public int clock; //the counter value of the bomb hexagon private void Start() { master = GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <MasterMind>(); mother = GameObject.Find("Mother"); key = false; }
public void Test_Comparar_04_ii() { MasterMind mm = new MasterMind(); mm.SetCodeSecret(RowsDefault.ROW_BRYW); string result = mm.GetResultAttempt(RowsDefault.ROW_YWGO); Assert.AreEqual(MasterMind.OK_OPOS + MasterMind.OK_OPOS, result); }
public void Test_Comparar_01_AttemptWin_XXXX() { MasterMind mm = new MasterMind(); mm.SetCodeSecret(RowsDefault.ROW_BRYW); string result = mm.GetResultAttempt(RowsDefault.ROW_BRYW); Assert.AreEqual(mm.GetResultWin(), result); }
private void updateCounters() { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBox3.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBox4.SelectedIndex = -1; MasterMind.resetCorrectGuessesCounterr(); MasterMind.resetCorrectPositionedGuessesCounter(); MasterMind.incrementGuessCounter(); }
public virtual void start() { // System.out.println("Please enter Number of Pegs and Colors:"); // pegs = scanner.nextInt(); // colors = scanner.nextInt(); mm = new MasterMind(pegs, colors); Console.WriteLine("Initialized with: " + pegs + ", " + colors); movePrompt(); }
public void Test_ComprobarAciertos_Intento_02_Win() { MasterMind mm = new MasterMind(); mm.SetCodeSecret(RowsDefault.ROW_BRYW); mm.SetAttempt(RowsDefault.ROW_OGVL); mm.SetAttempt(RowsDefault.ROW_WVOY); mm.SetAttempt(RowsDefault.ROW_GROB); mm.SetAttempt(RowsDefault.ROW_BRYW); mm.DrawBoard(); }
//Validate to send multiple options private void btnMain_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //When the game is over, restart the game if (!cmbPosition.Enabled) { ResetApp(); } //Check if the initial combination is complete, to proceed to guess else if (LineValidationIsComplete(masterCombination) && !masterCombination.IsComplete) { masterCombination.IsComplete = true; gbHistory.Enabled = true; gbCurrentLine.Text = "Find the Combination"; btnMain.Text = "Validate"; cmbPosition.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbPosition_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); } //Validates if the current combination of the player to guess is complete else if (LineValidationIsComplete(currentLine) && !currentLine.IsComplete) { var masterMind = new MasterMind(masterCombination); var result = masterMind.GetHints(currentLine); if (result != null) { if (result.Count > 0) { ValidationEntity entity = new ValidationEntity(currentLine, result); entity.IsEqual = (result.Contains(ResultPeg.None) || result.Contains(ResultPeg.White)) ? false : true; resultLines.Add(entity); ShowHistory(); currentLine = new MasterEntity(); cmbPosition.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbPosition_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); if (resultLines[resultLines.Count - 1].IsEqual) { showCombination = true; btnShow_Click(null, null); gbColor.Enabled = cmbPosition.Enabled = false; btnMain.Text = "Reset"; } } } } }
public void Test_GenerarCodigoSecreto() { MasterMind mm = new MasterMind(); mm.GenerateCodeSecret(); Console.WriteLine(mm.GetCodeSecret().ToString()); mm.GenerateCodeSecret(); Console.WriteLine(mm.GetCodeSecret().ToString()); mm.GenerateCodeSecret(); Console.WriteLine(mm.GetCodeSecret().ToString()); mm.GenerateCodeSecret(); Console.WriteLine(mm.GetCodeSecret().ToString()); mm.GenerateCodeSecret(); Console.WriteLine(mm.GetCodeSecret().ToString()); }
private void resetSecretCode() { MasterMind.resetLastValues(); MasterMind.resetGuessCounter(); MasterMind.secretCode = MasterMind.getSecretCode(); if (MasterMind.showSecretCode == true) { label53.Text = MasterMind.secretCode[0]; label52.Text = MasterMind.secretCode[1]; label51.Text = MasterMind.secretCode[2]; label50.Text = MasterMind.secretCode[3]; } else { label53.Text = "***"; label52.Text = "***"; label51.Text = "***"; label50.Text = "***"; } }
public void Test_DibujarTableroEmpty() { MasterMind mm = new MasterMind(); mm.DrawBoard(); }
private void Awake() { master = GameObject.Find("Master").GetComponent <MasterMind>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Display title as the C# MasterMind console app. Console.WriteLine("Console MasterMind in C#\r"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------\n"); Console.WriteLine("Instructions: We have a secret key that you must guess."); Console.WriteLine("To play the game, you will enter a " + NB_OF_DIGITS.ToString() + "- digit number, where each digit is between 1 and 6, in order to guess the correct key..\r"); Console.WriteLine("You will win if you can guess the number within " + MAX_NB_OF_ATTEMPTS.ToString() + " attempts.\r"); Console.WriteLine("Type a " + NB_OF_DIGITS.ToString() + "- digit number, where each digit is between 1 and 6, and then press Enter"); Console.WriteLine("Each '+' signals a digit that is both correct and in the correct position"); Console.WriteLine("Each '-' signals a digit that is correct but in the wrong position"); Console.WriteLine("Type QUIT to end the game\r"); // create a secret key that user needs to guess MasterMind newGame = new MasterMind(); // uncomment to debug //Console.WriteLine("The answer is: " + newGame.AnswerKeyString); int nbOfAttempts = 0; bool? results; string userResponse; while (nbOfAttempts < MAX_NB_OF_ATTEMPTS) { results = newGame.ProcessUserGuess(++nbOfAttempts); if (!results.HasValue) { break; } while (results.Value == true || (results.Value == false && nbOfAttempts == MAX_NB_OF_ATTEMPTS)) { if (results.Value == true) { Console.WriteLine("Great game!"); } else if (results.Value == false && nbOfAttempts == MAX_NB_OF_ATTEMPTS) { Console.WriteLine("The answer was: " + newGame.AnswerKeyString); Console.WriteLine("You lose, better luck next time."); } Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again?"); userResponse = Console.ReadLine(); if (userResponse != null && (userResponse.Equals("Y", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || userResponse.Equals("yes", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { newGame = new MasterMind(); nbOfAttempts = 0; continue; } else { break; } } } // Wait for the user to respond before closing. Console.Write("Press any key to close the MasterMind console app..