protected void gvMasterItem_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int userCase = getUserCase(); if (userCase == 0) { Response.Redirect("/Master-Items.aspx?miid=" + gvMasterItem.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString()); } else { AdminController aCont = new AdminController(); MasterItemInfo master = aCont.Get_MasterItemById(Convert.ToInt32(gvMasterItem.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString())); Response.Redirect("/Reports/miid/" + master.PMTMediaId); } }
public string AddMasterItem(string token, int PortalId, int ClientType, int ClientId, string Title, string Filename, string Length, string Format) { //client type: -1:don't know, 0:Advertiser, 1:Agency //Format should be "HD" or "SD" AdminController aCont = new AdminController(); string MasterId = ""; string Secret = "fEE3txVQkUSXiAC16vPeqdTTUwOYh99w"; if (token == Secret) { try { MasterItemInfo master = new MasterItemInfo(); master.PortalId = PortalId; if (ClientType == 0 && ClientId > -1) { master.AdvertiserId = ClientId; } master.Title = Title; master.Filename = Filename; master.Length = Length; master.PMTMediaId = aCont.GetNextMediaId(PortalId); if (Format == "HD") { master.PMTMediaId += "H"; } master.Id = aCont.Add_MasterItem(master); if (ClientType == 1 && ClientId > -1) { aCont.Add_MasterItemAgency(master.Id, ClientId); } MasterId = master.PMTMediaId; } catch (Exception ex) { DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.EventLogController eCont = new DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.EventLogController(); eCont.AddLog("Add MasterItem Failed", "Error: " + ex.Message, DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.EventLogController.EventLogType.HOST_ALERT); Exceptions.LogException(ex); MasterId = ex.Message; } } else { MasterId = "Failed."; } return(MasterId); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["Master"] != null) { try { int MasterId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Master"]); AdminController aCont = new AdminController(); MasterItemInfo master = aCont.Get_MasterItemById(MasterId); if (master.Id == -1) { pnlAuth.Visible = false; pnlNotAuth.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Master not found."; } else { //check if user is authorized to view //if authorized loadForm(master); } } catch { pnlAuth.Visible = false; pnlNotAuth.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Master Id not in the correct format."; } } else { pnlAuth.Visible = false; pnlNotAuth.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Invalid page request."; } } }
public abstract void Delete_MasterItem(MasterItemInfo MasterItem);
public abstract void Update_MasterItem(MasterItemInfo MasterItem);
public abstract int Add_MasterItemForImport(MasterItemInfo MasterItem);
public abstract int Add_MasterItem(MasterItemInfo MasterItem);
public string buildRequest(string ticket) { string req = ""; string[] custCodes = new string[6] { "CUSTOMIZATION 30 MIN", "HD CUSTOMIZATION 30 MIN", "SPOT CUSTOMIZATION", "HD CUSTOMIZATION SPOT", "CUSTOMIZATION 5 MIN", "HD CUSTOMIZATION 5 MIN" }; int custIndex = 2; int i = 1; string xmlString = ""; List <InvoiceInfo> invs = aCont.Get_InvoicesByToSend(); if (invs.Count > 0) { xmlString += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><?qbxml version=\"6.0\"?><QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError=\"stopOnError\">"; //build array of xml foreach (InvoiceInfo inv in invs) { xmlString += "<InvoiceAddRq requestID=\"" + inv.Id.ToString() + "\"><InvoiceAdd>";// List <int> woIds = aCont.Get_WOInsByInvoiceId(inv.Id); if (woIds.Count > 0 && woIds[0] > 0) { WorkOrderInfo wo1 = aCont.Get_WorkOrderById(woIds[0]); AdvertiserInfo billto = aCont.Get_AdvertiserById(wo1.BillToId); if (billto.Id == -1) { billto = aCont.Get_AdvertiserById(wo1.AdvertiserId); } i++; xmlString += "<CustomerRef><FullName>" + billto.AdvertiserName.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</FullName></CustomerRef>"; xmlString += "<BillAddress><Addr1>" + billto.AdvertiserName.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Addr1><Addr2>" + billto.Address1.Trim().Replace("&", "&"); if (billto.Address2.Trim() != "") { xmlString += " - " + billto.Address2.Trim().Replace("&", "&"); } xmlString += "</Addr2><City>" + billto.City.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</City><State>" + billto.State.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</State><PostalCode>" + billto.Zip.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</PostalCode><Country>" + billto.Country.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Country></BillAddress>"; string po = wo1.PONumber; if (po == "") { try { po = wo1.Groups[0].LibraryItems[0].PMTMediaId.Replace("&", "&"); } catch { } } xmlString += "<PONumber>" + po.Replace("&", "&") + "</PONumber>"; if (woIds.Count == 1) { xmlString += "<FOB>WO: " + woIds[0].ToString() + "</FOB>"; } else if (woIds.Count > 1) { xmlString += "<FOB>SEE BELOW</FOB>"; } xmlString += "<Memo>" + inv.Id.ToString() + "</Memo>"; AgencyInfo ag = aCont.Get_AgencyById(wo1.AgencyId); xmlString += "<Other>" + ag.AgencyName.