public void Match1()
            var src1 = @"
int x = 1; 

while (true)

            var src2 = @"
int x = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {}
if (x > 1)
    while (true)

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "int x = 1;", "int x = 1;" },
                { "int x = 1", "int x = 1" },
                { "x = 1", "x = 1" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(1);", "Console.WriteLine(1);" },
                { "x++/*1A*/;", "x++/*1B*/;" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(2);", "y++;" },
                { "while (true) {     x++/*2A*/; }", "while (true)     {         x++/*2B*/;     }" },
                { "{     x++/*2A*/; }", "{         x++/*2B*/;     }" },
                { "x++/*2A*/;", "x++/*2B*/;" }

        public void MatchLambdas3()
            var src1 = @"
a += async u => u;
            var src2 = @"
a += u => u;

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "a += async u => u;", "a += u => u;" },
                { "async u => u", "u => u" }

        public void MatchLambdas2b()
            var src1 = @"
F(delegate { return x; });
            var src2 = @"
F((a) => x, () => x);

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(delegate { return x; });", "F((a) => x, () => x);" },
                { "delegate { return x; }", "() => x" }

        public void MatchQueries4()
            var src1 = "F(from a in await b from x in y select c);";
            var src2 = "F(from a in await c from x in y select c);";

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(from a in await b from x in y select c);", "F(from a in await c from x in y select c);" },
                { "from a in await b", "from a in await c" },
                { "await b", "await c" },
                { "from x in y select c", "from x in y select c" },
                { "from x in y", "from x in y" },
                { "select c", "select c" }

        public void KnownMatches()
            string src1 = @"

            string src2 = @"

            var m1 = MakeMethodBody(src1);
            var m2 = MakeMethodBody(src2);

            var knownMatches = new KeyValuePair<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>[]
                new KeyValuePair<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>(m1.Statements[1], m2.Statements[0])

            // pre-matched:

            var match = StatementSyntaxComparer.Default.ComputeMatch(m1, m2, knownMatches);

            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "Console.WriteLine(1)/*1*/;", "Console.WriteLine(1)/*4*/;" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(1)/*2*/;", "Console.WriteLine(1)/*3*/;" }


            // not pre-matched:

            match = StatementSyntaxComparer.Default.ComputeMatch(m1, m2);

            actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "Console.WriteLine(1)/*1*/;", "Console.WriteLine(1)/*3*/;" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(1)/*2*/;", "Console.WriteLine(1)/*4*/;" }

        public void KnownMatches_Root()
            string src1 = @"

            string src2 = @"

            var m1 = MakeMethodBody(src1);
            var m2 = MakeMethodBody(src2);

            var knownMatches = new[] { new KeyValuePair<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>(m1, m2) };
            var match = StatementSyntaxComparer.Default.ComputeMatch(m1, m2, knownMatches);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "Console.WriteLine(1);", "Console.WriteLine(2);" }

        public void MatchQueries2()
            var src1 = @"
var q = from c in cars
        from ud in users_details
        from bd in bids
        orderby c.listingOption descending
        where a.userID == ud.userid
        let images = from ai in auction_images
                     where ai.belongs_to ==
                     select ai
        let bid = (from b in bids
                    orderby descending
                    where b.carID ==
                    select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()
        select bid;
            var src2 = @"
var q = from c in cars
        from ud in users_details
        from bd in bids
        orderby c.listingOption descending
        where a.userID == ud.userid
        let images = from ai in auction_images
                     where ai.belongs_to == c.id2
                     select ai + 1
        let bid = (from b in bids
                    orderby ascending
                    where b.carID == c.id2
                    select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()
        select bid;