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void Reset(GameDifficulity difficulity) { game = new MasterMind(difficulity); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Secret"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + " " + MasterMind.secretCode[i]); } Console.WriteLine(comboBox1.Text); Console.WriteLine(comboBox2.Text); Console.WriteLine(comboBox3.Text); Console.WriteLine(comboBox4.Text); if ((comboBox1.SelectedItem == null || comboBox1.SelectedIndex == -1) || (comboBox2.SelectedItem == null || comboBox2.SelectedIndex == -1) || (comboBox3.SelectedItem == null || comboBox3.SelectedIndex == -1) || (comboBox4.SelectedItem == null || comboBox4.SelectedIndex == -1)) { MessageBox.Show("Please select color to make a guess"); return; } //checking guess with secret code if (comboBox1.Text == MasterMind.secretCode[0] && comboBox2.Text == MasterMind.secretCode[1] && comboBox3.Text == MasterMind.secretCode[2] && comboBox4.Text == (MasterMind.secretCode[3])) { resetSecretCode(); resetlabels(); MessageBox.Show("You Win!!!\n" + "Correct Secret Code: " + MasterMind.secretCode[0] + ", " + MasterMind.secretCode[1] + ", " + MasterMind.secretCode[2] + ", " + MasterMind.secretCode[3]); disableItems(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < MasterMind.secretCode.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + " " + MasterMind.secretCode[i]); } //checking correct positioned guesses if (comboBox1.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[0])) { MasterMind.incrementcorrectPositionedGuessesCounter(); Console.WriteLine("CALLED1"); } if (comboBox2.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[1])) { MasterMind.incrementcorrectPositionedGuessesCounter(); Console.WriteLine("CALLED2"); } if (comboBox3.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[2])) { MasterMind.incrementcorrectPositionedGuessesCounter(); Console.WriteLine("CALLED3"); } if (comboBox4.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[3])) { MasterMind.incrementcorrectPositionedGuessesCounter(); Console.WriteLine("CALLED4"); } //checking correct guesses with different position if (MasterMind.secretCode.Contains(comboBox1.Text) && !comboBox1.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[0])) { MasterMind.incrementCorrectGuessesCounter(); } if (MasterMind.secretCode.Contains(comboBox2.Text) && !comboBox2.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[1])) { MasterMind.incrementCorrectGuessesCounter(); } if (MasterMind.secretCode.Contains(comboBox3.Text) && !comboBox3.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[2])) { MasterMind.incrementCorrectGuessesCounter(); } if (MasterMind.secretCode.Contains(comboBox4.Text) && !comboBox4.Text.Equals(MasterMind.secretCode[3])) { MasterMind.incrementCorrectGuessesCounter(); } //populating guess value if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 1) { label9.Text = comboBox1.Text; label10.Text = comboBox2.Text; label11.Text = comboBox3.Text; label12.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label41.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 2) { label16.Text = comboBox1.Text; label15.Text = comboBox2.Text; label14.Text = comboBox3.Text; label13.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label42.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 3) { label40.Text = comboBox1.Text; label39.Text = comboBox2.Text; label38.Text = comboBox3.Text; label37.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label43.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 4) { label36.Text = comboBox1.Text; label35.Text = comboBox2.Text; label34.Text = comboBox3.Text; label33.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label44.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 5) { label32.Text = comboBox1.Text; label31.Text = comboBox2.Text; label30.Text = comboBox3.Text; label29.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label45.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 6) { label28.Text = comboBox1.Text; label27.Text = comboBox2.Text; label26.Text = comboBox3.Text; label25.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label46.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 7) { label24.Text = comboBox1.Text; label23.Text = comboBox2.Text; label22.Text = comboBox3.Text; label21.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label47.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } else if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 8) { label20.Text = comboBox1.Text; label19.Text = comboBox2.Text; label18.Text = comboBox3.Text; label17.Text = comboBox4.Text; //populating result label48.Text = MasterMind.correctPositionedGuessesCounter.ToString() + "B" + " " + MasterMind.correctGuessesCounter.ToString() + "W"; } updateCounters(); //checking max limit of guesses if (MasterMind.guessCounter == 9) { resetSecretCode(); resetlabels(); disableItems(); MessageBox.Show("You Lose!!!\n" + "Correct Secret Code: " + MasterMind.secretCode[0] + ", " + MasterMind.secretCode[1] + ", " + MasterMind.secretCode[2] + ", " + MasterMind.secretCode[3]); return; } }