Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Alter the MappingTable, if there are changed attributes in the mappingTableAttribute
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownTypeIsPoly"></param>
        /// <param name="otherTypeIsPoly"></param>
        /// <param name="mappingTableAttribute"></param>
        public void RemapMappingTable(bool ownTypeIsPoly, bool otherTypeIsPoly, MappingTableAttribute mappingTableAttribute)
            if (mappingTableAttribute == null && (foreignRelation == null || foreignRelation.mappingTable == null))

            int    pos          = referencedTypeName.LastIndexOf('.');
            string refShortName = this.referencedTypeName.Substring(pos + 1);

            refShortName = refShortName.Replace("`", string.Empty);
            string fullName = Parent.FullName;

            pos = fullName.LastIndexOf('.');
            string myShortName = fullName.Substring(pos + 1);

            myShortName = myShortName.Replace("`", string.Empty);

            if (MappingTable == null)
                AddMappingTable(refShortName, myShortName, otherTypeIsPoly, mappingTableAttribute);
            if (mappingTableAttribute != null && mappingTableAttribute.TableName != null)
                MappingTable.TableName = mappingTableAttribute.TableName;
            RemapForeignMappingTable(myShortName, refShortName, ownTypeIsPoly, otherTypeIsPoly, mappingTableAttribute);
Exemple #2
        public void MappingTableAttributeWorks()
            NDOMapping mapping  = NDOMapping.Create(null);
            var        cls      = mapping.AddStandardClass("TestClass", "TestAssembly", null);
            var        relation = cls.AddStandardRelation("relField", "RefTypeName", false, "", false, false);

            Assert.AreEqual("IDTestClass", relation.ForeignKeyColumns.First().Name);
            var attr = new MappingTableAttribute();

            relation.RemapMappingTable(false, false, attr);
            Assert.That(relation.MappingTable != null);
            Assert.AreEqual("relRefTypeNameTestClass", relation.MappingTable.TableName);
            Assert.AreEqual("IDTestClass", relation.ForeignKeyColumns.First().Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("IDRefTypeName", relation.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyColumns.First().Name);

            attr.TableName = "newTableName";
            relation.RemapMappingTable(false, false, attr);
            Assert.AreEqual("newTableName", relation.MappingTable.TableName);
Exemple #3
        public RelationNode(FieldInfo relationFieldInfo, NDORelationAttribute attr, ClassNode parent)
            this.parent    = parent;
            this.fieldType = relationFieldInfo.FieldType;
            Type            parentType   = relationFieldInfo.ReflectedType;
            NDOAssemblyName an           = new NDOAssemblyName(parentType.Assembly.FullName);
            string          assShortName = an.Name;

            this.isElement = !(relationFieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(IList) ||
                               relationFieldInfo.FieldType.GetInterface("IList") != null ||

            // dataType & declaringType always have
            // - a class/valutype prefix
            // - an [AssName] prefix
            this.dataType = new ReflectedType(relationFieldInfo.FieldType).ILName;
            if (relationFieldInfo.DeclaringType != relationFieldInfo.ReflectedType)
                this.declaringType = new ReflectedType(relationFieldInfo.DeclaringType).ILName;
                this.declaringType = null;
            this.name = relationFieldInfo.Name;

            Type attrType = attr.GetType();

            this.relationName = attr.RelationName;
            this.relationInfo = attr.Info;
            Type relType;

            if (isElement)
                relType = relationFieldInfo.FieldType;
                if (attr.RelationType == null && relationFieldInfo.FieldType.IsGenericType)
                    relType = relationFieldInfo.FieldType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    relType = attr.RelationType;

                if (relType == null)
                    throw new Exception("Can't determine referenced type in relation " + parent.Name + "." + this.name + ". Provide a type parameter for the [NDORelation] attribute.");

            if (relType.IsGenericType && !relType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                relType = relType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

            // Related Type hat kein "class " Prefix, hat [assName] nur bei fremden Assemblies.
            this.relatedType = new ReflectedType(relType, assShortName).ILNameWithoutPrefix;
            if (relType.IsGenericType)
                this.relatedType = this.relatedType.Substring(0, this.relatedType.IndexOf('<'));

            object[] attrs = relationFieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ForeignKeyColumnAttribute), true);
            if (attrs.Length > 0)
                this.foreignKeyColumnAttributes = new ForeignKeyColumnAttribute[attrs.Length];
                attrs.CopyTo(this.foreignKeyColumnAttributes, 0);
            attrs = relationFieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ChildForeignKeyColumnAttribute), true);
            if (attrs.Length > 0)
                this.childForeignKeyColumnAttributes = new ChildForeignKeyColumnAttribute[attrs.Length];
                attrs.CopyTo(this.childForeignKeyColumnAttributes, 0);
            attrs = relationFieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MappingTableAttribute), true);
            if (attrs.Length > 0)
                MappingTableAttribute = (MappingTableAttribute)attrs[0];
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a default relation mapping.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldName">Name of the field</param>
        /// <param name="referencedTypeName">Type name of the referenced class</param>
        /// <param name="isElement">True, if multiplicity is 1</param>
        /// <param name="relationName">Optional relation name</param>
        /// <param name="ownTypeIsPoly">True, if the class, containing the field, has a persistent base class</param>
        /// <param name="otherTypeIsPoly">True, if the related type has a persistent base class</param>
        /// <param name="mappingTableAttribute">If not null, the mapping information comes from this attribute.</param>
        /// <returns>A new constructed <code>Relation</code> object</returns>
        public Relation AddStandardRelation(string fieldName, string referencedTypeName, bool isElement, string relationName, bool ownTypeIsPoly, bool otherTypeIsPoly, MappingTableAttribute mappingTableAttribute)
            //			if (null != Parent)
            //				Parent.this.Changed = true;

