Exemple #1
    public void Init(Transform _target, string beatType, PlayerDirection _direction)
        beat           = BeatFactory.GetBeat(beatType);
        currentSection = MapUtil.getCurrentSection();
        KeyToPress     = BeatUtil.GetKeyCodeFromDirection(_direction);
        canBePresssed  = false;
        target         = _target;
        direction      = _direction;
        lifeTime       = 0f;

        transform.rotation = _target.rotation;

        SpriteRenderer spr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        spr.color = _target.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color;
Exemple #2
    private void InitializeStructures()
        MapSection section = GetSection("Structures");

        if (section != null)
            structures = new List <Structure>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                string[] parts = entry.Value.Split(',');
                if (parts.Length >= 17)
                        string owner         = parts[0].Trim();
                        string structureID   = parts[1].Trim();
                        int    health        = int.Parse(parts[2], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    x             = int.Parse(parts[3], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    y             = int.Parse(parts[4], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    facing        = int.Parse(parts[5], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        string tag           = parts[6].Trim();
                        int    sellable      = int.Parse(parts[7], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    rebuildable   = int.Parse(parts[8], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    poweredOn     = int.Parse(parts[9], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    upgradesCount = int.Parse(parts[10], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    spotlight     = int.Parse(parts[11], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        string upgrade1      = parts[12].Trim();
                        string upgrade2      = parts[13].Trim();
                        string upgrade3      = parts[14].Trim();
                        int    repairable    = int.Parse(parts[15], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    nominal       = int.Parse(parts[16], NumberStyles.Integer);

                        structures.Add(new Structure(owner, structureID, health, x, y, facing, tag, sellable, rebuildable, poweredOn,
                                                     upgradesCount, spotlight, upgrade1, upgrade2, upgrade3, repairable, nominal));
                    catch (Exception)
                        log.Error("Error reading Structures entry with index: " + entry.Key);
                    log.Error("Error reading Structures entry having less parameters with index: " + entry.Key);
Exemple #3
    private MapSection GetSection(string sectionName)
        MapSection mapSection = null;

        if (MapSections != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionName))
                mapSection = MapSections.Find(section => section.Name.Equals(sectionName));
            catch (Exception)
                log.Info("Section not found: [" + sectionName + "]");
Exemple #4
    private void InitializeUnits()
        MapSection section = GetSection("Units");

        if (section != null)
            units = new List <Unit>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                string[] parts = entry.Value.Split(',');
                if (parts.Length >= 14)
                        string index            = entry.Key;
                        string owner            = parts[0].Trim();
                        string unitID           = parts[1].Trim();
                        int    health           = int.Parse(parts[2], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    x                = int.Parse(parts[3], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    y                = int.Parse(parts[4], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    facing           = int.Parse(parts[5], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        string mission          = parts[6].Trim();
                        string tag              = parts[7].Trim();
                        int    veterancy        = int.Parse(parts[8], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    group            = int.Parse(parts[9], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    highOnBridge     = int.Parse(parts[10], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        string followerIndex    = parts[11].Trim();
                        int    acNoRecruitable  = int.Parse(parts[12], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    acYesRecruitable = int.Parse(parts[13], NumberStyles.Integer);

                        units.Add(new Unit(index, owner, unitID, health, x, y, facing, mission, tag, veterancy, group,
                                           highOnBridge, followerIndex, acNoRecruitable, acYesRecruitable));
                    catch (Exception)
                        log.Error("Error reading Unit entry with index: " + entry.Key);
                    log.Error("Error reading Unit entry having less parameters with index: " + entry.Key);
        public void TestRequiresQuadPrecision()
            string     connectionId  = "dummy";
            int        maxIterations = 100;
            CanvasSize canvasSize    = new CanvasSize(1000, 1000);

            //DPoint leftBot = new DPoint(-0.7764118407199196, 0.13437492059936854);
            //DPoint rightTop = new DPoint(-0.7764117329761986, 0.13437499747905846);

