Exemple #1
        public void StateSpaceGeneratorArmsTest1(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, Skills.WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo)
            ArmsGenerator gen        = new ArmsGenerator(c, s, cf, wa, co, bo);
            var           stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();
            string        output     = "";

            foreach (State <Rawr.DPSWarr.Skills.Ability> a in stateSpace)
                output += a.ToString() + "\n";
            output += "\ndone";
            try {
                MarkovProcess <Skills.Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess <Skills.Ability>(stateSpace);

                double averageDamage = 0.0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Skills.Ability, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                    averageDamage += kvp.Key.DamageOnUse * kvp.Value;

                double dps = averageDamage / mp.AverageTransitionDuration;
                dps += gen.Rot.WhiteAtks.MhDPS;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                new ErrorBox("Error in creating Arms Markov Calculations",
                             ex.Message, "StateSpaceGeneratorArmsTest1()",
                             "StateSpace Count: " + stateSpace.Count.ToString(),
Exemple #2
        private void Compile(List <Token.Token> tokens)
            // determine first image id
            foreach (var token in tokens)
                if (token is ImageToken itoken)
                    firstImageId = itoken.Id;

            // determine final token
            tokens = MarkovProcess.Run(GetRules(), tokens);

            if (tokens.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("Could not resolve all tokens to an expression");

            if (tokens[0].TokenType != Token.Token.Type.Value)
                throw new Exception("Please enter a valid formula");

            finalToken = (ValueToken)tokens[0];
Exemple #3
        public void MarkovProcessTest3()
            //AB-ABar1 => S0 0.8 * 0.8
            //         => S1 1 - 0.8 * 0.8
            //MBAM-ABar => S0 0.8
            //          => S1 0.2

            Ability AB    = new Ability();
            Ability ABar1 = new Ability();
            Ability MBAM  = new Ability();
            Ability ABar  = new Ability();

            Ability ABABar1  = new AbilitySequence(AB, ABar1);
            Ability MBAMABar = new AbilitySequence(MBAM, ABar);

            State <Ability> S0 = new State <Ability>()
                Name = "S0"
            State <Ability> S1 = new State <Ability>()
                Name = "S1"

            S0.Transitions = new List <StateTransition <Ability> >()
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = ABABar1, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = ABABar1.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.8 * 0.8
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = ABABar1, TargetState = S1, TransitionDuration = ABABar1.Duration, TransitionProbability = 1.0 - 0.8 * 0.8
            S1.Transitions = new List <StateTransition <Ability> >()
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = MBAMABar, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = MBAMABar.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.8
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = MBAMABar, TargetState = S1, TransitionDuration = MBAMABar.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.2
            List <State <Ability> > stateSpace = new List <State <Ability> >()
                S0, S1

            MarkovProcess <Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess <Ability>(stateSpace);

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[0], 0.69, 0.01, "S0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[1], 0.31, 0.01, "S1");
Exemple #4
        public virtual void doIterations()
            if (this.Char.Ranged == null)

            HunterStateSpaceGenerator   HSSG;
            MarkovProcess <AbilWrapper> mp;

            // For starters lets build up what the rotation would look like for a given Spec:
            #region  BM
            if ((TalentTrees)Talents.HighestTree == TalentTrees.BeastMastery)
                // Normal Rotation:
                //    Focus Fire when it’s ready
                //    Kill Shot (if available)
                //    Kill Command
                //    Arcane Shot
                //    Cobra Shot
            #region MM
            else if ((TalentTrees)Talents.HighestTree == TalentTrees.Marksmanship)
                HSSG             = new HunterStateSpaceGenerator(Talents, Fight); // Setup State Space.
                HSSG.AbilityList = AbilityList;
                List <State <AbilWrapper> > SSpace = HSSG.GenerateStateSpace();
                mp = new MarkovProcess <AbilWrapper>(SSpace); // Generate weightings for each ability.

