private void CheckMenuOpen() { if (LockPauseModule.GetInputLockState() == InputLockType.All) { return; } bool menuToggled = UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(Input.DefaultControls.OpenMenu); if (menuToggled) { //if we're locked out, let the menu be closed but not opened if (!AllowMenu) { if (IsOpen) { Close(); } } else { //otherwise, flip state Toggle(); } } }
private void HandleView() { if (!(GameParams.DefaultPlayerView == PlayerViewType.PreferFirst || GameParams.DefaultPlayerView == PlayerViewType.PreferThird)) { return; } if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.ChangeView)) { //slow and stupid but it'll work for now GameObject tpCamera = CameraRoot.Find("Main Camera").gameObject; GameObject fpCamera = CameraRoot.Find("ViewBobNode").FindDeepChild("FP Camera").gameObject; if (tpCamera.activeSelf) { fpCamera.SetActive(true); tpCamera.SetActive(false); SetModelVisibility(ModelVisibility.Invisible); PushViewChangeMessage(PlayerViewType.ForceFirst); } else { fpCamera.SetActive(false); tpCamera.SetActive(true); SetModelVisibility(ModelVisibility.Visible); PushViewChangeMessage(PlayerViewType.ForceThird); } } }
void Update() { if (Triggered) { return; } bool inputPressed = false; if (UseKeyInput) { inputPressed = UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(InputCode); } else { inputPressed = MappedInput.GetButtonDown(InputCode); } if (inputPressed) { ActionInvokerData d = new ActionInvokerData { Activator = WorldUtils.GetPlayerController() }; //TODO utility functions Special.Invoke(d); if (!Repeatable) { Triggered = true; SaveState(); } } }
public bool GetButtonDown(string button) { if (PlayerNumber > 1) { return(MappedInput.GetButtonDown($"{button}P{PlayerNumber}")); } return(MappedInput.GetButtonDown(button)); }
/// <summary> /// Waits a specified number of seconds in real time, can be skipped with skip button /// </summary> /// <remarks>Can only be used from the main thread</remarks> public static async Task DelayRealtime(float time) { for (float elapsed = 0; elapsed < time; elapsed += Time.unscaledDeltaTime) { if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(SkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(AltSkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(TerSkipButton)) { break; } await Task.Yield(); } await Task.Yield(); }
/// <summary> /// Waits for specified time (in real time), can be skipped with skip button /// </summary> public static IEnumerator WaitForSecondsRealtime(float time) { for (float elapsed = 0; elapsed < time; elapsed += Time.unscaledDeltaTime) { if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(SkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(AltSkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(TerSkipButton)) { break; } yield return(null); } yield return(null); //necessary for debouncing }
/// <summary> /// Waits a specified number of seconds in scaled (game) time, can be skipped with skip button /// </summary> /// <remarks>Can only be used from the main thread</remarks> public static async Task DelayScaled(float time) { for (float elapsed = 0; elapsed < time; elapsed += Time.deltaTime) { if (!LockPauseModule.IsInputLocked()) { if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(SkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(AltSkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(TerSkipButton)) { break; } } await Task.Yield(); } await Task.Yield(); }
/// <summary> /// Waits for specified time, can be skipped with skip button /// </summary> public static IEnumerator WaitForSeconds(float time) { for (float elapsed = 0; elapsed < time; elapsed += Time.deltaTime) { if (!LockPauseModule.IsInputLocked()) { if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(SkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(AltSkipButton) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(TerSkipButton)) { break; } } yield return(null); } yield return(null); //necessary for debouncing }
