public IWallTracingStrategy GoToNextVertex(out MapVector foundVertex)
                _vertexPosition.x += 1;
                if (_fields[_vertexPosition.z - 1, _vertexPosition.x] == FieldType.Inaccessible
                    ) // we've lost touch of the wall (inaccessible is the interior)
                    foundVertex = _vertexPosition;
                    return(new DownWallTracingStrategy(
                               new MapVector(_vertexPosition.x, _vertexPosition.z - 1),

                if (_fields[_vertexPosition.z, _vertexPosition.x] != FieldType.Inaccessible
                    ) // we've hit a wall with a face
                    foundVertex = _vertexPosition;
                    return(new UpWallTracingStrategy(new MapVector(_vertexPosition.x - 1, _vertexPosition.z),
            } while (_vertexPosition.x < 128);

            throw new ApplicationException("Area is not inside a provided space.");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a given tile at a specific zoom level.
        /// Checks the current caching provider for the file. If the file is present within
        /// the caching provider, a stream to it's contents is returned. This stream should be disposed as soon as the
        /// data from it is fully used.
        /// If the tile is not present within the tile cache, it is checked if the tile is currently being downloaded.
        ///  If not so, a download job to download the tile is enqueued.
        /// In both cases - tile being downloaded or not - null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zoom">The zoom level to get the tile from.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile X/Y coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>A stream to the tiles contents or null.</returns>
        public Stream GetTile(int zoom, MapVector tile)
            TileDescriptor desc = new TileDescriptor(zoom, tile);

            if (_cachingProvider.HasTile(desc))
            else if (!_enqueuedTiles.Contains(desc))
                DownloadJob job = new DownloadJob(_mapProvider.GetTileUrl(GetNextServer(), desc.Zoom, desc.Tile), desc);
                job.OnFinished += Job_OnFinished;
                job.OnFailed   += Job_OnFailed;



Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw a solid box with a black outline.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m"></param>
    /// <param name="left"></param>
    /// <param name="bot"></param>
    /// <param name="cell"></param>
    /// <param name="color"></param>
    private void DrawSolidRectangle(MapVector m, float left, float bot, float cell, Color color)
        var x = left + m.x * cell;
        var z = bot + m.z * cell;

            new Vector3[] { new Vector3(x, 0, z), new Vector3(x + cell, 0, z),
                            new Vector3(x + cell, 0, z + cell), new Vector3(x, 0, z + cell) },
Exemple #4
        public BitmapSize GetOffsetFromCoordinates(MapPoint coordinates, BitmapSize totalSize, double mapZoom)
            // double correctionScale = Math.Pow(2.0, mapZoom - _tile.Zoom);
            double    xScale        = (double)_bounds.Width / _square.Size.LongitudeOffset;// *correctionScale;
            MapVector leftTopOffset = new MapVector(_square.LeftTop.Latitude - coordinates.Latitude, coordinates.Longitude - _square.LeftTop.Longitude);
            int       x             = (int)Math.Round(/*(double)totalSize.Width / 2.0 */ leftTopOffset.LongitudeOffset * xScale);
            double    yTiles        = CoordinatesHelper.GetTilesFromLatitude(_square.LeftTop.Latitude, _tile.Zoom) - CoordinatesHelper.GetTilesFromLatitude(coordinates.Latitude, _tile.Zoom);
            int       y             = (int)Math.Round(/*(double)totalSize.Height / 2.0*/ -(double)_bounds.Height * yTiles);// * correctionScale);

            return(new BitmapSize(x, y));
 public UcSectionImage(MapInfo theMapInfo, MapSection section)
     this.theMapInfo  = theMapInfo;
     Section          = section;
     VectorHeadToTail = new MapVector(Section.TailAddress.Position.X - Section.HeadAddress.Position.X, Section.TailAddress.Position.Y - Section.HeadAddress.Position.Y);
     Id          = Section.Id;
     label1.Text = Id;
     labelSize   = label1.Size;
        private BitmapRect GetSquareBitmapBounds(MapTile tile)
            MapSquare square          = tile.GetActualSquare();
            double    correctionScale = Math.Pow(2.0, _zoom - tile.Zoom);
            MapVector leftTopOffset   = new MapVector(square.LeftTop.Latitude - _center.Latitude, square.LeftTop.Longitude - _center.Longitude);
            MapVector squareSize      = square.Size;
            double    xScale          = (double)_tileSize.Width / squareSize.LongitudeOffset * correctionScale;
            int       x      = (int)Math.Round((double)_totalSize.Width / 2.0 + leftTopOffset.LongitudeOffset * xScale);
            double    yTiles = CoordinatesHelper.GetTilesFromLatitude(square.LeftTop.Latitude, tile.Zoom) - CoordinatesHelper.GetTilesFromLatitude(_center.Latitude, tile.Zoom);
            int       y      = (int)Math.Round((double)_totalSize.Height / 2.0 + (double)_tileSize.Height * yTiles * correctionScale);