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "var q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         orderby c.listingOption descending         where a.userID == ud.userid         let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to ==                      select ai         let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby descending                     where b.carID ==                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()         select bid;",
                  "var q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         orderby c.listingOption descending         where a.userID == ud.userid         let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to == c.id2                      select ai + 1         let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby ascending                     where b.carID == c.id2                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()         select bid;" },
                { "var q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         orderby c.listingOption descending         where a.userID == ud.userid         let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to ==                      select ai         let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby descending                     where b.carID ==                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()         select bid",
                  "var q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         orderby c.listingOption descending         where a.userID == ud.userid         let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to == c.id2                      select ai + 1         let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby ascending                     where b.carID == c.id2                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()         select bid" },
                { "q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         orderby c.listingOption descending         where a.userID == ud.userid         let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to ==                      select ai         let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby descending                     where b.carID ==                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()         select bid",
                  "q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         orderby c.listingOption descending         where a.userID == ud.userid         let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to == c.id2                      select ai + 1         let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby ascending                     where b.carID == c.id2                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()         select bid" },
                { "from c in cars", "from c in cars" },
                { "from ud in users_details", "from ud in users_details" },
                { "from bd in bids", "from bd in bids" },
                { "c.listingOption descending", "c.listingOption descending" },
                { "where a.userID == ud.userid", "where a.userID == ud.userid" },
                { "let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to ==                      select ai",
                  "let images = from ai in auction_images                      where ai.belongs_to == c.id2                      select ai + 1" },
                { "from ai in auction_images", "from ai in auction_images" },
                { "where ai.belongs_to ==", "where ai.belongs_to == c.id2" },
                { "select ai", "select ai + 1" },
                { "let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby descending                     where b.carID ==                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()",
                  "let bid = (from b in bids                     orderby ascending                     where b.carID == c.id2                     select b.bidamount).FirstOrDefault()" },
                { "from b in bids", "from b in bids" },
                { " descending", " ascending" },
                { "where b.carID ==", "where b.carID == c.id2" },
                { "select b.bidamount", "select b.bidamount" },
                { "select bid", "select bid" }

        public void MatchLambdas7()
            var src1 = @"
F(a => 
    F(c => /*1*/d);
    F((u, v) => 
        F((w) => c => /*2*/d);
        F(p => p);
            var src2 = @"
F(a => 
    F(c => /*1*/d + 1);
    F((u, v) => 
        F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);
        F(p => p*2);

            var matches = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(matches);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(a =>  {      F(c => /*1*/d);     F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d);         F(p => p);     }); });",
                  "F(a =>  {      F(c => /*1*/d + 1);     F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);         F(p => p*2);     }); });" },
                { "a =>  {      F(c => /*1*/d);     F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d);         F(p => p);     }); }",
                  "a =>  {      F(c => /*1*/d + 1);     F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);         F(p => p*2);     }); }" },
                { "{      F(c => /*1*/d);     F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d);         F(p => p);     }); }",
                  "{      F(c => /*1*/d + 1);     F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);         F(p => p*2);     }); }" },
                { "F(c => /*1*/d);", "F(c => /*1*/d + 1);" },
                { "c => /*1*/d", "c => /*1*/d + 1" },
                { "F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d);         F(p => p);     });", "F((u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);         F(p => p*2);     });" },
                { "(u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d);         F(p => p);     }", "(u, v) =>      {         F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);         F(p => p*2);     }" },
                { "{         F((w) => c => /*2*/d);         F(p => p);     }", "{         F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);         F(p => p*2);     }" },
                { "F((w) => c => /*2*/d);", "F((w) => c => /*2*/d + 1);" },
                { "(w) => c => /*2*/d", "(w) => c => /*2*/d + 1" },
                { "c => /*2*/d", "c => /*2*/d + 1" },
                { "F(p => p);", "F(p => p*2);" },
                { "p => p", "p => p*2" }

