Exemple #1
        private void bindTypes(MaterialI material, IDictionary values, List <MaterialFieldBinder> binders, string contentDirectory, Dictionary <string, string> fileExtOverrides, FoundBinderMethod handleFoundBinder)
            if (binders == null)

            var materialType = material.GetType();

            foreach (var binder in binders)
                if (binder.MaterialName == material.Name && values.Contains(binder.InputID))
                                        #if WINRT
                    var materialField = materialType.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField(binder.ShaderMaterialFieldName);
                    var materialField = materialType.GetField(binder.ShaderMaterialFieldName);
                    if (materialField == null)
                        Debug.ThrowError("Model", "Shader material field name does not exist: " + binder.ShaderMaterialFieldName);

                    if (handleFoundBinder != null)
                        handleFoundBinder(material, materialField, values, binder, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides);
Exemple #2
        private void handleFoundValueBinder(MaterialI material, FieldInfo materialField, IDictionary values, MaterialFieldBinder binder, string contentDirectory, Dictionary <string, string> fileExtOverrides)
            var value        = values[binder.InputID];
            var valueType    = value.GetType();
            var materialType = materialField.FieldType;

            if (materialType == valueType)
                materialField.SetValue(material, values[binder.InputID]);
            else if (materialType == typeof(Vector2))
                if (valueType == typeof(Vector3))
                    var vector = (Vector3)value;
                    materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector2(vector.X, vector.Y));
                else if (valueType == typeof(Vector4))
                    var vector = (Vector4)value;
                    materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector2(vector.X, vector.Y));
            else if (materialType == typeof(Vector3))
                if (valueType == typeof(Vector2))
                    var vector = (Vector2)value;
                    materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector3(vector.X, vector.Y, 0));
                else if (valueType == typeof(Vector4))
                    var vector = (Vector4)value;
                    materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector3(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z));
            else if (materialType == typeof(Vector4))
                if (valueType == typeof(Vector2))
                    var vector = (Vector2)value;
                    materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector4(vector.X, vector.Y, 0, 0));
                else if (valueType == typeof(Vector3))
                    var vector = (Vector3)value;
                    materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector4(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z, 0));
Exemple #3
        private void handleFoundTextureBinder(MaterialI material, FieldInfo materialField, IDictionary values, MaterialFieldBinder binder, string contentDirectory, Dictionary <string, string> fileExtOverrides)
            var textureFileName = ((Dictionary <string, string>)values)[binder.InputID];

            if (fileExtOverrides != null)
                string ext = Streams.GetFileExt(textureFileName);
                if (fileExtOverrides.ContainsKey(ext))
                    textureFileName = Streams.GetFileNameWithoutExt(textureFileName) + fileExtOverrides[ext];
                    textureFileName = Streams.GetFileNameWithExt(textureFileName);
                textureFileName = Streams.GetFileNameWithExt(textureFileName);

            // TODO load texture unless already loaded...
            //texture = parent.FindChild<Texture2D>
            //	"NewReference",
            //	new ConstructorParam(typeof(IDisposableResource), parent),
            //	new ConstructorParam(typeof(string), filename),
            //	new ConstructorParam(typeof(Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod), null)
            //if (texture != null)
            //	++texture.referenceCount;
            //	return texture;
            //return new Texture2D(parent, filename, loadedCallback);
            //var texture = Texture2DAPI.New(Parent, contentDirectory + textureFileName, null);
            ITexture2D texture = null;

            if (!Textures.Contains(texture))
            materialField.SetValue(material, texture);
Exemple #4
		private void init(string filename, Stream stream, string contentDirectory, Dictionary<string,Type> materialTypes, List<MaterialFieldBinder> value1BinderTypes, List<MaterialFieldBinder> value2BinderTypes, List<MaterialFieldBinder> value3BinderTypes, List<MaterialFieldBinder> value4BinderTypes, List<MaterialFieldBinder> textureBinderTypes, Dictionary<string,string> fileExtOverrides, int classicInstanceCount, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
				var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

