Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Figures out how much of the force should go to each point.  The distances are distances from the point of impact.
        /// NOTE: This is basically: (1+baseConst)^-x
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseConst">
        /// Any number from 0 to infinity.  Realistic values should be between .5 and 8.  There's nothing magical about using e as
        /// the constant, it just seems to have a good amount of curve
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This doesn't need to create super realistic percents.  If in doubt, use a larger base constant, which will give more of the force
        /// to the closer points.  The physics engine won't let close objects fly past farther, so just like racking pool balls, the outer will
        /// fly out.  But distributing the force a bit should help with jumpy behavior if the physics engine is under load
        /// I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing the shape of the curve should be roughly 1/x^2.  This method isn't that, but should
        /// be similar enough.
        /// </remarks>
        private static double[] GetPercentOfProjForce(double[] distances, double baseConst = Math.E)
            var    avg_stdev = Math1D.Get_Average_StandardDeviation(distances);
            double scale     = avg_stdev.Item2 / avg_stdev.Item1;

            scale *= baseConst;
            scale += 1;

            var deviations = distances.
                             Select(o =>
                double distFromAvg       = Math.Abs(o - avg_stdev.Item1);
                double deviationsFromAvg = distFromAvg / avg_stdev.Item2;

                if (o > avg_stdev.Item1)
                    deviationsFromAvg = -deviationsFromAvg;

                //return Math.Pow(Math.E, deviationsFromAvg);
                return(Math.Pow(scale, deviationsFromAvg));

            double sum = deviations.Sum();

                   Select(o => o / sum).
Exemple #2
        private static double GetCellRadius(int index, Point3D[] points, Tuple <int, int>[] lines, double defaultRadius)
            Tuple <int, int>[] connectedLines = lines.
                                                Where(o => o.Item1 == index || o.Item2 == index).

            if (connectedLines.Length == 0)

            var stdDev = Math1D.Get_Average_StandardDeviation(connectedLines.Select(o => (points[o.Item2] - points[o.Item1]).Length));

            //NOTE: avg + 1 std dev works well when the points are pretty evenly spaced.  But the points that are close to each other also tend to
            //link to the farthest out points, so subtracting instead

            //return stdDev.Item1 + stdDev.Item2;
            return(stdDev.Item1 - (stdDev.Item2 / 2));
        public static SOMFieldStats GetFieldStats(IEnumerable <string> field, SOMFieldType?typeOverride = null)
            // Dedupe
            string[] deduped = field.
                               Select(o => o.Trim()).

            // Unique Chars
            char[] uniqueChars = deduped.
                                 SelectMany(o => o).
                                 OrderBy(o => o).

            // FieldType
            SOMFieldType type = typeOverride ?? GetFieldType(field);

            // Numeric Stats
            double?numericMin      = null;
            double?numericMax      = null;
            double?numericAvg      = null;
            double?numericStandDev = null;

            if (type == SOMFieldType.Integer || type == SOMFieldType.FloatingPoint)
                double[] numerics = field.
                                    Select(o => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o) ? 0d : double.Parse(o.Trim())).

                numericMin = numerics.Min();
                numericMax = numerics.Max();
                var avg_stdev = Math1D.Get_Average_StandardDeviation(numerics);
                numericAvg      = avg_stdev.Item1;
                numericStandDev = avg_stdev.Item2;

            // Date Stats
            DateTime?dateMin      = null;
            DateTime?dateMax      = null;
            DateTime?dateAvg      = null;
            TimeSpan?dateStandDev = null;

            if (type == SOMFieldType.DateTime)
                DateTime[] dates = field.
                                   Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o)).
                                   Select(o => DateTime.Parse(o.Trim())).

                dateMin = dates.Min();
                dateMax = dates.Max();
                var avg_stdev = Math1D.Get_Average_StandardDeviation(dates);
                dateAvg      = avg_stdev.Item1;
                dateStandDev = avg_stdev.Item2;

            // Return
            return(new SOMFieldStats()
                Count = field.Count(),
                UniqueCount = deduped.Length,

                MinLength = deduped.Min(o => o.Length),     // deduped are already trimmed
                MaxLength = deduped.Max(o => o.Length),
                UniqueChars = uniqueChars,
                UniqueChars_NonWhitespace = uniqueChars.Where(o => !UtilityCore.IsWhitespace(o)).ToArray(),

                FieldType = type,

                Numeric_Min = numericMin,
                Numeric_Max = numericMax,
                Numeric_Avg = numericAvg,
                Numeric_StandDev = numericStandDev,

                Date_Min = dateMin,
                Date_Max = dateMax,
                Date_Avg = dateAvg,
                Date_StandDev = dateStandDev,