Exemple #1
        public void PutAndGetMatchTest()
            // arrange

            // act
            ApiResponse getMatchResponce = new MatchController().GetMatch("", staticTimestamp);

            MatchController.MatchJson match_ =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MatchController.MatchJson>(getMatchResponce.Body);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(staticMatch, match_);
Exemple #2
        public void GetBestPlayersTest()
            // arrange
            using (var context = new GameStatsDbDataContext())
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Servers");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Matches");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Players");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Maps");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM GameModes");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM ServersByDay");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM PlayersInMatches");

            // put server
            ServerController.ServerInfoJson server = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                Name      = "test_server_1",
                GameModes = new List <string> {
                    "DM", "TDM"
            string      serverJson        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server);
            ApiResponse putServerResponse = new ServerController().PutInfo("test-server.com-8080", serverJson);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServerResponse.Status);

            // put some matches
            var match = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 100,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 0,
                        Frags  = 100,
                        Kills  = 100,
                        Name   = "test_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 1,
                        Frags  = 10,
                        Kills  = 10,
                        Name   = "test_player_2"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 10,
                        Frags  = 1,
                        Kills  = 1,
                        Name   = "test_player_3"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 1,
                        Frags  = 0,
                        Kills  = 0,
                        Name   = "test_player_4"
            string   matchJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match);
            DateTime timestamp = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-01-22T15:11:12Z");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ApiResponse putMatchResponse = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server.com-8080", matchJson, timestamp.AddMinutes(i));
                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatchResponse.Status);

            // act
            // ignore test_player_1 with 0 deaths
            var expectedBestPlayers = new List <PlayerController.BestPlayerJson>
                new PlayerController.BestPlayerJson
                    Name = "test_player_2",
                    KDR  = 10
                new PlayerController.BestPlayerJson
                    Name = "test_player_3",
                    KDR  = 0.1
                new PlayerController.BestPlayerJson
                    Name = "test_player_4",
                    KDR  = 0

            ApiResponse getBestPlayersResponse = new PlayerController().GetBestPlayers(5);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, getBestPlayersResponse.Status);

            List <PlayerController.BestPlayerJson> actualBestPlayers =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PlayerController.BestPlayerJson> >(getBestPlayersResponse.Body);

            // assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedBestPlayers, actualBestPlayers);
Exemple #3
        public void GetPopularServersTest()
            // arrange
            using (var context = new GameStatsDbDataContext())
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Servers");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Matches");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Players");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Maps");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM GameModes");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM ServersByDay");

            const int serversCount = 5;

            for (int i = 0; i < serversCount; i++)
                var server = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                    GameModes = new List <string> {
                    Name = "test_server_" + i.ToString()
                ApiResponse putServerResponse = new ServerController().PutInfo(
                    endpoint: String.Format("test-server-{0}.com-8080", i),
                    json: JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server));
                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServerResponse.Status);

            var match = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_2"
            string matchJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match);

            const int daysCount = 5;

            int[,] matrix = new int[serversCount, daysCount];

            matrix = new int[, ]
                { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },   // 5/5  = 1
                { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 },   // 10/5 = 2
                { 10, 10, 3, 2, 1 }, // 25/5 = 5
                { 6, 3, 7, 2, 4 },   // 20/5 = 4
                { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 },   //  15/5 = 3
            int[] answerVector = { 2, 3, 4, 1, 0 };

            // put matches
            DateTime startTimestamp = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-01-22T15:11:12Z");

            for (int i = 0; i < serversCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < daysCount; j++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < matrix[i, j]; c++)
                        ApiResponse putMatchResponse = new MatchController().PutMatch(
                            endpoint: String.Format("test-server-{0}.com-8080", i),
                            json: matchJson,
                            timestamp: startTimestamp.AddDays(j).AddMinutes(c)); // add minutes to do unique (server, timestamp)
                        Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatchResponse.Status);

            // act
            ApiResponse getPopularServersResponse = new ServerController().GetPopularServers(3);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, getPopularServersResponse.Status);