                foreach (KeyValuePair <AbilWrapper, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                    kvp.Key.AbilityWeight = kvp.Value;
                    kvp.Key.DPS           = kvp.Key.Damage / (float)mp.AverageTransitionDuration;
            #region SV
            else if ((TalentTrees)Talents.HighestTree == TalentTrees.Marksmanship)
                // Normal Rotation:
                //    Explosive Shot
                //    Kill Shot (if available)
                //    Black Arrow
                //    Arcane Shot
                //    Cobra Shot

                // Lock & Load Rotation:
                //    Explosive Shot
                //    Cobra Shot (or Kill Command if you’re almost full on focus)
                //    Explosive Shot
                //    Cobra Shot (or Arcane Shot if you know you have plenty of focus for the next Black Arrow)
                //    Explosive Shot
Exemple #5
        public void MarkovProcessTest2()
            //A  => S0 0.5
            //AB  => S0 0.5

            Ability A = new Ability()
                Damage = 100, Duration = 2
            Ability B = new Ability()
                Damage = 200, Duration = 1
            Ability AB = new AbilitySequence(A, B);

            State <Ability> S0 = new State <Ability>()
                Name = "S0"

            S0.Transitions = new List <StateTransition <Ability> >()
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = A, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = A.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = AB, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = AB.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5
            List <State <Ability> > stateSpace = new List <State <Ability> >()

            MarkovProcess <Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess <Ability>(stateSpace);

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[0], 1.0, 0.000000000001, "S0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 2.5, 0.000000000001, "time");

            double averageDamage = 0.0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Ability, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                averageDamage += kvp.Key.Damage * kvp.Value;
            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage, 200.0, "damage");

            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage / mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 80.0, 0.000000000001, "dps");
Exemple #6
        public double[] GenerateCycle()
            _process = new MarkovProcess <MoonkinCycleAbility>(_generator.GenerateStateSpace());

            double[] retval = new double[8];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <MoonkinCycleAbility, double> kvp in _process.AbilityWeight)
                int idx = Array.IndexOf(MoonkinSolver.CastDistributionSpells, kvp.Key.Name);
                retval[idx] = kvp.Value;

Exemple #7
        public void StateSpaceGeneratorTest1()
            AB3ABarGenerator gen = new AB3ABarGenerator();

            var stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();

            MarkovProcess <Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess <Ability>(stateSpace);
            double unit = mp.AbilityWeight[gen.AB0];

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.AB0] / unit, 1.0, 0.000001, "AB0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.AB1] / unit, 1.0, 0.000001, "AB1");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.AB2] / unit, 0.8, 0.000001, "AB2");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.ABar] / unit, 0.36, 0.000001, "ABar");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.ABar3] / unit, 0.64, 0.000001, "ABar3");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.MBAM2] / unit, 0.2, 0.000001, "MBAM2");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.MBAM3] / unit, 0.16, 0.000001, "MBAM3");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AbilityWeight[gen.MBAM] / unit, 0.3024, 0.000001, "MBAM");
        internal CharacterCalculationsBase GetCharacterCalculations(Character character)
            CharacterCalculationsRestoSham calcs = new CharacterCalculationsRestoSham()
                BasicStats = _TotalStats.Clone(),
                BurstSequence = _CalculationOptions.BurstStyle,
                SustainedSequence = _CalculationOptions.SustStyle,
                MailSpecialization = (GetArmorSpecializationStatus(character) ? 0.05f : 0f)

            float healingCriticalScale = 1.5f * (1 + _TotalStats.BonusCritHealMultiplier);
            float dmgCriticalScale = 2f * (1 + _TotalStats.BonusCritDamageMultiplier);
            float hasteScale = 1f / (1f + _TotalStats.SpellHaste);

            calcs.SustainedHPS = 0f;
            calcs.BurstHPS = 0f;
            foreach (HealingSpell spell in _AvailableSpells.OfType<HealingSpell>())
                spell.EffectModifier *= (1 + _TotalStats.BonusHealingDoneMultiplier);
                spell.CriticalScale = healingCriticalScale;
                spell.HasteScale = hasteScale;
                spell.Latency = _Latency;
                spell.GcdLatency = _GcdLatency;
                spell.SpellPower = _TotalStats.SpellPower;
                spell.CritRate = _TotalStats.SpellCrit;
                calcs.SustainedHPS += spell.EPS;

