Exemple #1
        private Color GetItemColor(IObject3D item, IObject3D selectedItem)
            Color drawColor = item.WorldColor();

            if (item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.Support)
                drawColor = new Color(Color.Yellow, 120);
            else if (item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.WipeTower)
                drawColor = new Color(Color.Cyan, 120);

            // If there is a printer - check if the object is within the bed volume (has no AABB outside the bed volume)
            if (sceneContext.Printer != null)
                if (!sceneContext.Printer.InsideBuildVolume(item))
                    drawColor = new Color(drawColor, 65);

            // check if we should be rendering materials (this overrides the other colors)
            if (sceneContext.ViewState.RenderType == RenderTypes.Materials)
                drawColor = MaterialRendering.Color(item.WorldMaterialIndex());

            if (drawColor.alpha != 255 &&
                item is Object3D item3D)

            if (selectedItem is ISelectableChildContainer selectableChildContainer)
                if (item.AncestorsAndSelf().Any(i => selectableChildContainer.SelectedChildren.Contains(i.ID)))
                    drawColor = new Color(drawColor, 200);

            if (!sceneContext.ViewState.ModelView)
                if (modelRenderStyle == ModelRenderStyle.WireframeAndSolid)
                    drawColor = gCodeMeshColor;
                else if (modelRenderStyle == ModelRenderStyle.Wireframe)
                    drawColor = new Color(gCodeMeshColor, 1);
                else if (modelRenderStyle == ModelRenderStyle.None)
                    drawColor = Color.Transparent;

Exemple #2
        public ItemMaterialButton(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme, int initialMaterialIndex)
            this.currentIndex = initialMaterialIndex;
            this.ToolTipText  = "Material".Localize();
            var scaledButtonSize = 24 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

            Width  = 30 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;
            Height = 30 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

            var menuTheme = AppContext.MenuTheme;

            this.Name = "ItemMaterialButton";

            this.DynamicPopupContent = () =>
                var materialControl = new MaterialControls(printer, menuTheme, currentIndex)
                    Padding         = theme.DefaultContainerPadding,
                    BackgroundColor = menuTheme.BackgroundColor,
                    HAnchor         = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor         = VAnchor.Fit,

                materialControl.IndexChanged += (s, e) =>
                    currentIndex = e;
                    MaterialChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
                    materialColorButton.BackgroundColor = MaterialRendering.Color(printer, currentIndex, theme.BorderColor);


            materialColorButton = new ColorButton(MaterialRendering.Color(printer, currentIndex, theme.BorderColor))
                Width                  = scaledButtonSize,
                Height                 = scaledButtonSize,
                BackgroundRadius       = scaledButtonSize / 2,
                BackgroundOutlineWidth = 1,
                HAnchor                = HAnchor.Center,
                VAnchor                = VAnchor.Center,
                DisabledColor          = theme.MinimalShade,
                BorderColor            = theme.TextColor,
                Selectable             = false,

Exemple #3
        public ItemMaterialButton(ThemeConfig theme, int initialMaterialIndex)
            this.ToolTipText = "Material".Localize();
            var scaledButtonSize = 14 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

            Width  = 30 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;
            Height = 30 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

            this.DynamicPopupContent = () =>
                var materialControl = new MaterialControls(theme, initialMaterialIndex)
                    Padding         = theme.DefaultContainerPadding,
                    BackgroundColor = this.HoverColor,
                    HAnchor         = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor         = VAnchor.Fit,

                materialControl.IndexChanged += (s, e) =>
                    MaterialChanged?.Invoke(this, e);


            materialColorButton = new ColorButton(MaterialRendering.Color(initialMaterialIndex, theme.BorderColor))
                Width         = scaledButtonSize,
                Height        = scaledButtonSize,
                HAnchor       = HAnchor.Center,
                VAnchor       = VAnchor.Center,
                DrawGrid      = true,
                DisabledColor = theme.MinimalShade,
                Selectable    = false,

Exemple #4
        private void DrawGlContent(DrawEventArgs e)
            var gcodeOptions = sceneContext.RendererOptions;

            if (gcodeOptions.GCodeModelView)
                modelRenderStyle = ModelRenderStyle.WireframeAndSolid;
                modelRenderStyle = ModelRenderStyle.None;

            foreach (var drawable in drawables.Where(d => d.DrawStage == DrawStage.First))
                if (drawable.Enabled)
                    drawable.Draw(this, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);