            List <ServerController.PopularServerJson> actualPopularServers =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ServerController.PopularServerJson> >(getPopularServersResponse.Body);
            var expectesPopularServers = new List <ServerController.PopularServerJson>
                new ServerController.PopularServerJson
                    avgMatches = 5,
                    Endpoint   = "test-server-2.com-8080",
                    Name       = "test_server_2"
                new ServerController.PopularServerJson
                    avgMatches = 4,
                    Endpoint   = "test-server-3.com-8080",
                    Name       = "test_server_3"
                new ServerController.PopularServerJson
                    avgMatches = 3,
                    Endpoint   = "test-server-4.com-8080",
                    Name       = "test_server_4"

            // assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectesPopularServers, actualPopularServers);
Exemple #4
        public void GetRecentMatchesTest()
            // arrange
            using (var context = new GameStatsDbDataContext())
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Servers");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Matches");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Players");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Maps");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM GameModes");
            ServerController.ServerInfoJson server1 = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                Name      = "test_server_1",
                GameModes = new List <string> {
                    "DM", "TDM"
            string server1json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server1);

            ServerController.ServerInfoJson server2 = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                Name      = "test_server_2",
                GameModes = new List <string> {
                    "DM", "TDM"
            string server2json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server2);

            MatchController.MatchJson match1 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map_1",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_2"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_3"
            string match1json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match1);

            MatchController.MatchJson match2 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "TDM",
                Map         = "test_map_2",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_4"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_5"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_6"
            string match2json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match2);

            // act
            // put servers
            ApiResponse putServer1response = new ServerController().PutInfo("test-1.com-8080", server1json);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServer1response.Status);
            ApiResponse putServer2response = new ServerController().PutInfo("test-2.com-8080", server2json);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServer1response.Status);

            // put matches
            const int totalMatches  = 20;
            const int requiredCount = 10;

            string[] endpoints = new string[] { "test-1.com-8080", "test-2.com-8080" };
            MatchController.MatchJson[] matches = new MatchController.MatchJson[] { match1, match2 };
            string[] matchJsons = new string[] { match1json, match2json };
            DateTime timestamp  = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-01-22T15:11:12Z");

            // these matches will be not shown in recent matches
            for (int i = 0; i < totalMatches - requiredCount; i++)
                ApiResponse putMatchResponse = new MatchController().PutMatch(endpoints[i % 2], matchJsons[i % 2], timestamp);
                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatchResponse.Status);

                timestamp = timestamp.AddHours(1);

            // and these will be
            var expectedMatches = new List <MatchController.RecentMatchJson>();

            for (int i = 0; i < requiredCount; i++)
                var recentMatch = new MatchController.RecentMatchJson
                    Results   = matches[i % 2],
                    Server    = endpoints[i % 2],
                    Timestamp = timestamp


                ApiResponse putMatchResponse = new MatchController().PutMatch(endpoints[i % 2], matchJsons[i % 2], timestamp);
                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatchResponse.Status);

                timestamp = timestamp.AddHours(1);
            // reverse expected matches to order by timestamp as in response

            ApiResponse getRecentMatchesResponse = new MatchController().GetRecentMatches(requiredCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, getRecentMatchesResponse.Status);

            var actualMatches =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MatchController.RecentMatchJson> >(getRecentMatchesResponse.Body);

            // assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedMatches, actualMatches);
Exemple #5
        public void GetPlayerStats()
            // arrange
            using (var context = new GameStatsDbDataContext())
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Servers");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Matches");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Players");
            ServerController.ServerInfoJson server1 = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                Name      = "test_server_1",
                GameModes = new List <string> {
                    "DM", "TDM"
            string server1json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server1);

            ServerController.ServerInfoJson server2 = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                Name      = "test_server_2",
                GameModes = new List <string> {
                    "DM", "TDM"
            string server2json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server2);

            MatchController.MatchJson match1 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 1,
                        Frags  = 10,
                        Kills  = 10,
                        Name   = "test_player"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_2"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_3"
            string match1json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match1);

            MatchController.MatchJson match2 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 1,
                        Frags  = 10,
                        Kills  = 10,
                        Name   = "test_player"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_2"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_3"
            string match2json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match2);

            MatchController.MatchJson match3 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "TDM", // 1 TDM, 3 others DM
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 1,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 15,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 2,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_3"
            string match3json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match3);

