Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Material with the type, line, aspect and recipe codes stored in the Command Instance in the given context
        /// Looks for existing Entities and creates new ones if they don't exist
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template"> A disconnected material entry containing the informations required to create the new material</param>
        /// <returns>A new connected Material entry</returns>
        internal Material CreateMaterial(Material template)
            /// Instantiate new Material

            Material newMaterial = new Material();


            // Retrieves the MaterialType entity with the given code and sets reference in the new material
            // If no such entity exists, throws exception

            MaterialType typeInstance = _context.MaterialTypes.FirstOrDefault(mtyp => mtyp.Code == template.MaterialType.Code);

            newMaterial.MaterialType = typeInstance ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("MaterialType with code " + template.MaterialType.Code + " does not exist.");

            // Check if a MaterialLine instance with the given code exists
            // If no such entity exists, throws exception

            MaterialLine lineInstance = _context.MaterialLines.FirstOrDefault(mlin => mlin.Code == template.MaterialLine.Code);

            newMaterial.MaterialLine = lineInstance ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("MaterialLine with code " + template.MaterialLine.Code + " does not exist.");

            // Check if an Aspect instance with the given code exists
            // If no such entity exists, throws exception

            Aspect aspectInstance = _context.Aspects.FirstOrDefault(asp => asp.Code == template.Aspect.Code);

            newMaterial.Aspect = aspectInstance ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Aspect with code " + template.Aspect.Code + " does not exist.");

            // Check if a Recipe instance with the given code exists
            // If no such entity exists, throws exception

            Recipe connectedrecipe = _context.Recipes.FirstOrDefault(rec => rec.Code == template.Recipe.Code);

            newMaterial.Recipe = connectedrecipe ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Recipe with code " + template.Recipe.Code + " does not exist.");

            newMaterial.ExternalConstructionID = template.ExternalConstruction?.ID;
            newMaterial.ProjectID       = template.Project?.ID;
            newMaterial.Recipe.ColourID = template.Recipe?.Colour?.ID;

Exemple #2
        public void Execute(LabDbEntities context)
            if (!context.Materials.Any(mat => mat.Aspect.Code == _aspectCode &&
                                       mat.MaterialLine.Code == _lineCode &&
                                       mat.Recipe.Code == _recipeCode &&
                                       mat.MaterialType.Code == _typeCode))
                Aspect       aspectInstance = context.Aspects.First(asp => asp.Code == _aspectCode);
                MaterialLine lineInstance   = context.MaterialLines.First(lin => lin.Code == _lineCode);
                MaterialType typeInstance   = context.MaterialTypes.First(typ => typ.Code == _typeCode);
                Recipe       recipeInstance = context.Recipes.First(rec => rec.Code == _recipeCode);

                context.Materials.Add(new Material()
                    Aspect       = aspectInstance,
                    MaterialLine = lineInstance,
                    MaterialType = typeInstance,
                    Recipe       = recipeInstance

        public BatchCreationDialogViewModel(IDataService <LabDbEntities> labDbData) : base()
            _labDbData       = labDbData;
            ColourList       = _labDbData.RunQuery(new ColorsQuery()).ToList();
            ConstructionList = _labDbData.RunQuery(new ConstructionsQuery()).ToList();
            DoNotTest        = false;
            ProjectList      = _labDbData.RunQuery(new ProjectsQuery()).ToList();

            Notes = "";

            CancelCommand = new DelegateCommand <Window>(
                parentDialog =>
                parentDialog.DialogResult = false;

            ConfirmCommand = new DelegateCommand <Window>(
                parentDialog =>
                if (AspectInstance == null)
                    AspectInstance = new Aspect()
                        Code = _aspectCode


                if (LineInstance == null)
                    LineInstance = new MaterialLine()
                        Code = _lineCode


                if (RecipeInstance == null)
                    RecipeInstance = new Recipe()
                        Code = _recipeCode

                    if (_selectedColour != null)
                        RecipeInstance.ColourID = _selectedColour.ID;

                else if (_selectedColour != null && RecipeInstance.ColourID != _selectedColour.ID)
                    _recipeInstance.ColourID = _selectedColour.ID;

                Material tempMaterial = _labDbData.RunQuery(new MaterialQuery()
                    AspectID       = _aspectInstance.ID,
                    MaterialLineID = _lineInstance.ID,
                    MaterialTypeID = _typeInstance.ID,
                    RecipeID       = _recipeInstance.ID

                if (tempMaterial != null)
                    bool requiresUpdate = false;

                    if (_selectedConstruction != null &&
                        tempMaterial.ExternalConstructionID != _selectedConstruction.ID)
                        tempMaterial.ExternalConstructionID = _selectedConstruction.ID;
                        requiresUpdate = true;

                    if (_selectedProject != null &&
                        tempMaterial.ProjectID != _selectedProject.ID)
                        tempMaterial.ProjectID = _selectedProject.ID;
                        requiresUpdate         = true;

                    if (requiresUpdate)

                if (tempMaterial == null)
                    tempMaterial = new Material()
                        AspectID = AspectInstance.ID,
                        LineID   = LineInstance.ID,
                        RecipeID = RecipeInstance.ID,
                        TypeID   = TypeInstance.ID

                    if (_selectedConstruction != null)
                        tempMaterial.ExternalConstructionID = _selectedConstruction.ID;

                    if (_selectedProject != null)
                        tempMaterial.ProjectID = _selectedProject.ID;


                BatchInstance = new Batch()
                    DoNotTest          = DoNotTest,
                    FirstSampleArrived = false,
                    MaterialID         = tempMaterial.ID,
                    ArchiveStock       = 0,
                    LongTermStock      = 0,
                    Notes  = Notes,
                    Number = _batchNumber

                if (SelectedTrialArea != null)
                    BatchInstance.TrialAreaID = SelectedTrialArea.ID;


                parentDialog.DialogResult = true;
                parentDialog => !HasErrors);

            BatchNumber = "";
            TypeCode    = "";
            LineCode    = "";
            AspectCode  = "";
            RecipeCode  = "";