            SPoint leftBot  = new SPoint("-0.7764118407199196", "0.13437492059936854");
            SPoint rightTop = new SPoint("-0.7764118407199300", "0.13437499747905846");

            SCoords    coords = new SCoords(leftBot, rightTop);
            MapSection area   = new MapSection(new Point(0, 0), canvasSize.GetWholeUnits(Engine.BLOCK_SIZE));

            SMapWorkRequest mapWorkRequest        = new SMapWorkRequest("FET2", coords, canvasSize, area, maxIterations, connectionId);
            bool            requiresQuadPrecision = mapWorkRequest.RequiresQuadPrecision();
Exemple #6
    void PlaceEnemy(MapSection s)
        if (s.m_room == null)
        if (s.m_room.m_type == RoomType.ENTRANCE)

        float rnd_x = Mathf.Floor(s.GetMidpoint().x + Random.Range(1 - s.m_room.m_size, s.m_room.m_size - 1)) * m_map_square_size;
        float rnd_y = Mathf.Floor(s.GetMidpoint().y + Random.Range(1 - s.m_room.m_size, s.m_room.m_size - 1)) * m_map_square_size;

        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(rnd_x, 0, rnd_y);

        Instantiate(GetRandomSpawn(), pos, Quaternion.identity);
Exemple #7
        private FJobRequest CreateFJobRequest(SCoordsWorkRequest sCoordsWorkRequest, int jobId)
            SCoords sCoords = sCoordsWorkRequest.SCoords;

            MqMessages.Coords coords = new MqMessages.Coords(sCoords.LeftBot.X, sCoords.RightTop.X, sCoords.LeftBot.Y, sCoords.RightTop.Y);

            CanvasSize cs           = sCoordsWorkRequest.CanvasSize;
            SizeInt    samplePoints = new SizeInt(cs.Width, cs.Height);

            MapSection ms = sCoordsWorkRequest.MapSection;

            RectangleInt area = new RectangleInt(new PointInt(ms.SectionAnchor.X, ms.SectionAnchor.Y), new SizeInt(ms.CanvasSize.Width, ms.CanvasSize.Height));

            string      name        = "CoordsRequest";
            FJobRequest fJobRequest = new FJobRequest(jobId, name, FJobRequestType.TransformCoords, coords, area, samplePoints, 0, sCoordsWorkRequest.TransformType);

Exemple #8
        static SMapWorkRequest CreateWorkRequest(int jobId)
            CanvasSize canvasSize = new CanvasSize(300, 200);
            DPoint     leftBot    = new DPoint(-2, -1);
            DPoint     rightTop   = new DPoint(1, 1);
            SCoords    coords     = new SCoords(new SPoint(leftBot), new SPoint(rightTop));
            MapSection area       = new MapSection(new Point(0, 0), canvasSize.GetWholeUnits(Engine.BLOCK_SIZE));

            int    maxIterations = 100;
            string connectionId  = "dummy";

            SMapWorkRequest mapWorkRequest = new SMapWorkRequest("FEngRunner", coords, canvasSize, area, maxIterations, connectionId)
                JobId = jobId

Exemple #9
        public Zombie(MapSection section) : base(EnemyTypes.Zombie, EnemyConstants.GetZombieProperties(), "Entities/Zombie.png", section)
            _ai = new MeleeAI(this, EnemyConstants.ZombieAggroRange, new Melee(this, EnemyConstants.ZombieMinDamage, EnemyConstants.ZombieMaxDamage), EnemyConstants.ZombieWanderLength);

            HitboxSize  = 0.8f;
            Width       = 64;
            Height      = 64;
            AttackRange = EnemyConstants.ZombieAttackRange;

            Animations = new AnimationList();
            var spawnAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Spawn);

            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 13, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 14, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 14, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.05), SpawnedFunc);

            var walkAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Move);

            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 9, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 10, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 11, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 12, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));

            var attackAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Attack);

            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 7, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.35));
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 8, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4), AttackedFunc);
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 8, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), DoneAttackingFunc);

            var dieAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Death);

