// make sure values has name lower case.
        public void Update(DateTime utc, MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.CatType cat, List <Tuple <string, int> > values, int cnum = 0)
            var curlist = items.GetLastValues((x) => x.Details.Category == cat && x.Counts[cnum] > 0); // find all of this cat with a count >0

            var varray = new int[MaterialCommodityMicroResource.NoCounts];                             // all set to zero
            var vsets  = new bool[MaterialCommodityMicroResource.NoCounts];                            // all set to false, change

            vsets[cnum] = true;                                                                        // set the cnum to set.

            foreach (var v in values)
                varray[cnum] = v.Item2;                         // set cnum value
                Change(utc, cat, v.Item1, varray, vsets, 0);    // set entry

            foreach (var c in curlist)
                if (values.Find(x => x.Item1.Equals(c.Details.FDName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) == null) // if not in updated list
                    var mc = new MaterialCommodityMicroResource(c);                                                          // clone it
                    mc.Counts[cnum] = 0;                                                                                     // zero cnum
                    items.Add(c.Details.FDName.ToLowerInvariant(), mc);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Found {1} not in update list, zeroing", utc, mc.Details.FDName);
Exemple #2
        // change entry 0
        public void Change(DateTime utc, MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.CatType cat, string fdname, int num, long price, int cnum = 0, bool setit = false)
            var vsets = new bool[MaterialCommodityMicroResource.NoCounts];      // all set to false, change

            vsets[cnum] = setit;                                                // set cnum to change/set
            var varray = new int[MaterialCommodityMicroResource.NoCounts];      // all set to zero

            varray[cnum] = num;                                                 // set value on cnum
            Change(utc, cat, fdname, varray, vsets, price);
Exemple #3
        // counts/set array can be of length 1 to maximum number of counts
        // to set a value, set count/set=1 for that entry
        // to change a value, set count/set = 0 for that entry
        // to leave a value, set count=0,set=0 for that entry
        // set means set to value, else add to value
        public bool Change(DateTime utc, MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.CatType cat, string fdname, int[] counts, bool[] set, long price)
            fdname = fdname.ToLowerInvariant();

            MaterialCommodityMicroResource mc = items.GetLast(fdname);                                                   // find last entry, may return null if none stored

            if (mc == null)                                                                                              // not stored, make new
                MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType mcdb = MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.EnsurePresent(cat, fdname); // get a MCDB of this
                mc = new MaterialCommodityMicroResource(mcdb);
                mc = new MaterialCommodityMicroResource(mc);                // copy constructor, new copy of it

            double costprev  = mc.Counts[0] * mc.Price;
            double costofnew = counts[0] * price;
            bool   changed   = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < counts.Length; i++)
                int newcount = set[i] ? counts[i] : Math.Max(mc.Counts[i] + counts[i], 0);       // don't let it go below zero if changing
                if (newcount != mc.Counts[i])
                    changed = true;
                    //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MCMRLIST {0} Gen {1} Changed {2}:{3} Entry {4} {5} -> {6} {7}", utc.ToString(), items.Generation, mc.Details.Category, mc.Details.FDName, i, mc.Counts[i], newcount, mc.Counts[i]<newcount ? "+++" : "---");
                    //   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Environment.StackTrace);
                    mc.Counts[i] = newcount;

            if (changed)                                                    // only store back a new entry if material change to counts
                if (mc.Counts[0] > 0 && counts[0] > 0)                      // if bought (defensive with mc.counts)
                    mc.Price = (costprev + costofnew) / mc.Counts[0];       // price is now a combination of the current cost and the new cost. in case we buy in tranches
                items[fdname] = mc;                                         // and set fdname to mc - this allows for any repeat adds due to frontier data repeating stuff in things like cargo
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Not changed {1} {2}", utc.ToString(), mc.Details.FDName, mc.Count);

Exemple #4
        // ensure a category has the same values as in values, for cnum entry.
        // All others in the same cat not mentioned in values go to zero
        // make sure values has name lower case.

        public int Update(DateTime utc, MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.CatType cat, List <Tuple <string, int> > values, int cnum = 0)
            var curlist = items.GetLastValues((x) => x.Details.Category == cat && x.Counts[cnum] > 0); // find all of this cat with a count >0

            var varray = new int[MaterialCommodityMicroResource.NoCounts];                             // all set to zero
            var vsets  = new bool[MaterialCommodityMicroResource.NoCounts];                            // all set to false, change, with 0 in the varray, no therefore no change

            vsets[cnum] = true;                                                                        // but set the cnum to set

            int changed = 0;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Perform update for " + cat.ToString());
            foreach (var v in values)
                varray[cnum] = v.Item2;                          // set cnum value
                if (Change(utc, cat, v.Item1, varray, vsets, 0)) // set entry
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MCMRLIST {0} updated {1} {2} to {3} (entry {4})", utc.ToString(), cat, v.Item1, v.Item2 , cnum);
                    changed++;                                 // indicated changed

            foreach (var c in curlist)                                                                                       //go thru the non zero list of cat
                if (values.Find(x => x.Item1.Equals(c.Details.FDName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) == null) // if not in updated list
                    var mc = new MaterialCommodityMicroResource(c);                                                          // clone it
                    mc.Counts[cnum] = 0;                                                                                     // zero cnum
                    items[c.Details.FDName.ToLowerInvariant()] = mc;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MCMRLIST {0} Found {1}:{2} not in update list, zeroing", utc.ToString(), mc.Details.Category, mc.Details.FDName);

            if (changed > 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MCMRLIST {0} {1} fixed {2}", utc.ToString(), cat, changed);

        // counts/set array can be of length 1 to maximum number of counts
        // to set a value, set count/set=1 for that entry
        // to change a value, set count/set = 0 for that entry
        // to leave a value, set count=0,set=0 for that entry
        // set means set to value, else add to value
        public void Change(DateTime utc, MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.CatType cat, string fdname, int[] counts, bool[] set, long price)
            fdname = fdname.ToLowerInvariant();

            MaterialCommodityMicroResource mc = items.GetLast(fdname);                                                   // find last entry, may return null if none stored

            if (mc == null)                                                                                              // not stored, make new
                MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType mcdb = MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.EnsurePresent(cat, fdname); // get a MCDB of this
                mc = new MaterialCommodityMicroResource(mcdb);
                mc = new MaterialCommodityMicroResource(mc);                // copy constructor, new copy of it

            double costprev  = mc.Counts[0] * mc.Price;
            double costofnew = counts[0] * price;
            bool   changed   = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < counts.Length; i++)
                int newcount = set[i] ? counts[i] : Math.Max(mc.Counts[i] + counts[i], 0); // don't let it go below zero if changing
                changed     |= newcount != mc.Counts[i];                                   // have we changed? we are trying to minimise deltas to the gen dictionary, so don't add if nothing changed
                mc.Counts[i] = newcount;

            if (changed)                                              // only store back a new entry if material change to counts
                if (mc.Counts[0] > 0 && counts[0] > 0)                // if bought (defensive with mc.counts)
                    mc.Price = (costprev + costofnew) / mc.Counts[0]; // price is now a combination of the current cost and the new cost. in case we buy in tranches
                items.Add(fdname, mc);                                // and add a new fresh mc to the dictionary
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Changed {1} {2} {3}", utc, items.Generation, mc.Details.FDName, mc.Count);
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Not changed {1} {2}", utc, mc.Details.FDName, mc.Count);