protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync() { string css = ""; if (Source == null || HttpClient == null) { return; } using var response = await HttpClient.GetAsync(Source + ".md" + "?" + Guid.NewGuid ().ToString()); if (CSS) { using var cssResponse = await HttpClient.GetAsync(Source + "" + "?" + Guid.NewGuid ().ToString()); if (cssResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return; } css = await cssResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return; } var markdown = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); markdown = Regex.Replace(markdown, @"<!--\\\\-->(.*?)<!--//-->", "", RegexOptions.Singleline); string html; var code = ""; if (markdown.IndexOf("@code", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) { html = markdown.Substring(0, markdown.IndexOf("@code", StringComparison.Ordinal));; html = html.TrimEnd('\n', '\r'); code = markdown.Substring(markdown.IndexOf("@code", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } else { html = markdown; html = html.TrimEnd('\n', '\r'); } html = "```html\n" + html + "\n```"; if (CSS) { css = "```css\n" + css + "\n```"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { code = "```C#\n" + code + "\n```"; } _markup = new MarkupString(Markdown.ToHtml(html, Pipeline)); _code = new MarkupString(Markdown.ToHtml(code, Pipeline)); _css = new MarkupString(Markdown.ToHtml(css, Pipeline)); await base.OnParametersSetAsync(); }
protected override void OnParametersSet() { _componentType = Column.ComponentType; _cell = default; _cellRender = default; if (_componentType != null) _cellRender = CreateComponent(GridComponent, _componentType, Column, Item, RowId, false, new VariableReference(ChildComponent)); else _cell = (MarkupString)Column.GetCell(Item).ToString(); if (Column.Hidden) _cssStyles = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssStylesString() + " " + TdStyle; else _cssStyles = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssStylesString(); _cssClass = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssClassesString() + " " + TdClass; if (GridComponent.Grid.Direction == GridDirection.RTL) _cssStyles = string.Concat(_cssStyles, " text-align:right;direction:rtl;").Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Column.Width)) _cssStyles = string.Concat(_cssStyles, " width:", Column.Width, ";").Trim(); string columnCssClasses = Column.GetCellCssClasses(Item); if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnCssClasses)) _cssClass += " " + columnCssClasses; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await base.OnInitializedAsync(); var(resp, httpResp) = await Backend.VideoList(new VideoListRequest() { Ids = new[] { VideoId } }); if (httpResp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { video = resp.Data.Videos.FirstOrDefault(); if (video == null) { errorMessage = "An error occurred while getting video details."; } string plainDesc = video?.Description ?? ""; FormattedDescription = new MarkupString(plainDesc.FormatAsHtml()); } else { errorMessage = "An error occurred while getting video details: " + resp.Message; } videoStreamUri = await Backend.VideoViewUrl(VideoId); }
private void PrintarArray(ushort[] estado, int numeroIteracoes) { string resultado = ""; resultado += $"<div class='row'>"; resultado += $"<div class='col-md-2'>"; resultado += "<label> Número de iterações feitas</label>"; resultado += @$ "<input type='number' disabled class='form-control text-center' value='{numeroIteracoes}'/>"; resultado += "</div>"; resultado += "</div>"; resultado += $"<div class='row mt-3'>"; resultado += $"<div class='col-md-2'>"; resultado += "<label>Resultado final encontrado</label>"; resultado += $"<div class='grid-resultado w-h-180'>"; for (int i = 0; i < estado.Length; i++) { resultado += @$ "<input type='number' disabled class='input-w-h-60 text-center' value='{estado[i]}'/>"; } resultado += "</div>"; resultado += "</div>"; resultado += "</div>"; MarkupString resultString = (MarkupString)resultado; NosMarkupStr.Add(resultString); resultado = ""; }
public MessagePreviewData(string bitmapUri, string message) { BitmapUri = bitmapUri; message = message .Replace(";", "<br>") .Replace(".", "<br>") .Replace(":", ""); message = sizeReg.Replace(message, (m) => { // デフォルトサイズは12 var size = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); var mes = m.Groups[2].Value; var em = size / 12f; return($"<span style=\"font-size: {em}em;\">{mes}</span>"); }); message = colorReg.Replace(message, (m) => { // RGB関数も含めて生のままでCSS指定できそう var color = m.Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); var mes = m.Groups[2].Value; return($"<span style=\"color: {color};\">{mes}</span>"); }); // フォローできなかったノイズを消す message = removeTagReg.Replace(message, ""); Message = new MarkupString(Markdown.ToHtml(message)); }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected override void OnParametersSet() { base.OnParametersSet(); var markdown = File.ReadAllText(FilePath); _markupString = new MarkupString(Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(markdown, Pipeline)); }
/// <summary> /// Convert string into a HTML markup to show correctly in the page /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static MarkupString ToHtml(this string content) { string addBr = content.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>").Replace("\n\r", "<br/>"); MarkupString result = new MarkupString(addBr); return(result); }
