Exemple #1
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Handled)
                // Order of operations:
                // if marquee dragging
                // - apply delta to marquee
                // - test all components to see if they are within the marquee and set selection accordingly.
                // else if move dragging
                // - apply delta to all selected items

                // if we've started a drag
                if (m_dragStartPoint.HasValue)
                    e.Handled = true;

                    Point currentPoint = e.GetPosition(GraphLayout);

                    // if the marquee is visible, then we're doing a marquee selection.
                    if (MarqueeAdorner.Visibility != System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed)
                        var left   = Math.Min(m_dragStartPoint.Value.X, currentPoint.X);
                        var top    = Math.Min(m_dragStartPoint.Value.Y, currentPoint.Y);
                        var right  = Math.Max(m_dragStartPoint.Value.X, currentPoint.X);
                        var bottom = Math.Max(m_dragStartPoint.Value.Y, currentPoint.Y);

                        // If the user has moved the mouse at all, then show the selection box.
                        if (right != left || bottom != top)
                            MarqueeAdorner.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

                        MarqueeAdorner.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, left);
                        MarqueeAdorner.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, top);
                        MarqueeAdorner.Width  = right - left;
                        MarqueeAdorner.Height = bottom - top;

                        Rect marqueeBounds = new Rect(new Point(left, top), new Point(right, bottom));

                        foreach (GraphSharp.Controls.VertexControl potentialSelectedVertex in GraphLayout.GetAllVertexControls())
                            Rect vertexBounds = new Rect(new Point(potentialSelectedVertex.TopLeftX, potentialSelectedVertex.TopLeftY), new Size(potentialSelectedVertex.ActualWidth, potentialSelectedVertex.ActualHeight));
                            if (marqueeBounds.IntersectsWith(vertexBounds))
                                SetIsSelected(potentialSelectedVertex, true);
                                SetIsSelected(potentialSelectedVertex, false);
                        Vector delta = currentPoint - m_lastDragPoint.Value;
                        foreach (GraphSharp.Controls.VertexControl potentialSelectedVertex in s_selectedVertices)
                            potentialSelectedVertex.CenterX += delta.X;
                            potentialSelectedVertex.CenterY += delta.Y;

                    m_lastDragPoint = currentPoint;
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (e.Handled != true)
                // Hit-test order of operations
                // if hit: button
                // - this must happen first so that button presses do not start a drag-behaviour.
                // - do nothing
                // - return
                // if hit: vertex info
                // - do nothing
                // if hit: connection between vertexes
                // - do nothing
                // if hit: vertex
                // - select vertex (if not selected)
                // - prepare to start dragging
                // if hit: empty
                // - prepare marquee draw box
                // - prepare to start dragging

                bool shouldStartDragging = true;
                var  hitElement          = InputHitTest(e.GetPosition(this)) as DependencyObject;
                if (hitElement != null)
                    // If the user clicked on a button, then we don't want to do anything (let the button handle all the processing)
                    if (hitElement.GetParent <Button>(this) != null)
                        shouldStartDragging = false;

                    // If the user clicked on an info panel, then we don't want to do anything (they exist "above" the graph and cannot be selected in the same way.)
                    if (shouldStartDragging == true && hitElement.GetParent <TraceLab.UI.WPF.Views.Nodes.NodeInfoContainer>(this) != null)
                        shouldStartDragging = false;

                    // If the user clicked on an edge - do nothing, let the edge handle everything.
                    if (shouldStartDragging == true && hitElement.GetParent <GraphSharp.Controls.EdgeControl>(this) != null)
                        shouldStartDragging = false;

                    // We're definitely going to start dragging _something_ - either the marquee or the current selection.
                    if (shouldStartDragging == true)
                        e.Handled        = true;
                        m_dragStartPoint = e.GetPosition(GraphLayout);
                        m_lastDragPoint  = m_dragStartPoint.Value;

                        var hitVertex = hitElement.GetParent <GraphSharp.Controls.VertexControl>(this);
                        if (hitVertex != null)
                            // 1) if vertex is not already selected, then clear selection and select this vertex.
                            if ((bool)hitVertex.GetValue(GraphView.IsSelectedProperty) == false)
                                SetIsSelected(hitVertex, true);

                            // 2) Begin dragging of entire selection
                            // - nothing special needs to happen here, since we're prepared to start dragging
                            // - and "marquee" dragging only happens if the marquee is NOT collapsed.
                            // Begin dragging marquee
                            MarqueeAdorner.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, m_dragStartPoint.Value.Y);
                            MarqueeAdorner.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, m_dragStartPoint.Value.Y);
                            MarqueeAdorner.Width      = 1;
                            MarqueeAdorner.Height     = 1;
                            MarqueeAdorner.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;

                            // Clear the selection in preparation.

                // Take focus