                if (spell is EarthShield)
                    calcs.ESHPS = spell.EPS;
            foreach (LightningBolt spell in _AvailableSpells.OfType<LightningBolt>())
                spell.EffectModifier *= (1 + _TotalStats.BonusDamageMultiplier);
                spell.CriticalScale = dmgCriticalScale;
                spell.HasteScale = hasteScale;
                spell.Latency = _Latency;
                spell.GcdLatency = _GcdLatency;
                spell.SpellPower = _TotalStats.SpellPower;
                spell.CritRate = _TotalStats.SpellCrit;
                calcs.LBRestore = spell.ManaBack - spell.ManaCost;
                calcs.LBCast = spell.CastTime;

            float mp5 = _TotalStats.Mp5 + (_TotalStats.ManaRestoreFromMaxManaPerSecond * _TotalStats.Mana);
            if (_PerformSequencing)
                    StateMachine.StateGenerator gen = new StateMachine.StateGenerator(_AvailableSpells, StateMachine.SequenceType.Burst, _TotalStats.Mana, mp5);
                    List<State<Spell>> stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();
                    MarkovProcess<Spell> mp = new MarkovProcess<Spell>(stateSpace);
                    _BurstSpellSequence = new Dictionary<Spell, double>(mp.AbilityWeight);
                    _BurstSequenceDuration = mp.AverageTransitionDuration;
                    StateMachine.StateGenerator gen = new StateMachine.StateGenerator(_AvailableSpells, StateMachine.SequenceType.Sustained, _TotalStats.Mana, mp5);
                    List<State<Spell>> stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();
                    MarkovProcess<Spell> mp = new MarkovProcess<Spell>(stateSpace);
                    _SustSpellSequence = new Dictionary<Spell, double>(mp.AbilityWeight);
                    _SustSequenceDuration = mp.AverageTransitionDuration;

                if (_PerformSequencing)
                    _SequencedStats = _TotalStats.Clone();

            if (_BurstSpellSequence != null)
                double avgHealing = 0d;
                string seq = "";
                string seqShort = "";
                foreach (var item in _BurstSpellSequence)
                    if (item.Key is HealingSpell)
                        if (seq.Length > 0)
                            seqShort += ",";
                            seq += ", ";
                        seqShort += item.Key.SpellAbrv;
                        seq += item.Key.SpellName;
                        avgHealing += item.Key.Effect * item.Value;
                        if (item.Key is Hot)
                            avgHealing += ((Hot)item.Key).TotalHotEffect * item.Value;
                double hps = avgHealing / _BurstSequenceDuration;
                calcs.BurstHPS = (float)hps;
                calcs.BurstSequence = seq;
                calcs.BurstSequenceShort = seqShort;

            if (_SustSpellSequence != null)
                double avgHealing = 0d;
                string seq = "";
                string seqShort = "";
                foreach (var item in _SustSpellSequence)
                    if (item.Key is HealingSpell)
                        if (seq.Length > 0)
                            seqShort += ",";
                            seq += ", ";
                        seqShort += item.Key.SpellAbrv;
                        seq += item.Key.SpellName;
                        avgHealing += item.Key.Effect * item.Value;
                        if (item.Key is Hot)
                            avgHealing += ((Hot)item.Key).TotalHotEffect * item.Value;
                double hps = avgHealing / _SustSequenceDuration;
                calcs.SustainedHPS = (float)hps;
                calcs.SustainedSequence = seq;
                calcs.SustainedSequenceShort = seqShort;

            if (calcs.BurstHPS < 0f)
                calcs.BurstHPS = 0f;
            if (calcs.SustainedHPS < 0f)
                calcs.SustainedHPS = 0f;
            if (calcs.Survival < 0f)
                calcs.Survival = 0f;

