j];
                destinationOffset += leftoverBytes;

                // a case for code that copies bytes directly,
                // not needing to copy leftovers
                pixelsLeft -= count;

                column = 0; // read from row beginning on next loop
                row++;      // and jump to the next row
Exemple #29
        public static float RoundF(float Value, int Fpcr)
            switch ((ARoundMode)((Fpcr >> 22) & 3))
            case ARoundMode.ToNearest:            return(MathF.Round(Value));

            case ARoundMode.TowardsPlusInfinity:  return(MathF.Ceiling(Value));

            case ARoundMode.TowardsMinusInfinity: return(MathF.Floor(Value));

            case ARoundMode.TowardsZero:          return(MathF.Truncate(Value));

            throw new InvalidOperationException();
Exemple #30
        public static float RoundF(float value, CpuThreadState state)
            switch (state.FPRoundingMode())
            case RoundMode.ToNearest:            return(MathF.Round(value));

            case RoundMode.TowardsPlusInfinity:  return(MathF.Ceiling(value));

            case RoundMode.TowardsMinusInfinity: return(MathF.Floor(value));

            case RoundMode.TowardsZero:          return(MathF.Truncate(value));

            throw new InvalidOperationException();