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Other>"; foreach (int woId in woIds) { WorkOrderInfo wo = aCont.Get_WorkOrderById(woId); List <TaskInfo> tasks = aCont.Get_TasksByWOId(wo.Id); int groupId = -1; bool groupNew = true; for (int j = 0; j < tasks.Count; j++) { TaskInfo task = tasks[j]; if (groupId == -1) { groupId = task.WOGroupId; } if (task.WOGroupId != groupId) { groupNew = true; groupId = task.WOGroupId; } if (task.DeliveryStatus.ToLower() != "cancelled" && !task.isDeleted) { if (task.TaskType != GroupTypeEnum.Delivery) { WOGroupInfo group = aCont.Get_WorkOrderGroupById(task.WOGroupId); List <QBCodeInfo> servCodes = aCont.FindQBCodesByTask(task.Id, 0, true); LibraryItemInfo lib = aCont.Get_LibraryItemById(task.LibraryId); MasterItemInfo master = new MasterItemInfo(); if (task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Non_Deliverable) { master = aCont.Get_MasterItemById(task.MasterId); } //foreach (ServiceInfo serv in group.Services) if (groupNew) { foreach (QBCodeInfo code in servCodes) { if (task.TaskType != GroupTypeEnum.Non_Deliverable) { xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd>"; xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + code.QBCode.Replace("&", "&") + "</FullName></ItemRef>"; xmlString += "<Desc>" + lib.Title.Replace("&", "&"); //code.QBCode.Replace("&", "&"); if (woIds.Count > 1 && j == 0) { xmlString += " WO " + wo.Id.ToString(); } xmlString += "</Desc>"; if (task.Quantity == 0) { task.Quantity = 1; } xmlString += "<Quantity>" + group.LibraryItems.Count.ToString() + "</Quantity>"; xmlString += "<Other1></Other1>"; xmlString += "<Other2></Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>"; } else { xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd>"; xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + code.QBCode.Replace("&", "&") + "</FullName></ItemRef>"; xmlString += "<Desc>" + master.Title.Replace("&", "&"); if (woIds.Count > 1 && j == 0) { xmlString += " WO " + wo.Id.ToString(); } xmlString += "</Desc>"; if (task.Quantity == 0) { task.Quantity = 1; } xmlString += "<Quantity>" + task.Quantity + "</Quantity>"; xmlString += "<Other1>" + lib.ProductDescription.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Other1>"; xmlString += "<Other2>" + lib.ISCICode.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>"; } } groupNew = false; } } if (task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Bundle || task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Delivery || task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Customized) { LibraryItemInfo lib = aCont.Get_LibraryItemById(task.LibraryId); bool isHd = lib.MediaType.IndexOf("HD") != -1; string[] pcs = lib.MediaLength.Split(':'); int secs = 0; if (pcs.Length == 2) { try { secs = 60 * Convert.ToInt32(pcs[0]) + Convert.ToInt32(pcs[1]); } catch { } } if (secs <= 120 && !isHd) { custIndex = 2; } else if (secs <= 120 && isHd) { custIndex = 3; } else if (secs >= 1500 && secs <= 1800 && !isHd) { custIndex = 0; } else if (secs >= 1500 && secs <= 1800 && isHd) { custIndex = 1; } else if (secs >= 180 && secs <= 300 && !isHd) { custIndex = 4; } else if (secs >= 180 && secs <= 300 && !isHd) { custIndex = 5; } xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd>"; if (task.TaskType != GroupTypeEnum.Customized) { xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + task.QBCode.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</FullName></ItemRef>"; } else { xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + custCodes[custIndex] + "</FullName></ItemRef>"; } xmlString += "<Desc>" + lib.Title.Trim().Replace("&", "&"); if (woIds.Count > 1 && j == 0) { xmlString += " WO " + wo.Id.ToString(); } xmlString += "</Desc>"; if (task.Quantity == 0) { task.Quantity = 1; } xmlString += "<Quantity>" + task.Quantity + "</Quantity>"; xmlString += "<Other1>" + lib.ProductDescription.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Other1>"; if (lib.TapeCode.Trim() == "") { xmlString += "<Other2>" + lib.ISCICode.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>"; } else { xmlString += "<Other2>" + lib.TapeCode.Trim().Replace("&", "&") + "</Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>"; } WOGroupStationInfo station = aCont.Get_WorkOrderGroupStationById(task.StationId); if (station.DeliveryMethod.ToLower().IndexOf("tf_") != -1) { //check to see if we need to add shipping if (station.ShippingMethodId == -1) { int weight = 1; TapeFormatInfo tape = aCont.Get_TapeFormatById(Convert.ToInt32(station.DeliveryMethod.Replace("tf_", ""))); if (station.Quantity * tape.Weight > 1.0) { weight = 2; } string shippingPrice = ""; if (weight == 1) { if (station.PriorityId == 1) { shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx1LbPriority"].ToString(); } else if (station.PriorityId == 2) { shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx1LbStandard"].ToString(); } else if (station.PriorityId == 3) { shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx1Lb2Day"].ToString(); } } else { if (station.PriorityId == 1) { shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx2LbPriority"].ToString(); } else if (station.PriorityId == 2) { shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx2LbStandard"].ToString(); } else if (station.PriorityId == 3) { shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx2Lb2Day"].ToString(); } } xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd><ItemRef><FullName>SHIPPING</FullName></ItemRef><Desc>P" + station.PriorityId.ToString() + " " + weight.ToString() + "LB SHIPPING CHARGE</Desc><Quantity>1</Quantity><Rate>" + shippingPrice + "</Rate></InvoiceLineAdd>"; } } } } } } } xmlString += "</InvoiceAdd></InvoiceAddRq>"; //xmlString += ""; } xmlString += "</QBXMLMsgsRq></QBXML>"; req = xmlString; //} } return(req); }