        public void IfBlocksWithLocals1()
            var src1 = @"
if (X)
    int a = 1;
if (Y)
    int b = 2;
            var src2 = @"
if (Y)
    int a = 3;
    int b = 4;
if (X)
    int b = 5;
            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "if (X) {     int a = 1; }", "if (Y) {     int a = 3;     int b = 4; }" },
                { "{     int a = 1; }", "{     int a = 3;     int b = 4; }" },
                { "int a = 1;", "int a = 3;" },
                { "int a = 1", "int a = 3" },
                { "a = 1", "a = 3" },
                { "if (Y) {     int b = 2; }", "if (X) {     int b = 5; }" },
                { "{     int b = 2; }", "{     int b = 5; }" },
                { "int b = 2;", "int b = 5;" },
                { "int b = 2", "int b = 5" },
                { "b = 2", "b = 5" }

        public void ForEach_Swap1()
            string src1 = @"foreach (var a in e) { foreach (var b in f) { Foo(); } }";
            string src2 = @"foreach (var b in f) { foreach (var a in e) { Foo(); } }";

            var edits = GetMethodEdits(src1, src2);

                "Move [foreach (var b in f) { Foo(); }]@25 -> @2",
                "Move [foreach (var a in e) { foreach (var b in f) { Foo(); } }]@2 -> @25",
                "Move [Foo();]@48 -> @48");

            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(edits.Match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "foreach (var a in e) { foreach (var b in f) { Foo(); } }", "foreach (var a in e) { Foo(); }" },
                { "{ foreach (var b in f) { Foo(); } }", "{ Foo(); }" },
                { "foreach (var b in f) { Foo(); }", "foreach (var b in f) { foreach (var a in e) { Foo(); } }" },
                { "{ Foo(); }", "{ foreach (var a in e) { Foo(); } }" },
                { "Foo();", "Foo();" }

        public void MatchExceptionHandlers()
            var src1 = @"
try { throw new InvalidOperationException(1); }
catch (IOException e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
catch (Exception e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(3); }
            var src2 = @"
try { throw new InvalidOperationException(10); }
catch (IOException e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(20); }
catch (Exception e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(30); }

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2, kind: MethodKind.Regular);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "try { throw new InvalidOperationException(1); } catch (IOException e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(2); } catch (Exception e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(3); }", "try { throw new InvalidOperationException(10); } catch (IOException e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(20); } catch (Exception e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(30); }" },
                { "{ throw new InvalidOperationException(1); }", "{ throw new InvalidOperationException(10); }" },
                { "throw new InvalidOperationException(1);", "throw new InvalidOperationException(10);" },
                { "catch (IOException e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(2); }", "catch (IOException e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(20); }" },
                { "(IOException e)", "(IOException e)" },
                { "when (filter(e))", "when (filter(e))" },
                { "{ Console.WriteLine(2); }", "{ Console.WriteLine(20); }" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(2);", "Console.WriteLine(20);" },
                { "catch (Exception e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(3); }", "catch (Exception e) when (filter(e)) { Console.WriteLine(30); }" },
                { "(Exception e)", "(Exception e)" },
                { "when (filter(e))", "when (filter(e))" },
                { "{ Console.WriteLine(3); }", "{ Console.WriteLine(30); }" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(3);", "Console.WriteLine(30);" }

        public void MatchConstructorWithInitializer2()
            var src1 = @"
() : base(a => a + 1) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
            var src2 = @"
() { Console.WriteLine(1); }

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2, kind: MethodKind.ConstructorWithParameters);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "{ Console.WriteLine(1); }", "{ Console.WriteLine(1); }" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(1);", "Console.WriteLine(1);" }

        public void MatchQueries5()
            var src1 = "F(from a in b  group a by a.x into g  select g);";
            var src2 = "F(from a in b  group z by z.y into h  select h);";