				// meta data
				if (reader.ReadInt32() != Streams.MakeFourCC('R', 'M', 'F', 'T')) Debug.ThrowError("Error", "Not a ReignModel file: " + filename);
				float version = reader.ReadSingle();
				if (version != 1.0f) Debug.ThrowError("Error", "Unsuported model version: " + version.ToString());
				bool compressed = reader.ReadBoolean();

				// frames
				FrameStart = reader.ReadSingle();
				FrameEnd = reader.ReadSingle();
				FrameCount = FrameEnd - FrameStart;
				FPS = reader.ReadSingle();

				// materials
				int materialCount = reader.ReadInt32();
				Materials = new MaterialI[materialCount];
				Textures = new List<ITexture2D>();
				for (int i = 0; i != materialCount; ++i)
					string name = reader.ReadString();

					// create material
					bool pass = false;
					foreach (var materialType in (Dictionary<string,Type>)materialTypes)
						if (materialType.Key == name)
							Materials[i] = (MaterialI)Activator.CreateInstance(materialType.Value);
							Materials[i].Name = name;
							pass = true;
					if (!pass) Debug.ThrowError("Model", "Failed to find a valid material type for: " + name);
					var material = Materials[i];

					// values1
					var values1 = new Dictionary<string,float>();
					int valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2) values1.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadSingle());
					bindTypes(material, values1, value1BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

					// values2
					var values2 = new Dictionary<string,Vector2>();
					valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2) values2.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadVector2());
					bindTypes(material, values2, value2BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

					// values3
					var values3 = new Dictionary<string,Vector3>();
					valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2) values3.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadVector3());
					bindTypes(material, values3, value3BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

					// values4
					var values4 = new Dictionary<string,Vector4>();
					valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2) values4.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadVector4());
					bindTypes(material, values4, value4BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

					// textures
					var textures = new Dictionary<string,string>();
					int textureCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					for (int i2 = 0; i2 != textureCount; ++i2) textures.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadString());
					bindTypes(material, textures, textureBinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundTextureBinder);

				// meshes
				int meshCount = reader.ReadInt32();
				Meshes = new Mesh[meshCount];
				for (int i = 0; i != meshCount; ++i)
					Meshes[i] = new Mesh(reader, this, classicInstanceCount);

				// actions
				int actionCount = reader.ReadInt32();
				Actions = new Action[actionCount];
				for (int i = 0; i != actionCount; ++i)
					Actions[i] = new Action(reader);

				// armatures
				int armatureCount = reader.ReadInt32();
				Armatures = new Armature[armatureCount];
				for (int i = 0; i != armatureCount; ++i)
					Armatures[i] = new Armature(reader);

				// objects
				int objectCount = reader.ReadInt32();
				Objects = new Object[objectCount];
				for (int i = 0; i != objectCount; ++i)
					string type = reader.ReadString();
					if (type == "MESH") Objects[i] = new ObjectMesh(reader, this);
					else if (type == "ARMATURE") Objects[i] = new ObjectArmature(reader, this);
					else Debug.ThrowError("Mesh", "Unsuported Object type: " + type);

				// link objects
				foreach (var o in Objects)
			catch (Exception e)
				FailedToLoad = true;
				if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);

			if (Textures.Count == 0)
				Loaded = true;
				if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
				new LoadWaiter(Textures.ToArray(),
				delegate(object sender, bool succeeded)
					if (succeeded)
						Loaded = true;
						if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
						FailedToLoad = true;
						if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
Exemple #5
		private void handleFoundTextureBinder(MaterialI material, FieldInfo materialField, IDictionary values, MaterialFieldBinder binder, string contentDirectory, Dictionary<string,string> fileExtOverrides)
			var textureFileName = ((Dictionary<string,string>)values)[binder.InputID];
			if (fileExtOverrides != null)
				string ext = Streams.GetFileExt(textureFileName);
				if (fileExtOverrides.ContainsKey(ext)) textureFileName = Streams.GetFileNameWithoutExt(textureFileName) + fileExtOverrides[ext];
				else textureFileName = Streams.GetFileNameWithExt(textureFileName);
				textureFileName = Streams.GetFileNameWithExt(textureFileName);