            GLHelper.SetGlContext(this.World, renderSource.TransformToScreenSpace(renderSource.LocalBounds), lighting);

            foreach (var drawable in drawables.Where(d => d.DrawStage == DrawStage.OpaqueContent))
                if (drawable.Enabled)
                    drawable.Draw(this, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);

            // Draw solid objects, extract transparent
            var transparentMeshes = new List <Object3DView>();

            var  selectedItem       = scene.SelectedItem;
            bool suppressNormalDraw = false;

            if (selectedItem != null)
                // Invoke existing IEditorDraw when iterating items
                if (selectedItem is IEditorDraw editorDraw)
                    // TODO: Putting the drawing code in the IObject3D means almost certain bindings to MatterControl in IObject3D. If instead
                    // we had a UI layer object that used binding to register scene drawing hooks for specific types, we could avoid the bindings
                    editorDraw.DrawEditor(this, transparentMeshes, e, ref suppressNormalDraw);

            foreach (var item in scene.Children)
                if (item.Visible &&
                    (item != selectedItem || suppressNormalDraw == false))
                    DrawObject(item, transparentMeshes, e);

            if (sceneContext.Printer?.Connection?.serialPort is PrinterEmulator.Emulator emulator)
                void NozzlePositionChanged(object s, EventArgs e2)
                    // limit max number of updates per second to 10
                    if (UiThread.CurrentTimerMs > lastEmulatorDrawMs + 100)
                        // set it to now
                        lastEmulatorDrawMs = UiThread.CurrentTimerMs;

                var matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(emulator.CurrentPosition + new Vector3(.5, .5, 5));
                                matrix * World.ModelviewMatrix);

                if (!emulatorHooked)
                    emulator.DestinationChanged += NozzlePositionChanged;
                    emulatorHooked = true;

                Closed += (s, e3) => emulator.DestinationChanged -= NozzlePositionChanged;


            var bedNormalInViewSpace  = Vector3Ex.TransformNormal(Vector3.UnitZ, World.ModelviewMatrix).GetNormal();
            var pointOnBedInViewSpace = Vector3Ex.Transform(new Vector3(10, 10, 0), World.ModelviewMatrix);
            var lookingDownOnBed      = Vector3Ex.Dot(bedNormalInViewSpace, pointOnBedInViewSpace) < 0;

            floorDrawable.LookingDownOnBed = lookingDownOnBed;

            if (lookingDownOnBed)
                floorDrawable.Draw(this, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);

            var wireColor = Color.Transparent;

            switch (modelRenderStyle)
            case ModelRenderStyle.Wireframe:
                wireColor = darkWireframe;

            case ModelRenderStyle.WireframeAndSolid:
                wireColor = lightWireframe;

            // Draw transparent objects
            foreach (var item in transparentMeshes)
                var object3D = item.Object3D;
                    object3D.WorldMatrix() * World.ModelviewMatrix,
                    allowBspRendering: transparentMeshes.Count < 1000);

            if (!lookingDownOnBed)
                floorDrawable.Draw(this, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);


            foreach (var drawable in drawables.Where(d => d.DrawStage == DrawStage.TransparentContent))
                if (drawable.Enabled)
                    drawable.Draw(this, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);


            // Invoke DrawStage.Last item drawables
            foreach (var item in scene.Children)
                // HACK: Consider how shared code in DrawObject can be reused to prevent duplicate execution
                bool isSelected = selectedItem != null &&
                                  selectedItem.DescendantsAndSelf().Any((i) => i == item);

                foreach (var itemDrawable in itemDrawables.Where(d => d.DrawStage == DrawStage.Last && d.Enabled))
                    itemDrawable.Draw(this, item, isSelected, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);

            // Invoke DrawStage.Last scene drawables
            foreach (var drawable in drawables.Where(d => d.DrawStage == DrawStage.Last))
                if (drawable.Enabled)
                    drawable.Draw(this, e, Matrix4X4.Identity, this.World);
Exemple #5
        private Color GetItemColor(IObject3D item, IObject3D selectedItem)
            Color drawColor = item.WorldColor();

            if (item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.Support)
                drawColor = new Color(Color.Yellow, 120);
            else if (item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.WipeTower)
                drawColor = new Color(Color.Cyan, 120);
            else if (sceneContext.ViewState.RenderType == RenderTypes.Materials)
                // check if we should be rendering materials (this overrides the other colors)
                drawColor = MaterialRendering.Color(item.WorldMaterialIndex());

            if (sceneContext.Printer is PrinterConfig printer)
                if (printer.InsideBuildVolume(item))
                    if (printer.Settings.Helpers.HotendCount() > 1)
                        var materialIndex = item.WorldMaterialIndex();
                        if (materialIndex == -1)
                            materialIndex = 0;