private bool GetSkipKeyDown() { if (LockPauseModule.IsInputLocked()) { return(false); } if (UseUnityInput && (UnityEngine.Input.GetButtonDown("Submit") || UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))) { return(true); } if (UseMappedInput && (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Confirm) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Fire) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Use))) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void CheckMenuOpen() { if (LockPauseModule.GetInputLockState() == InputLockType.All) { return; } bool menuToggled = UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || MappedInput.GetButtonDown(Input.DefaultControls.OpenMenu); if (menuToggled) { //if we're locked out, let the menu be closed but not opened if (!AllowMenu) { if (MainPanel.activeSelf) { MainPanel.SetActive(false); if (HandlePause) { DoUnpause(); } foreach (Transform child in ContainerPanel.transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } ClearEphemeral(); } } else { //otherwise, flip state bool newState = !MainPanel.activeSelf; MainPanel.SetActive(newState); if (HandlePause) { if (newState) { DoPause(); } else { DoUnpause(); } } if (newState && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultPanel)) { OnClickSelectButton(DefaultPanel); } if (!newState) { foreach (Transform child in ContainerPanel.transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } ClearEphemeral(); } if (newState) { //run scripts ScriptingModule.CallHooked(ScriptHook.OnIGUIMenuOpen, this); } } } }
protected void HandleMovement() { var playerModel = GameState.Instance.PlayerRpgState; if (!GameState.Instance.PlayerFlags.Contains(PlayerFlags.Frozen) && !GameState.Instance.PlayerFlags.Contains(PlayerFlags.TotallyFrozen)) { //handle running float energyToRun = RpgValues.GetRunEnergyRate(playerModel); IsRunning = MappedInput.GetButton(DefaultControls.Sprint); if (RunWasBlocked && IsRunning) { IsRunning = false; } else if (RunWasBlocked && !IsRunning) { RunWasBlocked = false; } if (IsRunning && playerModel.Energy < energyToRun) { IsRunning = false; RunWasBlocked = true; QdmsMessageBus.Instance.PushBroadcast(new QdmsFlagMessage("RpgInsufficientEnergy")); } //TODO check against energy requirements //request an exit from ADS if (IsRunning && PlayerController.WeaponComponent != null) { PlayerController.WeaponComponent.RequestADSExit(); } //handle crouching if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Crouch) && !IsRunning) { IsCrouching = !IsCrouching; DidChangeCrouch = true; SetCrouchState(); } //uncrouch if we try to sprint if (IsRunning && IsCrouching) { IsCrouching = false; DidChangeCrouch = true; SetCrouchState(); } if (IsGrounded) { //normal x/y movement var flatVelocity = new Vector3(Velocity.x, 0, Velocity.z); Vector3 moveVector =; float maxAcceleration = IsCrouching ? MaxCrouchAcceleration : (IsRunning ? MaxSprintAcceleration : MaxWalkAcceleration); if (Mathf.Abs(MappedInput.GetAxis(DefaultControls.MoveY)) > InputDeadzone) { moveVector += (transform.forward * MappedInput.GetAxis(DefaultControls.MoveY) * maxAcceleration * Time.deltaTime); IsMoving = true; } if (Mathf.Abs(MappedInput.GetAxis(DefaultControls.MoveX)) > InputDeadzone) { moveVector += (transform.right * MappedInput.GetAxis(DefaultControls.MoveX) * maxAcceleration * Time.deltaTime); IsMoving = true; } if (Mathf.Approximately(moveVector.magnitude, 0) && !IsOnSlope) { moveVector = -flatVelocity.normalized * Mathf.Min(MaxBrakeAcceleration * Time.deltaTime, flatVelocity.magnitude); } //clamp velocity to maxwalk/maxrun/etc float maxSpeed = IsCrouching ? MaxCrouchSpeed * RpgValues.GetMoveSpeedMultiplier(playerModel) : (IsRunning ? MaxSprintSpeed * RpgValues.GetRunSpeedMultiplier(playerModel) : MaxWalkSpeed * RpgValues.GetMoveSpeedMultiplier(playerModel)); maxSpeed *= ConfigState.Instance.GetGameplayConfig().Difficulty.PlayerAgility; var