            return(new BitmapRect(x, y, (int)Math.Ceiling(_tileSize.Width * correctionScale), (int)Math.Ceiling(_tileSize.Height * correctionScale)));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a Point from the MapCoordinates system to the GeoCoordinates system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapVector">A Point within the MapCoordinates system.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding point in the GeoCoordinates system.</returns>
        public MapPointLatLon MapPointToLatLon(MapVector mapVector)
            if (mapVector.X > MapCoordinatesWidth || mapVector.Y > MapCoordinatesHeight)
                throw new ArgumentException("Coordinates of the tile are out of map size.", nameof(mapVector));

            double projectedlon = ((double)mapVector.X / MapCoordinatesWidth) * 360 - 180;
            double projectedlat = (-2 * ((double)mapVector.Y / MapCoordinatesHeight) + 1) * 180;

            return(Provider.Projection.FromProjection(new MapPointLatLon()
                Lat = projectedlat, Lon = projectedlon
        /// <summary>
        /// Zoom the map around the given view coordinate within the displayed map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zoom">The new zoom level</param>
        /// <param name="mousePos">The point within the view coordinate system to zoom the map around</param>
        private void SetZoomMouse(int zoom, MapVector mousePos)
            MapVectorD mouse  = new MapVectorD(mousePos);
            MapVectorD middle = new MapVectorD()
                X = _map.ViewBounds.Width / 2.0, Y = _map.ViewBounds.Height / 2.0
            MapVectorD offset = middle - mouse; // Vector from mouse position to middle position

            // 1. move the map to the position the mouse is at
            _map.Position = _map.ViewPointToLatLon(mouse);
            // 2. zoom the map
            _map.Zoom = zoom;
            // 3. move the map back about the same amount we move it in (1.)
            _map.Position = _map.ViewPointToLatLon(middle + offset); // Plus here because the offset is mouse -> middle
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Lat/Lon geo-coordinates for a tile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zoom">The zoom level the tile is at</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile coordinates in X/Y</param>
        /// <returns>The Geo-Point the top-left corner of the tile is at.</returns>
        public MapPointLatLon GetPointForTile(int zoom, MapVector tile)
            double n = GetTileCount(zoom);

            if (tile.X > n || tile.Y > n)
                throw new ArgumentException("Coordinates of the tile are out of the given zoom's range.", nameof(tile));

            double projectedlon = (tile.X / n) * 360 - 180;
            double projectedlat = (-2 * (tile.Y / n) + 1) * 180;

            return(_projection.FromProjection(new MapPointLatLon()
                Lat = projectedlat, Lon = projectedlon
Exemple #10
    public List <MapVector> GetRegion(MapVector start, MapVector end)
        var list = new List <MapVector>();

        MapVector s = new MapVector(MathfExtender.MinInt(start.x, end.x), MathfExtender.MinInt(start.z, end.z));
        MapVector e = new MapVector(MathfExtender.MaxInt(start.x, end.x), MathfExtender.MaxInt(start.z, end.z));

        for (var x = s.x; x <= e.x; x++)
            for (var z = s.z; z <= e.z; z++)
                list.Add(new MapVector(x, z));

        public MapPoint?MoveCenterForView(float xOffset, float yOffset)
            BitmapTile tile = _collection.FirstOrDefault() ?? EnumerateBitmapTiles().FirstOrDefault();

            if (tile == null || tile.Bounds.Width * tile.Bounds.Height == 0)
            double    correctionScale = Math.Pow(2.0, _zoom - tile.Tile.Zoom);
            MapVector size            = tile.Tile.GetActualSquare().Size;
            double    xScale          = size.LongitudeOffset / (double)_tileSize.Width / correctionScale;
            double    yScale          = size.LatitudeOffset / (double)_tileSize.Height / correctionScale;
            double    longitudeOffset = xScale * xOffset;
            double    latitudeOffset  = yScale * yOffset;

            _center = new MapPoint(_center.Latitude - latitudeOffset, _center.Longitude + longitudeOffset);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a point from the GeoCoordinates system to the MapCoordinates system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">A Point within the GeoCoordinates system.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding point within the MapCoordinates system.</returns>
        public MapVector LatLonToMapPoint(MapPointLatLon pt)
            MapPointLatLon proj = Provider.Projection.ToProjection(pt);