            calcs.Survival = (calcs.BasicStats.Health + calcs.BasicStats.Hp5) * (_CalculationOptions.SurvivalPerc * .01f);
            // Set the sub categories
            calcs.SubPoints[0] = calcs.BurstHPS;
            calcs.SubPoints[1] = calcs.SustainedHPS;
            calcs.SubPoints[2] = calcs.Survival;
            // Sum up
            calcs.OverallPoints = 0f;
            for (short i = 0; i < calcs.SubPoints.Length; i++)
                calcs.OverallPoints += calcs.SubPoints[i];

            return calcs;
Exemple #9
        public void StateSpaceGeneratorFuryTest1(Character c, Stats s, CombatFactors cf, Skills.WhiteAttacks wa, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo, bool showOutput)
            FuryGenerator gen = new FuryGenerator(c, s, cf, wa, co, bo);

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            List <State <Skills.Ability> > stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();
            Console.WriteLine("GenStateSpace: " + sw.ElapsedTicks);
            if (showOutput)
                    int numIterations = 0;
                    gen.HSPerc = 1;
                    double oldDPS = 0;
                    while (numIterations < 2)
                        double averageDamage  = 0;
                        double rageNeededNoHS = 0f;

                        sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        MarkovProcess <Skills.Ability> mp2 = new MarkovProcess <Rawr.DPSWarr.Skills.Ability>(stateSpace);
                        Console.WriteLine("MarkovProcess._ctor: " + sw.ElapsedTicks);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <Skills.Ability, double> kvp in mp2.AbilityWeight)
                            rageNeededNoHS += kvp.Key.RageCost * (kvp.Value * bo.BerserkTimer / mp2.AverageTransitionDuration);
                            rageNeededNoHS += kvp.Key.RageCost * (kvp.Value * co.Duration / mp2.AverageTransitionDuration);
                            averageDamage += kvp.Key.DamageOnUse * kvp.Value;

                        double hsdps = gen.Rot.GetWrapper <Skills.HeroicStrike>().ability.DamageOnUse / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed * gen.HSPerc;
                        double mhdps = wa.MhDamageOnUse / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed * (1 - gen.HSPerc);
                        double ohdps = gen.Rot.WhiteAtks.OhDPS;

                        double dps = averageDamage / mp2.AverageTransitionDuration;
                        dps += hsdps + mhdps + ohdps;
                        System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DPS: {0} || HSPerc: {1}", dps, gen.HSPerc));

                        double rageNeeded      = rageNeededNoHS;
                        Skills.HeroicStrike HS = gen.Rot.GetWrapper <Skills.HeroicStrike>().ability as Skills.HeroicStrike;
                        rageNeeded += HS.FullRageCost * (bo.BerserkTimer / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed * gen.HSPerc);
                        double rageGenerated = wa.MHSwingRage * (bo.BerserkTimer / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed) +
                                               wa.OHSwingRage * (bo.BerserkTimer / wa.OhEffectiveSpeed);
                        rageNeeded += HS.FullRageCost * (co.Duration / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed * gen.HSPerc);
                        double rageGenerated = wa.MHSwingRage * (co.Duration / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed) +
                                               wa.OHSwingRage * (co.Duration / wa.OhEffectiveSpeed);

                        double HsRage       = rageNeeded - rageNeededNoHS;
                        double hsRageNeeded = rageGenerated - rageNeededNoHS;
                        gen.HSPerc = Math.Min((hsRageNeeded / HS.FullRageCost) /
                                              (bo.BerserkTimer / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed), 1); // Needed HS Activates / White activates
                                              (co.Duration / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed), 1);     // Needed HS Activates / White activates

                        oldDPS = dps;