                        bool isWipeTower = item?.OutputType == PrintOutputTypes.WipeTower;

                        // Determine if the given item is outside the bounds of the given extruder
                        if (materialIndex < printer.Settings.ToolBounds.Length ||
                            var itemAABB   = item.WorldAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                            var itemBounds = new RectangleDouble(new Vector2(itemAABB.MinXYZ), new Vector2(itemAABB.MaxXYZ));

                            var activeHotends = new HashSet <int>(new[] { materialIndex });

                            if (isWipeTower)

                            // Validate against active hotends
                            foreach (var hotendIndex in activeHotends)
                                var hotendBounds = printer.Settings.ToolBounds[hotendIndex];
                                if (!hotendBounds.Contains(itemBounds))
                                    // Draw in red outside of the bounds for the hotend
                                    drawColor = Color.Red.WithAlpha(90);
                    // Outside of printer build volume
                    drawColor = new Color(drawColor, 65);

            if (drawColor.alpha != 255 &&
                item is Object3D item3D)

            if (selectedItem is ISelectableChildContainer selectableChildContainer)
                if (item.AncestorsAndSelf().Any(i => selectableChildContainer.SelectedChildren.Contains(i.ID)))
                    drawColor = new Color(drawColor, 200);

            if (!sceneContext.ViewState.ModelView)
                if (modelRenderStyle == ModelRenderStyle.WireframeAndSolid)
                    drawColor = gCodeMeshColor;
                else if (modelRenderStyle == ModelRenderStyle.Wireframe)
                    drawColor = new Color(gCodeMeshColor, 1);
                else if (modelRenderStyle == ModelRenderStyle.None)
                    drawColor = Color.Transparent;

Exemple #6
        public MaterialControls(ThemeConfig theme, int initialMaterialIndex)
            : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom)
            this.theme   = theme;
            this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit;
            this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit;

            int extruderCount = 4;

            for (int extruderIndex = -1; extruderIndex < extruderCount; extruderIndex++)
                var name = $"{"Material".Localize()} {extruderIndex +1}";
                if (extruderIndex == -1)
                    name = "Default".Localize();

                var buttonView = new FlowLayoutWidget()
                    HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit

                var scaledButtonSize = 16 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

                buttonView.AddChild(new ColorButton(MaterialRendering.Color(extruderIndex, theme.MinimalHighlight))
                    Width    = scaledButtonSize,
                    Height   = scaledButtonSize,
                    VAnchor  = VAnchor.Center,
                    DrawGrid = true,

                buttonView.AddChild(new TextWidget(name, pointSize: theme.DefaultFontSize, textColor: theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor)
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Center

                var radioButtonView = new RadioButtonView(buttonView)
                    TextColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor
                radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin = radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin.Clone(right: 5);

                var radioButton = new RadioButton(radioButtonView)
                    HAnchor   = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor   = VAnchor.Fit,
                    TextColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor,
                    Checked   = extruderIndex == initialMaterialIndex

                int localExtruderIndex = extruderIndex;
                radioButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    IndexChanged?.Invoke(this, localExtruderIndex);
Exemple #7
        public MaterialControls(InteractiveScene scene, ThemeConfig theme)
            : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom)
            this.theme   = theme;
            this.scene   = scene;
            this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch;
            this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit;

            int extruderCount = 4;

            for (int extruderIndex = -1; extruderIndex < extruderCount; extruderIndex++)
                var name = $"{"Material".Localize()} {extruderIndex +1}";
                if (extruderIndex == -1)
                    name = "Default".Localize();

                var buttonView = new FlowLayoutWidget()
                    HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit

                var scaledButtonSize = 16 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

                buttonView.AddChild(new ColorButton(extruderIndex == -1 ? Color.Black : MaterialRendering.Color(extruderIndex))
                    Margin  = new BorderDouble(right: 5),
                    Width   = scaledButtonSize,
                    Height  = scaledButtonSize,
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Center,

                buttonView.AddChild(new TextWidget(name, pointSize: theme.DefaultFontSize, textColor: theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor)
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Center

                var radioButtonView = new RadioButtonView(buttonView)
                    TextColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor
                radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin = radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin.Clone(right: 5);