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(from a in b  group a by a.x into g  select g);", "F(from a in b  group z by z.y into h  select h);" },
                { "from a in b", "from a in b" },
                { "group a by a.x into g  select g", "group z by z.y into h  select h" },
                { "group a by a.x", "group z by z.y" },
                { "into g  select g", "into h  select h" },
                { "select g", "select h" },
                { "select g", "select h" }

        public void MatchLambdas4()
            var src1 = @"
foreach (var a in z)
    var e = from q in a.Where(l => l > 10) select q + 1;
            var src2 = @"
foreach (var a in z)
    var e = from q in a.Where(l => l < 0) select q + 1;

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "foreach (var a in z) {     var e = from q in a.Where(l => l > 10) select q + 1; }", "foreach (var a in z) {     var e = from q in a.Where(l => l < 0) select q + 1; }" },
                { "{     var e = from q in a.Where(l => l > 10) select q + 1; }", "{     var e = from q in a.Where(l => l < 0) select q + 1; }" },
                { "var e = from q in a.Where(l => l > 10) select q + 1;", "var e = from q in a.Where(l => l < 0) select q + 1;" },
                { "var e = from q in a.Where(l => l > 10) select q + 1", "var e = from q in a.Where(l => l < 0) select q + 1" },
                { "e = from q in a.Where(l => l > 10) select q + 1", "e = from q in a.Where(l => l < 0) select q + 1" },
                { "from q in a.Where(l => l > 10)", "from q in a.Where(l => l < 0)" },
                { "select q + 1", "select q + 1" }

        public void BlocksWithLocals2()
            var src1 = @"
    int a = 1;
        int b = 2;
            var src2 = @"
    int b = 1;
        int a = 2;
            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "{     int a = 1; }", "{         int a = 2;     }" },
                { "int a = 1;", "int a = 2;" },
                { "int a = 1", "int a = 2" },
                { "a = 1", "a = 2" },
                { "{     {         int b = 2;     } }", "{     {         int a = 2;     } }" },
                { "{         int b = 2;     }", "{     int b = 1; }" },
                { "int b = 2;", "int b = 1;" },
                { "int b = 2", "int b = 1" },
                { "b = 2", "b = 1" }

        public void MatchLambdas6()
            var src1 = @"
F(a => b => c => d);
            var src2 = @"
F(a => G(b => H(c => I(d))));

            var matches = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(matches);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(a => b => c => d);", "F(a => G(b => H(c => I(d))));" },
                { "a => b => c => d", "a => G(b => H(c => I(d)))" },
                { "b => c => d", "b => H(c => I(d))" },
                { "c => d", "c => I(d)" }

        public void Queries_OrderBy_Continuation_Reorder()
            var src1 = "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.b descending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.c ascending select z);";
            var src2 = "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.c ascending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.b descending select z);";

            var edits = GetMethodEdits(src1, src2);

            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(edits.Match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.b descending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.c ascending select z);", "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.c ascending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.b descending select z);" },
                { "from a in b", "from a in b" },
                { "a.x", "a.x" },
                { "a.b descending", "a.b descending" },
                { "select a.d", "select a.d" },
                { "a.c ascending", "a.c ascending" },
                { "select z", "select z" }


            // LCS match: 
            // [From] [order a.x] [order a.b] [select a.d] [order a.c] [select z]
            //    |        |             \___________________             |
            //    |        |                                 \            |
            // [From] [order a.x] [order a.c] [select a.d] [order a.b] [select z]
                "Reorder [select a.d]@46 -> @45",
                "Reorder [a.c ascending]@74 -> @30");
        public void MatchQueries1()
            var src1 = @"
var q = from c in cars
        from ud in users_details
        from bd in bids
        select 1;
            var src2 = @"
var q = from c in cars
        from bd in bids
        from ud in users_details
        select 2;