                    /*MarkovProcess<Skills.Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess<Skills.Ability>(stateSpace);
                     * double averageDamage2 = 0.0;
                     * foreach (KeyValuePair<Skills.Ability, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                     * {
                     *  if (showOutput) System.Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", kvp.Key.Name, kvp.Key.DamageOnUse * kvp.Value / mp.AverageTransitionDuration);
                     *  averageDamage2 += kvp.Key.DamageOnUse * kvp.Value;
                     * }
                     * double hsdps2 = gen.Rot.GetWrapper<Skills.HeroicStrike>().ability.DamageOnUse / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed * gen.HSPerc;
                     * double mhdps2 = wa.MhDamageOnUse / wa.MhEffectiveSpeed * (1 - gen.HSPerc);
                     * double ohdps2 = gen.Rot.WhiteAtks.OhDPS;
                     * if (showOutput)
                     * {
                     *  System.Console.WriteLine("HS - {0}", hsdps2);
                     *  System.Console.WriteLine("MH - {0}", mhdps2);
                     *  System.Console.WriteLine("OH - {0}", ohdps2);
                     * }
                     * double dps2 = averageDamage2 / mp.AverageTransitionDuration;
                     * dps2 += hsdps2 + mhdps2 + ohdps2;*/
                catch (Exception ex)
                    new ErrorBox("Error in creating Arms Markov Calculations",
                                 ex.Message, "StateSpaceGeneratorArmsTest1()",
                                 "StateSpace Count: " + stateSpace.Count.ToString(),
Exemple #10
        internal CharacterCalculationsBase GetCharacterCalculations(Character character)
            CharacterCalculationsRestoSham calcs = new CharacterCalculationsRestoSham()
                BasicStats         = _TotalStats.Clone(),
                BurstSequence      = _CalculationOptions.BurstStyle,
                SustainedSequence  = _CalculationOptions.SustStyle,
                MailSpecialization = (GetArmorSpecializationStatus(character) ? 0.05f : 0f)

            float healingCriticalScale = 1.5f * (1 + _TotalStats.BonusCritHealMultiplier);
            float dmgCriticalScale     = 2f * (1 + _TotalStats.BonusCritDamageMultiplier);
            float hasteScale           = 1f / (1f + _TotalStats.SpellHaste);

            calcs.SustainedHPS = 0f;
            calcs.BurstHPS     = 0f;
            foreach (HealingSpell spell in _AvailableSpells.OfType <HealingSpell>())
                spell.EffectModifier *= (1 + _TotalStats.BonusHealingDoneMultiplier);
                spell.CriticalScale   = healingCriticalScale;
                spell.HasteScale      = hasteScale;
                spell.Latency         = _Latency;
                spell.GcdLatency      = _GcdLatency;
                spell.SpellPower      = _TotalStats.SpellPower;
                spell.CritRate        = _TotalStats.SpellCrit;

                calcs.SustainedHPS += spell.EPS;

                if (spell is EarthShield)
                    calcs.ESHPS = spell.EPS;
            foreach (LightningBolt spell in _AvailableSpells.OfType <LightningBolt>())
                spell.EffectModifier *= (1 + _TotalStats.BonusDamageMultiplier);
                spell.CriticalScale   = dmgCriticalScale;
                spell.HasteScale      = hasteScale;
                spell.Latency         = _Latency;
                spell.GcdLatency      = _GcdLatency;
                spell.SpellPower      = _TotalStats.SpellPower;
                spell.CritRate        = _TotalStats.SpellCrit;
                calcs.LBRestore = spell.ManaBack - spell.ManaCost;
                calcs.LBCast    = spell.CastTime;

            float mp5 = _TotalStats.Mp5 + (_TotalStats.ManaRestoreFromMaxManaPerSecond * _TotalStats.Mana);

            if (_PerformSequencing)
                    StateMachine.StateGenerator gen        = new StateMachine.StateGenerator(_AvailableSpells, StateMachine.SequenceType.Burst, _TotalStats.Mana, mp5);
                    List <State <Spell> >       stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();
                    MarkovProcess <Spell>       mp         = new MarkovProcess <Spell>(stateSpace);
                    _BurstSpellSequence    = new Dictionary <Spell, double>(mp.AbilityWeight);
                    _BurstSequenceDuration = mp.AverageTransitionDuration;
                    StateMachine.StateGenerator gen        = new StateMachine.StateGenerator(_AvailableSpells, StateMachine.SequenceType.Sustained, _TotalStats.Mana, mp5);
                    List <State <Spell> >       stateSpace = gen.GenerateStateSpace();
                    MarkovProcess <Spell>       mp         = new MarkovProcess <Spell>(stateSpace);
                    _SustSpellSequence    = new Dictionary <Spell, double>(mp.AbilityWeight);
                    _SustSequenceDuration = mp.AverageTransitionDuration;