protected override void OnParametersSet() { _componentType = Column.ComponentType; if (_componentType != null) { _cellRender = CreateComponent(_sequence, GridComponent, _componentType, Column, Item, RowId); } else { _cell = (MarkupString)Column.GetCell(Item).ToString(); } if (Column.Hidden) { _cssStyles = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssStylesString() + " " + TdStyle; } else { _cssStyles = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssStylesString(); } _cssClass = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssClassesString() + " " + TdClass; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Column.Width)) { _cssStyles = string.Concat(_cssStyles, " width:", Column.Width, ";").Trim(); } string columnCssClasses = Column.GetCellCssClasses(Item); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnCssClasses)) { _cssClass += " " + columnCssClasses; } }
async Task HandleFileSelected(InputFileChangeEventArgs e) { using var content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); foreach (var file in e.GetMultipleFiles(e.FileCount)) { content.Add(new StreamContent(file.OpenReadStream()), "files", file.Name); } var httpClient = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("oidc"); using var response = await httpClient.PostAsync($"{httpClient.BaseAddress}/import", content).ConfigureAwait(false); var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { _error = new MarkupString($"{response.StatusCode}<br/>{responseContent.Replace("\n","<br/>")}"); } else { _result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ImportResult>(responseContent, new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase }); } await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged).ConfigureAwait(false); }
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() { var use = (await _authenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(use.User.Identity.Name); sb.Append("<br />"); sb.AppendLine(" <ul> "); foreach (var item in use.User.Claims) { sb.Append(" <li> "); sb.Append(" <ol> "); sb.Append(" <li> "); sb.AppendLine(item.Type); sb.Append(" </li> "); sb.Append(" <li> "); sb.AppendLine(item.Value); sb.Append(" </li> "); sb.Append(" </ol> "); sb.Append(" </li> "); } sb.AppendLine(" </ul> "); sb.Append("<br /> Jest Adminiem"); sb.AppendLine(use.User.IsInRole("Admin").ToString()); sb.Append("<br /> Ma MyValue"); sb.AppendLine(use.User.Claims.Any(p => p.Value == "MyValue").ToString()); sb.Append("<br /> Ma Cos"); sb.AppendLine(use.User.Claims.Any(p => p.Type == "MyCos").ToString()); Data = new MarkupString(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new BlogPostEntity. /// </summary> /// <param name="author">The author of the post, saved in RowKey (REVERSETICKS_AUTHOROID_TITLE).</param> /// <param name="title">The title of the post, saved in the RowKey (REVERSETICKS_AUTHOROID_TITLE).</param> /// <param name="text">The text of the post.</param> public BlogPostEntity(ClaimsPrincipal author, string title, MarkupString content) { PartitionKey = $"{9999 - DateTime.UtcNow.Year}{99 - DateTime.UtcNow.Month}"; SetRowKey(author.FindFirst("oid").Value, title); Author = author.Identity.Name; Text = content.Value; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Source)) { Markup = AddClass(await SvgLoader.LoadSvg(Source)); } }
/// <summary> /// A default <see cref="NotificationEventArgs"/> constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="notificationType">Type of the notification to show.</param> /// <param name="message">Notification content.</param> /// <param name="title">Title of the notification.</param> /// <param name="options">Additional options to override default notification settings.</param> public NotificationEventArgs(NotificationType notificationType, MarkupString message, string title, NotificationOptions options) { NotificationType = notificationType; Message = message; Title = title; Options = options; }
public void LoadCards() { //var test = LoadFile("BackRed"); //test = LoadFile("BackBlack"); BackRed = (MarkupString)$"<object class='playing-card' type='image/svg+xml' data='images/cards/BackRed.svg'></object>"; BackBlack = (MarkupString)$"<object class='playing-card' type='image/svg+xml' data='images/cards/BackBlack.svg'></object>"; var deck = new StandardDeck(); int i = 0; Faces = new MarkupString[deck.Suits * deck.Ranks]; FacesAsImage = new MarkupString[deck.Suits * deck.Ranks]; foreach (var suit in deck.SuitDescriptions) { foreach (var rank in deck.RankDescriptions) { //test = LoadFile($"{rank}{suit}"); // Embeded SVG too large, sends cards too often //Faces[i++] = LoadFile($"{rank}{suit}"); // Send the SVG as an object so it can be cached Faces[i] = (MarkupString)$"<object class='playing-card' type='image/svg+xml' data='images/cards/{rank}{suit}.svg'></object>"; // Send the SVG as an image so it can be cached (Note: sending as an image works, but does not rotate and scale like an SVG should FacesAsImage[i] = (MarkupString)$"<img class='playing-card' src='images/cards/{rank}{suit}.svg'>"; i++; } } }
protected override void OnParametersSet() { _componentType = ((GridColumnBase <T>)Column).ComponentType; if (_componentType != null) { _cellRender = CreateCellComponent(); } else { _cell = (MarkupString)Column.GetCell(Item).ToString(); } if (((GridColumnBase <T>)Column).Hidden) { _cssStyles = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssStylesString() + " " + TdStyle; } else { _cssStyles = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssStylesString(); } _cssClass = ((GridStyledColumn)Column).GetCssClassesString() + " " + TdClass; string columnCssClasses = Column.GetCellCssClasses(Item); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnCssClasses)) { _cssClass += " " + columnCssClasses; } }