            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), OnDeath);
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 2, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 3, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 4, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 5, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 6, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 6, 6, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), OnDeathFinished);
Exemple #10
    void PlaceRandomFeature(MapSection s)
        if (s.m_room == null)
        if (m_map_features.Length == 0)

        float rnd_x = Mathf.Floor(s.GetMidpoint().x + Random.Range(1 - s.m_room.m_size, s.m_room.m_size - 1)) * m_map_square_size;
        float rnd_y = Mathf.Floor(s.GetMidpoint().y + Random.Range(1 - s.m_room.m_size, s.m_room.m_size - 1)) * m_map_square_size;

        Vector3    pos         = new Vector3(rnd_x, 0, rnd_y);
        GameObject rnd_feature = m_map_features[Random.Range(0, m_map_features.Length)];

        Instantiate(rnd_feature, pos, Quaternion.identity);
Exemple #11
    private void UpdateOverlaySections()
        MapSection overlaySection     = GetSection("OverlayPack");
        MapSection overlayDataSection = GetSection("OverlayDataPack");

        if (overlaySection != null && overlayDataSection != null)
            byte[] overlayPack     = new byte[1 << 18];
            byte[] overlayDataPack = new byte[1 << 18];

            for (int i = 0; i < 262144; i++)
                overlayPack[i]     = 0xFF;
                overlayDataPack[i] = 0;

            if (overlays != null && overlays.Count > 0)
                foreach (Overlay entry in overlays)
                    int location = (entry.MapY * 512) + entry.MapX;
                    overlayPack[location]     = (byte)entry.OverlayIndex;
                    overlayDataPack[location] = (byte)entry.OverlayFrame;

            string oPackEncoded     = Convert.ToBase64String(Format5.Encode(overlayPack, 80), Base64FormattingOptions.None);
            string oDataPackEncoded = Convert.ToBase64String(Format5.Encode(overlayDataPack, 80), Base64FormattingOptions.None);


            for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < oPackEncoded.Length; i += 70)
                overlaySection.Entries.Add(j++.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), oPackEncoded.Substring(i, Math.Min(70, oPackEncoded.Length - i)));

            for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < oDataPackEncoded.Length; i += 70)
                overlayDataSection.Entries.Add(j++.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), oDataPackEncoded.Substring(i, Math.Min(70, oDataPackEncoded.Length - i)));
Exemple #12
        public Archer(MapSection section) : base(EnemyTypes.Archer, EnemyConstants.GetArcherProperties(), "Entities/Archer.png", section)
            _ai = new RangeAI(this, EnemyConstants.ArcherAggroRange, EnemyConstants.ArcherWanderLength, new RangeAttack(this, 12, 18, MissileTypes.Arrow, EnemyConstants.ArcherArrowCooldown));

            HitboxSize  = 0.93f;
            Width       = 64;
            Height      = 64;
            AttackRange = 625;

            Animations = new AnimationList();
            var spawnAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Spawn);

            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(0, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.05), SpawnedFunc);

            var walkAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Move);

            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, TextureSize * 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 1, TextureSize * 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 2, TextureSize * 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 3, TextureSize * 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));

            var attackAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Attack);

            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 1, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 2, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25), AttackedFunc);
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 2, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.05), DoneAttackingFunc);

            var hitAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Damaged);

            hitAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 3, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25));

            var dieAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Death);

            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 3, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.35), OnDeath);
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 3, TextureSize * 1, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25), OnDeathFinished);
Exemple #13
    private void InitializeAircrafts()
        MapSection section = GetSection("Aircraft");

        if (section != null)
            aircrafts = new List <Aircraft>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                string[] parts = entry.Value.Split(',');
                if (parts.Length >= 12)
                        string owner            = parts[0].Trim();
                        string aircraftID       = parts[1].Trim();
                        int    health           = int.Parse(parts[2], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    x                = int.Parse(parts[3], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    y                = int.Parse(parts[4], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    facing           = int.Parse(parts[5], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        string mission          = parts[6].Trim();
                        string tag              = parts[7].Trim();
                        int    veterancy        = int.Parse(parts[8], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    group            = int.Parse(parts[9], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    acNoRecruitable  = int.Parse(parts[10], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int    acYesRecruitable = int.Parse(parts[11], NumberStyles.Integer);