			// TODO load texture unless already loaded...
			//texture = parent.FindChild<Texture2D>
			//	"NewReference",
			//	new ConstructorParam(typeof(IDisposableResource), parent),
			//	new ConstructorParam(typeof(string), filename),
			//	new ConstructorParam(typeof(Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod), null)
			//if (texture != null)
			//	++texture.referenceCount;
			//	return texture;
			//return new Texture2D(parent, filename, loadedCallback);
			//var texture = Texture2DAPI.New(Parent, contentDirectory + textureFileName, null);
			ITexture2D texture = null;

			if (!Textures.Contains(texture)) Textures.Add(texture);
			materialField.SetValue(material, texture);
Exemple #6
		private void handleFoundValueBinder(MaterialI material, FieldInfo materialField, IDictionary values, MaterialFieldBinder binder, string contentDirectory, Dictionary<string,string> fileExtOverrides)
			var value = values[binder.InputID];
			var valueType = value.GetType();
			var materialType = materialField.FieldType;
			if (materialType == valueType)
				materialField.SetValue(material, values[binder.InputID]);
			else if (materialType == typeof(Vector2))
				if (valueType == typeof(Vector3))
					var vector = (Vector3)value;
					materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector2(vector.X, vector.Y));
				else if (valueType == typeof(Vector4))
					var vector = (Vector4)value;
					materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector2(vector.X, vector.Y));
			else if (materialType == typeof(Vector3))
				if (valueType == typeof(Vector2))
					var vector = (Vector2)value;
					materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector3(vector.X, vector.Y, 0));
				else if (valueType == typeof(Vector4))
					var vector = (Vector4)value;
					materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector3(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z));
			else if (materialType == typeof(Vector4))
				if (valueType == typeof(Vector2))
					var vector = (Vector2)value;
					materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector4(vector.X, vector.Y, 0, 0));
				else if (valueType == typeof(Vector3))
					var vector = (Vector3)value;
					materialField.SetValue(material, new Vector4(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z, 0));
Exemple #7
		private void bindTypes(MaterialI material, IDictionary values, List<MaterialFieldBinder> binders, string contentDirectory, Dictionary<string,string> fileExtOverrides, FoundBinderMethod handleFoundBinder)
			if (binders == null) return;

			var materialType = material.GetType();
			foreach (var binder in binders)
				if (binder.MaterialName == material.Name && values.Contains(binder.InputID))
					#if WINRT
					var materialField = materialType.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField(binder.ShaderMaterialFieldName);
					var materialField = materialType.GetField(binder.ShaderMaterialFieldName);
					if (materialField == null) Debug.ThrowError("Model", "Shader material field name does not exist: " + binder.ShaderMaterialFieldName);

					if (handleFoundBinder != null) handleFoundBinder(material, materialField, values, binder, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides);
Exemple #8
        public Mesh(BinaryReader reader, Model model, int classicInstanceCount)
            : base(model)
                Name = reader.ReadString();

                // material
                int materialIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (materialIndex != -1) Material = model.Materials[materialIndex];

                // elements
                int elementCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                var elements = new List<BufferLayoutElement>();
                for (int i = 0; i != elementCount; ++i)
                    elements.Add(new BufferLayoutElement((BufferLayoutElementTypes)reader.ReadInt32(), (BufferLayoutElementUsages)reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32()));
                LayoutDesc = BufferLayoutDescAPI.New(elements);

                // vertices
                int vertexFloatCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                var vertices = new float[vertexFloatCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != vertexFloatCount; ++i)
                    vertices[i] = reader.ReadSingle();
                VertexBuffer = VertexBufferAPI.New(this, LayoutDesc, BufferUsages.Default, VertexBufferTopologys.Triangle, vertices);

                // indices
                int indexCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                var indices = new int[indexCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != indexCount; ++i)
                    indices[i] = reader.ReadInt32();
                IndexBuffer = IndexBufferAPI.New(this, BufferUsages.Default, indices);