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "var q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         select 1;", "var q = from c in cars         from bd in bids         from ud in users_details         select 2;" },
                { "var q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         select 1", "var q = from c in cars         from bd in bids         from ud in users_details         select 2" },
                { "q = from c in cars         from ud in users_details         from bd in bids         select 1", "q = from c in cars         from bd in bids         from ud in users_details         select 2" },
                { "from c in cars", "from c in cars" },
                { "from ud in users_details", "from ud in users_details" },
                { "from bd in bids", "from bd in bids" },
                { "select 1", "select 2" }

        public void BlocksWithLocals3()
            var src1 = @"
    int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;
    Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);
    int c = 4, b = 5, a = 6;
    Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);
    int a = 7, b = 8;
    Console.WriteLine(a + b);
            var src2 = @"
    int a = 9, b = 10;
    Console.WriteLine(a + b);
    int c = 11, b = 12, a = 13;
    Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);
    int a = 14, b = 15, c = 16;
    Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);
            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "{     int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;     Console.WriteLine(a + b + c); }", "{     int a = 14, b = 15, c = 16;     Console.WriteLine(a + b + c); }" },
                { "int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;", "int a = 14, b = 15, c = 16;" },
                { "int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3", "int a = 14, b = 15, c = 16" },
                { "a = 1", "a = 14" },
                { "b = 2", "b = 15" },
                { "c = 3", "c = 16" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);", "Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);" },
                { "{     int c = 4, b = 5, a = 6;     Console.WriteLine(a + b + c); }", "{     int c = 11, b = 12, a = 13;     Console.WriteLine(a + b + c); }" },
                { "int c = 4, b = 5, a = 6;", "int c = 11, b = 12, a = 13;" },
                { "int c = 4, b = 5, a = 6", "int c = 11, b = 12, a = 13" },
                { "c = 4", "c = 11" },
                { "b = 5", "b = 12" },
                { "a = 6", "a = 13" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);", "Console.WriteLine(a + b + c);" },
                { "{     int a = 7, b = 8;     Console.WriteLine(a + b); }", "{     int a = 9, b = 10;     Console.WriteLine(a + b); }" },
                { "int a = 7, b = 8;", "int a = 9, b = 10;" },
                { "int a = 7, b = 8", "int a = 9, b = 10" },
                { "a = 7", "a = 9" },
                { "b = 8", "b = 10" },
                { "Console.WriteLine(a + b);", "Console.WriteLine(a + b);" }

        public void MatchQueries3()
            var src1 = @"
var q = from a in seq1
        join c in seq2 on F(u => u) equals G(s => s)
        join l in seq3 on F(v => v) equals G(t => t)
        select a;

            var src2 = @"
var q = from a in seq1
        join c in seq2 on F(u => u + 1) equals G(s => s + 3)
        join c in seq2 on F(vv => vv + 2) equals G(tt => tt + 4)
        select a + 1;

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "var q = from a in seq1         join c in seq2 on F(u => u) equals G(s => s)         join l in seq3 on F(v => v) equals G(t => t)         select a;", "var q = from a in seq1         join c in seq2 on F(u => u + 1) equals G(s => s + 3)         join c in seq2 on F(vv => vv + 2) equals G(tt => tt + 4)         select a + 1;" },
                { "var q = from a in seq1         join c in seq2 on F(u => u) equals G(s => s)         join l in seq3 on F(v => v) equals G(t => t)         select a", "var q = from a in seq1         join c in seq2 on F(u => u + 1) equals G(s => s + 3)         join c in seq2 on F(vv => vv + 2) equals G(tt => tt + 4)         select a + 1" },
                { "q = from a in seq1         join c in seq2 on F(u => u) equals G(s => s)         join l in seq3 on F(v => v) equals G(t => t)         select a", "q = from a in seq1         join c in seq2 on F(u => u + 1) equals G(s => s + 3)         join c in seq2 on F(vv => vv + 2) equals G(tt => tt + 4)         select a + 1" },
                { "from a in seq1", "from a in seq1" },
                { "join c in seq2 on F(u => u) equals G(s => s)", "join c in seq2 on F(u => u + 1) equals G(s => s + 3)" },
                { "u => u", "u => u + 1" },
                { "s => s", "s => s + 3" },
                { "join l in seq3 on F(v => v) equals G(t => t)", "join c in seq2 on F(vv => vv + 2) equals G(tt => tt + 4)" },
                { "v => v", "vv => vv + 2" },
                { "t => t", "tt => tt + 4" },
                { "select a", "select a + 1" }

        public void MatchLambdas1()
            var src1 = "Action x = a => a;";
            var src2 = "Action x = (a) => a;";