                        aircrafts.Add(new Aircraft(owner, aircraftID, health, x, y, facing, mission, tag, veterancy,
                                                   group, acNoRecruitable, acYesRecruitable));
                    catch (Exception)
                        log.Error("Error reading Aircraft entry with index: " + entry.Key);
                    log.Error("Error reading Aircraft entry having less parameters with index: " + entry.Key);
    public void LoadRoadMap()
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeMap.x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sizeMap.y; j++)
                currentLocation = new Vector2(i, j);
                idLocation      = (int)(currentLocation.x * sizeMap.x + currentLocation.y);

                MapSection mapSection = Instantiate(MapSection, new Vector3(i * 25, 0, j * 25), Quaternion.Euler(0, road.road[idLocation].rotation, 0), MapContainer.transform);
                idSection = road.road[idLocation].id;
                CreateSectionMap(i, j);

                //RoadSection section = Road.road[(int)(i * sizeMap.x + j)];
                //MapSection section = Instantiate(MapSection, new Vector3(i * 25, 0, j * 25), Quaternion.identity, MapContainer.transform);
                //Road.road.Add(new RoadSection());
Exemple #15
    public Vector3 GetAdjacentRoomPosition(Vector3 position)
        //Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Mathf.FloorToInt(position.x/m_map_square_size),Mathf.FloorToInt(position.z/m_map_square_size));
        //MapSection current_section = GetSectionAtCoords(pos);
        MapSection current_section = GetSectionAtPosition(position);

        List <MapSection> rnd_sections = new List <MapSection>();
        Vector3           section_pos;

        if (current_section.m_corridors.east)
            section_pos = new Vector3(current_section.GetMidpoint().x + m_section_size.x, current_section.GetMidpoint().y);
        if (current_section.m_corridors.west)
            section_pos = new Vector3(current_section.GetMidpoint().x - m_section_size.x, current_section.GetMidpoint().y);
        if (current_section.m_corridors.north)
            section_pos = new Vector3(current_section.GetMidpoint().x, current_section.GetMidpoint().y + m_section_size.y);
        if (current_section.m_corridors.south)
            section_pos = new Vector3(current_section.GetMidpoint().x, current_section.GetMidpoint().y - m_section_size.y);

        MapSection rnd_sec = rnd_sections[Random.Range(0, rnd_sections.Count - 1)];

        if (rnd_sections.Count == 0)

        return(new Vector3(rnd_sec.GetMidpoint().x *m_map_square_size, 0, rnd_sec.GetMidpoint().y *m_map_square_size));
Exemple #16
        public Dog(MapSection section) : base(EnemyTypes.Dog, EnemyConstants.GetDogProperties(), "Entities/Dog.png", section)
            _ai = new MeleeAI(this, EnemyConstants.DogAggroRange, new Melee(this, 6, 8), EnemyConstants.DogWanderLength);

            HitboxSize  = 0.8f;
            Width       = 64;
            Height      = 64;
            AttackRange = 48;

            Animations = new AnimationList();
            var spawnAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Spawn);

            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 6, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 7, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
            spawnAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 7, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.05), SpawnedFunc);

            var walkAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Move);

            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 2, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 3, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 4, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));
            walkAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 5, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));

            var attackAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Attack);

            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 0, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.35));
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 1, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4), AttackedFunc);
            attackAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 1, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), DoneAttackingFunc);

            var dieAnimation = new Animation(AnimationTypes.Death);