                if (_PerformSequencing)
                    _SequencedStats = _TotalStats.Clone();

            if (_BurstSpellSequence != null)
                double avgHealing = 0d;
                string seq        = "";
                string seqShort   = "";
                foreach (var item in _BurstSpellSequence)
                    if (item.Key is HealingSpell)
                        if (seq.Length > 0)
                            seqShort += ",";
                            seq      += ", ";
                        seqShort   += item.Key.SpellAbrv;
                        seq        += item.Key.SpellName;
                        avgHealing += item.Key.Effect * item.Value;
                        if (item.Key is Hot)
                            avgHealing += ((Hot)item.Key).TotalHotEffect * item.Value;
                double hps = avgHealing / _BurstSequenceDuration;
                calcs.BurstHPS           = (float)hps;
                calcs.BurstSequence      = seq;
                calcs.BurstSequenceShort = seqShort;

            if (_SustSpellSequence != null)
                double avgHealing = 0d;
                string seq        = "";
                string seqShort   = "";
                foreach (var item in _SustSpellSequence)
                    if (item.Key is HealingSpell)
                        if (seq.Length > 0)
                            seqShort += ",";
                            seq      += ", ";
                        seqShort   += item.Key.SpellAbrv;
                        seq        += item.Key.SpellName;
                        avgHealing += item.Key.Effect * item.Value;
                        if (item.Key is Hot)
                            avgHealing += ((Hot)item.Key).TotalHotEffect * item.Value;
                double hps = avgHealing / _SustSequenceDuration;
                calcs.SustainedHPS           = (float)hps;
                calcs.SustainedSequence      = seq;
                calcs.SustainedSequenceShort = seqShort;

            if (calcs.BurstHPS < 0f)
                calcs.BurstHPS = 0f;
            if (calcs.SustainedHPS < 0f)
                calcs.SustainedHPS = 0f;
            if (calcs.Survival < 0f)
                calcs.Survival = 0f;

            calcs.Survival = (calcs.BasicStats.Health + calcs.BasicStats.Hp5) * (_CalculationOptions.SurvivalPerc * .01f);

            // Set the sub categories
            calcs.SubPoints[0] = calcs.BurstHPS;
            calcs.SubPoints[1] = calcs.SustainedHPS;
            calcs.SubPoints[2] = calcs.Survival;

            // Sum up
            calcs.OverallPoints = 0f;
            for (short i = 0; i < calcs.SubPoints.Length; i++)
                calcs.OverallPoints += calcs.SubPoints[i];

Exemple #11
        public void MarkovProcessTest1()
            //A => S0 0.5
            //  => S1 0.5
            //B => S0 1

            Ability A = new Ability()
                Damage = 100, Duration = 2
            Ability B = new Ability()
                Damage = 200, Duration = 1

            State <Ability> S0 = new State <Ability>()
                Name = "S0"
            State <Ability> S1 = new State <Ability>()
                Name = "S1"

            S0.Transitions = new List <StateTransition <Ability> >()
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = A, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = A.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = A, TargetState = S1, TransitionDuration = A.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5
            S1.Transitions = new List <StateTransition <Ability> >()
                new StateTransition <Ability>()
                    Ability = B, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = B.Duration, TransitionProbability = 1.0
            List <State <Ability> > stateSpace = new List <State <Ability> >()
                S0, S1

            MarkovProcess <Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess <Ability>(stateSpace);

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[0], 2.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "S0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[1], 1.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "S1");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 5.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "time");

            double averageDamage = 0.0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Ability, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                averageDamage += kvp.Key.Damage * kvp.Value;
            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage, 100.0 * 4.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "damage");

            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage / mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 80.0, 0.000000000001, "dps");

            double[] stateLengths = mp.GetAverageTimeToEnd(st => (st.Name == "S1"));