public IActionResult OnGet([FromRoute] string blogName) { var url = $"/post/{blogName}"; var blogExcerptModel = _blogContext.BlogExcerptModel.FirstOrDefault(temp => temp.Url == url); if (blogExcerptModel is null) { ViewData["title"] = _configuration["Title"]; // lang=html HtmlContent = new MarkupString(@"<h3>找不到这篇博客</h3>"); } else { ViewData["title"] = blogExcerptModel.Title; ViewData["BlogTitle"] = blogExcerptModel.Title; var file = _blogManager.GetBlog(blogExcerptModel.FileName); var str = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file); str = ParseBlog(str); var html = Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(str); HtmlContent = new MarkupString(html); } return(Page()); }
private async void GetData() { var text = await JsRuntime.InvokeAsync <string>("getInnerHtml"); ConvertedText = new MarkupString(text); StateHasChanged(); }
public SnackbarInfo(MarkupString message, string title, SnackbarColor color, string key, RenderFragment messageTemplate, bool showCloseButton, string closeButtonText, object closeButtonIcon, bool showActionButton, string actionButtonText, object actionButtonIcon, double?intervalBeforeClose) { Message = message; Title = title; Color = color; Key = key ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); MessageTemplate = messageTemplate; ShowCloseButton = showCloseButton; CloseButtonText = closeButtonText; CloseButtonIcon = closeButtonIcon; ShowActionButton = showActionButton; ActionButtonText = actionButtonText; ActionButtonIcon = actionButtonIcon; IntervalBeforeClose = intervalBeforeClose; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a tooltip to the anchor. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> private void AddTooltipMarkupString(Guid id, MarkupString content) { InvokeAsync(async() => { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); try { var instance = new TooltipInstance { Id = id, TimeStamp = DateTime.Now, MarkupStringContent = content, Initiated = false }; Tooltips.TryAdd(id, instance); } finally { semaphore.Release(); } StateHasChanged(); }); }
private Content(MarkupString s) { Fragment = builder => builder.AddContent(0, s); #if DEBUG SourceValue = s; #endif }
public async Task <string> FileToMarkdownAsync(string path) { string text = await DownloadTextFileAsync(path); var markup = new MarkupString(text); return(markup.Value); }
public async Task ShowDialogAsync(string message) { ConfirmationMessage = new(message); CancelRequired = false; NeedsConfirmation = true; RaiseChange(); await WaitForFinish(); }
async Task IEventHandler <PwaUpdateable> .HandleAsync(PwaUpdateable payload) { IsUpdateable = true; ReleaseNotes = new MarkupString(await http.GetStringAsync("/release-notes.html")); StateHasChanged(); }
private void ToggleSnackbar(SnackbarColor color, string message) { this.color = color; this.message = (MarkupString)message; snackbar.Show(); StateHasChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// A default <see cref="MessageEventArgs"/> constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageType">Type of the message to show.</param> /// <param name="message">Message content.</param> /// <param name="title">Title of the message.</param> /// <param name="options">Additional options to override default message settings.</param> /// <param name="callback">Callback that will execute once the user responds with an action.</param> public MessageEventArgs(MessageType messageType, MarkupString message, string title, MessageOptions options, TaskCompletionSource <bool> callback) { MessageType = messageType; Message = message; Title = title; Options = options; Callback = callback; }
public Task RaiseMessage(MessageType messageType, MarkupString message, string title = null, Action <MessageOptions> options = null) { var messageOptions = MessageOptions.Default; options?.Invoke(messageOptions); MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new(messageType, message, title, messageOptions) ); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected override async Task OnInitAsync() { var downloader = new FileDownloader(); var pathToBlogPost = string.Format(BlogPostRelativeLinkTemplate, PostUrl); var response = await downloader.DownloadFileFromSiteContentAsync(HttpClient, Config, pathToBlogPost, "text/x-markdown"); BlogPostHtml = new MarkupString(response); await base.OnInitAsync(); }
public async Task <bool> ShowConfirmAsync(string message) { ConfirmationMessage = new(message); CancelRequired = true; NeedsConfirmation = true; RaiseChange(); await WaitForFinish(); return(DialogResponse); }
public Task RaiseMessage(NotificationType notificationType, MarkupString message, string title = null, Action <NotificationOptions> options = null) { var notificationOptions = NotificationOptions.Default; options?.Invoke(notificationOptions); NotificationReceived?.Invoke(this, new(notificationType, message, title, notificationOptions) ); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
/// <summary> /// OnInitialized 方法 /// </summary> protected override void OnInitialized() { base.OnInitialized(); Title ??= Localizer[nameof(Title)]; SubTitle ??= Localizer[nameof(SubTitle)]; BaseUsageText ??= Localizer[nameof(BaseUsageText)]; IntroText1 ??= Localizer[nameof(IntroText1)]; IntroText2 = new MarkupString(Localizer[nameof(IntroText2)] ?? ""); ContentText1 = new MarkupString(Localizer[nameof(ContentText1)] ?? ""); }