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "Action x = a => a;", "Action x = (a) => a;" },
                { "Action x = a => a", "Action x = (a) => a" },
                { "x = a => a", "x = (a) => a" },
                { "a => a", "(a) => a" }

        public void MatchYields()
            var src1 = @"
yield return /*1*/ 1;

    yield return /*2*/ 2;

foreach (var x in y) { yield return /*3*/ 3; }
            var src2 = @"
yield return /*1*/ 1;
yield return /*2*/ 3;
foreach (var x in y) { yield return /*3*/ 2; }

            var match = GetMethodMatches(src1, src2, stateMachine: StateMachineKind.Iterator);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            // note that yield returns are matched in source order, regardless of the yielded expressions:
            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "yield return /*1*/ 1;", "yield return /*1*/ 1;" },
                { "{     yield return /*2*/ 2; }", "{ yield return /*3*/ 2; }" },
                { "yield return /*2*/ 2;", "yield return /*2*/ 3;" },
                { "foreach (var x in y) { yield return /*3*/ 3; }", "foreach (var x in y) { yield return /*3*/ 2; }" },
                { "yield return /*3*/ 3;", "yield return /*3*/ 2;" },

        public void MatchLambdas2a()
            var src1 = @"
F(x => x + 1, 1, y => y + 1, delegate(int x) { return x; }, async u => u);
            var src2 = @"
F(y => y + 1, G(), x => x + 1, (int x) => x, u => u, async (u, v) => u + v);

            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(x => x + 1, 1, y => y + 1, delegate(int x) { return x; }, async u => u);", "F(y => y + 1, G(), x => x + 1, (int x) => x, u => u, async (u, v) => u + v);" },
                { "x => x + 1", "x => x + 1" },
                { "y => y + 1", "y => y + 1" },
                { "delegate(int x) { return x; }", "(int x) => x" },
                { "async u => u", "async (u, v) => u + v" },

        public void Locals_Rename()
            var src1 = @"
int x = 1;
            var src2 = @"
int y = 1;
            var match = GetMethodMatch(src1, src2);
            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "int x = 1;", "int y = 1;" },
                { "int x = 1", "int y = 1" },
                { "x = 1", "y = 1" }

        public void Queries_OrderBy_Continuation_Update()
            var src1 = "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.b descending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.c ascending select z);";
            var src2 = "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.c ascending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.b descending select z);";

            var edits = GetMethodEdits(src1, src2);

            var actual = ToMatchingPairs(edits.Match);

            var expected = new MatchingPairs
                { "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.b descending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.c ascending select z);", "F(from a in b  orderby a.x, a.c ascending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.b descending select z);" },
                { "from a in b", "from a in b" },
                { "orderby a.x, a.b descending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.c ascending select z", "orderby a.x, a.c ascending  select a.d  into z  orderby a.b descending select z" },
                { "orderby a.x, a.b descending", "orderby a.x, a.c ascending" },
                { "a.x", "a.x" },
                { "a.b descending", "a.c ascending" },
                { "select a.d", "select a.d" },
                { "into z  orderby a.c ascending select z", "into z  orderby a.b descending select z" },
                { "orderby a.c ascending select z", "orderby a.b descending select z" },
                { "orderby a.c ascending", "orderby a.b descending" },
                { "a.c ascending", "a.b descending" },
                { "select z", "select z" }


                "Update [a.b descending]@30 -> [a.c ascending]@30",
                "Update [a.c ascending]@74 -> [a.b descending]@73");