            MapVector newP = new MapVector();

            double shiftedLon = (1 + (proj.Lon / 180)) / 2;
            double shiftedLat = (1 - (proj.Lat / 180)) / 2;

            int x = (int)Math.Floor(MapCoordinatesWidth * shiftedLon);
            int y = (int)Math.Floor(MapCoordinatesHeight * shiftedLat);

            newP.X = x;
            newP.Y = y;

 public static Vector2 ToVector2(this MapVector vect)
     return(new Vector2((float)vect.X, (float)vect.Y));
Exemple #14
        public List <TileDrawInfo> GetDrawTiles()
            List <TileDrawInfo> info = new List <TileDrawInfo>();

            // 1. Get center point MapCoordinates
            MapVector centerMapVector = LatLonToMapPoint(Position);

            // 2. Calculate offset from center point to topleft point in map coordinates
            int topLeftXOffset = (int)((ViewBounds.Width / 2.0) / CoordinateScale);
            int topLeftYOffset = (int)((ViewBounds.Height / 2.0) / CoordinateScale);

            // 3. Calculate the top left point in map coordinates
            MapVector topLeftMapVector = new MapVector()
                // real a mod b:
                // a mod b = (a % b + b) % b

                X = (((centerMapVector.X - topLeftXOffset) % MapCoordinatesWidth) + MapCoordinatesWidth) % MapCoordinatesWidth,
                Y = (((centerMapVector.Y - topLeftYOffset) % MapCoordinatesHeight) + MapCoordinatesHeight) % MapCoordinatesHeight

            // 4. Calculate Tile X/Y directly from Map Coordiantes
            MapVector tileCoord = new MapVector()
                X = (int)Math.Floor(topLeftMapVector.X / (Provider.TileSize / CoordinateScale)),
                Y = (int)Math.Floor(topLeftMapVector.Y / (Provider.TileSize / CoordinateScale))

            // 5. Calculate the Top-Left point of the top-left tile
            //PointXY tileMapVector = LatLonToMapPoint(Provider.GetPointForTile(Zoom, tileCoord));

            MapVector tileMapVector = new MapVector()
                X = (int)(tileCoord.X * (Provider.TileSize / CoordinateScale)),
                Y = (int)(tileCoord.Y * (Provider.TileSize / CoordinateScale))

            // 6. Get the offset of the top-left-point of the top-left-tile to the top-left point of the map
            // So we know if it is outside of the viewable port.
            MapVector offset = (tileMapVector - topLeftMapVector) * CoordinateScale;

            // 7. Create a rectangle for the top-left tile
            MapRectangle imgRect = new MapRectangle(offset.X, offset.Y, Provider.TileSize, Provider.TileSize);

            // 8. The top-left tile
            TileDescriptor descriptor = new TileDescriptor(Zoom, tileCoord);

            // 9. Now iterate over all viewable tiles and add them to the list
            // Handling the source and destination rectangles is done by special functions.

            int currentTileY = descriptor.Tile.Y;
            int currentTileX = descriptor.Tile.X;
            int currentRectY = imgRect.Y;
            int currentRectX = imgRect.X;

            int tileCount = Provider.GetTileCount(Zoom);

            while (currentRectX < ViewBounds.Width)
                while (currentRectY < ViewBounds.Height)
                    TileDescriptor desc = new TileDescriptor(descriptor.Zoom, currentTileX, currentTileY);

                    // 10. Create rectangle of the "full" tile, might lap over the borders of the viewport, i.e.
                    // having negative offsets here.
                    MapRectangle cRect = new MapRectangle(currentRectX, currentRectY, Provider.TileSize, Provider.TileSize);

                    // 11. Get the part of the tile that is being rendered.
                    MapRectangle tileSrcRect = GetSourceRectangle(cRect);

                    // 12. Get the position and the size in the viewport where the tile will be rendered.
                    MapRectangle viewDstRect = GetDestRectangle(cRect);

                    TileDrawInfo i = new TileDrawInfo();
                    i.Tile                 = new TileDescriptor(Zoom, currentTileX, currentTileY);
                    i.SourceRectangle      = tileSrcRect;
                    i.DestinationRectangle = viewDstRect;


                    currentRectY += Provider.TileSize;
                    currentTileY  = (currentTileY + 1) % tileCount;

                currentRectY = imgRect.Y;
                currentTileY = descriptor.Tile.Y;

                currentTileX  = (currentTileX + 1) % tileCount;
                currentRectX += Provider.TileSize;

Exemple #15
 public MapPointLatLon ViewPointToLatLon(MapVector viewPoint)
 => ViewPointToLatLon(new MapVectorD(viewPoint));
Exemple #16
 public MapVector ViewPointToMapPoint(MapVector viewPoint) => ViewPointToMapPoint(new MapVectorD(viewPoint));
Exemple #17
    private void RecieveInput(SceneView view)
        // Disables all standard input
        view.orthographic = true;

        // Get basic variables
        float bot  = -(instance.width / 2) * instance.cellsize;
        float left = -(instance.length / 2) * instance.cellsize;
        float cell = instance.cellsize;
        Event e    = Event.current;