                var radioButton = new RadioButton(radioButtonView)
                    HAnchor   = HAnchor.Stretch,
                    VAnchor   = VAnchor.Fit,
                    TextColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor

                int extruderIndexCanPassToClick = extruderIndex;
                radioButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    var selectedItem = scene.SelectedItem;
                    if (selectedItem != null)
                        selectedItem.MaterialIndex = extruderIndexCanPassToClick;
                        scene.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(null, InvalidateType.Material));

            scene.SelectionChanged += Scene_SelectionChanged;
Exemple #8
        public MaterialControls(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme, int initialMaterialIndex)
            : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom)
            this.theme   = theme;
            this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit;
            this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit;

            int extruderCount = 4;

            for (int extruderIndex = -1; extruderIndex < extruderCount; extruderIndex++)
                var name = $"{"Material".Localize()} {extruderIndex + 1}";
                if (extruderIndex == -1)
                    name = "Default".Localize();

                var buttonView = new FlowLayoutWidget()
                    HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit

                var scaledButtonSize = 24 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

                GuiWidget colorButton;
                buttonView.AddChild(colorButton = new ItemColorButton(theme, MaterialRendering.Color(printer, extruderIndex, theme.BorderColor))
                    Width                  = scaledButtonSize,
                    Height                 = scaledButtonSize,
                    BackgroundRadius       = scaledButtonSize / 2,
                    BackgroundOutlineWidth = 1,
                    BorderColor            = theme.TextColor,
                    VAnchor                = VAnchor.Center,
                    Margin                 = new BorderDouble(3, 0, 5, 0),

                buttonView.AddChild(new TextWidget(name, pointSize: theme.DefaultFontSize, textColor: theme.TextColor)
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Center

                var radioButtonView = new RadioButtonView(buttonView)
                    TextColor  = theme.TextColor,
                    Selectable = false
                radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin = radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin.Clone(right: 5);

                var radioButton = new RadioButton(radioButtonView)
                    HAnchor   = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor   = VAnchor.Fit,
                    TextColor = theme.TextColor,
                    Checked   = extruderIndex == initialMaterialIndex,
                    Name      = name + " Button"

                int localExtruderIndex = extruderIndex;
                radioButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    IndexChanged?.Invoke(this, localExtruderIndex);
        public MaterialControls(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme, int initialMaterialIndex)
            : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom)
            this.theme   = theme;
            this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit;
            this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit;

            int extruderCount = 4;

            for (int extruderIndex = -1; extruderIndex < extruderCount; extruderIndex++)
                var name = $"{"Material".Localize()} {extruderIndex + 1}";
                if (extruderIndex == -1)
                    name = "Default".Localize();

                var buttonView = new FlowLayoutWidget()
                    HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit

                var scaledButtonSize = 16 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

                GuiWidget colorButton;
                buttonView.AddChild(colorButton = new ItemColorButton(theme, MaterialRendering.Color(printer, extruderIndex, theme.BorderColor))
                    Width   = scaledButtonSize,
                    Height  = scaledButtonSize,
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Center,
                    Margin  = new BorderDouble(3, 0, 5, 0),

                buttonView.AddChild(new TextWidget(name, pointSize: theme.DefaultFontSize, textColor: theme.TextColor)
                    VAnchor = VAnchor.Center

                var radioButtonView = new RadioButtonView(buttonView)
                    TextColor = theme.TextColor
                radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin = radioButtonView.RadioCircle.Margin.Clone(right: 5);

                var radioButton = new RadioButton(radioButtonView)
                    HAnchor   = HAnchor.Fit,
                    VAnchor   = VAnchor.Fit,
                    TextColor = theme.TextColor,
                    Checked   = extruderIndex == initialMaterialIndex,
                    Name      = name + " Button"

                radioButton.MouseMove += (s, e) =>
                    var screenSpace      = radioButton.TransformToScreenSpace(e.Position);
                    var colorButtonSpace = colorButton.TransformFromScreenSpace(screenSpace);
                    if (colorButton.LocalBounds.Contains(colorButtonSpace))
                        var parent = colorButton.Parent;
                        while (parent != radioButton)
                            parent.Selectable = true;
                            parent            = parent.Parent;
                        var parent = colorButton.Parent;
                        while (parent != radioButton)
                            parent.Selectable = false;
                            parent            = parent.Parent;

                radioButton.MouseLeaveBounds += (s, e) =>

                int localExtruderIndex = extruderIndex;
                radioButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    IndexChanged?.Invoke(this, localExtruderIndex);