newFlatVelocity = new Vector3(Velocity.x, 0, Velocity.z) + new Vector3(moveVector.x, 0, moveVector.z); if (newFlatVelocity.magnitude > maxSpeed) { newFlatVelocity = newFlatVelocity.normalized * maxSpeed; //this actually doesn't make a ton of physical sense but it does seem to work } Velocity = new Vector3(newFlatVelocity.x, Velocity.y, newFlatVelocity.z); if (IsRunning) { playerModel.Energy -= energyToRun; } } else { //air move: component wise, clamped //awkward bullshit to go from world to player space Vector3 refVelocity = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-transform.eulerAngles.y, Vector3.up) * Velocity; Vector3 newAddVelocity =; float multiplier = ConfigState.Instance.GetGameplayConfig().Difficulty.PlayerAgility; multiplier *= RpgValues.GetAirMoveMultiplier(playerModel); float maxSpeedScaled = MaxAirSpeed * multiplier; float moveZ = MappedInput.GetAxis(DefaultControls.MoveY) * MaxAirAcceleration * multiplier * Time.deltaTime; if (Mathf.Abs(refVelocity.z) < maxSpeedScaled || Mathf.Sign(moveZ) != Mathf.Sign(refVelocity.z)) { newAddVelocity += new Vector3(0, 0, moveZ); } float moveX = MappedInput.GetAxis(DefaultControls.MoveX) * MaxAirAcceleration * multiplier * Time.deltaTime; if (Mathf.Abs(refVelocity.x) < maxSpeedScaled || Mathf.Sign(moveX) != Mathf.Sign(refVelocity.x)) { newAddVelocity += new Vector3(moveX, 0, 0); } Velocity += Quaternion.AngleAxis(transform.eulerAngles.y, Vector3.up) * newAddVelocity; } if (IsGrounded && (AllowSlopeJumping || !IsOnSlope)) { //jumping if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Jump)) { var jumpVelocity = JumpInstantaneousVelocity * RpgValues.GetJumpVelocityMultiplier(playerModel) * ConfigState.Instance.GetGameplayConfig().Difficulty.PlayerAgility; float jumpEnergyUse = RpgValues.GetJumpEnergyUse(playerModel); if (playerModel.Energy >= jumpEnergyUse) { playerModel.Energy -= jumpEnergyUse; bool wasCrouched = IsCrouching; //uncrouch if we were crouched if (wasCrouched) { IsCrouching = false; DidChangeCrouch = true; SetCrouchState(); jumpVelocity += JumpCrouchBoostVelocity; } Velocity += Quaternion.AngleAxis(transform.eulerAngles.y, Vector3.up) * jumpVelocity; CharController.Move(Quaternion.AngleAxis(transform.eulerAngles.y, Vector3.up) * JumpInstantaneousDisplacement); JumpSound.Ref()?.Play(); DidJump = true; } else { //failed to jump QdmsMessageBus.Instance.PushBroadcast(new QdmsFlagMessage("RpgInsufficientEnergy")); } } } } //energy recovery if (!IsRunning && IsGrounded && !DidJump) { float energyGain = (IsMoving ? RpgValues.GetMovingEnergyRecoveryRate(playerModel) : RpgValues.GetIdleEnergyRecoveryRate(playerModel)) * Time.deltaTime; playerModel.Energy = Mathf.Min(playerModel.DerivedStats.MaxEnergy, playerModel.Energy + energyGain); } }
private void HandleInteraction() { //get thing, probe and display tooltip, check use bool haveTarget = false; int layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Default", "ActorHitbox", "Actor"); Debug.DrawRay(CameraRoot.position, CameraRoot.transform.forward * MaxProbeDist); //raycast all, go through the hits ignoring hits to self RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(CameraRoot.transform.position, CameraRoot.transform.forward, MaxProbeDist * 2, layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide); if (hits != null && hits.Length > 0) { //GameObject nearestObject = null; InteractableComponent nearestInteractable = null; float nearestDist = float.MaxValue; foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) { //skip if it's further than nearestDist (occluded) or flatdist is further than MaxProbeDist (too far away) if (hit.distance > nearestDist) { continue; } float fDist = VectorUtils.GetFlatVectorToTarget(transform.position, hit.point).magnitude; if (fDist > MaxProbeDist) { continue; } //nearestObject = hit.collider.gameObject; //if there's a PlayerController attached, we've hit ourselves if (hit.collider.GetComponent <PlayerController>() != null) { continue; } //TODO pull a similar trick to see if we're pointing at an Actor? //get the interactable component and hitbox component; if it doesn't have either then it's an obstacle InteractableComponent ic = hit.collider.GetComponent <InteractableComponent>(); IHitboxComponent ahc = hit.collider.GetComponent <IHitboxComponent>(); if (ic == null && ahc == null) { //we null out our hit first since it's occluded by this one nearestInteractable = null; nearestDist = hit.distance; continue; } //it's just us lol if (ahc != null && ahc.ParentController is PlayerController) { continue; } //we have an interactablecomponent and we're not occluded if (ic != null) { nearestInteractable = ic; nearestDist = hit.distance; continue; } //if it doesn't meet any of those criteria then it's an occluder nearestInteractable = null; nearestDist = hit.distance; } //if(nearestObject != null) // Debug.Log("Nearest: " +; if (nearestInteractable != null && nearestInteractable.enabled) { //Debug.Log("Detected: " + nearestInteractable.Tooltip); //HUDScript.SetTargetMessage(nearestInteractable.Tooltip); nearestInteractable.OnLook(this.gameObject); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nearestInteractable.Tooltip)) { MessageInterface.PushToBus(new QdmsKeyValueMessage("PlayerHasTarget", "Target", nearestInteractable.Tooltip)); HadTargetLastFrame = true; haveTarget = true; } //actual use if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Use) && !GameState.Instance.PlayerFlags.Contains(PlayerFlags.NoInteract)) { nearestInteractable.OnActivate(this.gameObject); } } } if (!haveTarget && HadTargetLastFrame) { MessageInterface.PushToBus(new QdmsFlagMessage("PlayerClearTarget")); //should probably not do this constantly } HadTargetLastFrame = haveTarget; }
private void HandlePlayerRespawn() { if (GameEnding) //can't respawn if game is over { return; } //countdown dying players int deadPlayers = 0; foreach (var dpKvp in DyingPlayers) { if (dpKvp.Value.TimeLeft > 0) { dpKvp.Value.TimeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; } else { deadPlayers++; } } //handle ALL players dead if (deadPlayers == Players.Length) { GameEnding = true; EndGameCoroutine = StartCoroutine(CoEndGame()); } //scan for dead players foreach (var player in Players) { if (player.PlayerIsDead && !DyingPlayers.ContainsKey(player)) { var countdownGO = Instantiate(CoreUtils.LoadResource <GameObject>("UI/RespawnCountdown"), CoreUtils.GetUIRoot()); var countdownController = countdownGO.GetComponent <CountdownController>(); countdownController.SetupCountdown(RespawnTimeout); DyingPlayers.Add(player, new DyingPlayer() { TimeLeft = RespawnTimeout, CountdownController = countdownController }); } } //resurrect dead players if requested //note that we'll never actually destroy the player objects so we can simply resurrect them //note that this is set up for two players instead of n players if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown("Start") && MetaState.Instance.Player1Credits >= 1 && Players.Length >= 1 && Players[0] != null && DyingPlayers.ContainsKey(Players[0]) && DyingPlayers[Players[0]].TimeLeft > 0) { var dp = DyingPlayers[Players[0]]; DyingPlayers.Remove(Players[0]); Destroy(dp.CountdownController.gameObject); Players[0].Resurrect(); Players[0].SetSpawnInvulnerability(SpawnInvulnerability); Players[0].Bombs = SpawnBombs; MetaState.Instance.Player1Credits--; } /* * if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown("StartP2") && MetaState.Instance.Player2Credits >= 1 && Players.Length >= 2 && Players[1] != null && DyingPlayers.ContainsKey(Players[1]) && DyingPlayers[Players[1]].TimeLeft > 0) * { * var dp = DyingPlayers[Players[1]]; * DyingPlayers.Remove(Players[1]); * Destroy(dp.CountdownController.gameObject); * Players[1].Resurrect(); * Players[1].SetSpawnInvulnerability(SpawnInvulnerability); * Players[1].Bombs = SpawnBombs; * MetaState.Instance.Player2Credits--; * } */ }