            MatchController.MatchJson match4 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 1,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 15,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 2,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "dummy_player_3"
            string match4json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match4);

            DateTime day1timestamp = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-01-22T15:11:12Z");
            DateTime day2timestamp = day1timestamp.AddDays(1);
            var      expectedStats = new PlayerController.PlayerStatsJson
                AverageMatchesPerDay     = (3 + 1) / 2,
                AverageScoreboardPercent = (100 + 100 + 50 + 50) / 4.0,
                FavoriteGameMode         = "DM",
                FavoriteServer           = "test-server-1.com-8080",
                KillToDeathRatio         = (double)(10 + 10 + 5 + 5) / (1 + 1 + 2 + 2),
                LastMatchPlayed          = day2timestamp,
                MaximumMatchesPerDay     = 3,
                TotalMatchesPlayed       = 4,
                TotalMatchesWon          = 2,
                UniqueServers            = 2
            // act
            // prepare  servers
            ApiResponse putServer1Response = new ServerController().PutInfo("test-server-1.com-8080", server1json);
            ApiResponse putServer2Response = new ServerController().PutInfo("test-server-2.com-8080", server2json);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServer1Response.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServer2Response.Status);
            // prepare matches
            ApiResponse putMatch1Response = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server-1.com-8080", match1json, day1timestamp);
            ApiResponse putMatch2Response = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server-1.com-8080", match2json, day2timestamp);
            ApiResponse putMatch3Response = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server-1.com-8080", match3json, day1timestamp.AddHours(1));
            ApiResponse putMatch4Response = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server-2.com-8080", match4json, day1timestamp.AddHours(2));

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatch1Response.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatch2Response.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatch3Response.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatch4Response.Status);
            // get players stats
            ApiResponse getStatsResponse = new PlayerController().GetStats("test_player");

            PlayerController.PlayerStatsJson actualStats =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlayerController.PlayerStatsJson>(getStatsResponse.Body);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedStats, actualStats);
Exemple #6
        public void GetServerStats()
            // arrange
            using (var context = new GameStatsDbDataContext())
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Servers");
                context.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM Matches");
            ServerController.ServerInfoJson server = new ServerController.ServerInfoJson
                Name      = "test_server",
                GameModes = new List <string> {
                    "DM", "TDM"
            string serverJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server);

            MatchController.MatchJson match1 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player_2"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player_3"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player_4"
            string match1json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match1);

            MatchController.MatchJson match2 = new MatchController.MatchJson
                FragLimit   = 20,
                GameMode    = "DM",
                Map         = "test_map",
                TimeElapsed = 10,
                TimeLimit   = 20,
                Scoreboard  = new List <MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson>
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player_1"
                    new MatchController.ScoreboardRecordJson
                        Deaths = 5,
                        Frags  = 5,
                        Kills  = 5,
                        Name   = "test_player_2"
            string   match2json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(match2);
            DateTime timestamp1 = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-01-22T15:11:12Z");
            DateTime timestamp2 = timestamp1.AddHours(1);

            // expected answer
            var expectedStats = new ServerController.ServerStatsJson
                AverageMatchesPerDay = 2, // match1 and match2 played in 1 day
                AveragePopulation    = (match1.Scoreboard.Count + match2.Scoreboard.Count) / 2.0,
                MaximumMatchesPerDay = 2,
                MaximumPopulation    = Math.Max(match1.Scoreboard.Count, match2.Scoreboard.Count),
                Top5GameModes        = new List <string> {
                Top5Maps = new List <string> {
                TotalMatchesPlayed = 2

            // act
            ApiResponse putServerResponse = new ServerController().PutInfo("test-server.com-1337", serverJson);
            ApiResponse putMatch1Response = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server.com-1337", match1json, timestamp1);
            ApiResponse putMatch2Response = new MatchController().PutMatch("test-server.com-1337", match2json, timestamp2);
            ApiResponse getStatsResponse  = new ServerController().GetStats("test-server.com-1337");

            var actualStats = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerController.ServerStatsJson>(getStatsResponse.Body);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putServerResponse.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatch1Response.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, putMatch2Response.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, getStatsResponse.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedStats, actualStats);