                // create instancing buffers
                ClassicInstanceCount = classicInstanceCount;
                if (classicInstanceCount > 0)
                    var intancingElements = new List<BufferLayoutElement>();
                    foreach (var element in elements) intancingElements.Add(element);
                    intancingElements.Add(new BufferLayoutElement(BufferLayoutElementTypes.Float, BufferLayoutElementUsages.IndexClassic, 0, 0, LayoutDesc.FloatCount));
                    InstancingLayoutDesc = BufferLayoutDescAPI.New(intancingElements);

                    int instanceVertexFloatCount = (vertexFloatCount * classicInstanceCount) + (VertexBuffer.VertexCount * classicInstanceCount);
                    var instancingVertices = new float[instanceVertexFloatCount];
                    int vi = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i != classicInstanceCount; ++i)
                        int vOffset = 0;
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 != VertexBuffer.VertexCount; ++i2)
                            for (int i3 = 0; i3 != VertexBuffer.VertexFloatArraySize; ++i3)
                                instancingVertices[vi] = vertices[vOffset];

                            instancingVertices[vi] = i;
                    InstancingVertexBuffer = VertexBufferAPI.New(this, InstancingLayoutDesc, BufferUsages.Default, VertexBuffer.Topology, instancingVertices);

                    int instanceIndexCount = (indexCount * classicInstanceCount);
                    var instancingIndices = new int[instanceIndexCount];
                    int ii = 0, iOffset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i != classicInstanceCount; ++i)
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 != indexCount; ++i2)
                            instancingIndices[ii] = indices[i2] + iOffset;

                        iOffset += VertexBuffer.VertexCount;
                    InstancingIndexBuffer = IndexBufferAPI.New(this, BufferUsages.Default, instancingIndices);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Exemple #9
        private void init(string filename, Stream stream, string contentDirectory, Dictionary <string, Type> materialTypes, List <MaterialFieldBinder> value1BinderTypes, List <MaterialFieldBinder> value2BinderTypes, List <MaterialFieldBinder> value3BinderTypes, List <MaterialFieldBinder> value4BinderTypes, List <MaterialFieldBinder> textureBinderTypes, Dictionary <string, string> fileExtOverrides, int classicInstanceCount, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
                var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

                // meta data
                if (reader.ReadInt32() != Streams.MakeFourCC('R', 'M', 'F', 'T'))
                    Debug.ThrowError("Error", "Not a ReignModel file: " + filename);
                float version = reader.ReadSingle();
                if (version != 1.0f)
                    Debug.ThrowError("Error", "Unsuported model version: " + version.ToString());
                bool compressed = reader.ReadBoolean();

                // frames
                FrameStart = reader.ReadSingle();
                FrameEnd   = reader.ReadSingle();
                FrameCount = FrameEnd - FrameStart;
                FPS        = reader.ReadSingle();

                // materials
                int materialCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                Materials = new MaterialI[materialCount];
                Textures  = new List <ITexture2D>();
                for (int i = 0; i != materialCount; ++i)
                    string name = reader.ReadString();

                    // create material
                    bool pass = false;
                    foreach (var materialType in (Dictionary <string, Type>)materialTypes)
                        if (materialType.Key == name)
                            Materials[i]      = (MaterialI)Activator.CreateInstance(materialType.Value);
                            Materials[i].Name = name;
                            pass = true;
                    if (!pass)
                        Debug.ThrowError("Model", "Failed to find a valid material type for: " + name);
                    var material = Materials[i];

                    // values1
                    var values1    = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                    int valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2)
                        values1.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadSingle());
                    bindTypes(material, values1, value1BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

                    // values2
                    var values2 = new Dictionary <string, Vector2>();
                    valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2)
                        values2.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadVector2());
                    bindTypes(material, values2, value2BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

                    // values3
                    var values3 = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>();
                    valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2)
                        values3.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadVector3());
                    bindTypes(material, values3, value3BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

                    // values4
                    var values4 = new Dictionary <string, Vector4>();
                    valueCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 != valueCount; ++i2)
                        values4.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadVector4());
                    bindTypes(material, values4, value4BinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundValueBinder);

                    // textures
                    var textures     = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    int textureCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 != textureCount; ++i2)
                        textures.Add(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadString());
                    bindTypes(material, textures, textureBinderTypes, contentDirectory, fileExtOverrides, handleFoundTextureBinder);