private void loadForm(MasterItemInfo master) { if (master.CheckListForm == "") { //never saved before txtDate.Text = "Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); txtPMTnumber.Text = "PMT #: " + master.PMTMediaId; txtVaultId.Text = "Vault Id: " + master.VaultId; } else { //load it up XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(master.CheckListForm); txtDate.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "date", "Date: "); txtVaultId.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "vaultid", "Vault Id: "); txtQc.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "qcby", "QC By: "); chkReceived.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "received", "")); txtPMTnumber.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "pmtmediaid", "PMT #: "); ddlResolution.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "resolution", ""); ddlAudtio.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "audio", ""); ddlLanguage.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "language", ""); ddlTimecode.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "timecode", ""); chkWatermark.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "watermark", "")); ddlType.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "type", ""); chkDownConvert.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "downconvert", "")); chkCenterCutSafe.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "centercutsafe", "")); chkLetterbox.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "letterbox", "")); chkClosedCaptioned.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "closedcaptioned", "")); txtTitle.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "title", "Title: "); txtVersion.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "version", "Version: "); txtTRT.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "trt", "TRT: "); txtOffer.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "offer", "Offer: "); txtHost.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "host", "Host: "); ddlFormat.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "format", ""); txtAKA.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "aka", "A.K.A.: "); txtOfferDate.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "labeldate", "Date: "); txtDisclaimerFor.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "for", "For: "); txtDisclaimerBy.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "by", "By: "); ddlDisclaimerOpen.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "open", ""); ddlDisclaimerClose.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "close", ""); chkExercise.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "exercise", "")); txtExerciseTimes.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "exercisetimes", "How Many Times: "); chkUIGEA.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "uigea", "")); txtUIGEATimes.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "uigeatimes", "How Many Times: "); chkStateTimes.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "staterestrictions", "")); txtStateTimes.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "statetimes", "How Many Times: "); chkResultsVary.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "actual", "")); txtResultsVaryTimes.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "actualtimes", "How Many Times: "); chkApple.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "apple", "")); txtAppleTimes.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "appletimes", "How Many Times: "); //price", ddlPrice.SelectedValue txtPrice2.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "price2", ""); txtPrice3.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "price3", "$ "); txtSandH.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "sandh", "SHIPPING & HANDLING $: "); foreach (ListItem li in chkCCList.Items) { li.Selected = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, li.Value, "")); } chkMoneyBack.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "moneyback", "")); chkLessSandH.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "lesssandh", "")); chkUSFunds.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "usfunds", "")); chkResponseAddressLocation.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "responseaddresslocation", "")); txtResponseStreet.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "responsestreet", ""); txtResponseCity.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "responsecity", ""); txtResponseState.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "responsestate", ""); txtResponseZip.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "responsezip", ""); chkWebsite.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "website", "")); txtWebsiteAddress.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "url", "Website Address: "); chkInCTA.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "incta", "")); chkWithPhone.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "withphone", "")); chkClub.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "club", "")); chkClock.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "clock", "")); chkEDLReq.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "edlreq", "")); chkGenericVO.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "genericvo", "")); chkScript.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "script", "")); txtDelivery.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "delivery", "Delivery: "); chk18Over.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "eightteen", "")); txtAttachments.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "attachments", "Attachments: "); chkSlate.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "slate", "")); chkJpeg.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "jpeg", "")); chkScripts.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "scripts", "")); ddlEDL.SelectedValue = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "edl", ""); txtComments.Text = getXmlNodeText(ref doc, "comments", "Comments/Notes: "); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); //XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null); //XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; //doc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, root); XmlNode rootNode = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "root", string.Empty); doc.AppendChild(rootNode); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "date", txtDate.