private MasterGroupEditModel CreateFrom(MasterGroup entity) { return(new MasterGroupEditModel { MasterGroupID = entity.MasterGroupID, MasterGroupCode = entity.MasterGroupCode, MasterGroupName = entity.MasterGroupName }); }
protected override YAMLMappingNode ExportYAMLRoot(IAssetsExporter exporter) { YAMLMappingNode node = base.ExportYAMLRoot(exporter); //node.AddSerializedVersion(GetSerializedVersion(exporter.Version)); node.Add("m_OutputGroup", OutputGroup.ExportYAML(exporter)); node.Add("m_MasterGroup", MasterGroup.ExportYAML(exporter)); node.Add("m_Snapshots", Snapshots.ExportYAML(exporter)); node.Add("m_StartSnapshot", StartSnapshot.ExportYAML(exporter)); node.Add("m_SuspendThreshold", SuspendThreshold); node.Add("m_EnableSuspend", EnableSuspend); node.Add("m_UpdateMode", UpdateMode); node.Add("m_MixerConstant", MixerConstant.ExportYAML(exporter)); return(node); }
protected override YAMLMappingNode ExportYAMLRoot(IExportContainer container) { YAMLMappingNode node = base.ExportYAMLRoot(container); //node.AddSerializedVersion(GetSerializedVersion(container.Version)); node.Add(OutputGroupName, OutputGroup.ExportYAML(container)); node.Add(MasterGroupName, MasterGroup.ExportYAML(container)); node.Add(SnapshotsName, Snapshots.ExportYAML(container)); node.Add(StartSnapshotName, StartSnapshot.ExportYAML(container)); node.Add(SuspendThresholdName, SuspendThreshold); node.Add(EnableSuspendName, EnableSuspend); node.Add(UpdateModeName, UpdateMode); node.Add(MixerConstantName, MixerConstant.ExportYAML(container)); return(node); }
/*private static int GetSerializedVersion(Version version) * { #warning TODO: serialized version acording to read version (current 2017.3.0f3) * return 2; * }*/ public override void Read(AssetStream stream) { base.Read(stream); OutputGroup.Read(stream); MasterGroup.Read(stream); m_snapshots = stream.ReadArray <PPtr <AudioMixerSnapshot> >(); StartSnapshot.Read(stream); SuspendThreshold = stream.ReadSingle(); EnableSuspend = stream.ReadBoolean(); stream.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); UpdateMode = stream.ReadInt32(); stream.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); MixerConstant.Read(stream); stream.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); }
/*public static int ToSerializedVersion(Version version) * { #warning TODO: serialized version acording to read version (current 2017.3.0f3) * return 2; * }*/ public override void Read(AssetReader reader) { base.Read(reader); OutputGroup.Read(reader); MasterGroup.Read(reader); Snapshots = reader.ReadAssetArray <PPtr <AudioMixerSnapshot> >(); StartSnapshot.Read(reader); SuspendThreshold = reader.ReadSingle(); EnableSuspend = reader.ReadBoolean(); reader.AlignStream(); UpdateMode = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.AlignStream(); MixerConstant.Read(reader); reader.AlignStream(); }
public DataSet GenerateSQL(Guid DataViewListID, out MetricTrac.Bll.DataViewList.Extend dv, out List <MasterGroup> MasterGroupList) { MasterGroupList = new List <MasterGroup>(); dv = MetricTrac.Bll.DataViewList.Get(DataViewListID); string sql = SqlSelet.Replace("@InstanceId", "'" + dv.InstanceId.ToString() + "'"); List <string> TotalOrderBy = new List <string>(); List <string> TotalSelect = new List <string>(); List <ReferenceEntity.UseField> MasterGroupByFieldList = GetGroupByFieldList(ref sql, TotalOrderBy, TotalSelect, dv.GroupByList); List <ReferenceEntity.UseField> MasterSelectFieldList = GetSelectFieldList(ref sql, TotalOrderBy, TotalSelect, dv.SelectList); List <ReferenceEntity.UseField> SlaveGroupByFieldList = GetGroupByFieldList(ref sql, TotalOrderBy, TotalSelect, dv.GroupBySlaveList); List <ReferenceEntity.UseField> SlaveSelectFieldList = GetSelectFieldList(ref sql, TotalOrderBy, TotalSelect, dv.SelectSlaveList); if (MasterSelectFieldList.Count == 0 && SlaveSelectFieldList.Count == 0) { return(null); } DataSet ds = MetricTrac.Bll.LinqMicajahDataContext.Execute(sql); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; List <string> PrevMasterGroupValue = new