        // Mouse
        if (e.isMouse)
            // Only works in ortho mode. This is why we force it.
            Vector3 mousePosition = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(e.mousePosition).origin;

            // Left click down and drag
            if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown || e.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
                // Translate mouse position to cell position
                var x = Mathf.FloorToInt((mousePosition.x - left) / cell);
                var z = Mathf.FloorToInt((mousePosition.z - bot) / cell);

                // Check if within zone
                if (instance.WithinBox(x, z))
                    // Click
                    if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown)
                        dragActiveBox  = true;
                        dragSetState   = instance.GetCellType(instance.GetIndex(x, z), (int)selectedCellType) ? 0 : (int)selectedCellType;
                        dragStartIndex = new MapVector(x, z);
                        dragEndIndex   = new MapVector(x, z);
                    // Drag
                        dragEndIndex = new MapVector(x, z);
            // Left click up
            else if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp)
                if (dragActiveBox)
                    // Set all blocks
                    foreach (var k in instance.GetRegion(dragStartIndex, dragEndIndex))
                        instance.SetCellType(instance.GetIndex(k.x, k.z), dragSetState);
                dragActiveBox = false;

Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the logic of Dragging/Dropping/Zooming the map.
        /// This is basically said the logic handler of the control.
        /// It is called quite a lot of times, the delta of two calls may be calculated out of the passed GameTime parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The time passed since the game started.</param>
        public void Update(GameTime time, InputArgs input)
            // Clean up icon texture cache...
            var keys = _markerTextures.Keys;

            foreach (string key in keys)
                if (Markers.All(m => m.TextureIdentifier != key))

            // drag&drop handling
            MouseState currentState = input.MouseState;

            MapVector mousePos = new MapVector()
                X = currentState.X, Y = currentState.Y

            if (_dragging && CanMove)
                MapVector oldVector = new MapVector()
                    X = _oldMouseState.X, Y = _oldMouseState.Y

                MapVector offset = (oldVector - mousePos) / _map.CoordinateScale;

                MapVector centerMapVector    = _map.LatLonToMapPoint(_map.Position);
                MapVector newCenterMapVector = centerMapVector + offset;

                // real a mod b:
                // a mod b = (a % b + b) % b
                // We do this to allow scrollen over the maps borders.
                newCenterMapVector.X = ((newCenterMapVector.X % _map.MapCoordinatesWidth) + _map.MapCoordinatesWidth) % _map.MapCoordinatesWidth;
                newCenterMapVector.Y = ((newCenterMapVector.Y % _map.MapCoordinatesHeight) + _map.MapCoordinatesHeight) % _map.MapCoordinatesHeight;

                MapPointLatLon newCenterGeoPoint = _map.MapPointToLatLon(newCenterMapVector);

                _map.Position = newCenterGeoPoint;

                OnMoved?.Invoke(this, _map.Position);

            int wheel = _oldMouseState.ScrollWheelValue - currentState.ScrollWheelValue;

            bool zoom    = false;
            int  newZoom = 0;

            if (wheel < 0)
                if (_map.Zoom < _map.MaxZoom)
                    zoom    = true;
                    newZoom = _map.Zoom + 1;
            else if (wheel > 0)
                if (_map.Zoom > _map.MinZoom)
                    zoom    = true;
                    newZoom = _map.Zoom - 1;

            if (zoom && CanZoom)
                switch (ZoomMode)
                case ZoomingType.Center:

                case ZoomingType.Mouse:
                    MapVector viewPos = mousePos -
                    SetZoomMouse(newZoom, viewPos);

                OnZoomed?.Invoke(this, _map.Zoom);

            if ((_oldMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
                // Mouse up
                _dragging = false;
            else if ((_oldMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                // Mouse down
                _dragging = true;

            if (_oldMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released)
                OnRightClick?.Invoke(this, _map.ViewPointToLatLon(mousePos));

            _oldMouseState = currentState;
Exemple #19
 public UpWallTracingStrategy(MapVector fieldPosition, FieldType[,] fields)
     _fieldPosition = fieldPosition;
     _fields        = fields;
Exemple #20
 public MapChunk(int x, int y)
     MapVector = new MapVector(x, y);
     Weight    = 1;
 public RightWallTracingStrategy(MapVector vertexVertexPosition, FieldType[,] fields)
     _vertexPosition = vertexVertexPosition;
     _fields         = fields;
 public string GetTileUrl(int server, int zoom, MapVector tile)
     return($"http://{(server < _servers.Length ? _servers[server] : _servers[0])}{zoom}/{tile.X}/{tile.Y}.png");
Exemple #23
 // Convert the mapVector to global unity 2d position.
 public Vector2 GetGlobalPosition(MapVector vector)
     return((Vector2)transform.position + (Vector2)vector);