            Assert.AreEqual(stateLengths[0], 4.0, "time to end");
        public void MarkovProcessTest1()
            //A => S0 0.5
            //  => S1 0.5
            //B => S0 1

            Ability A = new Ability() { Damage = 100, Duration = 2 };
            Ability B = new Ability() { Damage = 200, Duration = 1 };

            State<Ability> S0 = new State<Ability>() { Name = "S0" };
            State<Ability> S1 = new State<Ability>() { Name = "S1" };

            S0.Transitions = new List<StateTransition<Ability>>()
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = A, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = A.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5 },
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = A, TargetState = S1, TransitionDuration = A.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5 },
            S1.Transitions = new List<StateTransition<Ability>>()
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = B, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = B.Duration, TransitionProbability = 1.0 },
            List<State<Ability>> stateSpace = new List<State<Ability>>() { S0, S1 };

            MarkovProcess<Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess<Ability>(stateSpace);

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[0], 2.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "S0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[1], 1.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "S1");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 5.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "time");

            double averageDamage = 0.0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Ability, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                averageDamage += kvp.Key.Damage * kvp.Value;
            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage, 100.0 * 4.0 / 3.0, 0.000000000001, "damage");

            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage / mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 80.0, 0.000000000001, "dps");

            double[] stateLengths = mp.GetAverageTimeToEnd(st => (st.Name == "S1"));

            Assert.AreEqual(stateLengths[0], 4.0, "time to end");
        public void MarkovProcessTest3()
            //AB-ABar1 => S0 0.8 * 0.8
            //         => S1 1 - 0.8 * 0.8
            //MBAM-ABar => S0 0.8
            //          => S1 0.2

            Ability AB = new Ability();
            Ability ABar1 = new Ability();
            Ability MBAM = new Ability();
            Ability ABar = new Ability();

            Ability ABABar1 = new AbilitySequence(AB, ABar1);
            Ability MBAMABar = new AbilitySequence(MBAM, ABar);

            State<Ability> S0 = new State<Ability>() { Name = "S0" };
            State<Ability> S1 = new State<Ability>() { Name = "S1" };

            S0.Transitions = new List<StateTransition<Ability>>()
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = ABABar1, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = ABABar1.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.8 * 0.8 },
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = ABABar1, TargetState = S1, TransitionDuration = ABABar1.Duration, TransitionProbability = 1.0 - 0.8 * 0.8 },
            S1.Transitions = new List<StateTransition<Ability>>()
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = MBAMABar, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = MBAMABar.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.8 },
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = MBAMABar, TargetState = S1, TransitionDuration = MBAMABar.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.2 },
            List<State<Ability>> stateSpace = new List<State<Ability>>() { S0, S1 };

            MarkovProcess<Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess<Ability>(stateSpace);

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[0], 0.69, 0.01, "S0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[1], 0.31, 0.01, "S1");
        public void MarkovProcessTest2()
            //A  => S0 0.5
            //AB  => S0 0.5

            Ability A = new Ability() { Damage = 100, Duration = 2 };
            Ability B = new Ability() { Damage = 200, Duration = 1 };
            Ability AB = new AbilitySequence(A, B);

            State<Ability> S0 = new State<Ability>() { Name = "S0" };

            S0.Transitions = new List<StateTransition<Ability>>()
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = A, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = A.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5 },
                new StateTransition<Ability>() { Ability = AB, TargetState = S0, TransitionDuration = AB.Duration, TransitionProbability = 0.5 },
            List<State<Ability>> stateSpace = new List<State<Ability>>() { S0 };

            MarkovProcess<Ability> mp = new MarkovProcess<Ability>(stateSpace);

            Assert.AreEqual(mp.StateWeight[0], 1.0, 0.000000000001, "S0");
            Assert.AreEqual(mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 2.5, 0.000000000001, "time");

            double averageDamage = 0.0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Ability, double> kvp in mp.AbilityWeight)
                averageDamage += kvp.Key.Damage * kvp.Value;
            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage, 200.0, "damage");

            Assert.AreEqual(averageDamage / mp.AverageTransitionDuration, 80.0, 0.000000000001, "dps");