List <string>(); List <MasterGroupNode> PrevMasterGroupNode = new List <MasterGroupNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < MasterGroupByFieldList.Count + SlaveGroupByFieldList.Count; i++) { PrevMasterGroupValue.Add(null); PrevMasterGroupNode.Add(null); } MasterGroup mg = null; MasterRecord mr = null; MasterHeader mh = null; foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { string OrgLocationRootColumnName = "en_FullName"; if (dt.Columns.Contains(OrgLocationRootColumnName)) { object o = r[OrgLocationRootColumnName]; if (o is string && ((string)o) == "Organization Location") { r[OrgLocationRootColumnName] = MetricTrac.Bll.LinqMicajahDataContext.OrganizationName; } } //Fill Master Group bool isNewMasterGroup = false; string alias; string GroupValue; List <MasterGroupNode> GroupTree = null; for (int i = 0; i < MasterGroupByFieldList.Count; i++) { alias = GetAlias(MasterGroupByFieldList[i]); GroupValue = r[alias].ToString(); if (PrevMasterGroupValue[i] != GroupValue && !isNewMasterGroup) { GroupTree = new List <MasterGroupNode>(); isNewMasterGroup = true; for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) { PrevMasterGroupNode[k].HeaderCount++; } } PrevMasterGroupValue[i] = GroupValue; string GroupHeader = MasterGroupByFieldList[i].Entity.ReadableName; if (MasterGroupByFieldList[i].ReadableName != "Name") { GroupHeader += " " + MasterGroupByFieldList[i].ReadableName; } if (isNewMasterGroup) { MasterGroupNode n = new MasterGroupNode() { Header = GroupHeader, Value = GroupValue, HeaderCount = 1 }; GroupTree.Add(n); for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) { PrevMasterGroupNode[k].SubGroupCount++; } PrevMasterGroupNode[i] = n; } } if (isNewMasterGroup) { mg = new MasterGroup() { GroupTree = GroupTree, MasterHeaderList = new List <MasterHeader>(), MasterRecordList = new List <MasterRecord>(), SlaveGroupList = new List <SlaveGroup>() }; MasterGroupList.Add(mg); foreach (var s in MasterSelectFieldList) { mh = new MasterHeader() { Header = s.Entity.ReadableName + (s.ReadableName == "Name" ? "" : (" " + s.ReadableName)) }; mg.MasterHeaderList.Add(mh); } } //Fill Master Record bool isNewMasterRecord = isNewMasterGroup; MasterRecord PrevMasterRecord = mg.MasterRecordList.Count == 0 ? null : mg.MasterRecordList[mg.MasterRecordList.Count - 1]; mr = new MasterRecord() { MasterValueList = new List <MasterValue>(), SlaveRecordList = new List <SlaveRecord>() }; for (int i = 0; i < MasterSelectFieldList.Count; i++) { var s = MasterSelectFieldList[i]; MasterValue mv = new MasterValue() { Value = GetValue(s, r)// r[GetAlias(s)].ToString() }; mr.MasterValueList.Add(mv); if (PrevMasterRecord == null || mv.Value != PrevMasterRecord.MasterValueList[i].Value) { isNewMasterRecord = true; } } if (isNewMasterRecord) { mg.MasterRecordList.Add(mr); for (int k = 0; k < MasterGroupByFieldList.Count; k++) { PrevMasterGroupNode[k].RecordCount++; } } else { mr = mg.MasterRecordList[mg.MasterRecordList.Count - 1]; } //Fill Slave Group if (mg.MasterRecordList.Count == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < SlaveGroupByFieldList.Count; i++) { var sg = SlaveGroupByFieldList[i]; SlaveGroup g = new SlaveGroup() { Group = r[GetAlias(sg)].ToString() }; mg.SlaveGroupList.Add(g); } } //Fill Slave Records SlaveRecord sr = new SlaveRecord() { SlaveValueList = new List <SlaveValue>() }; mr.SlaveRecordList.Add(sr); for (int i = 0; i < SlaveSelectFieldList.Count; i++) { var column = SlaveSelectFieldList[i]; //object v = r[GetAlias(column)]; SlaveValue sv = new SlaveValue() { Value = GetValue(column, r)//v == null ? null : v.ToString() }; sr.SlaveValueList.Add(sv); } } /*for (int i = 0; i < MasterGroupList.Count; i++) * { * var MG = MasterGroupList[i]; * * for (int k = i + 1; k < MasterGroupList.Count; k++) * { * if (MG.GroupTree.Count <= ChildMG.GroupTree.Count) break; * } * }*/ return(ds); }
public Group GetActiveGroup() => string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActiveGroupName) ? MasterGroup : MasterGroup.FindGroup(ActiveGroupName);