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "vaultid", txtVaultId.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "qcby", txtQc.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "received", chkReceived.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "pmtmediaid", txtPMTnumber.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "resolution", ddlResolution.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "audio", ddlAudtio.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "language", ddlLanguage.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "timecode", ddlTimecode.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "watermark", chkWatermark.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "type", ddlType.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "downconvert", chkDownConvert.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "centercutsafe", chkCenterCutSafe.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "letterbox", chkLetterbox.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "closedcaptioned", chkClosedCaptioned.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "title", txtTitle.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "version", txtVersion.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "trt", txtTRT.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "offer", txtOffer.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "host", txtHost.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "format", ddlFormat.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "aka", txtAKA.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "labeldate", txtOfferDate.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "for", txtDisclaimerFor.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "by", txtDisclaimerBy.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "open", ddlDisclaimerOpen.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "close", ddlDisclaimerClose.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "exercise", chkExercise.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "exercisetimes", txtExerciseTimes.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "uigea", chkUIGEA.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "uigeatimes", txtUIGEATimes.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "staterestrictions", chkStateTimes.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "statetimes", txtStateTimes.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "actual", chkResultsVary.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "actualtimes", txtResultsVaryTimes.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "apple", chkApple.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "appletimes", txtAppleTimes.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "price2", txtPrice2.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "price3", txtPrice3.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "sandh", txtSandH.Text); foreach (ListItem li in chkCCList.Items) { makeXmlNode(ref doc, li.Value, li.Selected.ToString()); } makeXmlNode(ref doc, "moneyback", chkMoneyBack.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "lesssandh", chkLessSandH.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "usfunds", chkUSFunds.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "responseaddresslocation", chkResponseAddressLocation.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "responsestreet", txtResponseStreet.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "responsecity", txtResponseCity.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "responsestate", txtResponseState.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "responsezip", txtResponseZip.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "website", chkWebsite.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "url", txtWebsiteAddress.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "incta", chkInCTA.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "withphone", chkWithPhone.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "club", chkClub.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "clock", chkClock.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "edlreq", chkEDLReq.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "genericvo", chkGenericVO.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "script", chkScript.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "delivery", txtDelivery.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "eightteen", chk18Over.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "attachments", txtAttachments.Text); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "slate", chkSlate.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "jpeg", chkJpeg.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "scripts", chkScripts.Checked.ToString()); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "edl", ddlEDL.SelectedValue); makeXmlNode(ref doc, "comments", txtComments.Text); if (Request.QueryString["Master"] != null) { int MasterId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Master"]); AdminController aCont = new AdminController(); MasterItemInfo master = aCont.Get_MasterItemById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Master"])); master.CheckListForm = doc.OuterXml.ToString(); master.LastModifiedById = UserId; master.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; aCont.Update_MasterItem(master); lblMessage.Text = "Checklist Saved."; Application["MasterItems"] = null; } }