                // meshes
                int meshCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                Meshes = new Mesh[meshCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != meshCount; ++i)
                    Meshes[i] = new Mesh(reader, this, classicInstanceCount);

                // actions
                int actionCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                Actions = new Action[actionCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != actionCount; ++i)
                    Actions[i] = new Action(reader);

                // armatures
                int armatureCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                Armatures = new Armature[armatureCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != armatureCount; ++i)
                    Armatures[i] = new Armature(reader);

                // objects
                int objectCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                Objects = new Object[objectCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != objectCount; ++i)
                    string type = reader.ReadString();
                    if (type == "MESH")
                        Objects[i] = new ObjectMesh(reader, this);
                    else if (type == "ARMATURE")
                        Objects[i] = new ObjectArmature(reader, this);
                        Debug.ThrowError("Mesh", "Unsuported Object type: " + type);

                // link objects
                foreach (var o in Objects)
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, false);

            if (Textures.Count == 0)
                Loaded = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, true);
                new LoadWaiter(Textures.ToArray(),
                               delegate(object sender, bool succeeded)
                    if (succeeded)
                        Loaded = true;
                        if (loadedCallback != null)
                            loadedCallback(this, true);
                        FailedToLoad = true;
                        if (loadedCallback != null)
                            loadedCallback(this, false);
Exemple #10
        public Mesh(BinaryReader reader, Model model, int classicInstanceCount)
            : base(model)
                Name = reader.ReadString();

                // material
                int materialIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (materialIndex != -1)
                    Material = model.Materials[materialIndex];

                // elements
                int elementCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                var elements     = new List <BufferLayoutElement>();
                for (int i = 0; i != elementCount; ++i)
                    elements.Add(new BufferLayoutElement((BufferLayoutElementTypes)reader.ReadInt32(), (BufferLayoutElementUsages)reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32()));
                LayoutDesc = BufferLayoutDescAPI.New(elements);

                // vertices
                int vertexFloatCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                var vertices         = new float[vertexFloatCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != vertexFloatCount; ++i)
                    vertices[i] = reader.ReadSingle();
                VertexBuffer = VertexBufferAPI.New(this, LayoutDesc, BufferUsages.Default, VertexBufferTopologys.Triangle, vertices);

                // indices
                int indexCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                var indices    = new int[indexCount];
                for (int i = 0; i != indexCount; ++i)
                    indices[i] = reader.ReadInt32();
                IndexBuffer = IndexBufferAPI.New(this, BufferUsages.Default, indices);

                // create instancing buffers
                ClassicInstanceCount = classicInstanceCount;
                if (classicInstanceCount > 0)
                    var intancingElements = new List <BufferLayoutElement>();
                    foreach (var element in elements)
                    intancingElements.Add(new BufferLayoutElement(BufferLayoutElementTypes.Float, BufferLayoutElementUsages.IndexClassic, 0, 0, LayoutDesc.FloatCount));
                    InstancingLayoutDesc = BufferLayoutDescAPI.New(intancingElements);

                    int instanceVertexFloatCount = (vertexFloatCount * classicInstanceCount) + (VertexBuffer.VertexCount * classicInstanceCount);
                    var instancingVertices       = new float[instanceVertexFloatCount];
                    int vi = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i != classicInstanceCount; ++i)
                        int vOffset = 0;
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 != VertexBuffer.VertexCount; ++i2)
                            for (int i3 = 0; i3 != VertexBuffer.VertexFloatArraySize; ++i3)
                                instancingVertices[vi] = vertices[vOffset];

                            instancingVertices[vi] = i;
                    InstancingVertexBuffer = VertexBufferAPI.New(this, InstancingLayoutDesc, BufferUsages.Default, VertexBuffer.Topology, instancingVertices);

                    int instanceIndexCount = (indexCount * classicInstanceCount);
                    var instancingIndices = new int[instanceIndexCount];
                    int ii = 0, iOffset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i != classicInstanceCount; ++i)
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 != indexCount; ++i2)
                            instancingIndices[ii] = indices[i2] + iOffset;

                        iOffset += VertexBuffer.VertexCount;
                    InstancingIndexBuffer = IndexBufferAPI.New(this, BufferUsages.Default, instancingIndices);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;