            Relation r = new Relation(this);

            r.FieldName          = fieldName;
            r.ReferencedTypeName = referencedTypeName;
            //r.parent = this;
            r.RelationName = relationName;
            r.Multiplicity = isElement ? RelationMultiplicity.Element : RelationMultiplicity.List;

            int    pos          = referencedTypeName.LastIndexOf('.');
            string refShortName = referencedTypeName.Substring(pos + 1);

            refShortName = refShortName.Replace("`", string.Empty);

            pos = this.FullName.LastIndexOf('.');
            string myShortName = this.FullName.Substring(pos + 1);

            myShortName = myShortName.Replace("`", string.Empty);

            Relation foreignRelation = r.ForeignRelation;

            ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn = r.NewForeignKeyColumn();

            // Element->x AND no MappingTable
            if (isElement &&
                mappingTableAttribute == null &&
                !(foreignRelation != null && foreignRelation.MappingTable != null))
                r.MappingTable = null;

                // Foreign Key is in the own table and points to rows of the other table
                fkColumn.Name = "ID" + refShortName;

                if (otherTypeIsPoly)
                    r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName = "TC" + refShortName;

                if (relationName != string.Empty)
                    fkColumn.Name += "_" + relationName;
                    if (otherTypeIsPoly)
                        r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName += "_" + relationName;
            else              // List or (Element with Mapping Table)
                // These are the reasons for creating a mapping table:
                // 1. The MappingTableAttribute demands it
                // 2. We have a n:n relationship
                // 3. We have a 1:n relationship and the other type is poly
                // 4. The relation is bidirectional and the other side demands a mapping table

                bool needsMappingTable =
                    mappingTableAttribute != null
                    null != foreignRelation && (foreignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List && r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List)
                    otherTypeIsPoly && r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List
                    null != foreignRelation && foreignRelation.MappingTable != null;

                // Foreign Key points to rows of our own table
                fkColumn.Name = "ID" + myShortName;

                if (ownTypeIsPoly && needsMappingTable)
                    r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName = "TC" + myShortName;
                else if (otherTypeIsPoly && !needsMappingTable)
                    r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName = "TC" + refShortName;

                if (relationName != string.Empty)
                    fkColumn.Name += "_" + relationName;
                    if (ownTypeIsPoly)
                        r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName += "_" + relationName;

                if (needsMappingTable)
                    r.AddMappingTable(refShortName, myShortName, otherTypeIsPoly, mappingTableAttribute);
                    r.RemapForeignMappingTable(myShortName, refShortName, ownTypeIsPoly, otherTypeIsPoly, mappingTableAttribute);
                    r.MappingTable = null;


Exemple #5
        internal void AddMappingTable(string typeShortName1, string typeShortName2, bool otherTypeIsPoly, MappingTableAttribute mappingTableAttribute)
            this.MappingTable = new MappingTable(this);
            ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn = this.MappingTable.NewForeignKeyColumn();

            fkColumn.Name = "ID" + typeShortName1;
            if (otherTypeIsPoly)
                this.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName = "TC" + typeShortName1;
            if (this.RelationName != null && this.RelationName != string.Empty)
                fkColumn.Name += "_" + this.RelationName;
                if (otherTypeIsPoly)
                    this.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName += "_" + this.RelationName;

            if (mappingTableAttribute != null && mappingTableAttribute.TableName != null)
                this.MappingTable.TableName = mappingTableAttribute.TableName;
                if (typeShortName1.CompareTo(typeShortName2) < 0)
                    this.MappingTable.TableName = "rel" + typeShortName1 + typeShortName2;
                    this.MappingTable.TableName = "rel" + typeShortName2 + typeShortName1;
            this.MappingTable.ConnectionId = ((Connection)Parent.Parent.Connections.First()).ID;
Exemple #6
        internal void RemapForeignMappingTable(string myShortName, string refShortName, bool ownTypeIsPoly, bool otherTypeIsPoly, MappingTableAttribute mappingTableAttribute)
            if (this.foreignRelation == null)

            if (foreignRelation.MappingTable == null)
                foreignRelation.AddMappingTable(myShortName, refShortName, ownTypeIsPoly, mappingTableAttribute);
                if (otherTypeIsPoly)
                    foreignRelation.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName = "TC" + refShortName;
            string frFkcName = "ID" + refShortName;              // This is going to be the r.ForeignKeyColumnName of the foreign relation
            string frFtcName = null;

            if (ownTypeIsPoly)
                frFtcName = "TC" + myShortName;                   // This is going to be the r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyColumnName of the foreign relation
            if (relationName != string.Empty)
                frFkcName += "_" + relationName;
                if (ownTypeIsPoly)
                    frFtcName += "_" + relationName;
            ForeignKeyColumn forFkColumn = foreignRelation.ForeignKeyColumns.FirstOrDefault();

            forFkColumn.Name = frFkcName;
            foreignRelation.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName = frFtcName;