            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 7, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), OnDeath);
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 6, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
            dieAnimation.AddFrame(new Rectangle(TextureSize * 6, 0, TextureSize, TextureSize), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), OnDeathFinished);
Exemple #17
    private void InitializeOverlays()
        MapSection overlaySection     = GetSection("OverlayPack");
        MapSection overlayDataSection = GetSection("OverlayDataPack");

        if (overlaySection != null && overlayDataSection != null)
            overlays = new List <Overlay>();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in overlaySection.Entries)
            byte[] format80Data = Convert.FromBase64String(sb.ToString());
            byte[] overlayPack  = new byte[1 << 18];
            Format5.DecodeInto(format80Data, overlayPack, 80);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in overlayDataSection.Entries)
            format80Data = Convert.FromBase64String(sb.ToString());
            byte[] overlayDataPack = new byte[1 << 18];
            Format5.DecodeInto(format80Data, overlayDataPack, 80);

            foreach (Tuple <int, int> cellCoordinate in coordList)
                int  location     = cellCoordinate.Item1 + 512 * cellCoordinate.Item2;
                byte overlayIndex = overlayPack[location];
                if (overlayIndex != 0xFF)
                    overlays.Add(new Overlay(overlayIndex, (int)overlayDataPack[location], cellCoordinate.Item1, cellCoordinate.Item2));
Exemple #18
        private void AddMapSectionBeamDisableIntoList(MapSectionBeamDisable oneRow)
                if (!Vehicle.MapInfo.sectionMap.ContainsKey(oneRow.SectionId))
                    mirleLogger.Log(new LogFormat("Error", "5", GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Device", "CarrierID"
                                                  , $"Section[{oneRow.SectionId}]加入Beam Sensor Disable清單失敗, 圖資不包含Section[{oneRow.SectionId}]"));

                MapSection mapSection = Vehicle.MapInfo.sectionMap[oneRow.SectionId];
                if (oneRow.Min < -30)
                    mirleLogger.Log(new LogFormat("Error", "5", GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Device", "CarrierID"
                                                  , $"Min < 0. [SectionId={oneRow.SectionId}][Min={oneRow.Min}]"));
                if (oneRow.Max > mapSection.HeadToTailDistance + 31)
                    mirleLogger.Log(new LogFormat("Error", "5", GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Device", "CarrierID"
                                                  , $"Max > Distance. [SectionId={oneRow.SectionId}][Max={oneRow.Max}][Distance={mapSection.HeadToTailDistance}]"));

                if (oneRow.Min == 0 && oneRow.Max == 0)
                    oneRow.Min = -30;
                    oneRow.Max = mapSection.HeadToTailDistance + 30;

            catch (Exception ex)
                LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message);
Exemple #19
    void AIWander()
        //Clear target if it has been reached.
        if (m_has_wander_target)
            if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, m_wander_target) < 1)
                m_has_wander_target = false;

        //Move towards target.
        if (m_has_wander_target)
            Vector3 dir   = m_wander_target - transform.position;
            Vector2 dir2d = new Vector3(dir.x, dir.z);
            m_entity.m_mobile.Move(m_entity.m_move_speed * m_wander_speed_mod, dir2d);

        //Get a new target.
        MapSection current_section = Game.map.GetSectionAtPosition(transform.position);

        if (current_section.m_room == null)

        Vector2 rnd_tile = new Vector2(
            current_section.GetMidpoint().x + Random.Range(-current_section.m_room.m_size + 1, current_section.m_room.m_size),
            current_section.GetMidpoint().y + Random.Range(-current_section.m_room.m_size + 1, current_section.m_room.m_size)
        Vector3 rnd_position = new Vector3(rnd_tile.x * Game.map.GetMapSquareSize(), 0, rnd_tile.y * Game.map.GetMapSquareSize());

        m_wander_target     = rnd_position;
        m_has_wander_target = true;
Exemple #20
    private void InitializeTunnelLines()
        MapSection section = GetSection("Tubes");

        if (section != null)
            tunnelLines = new List <TunnelLine>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                string[] parts = entry.Value.Split(',');
                if (parts.Length > 5)
                        int sx     = int.Parse(parts[0], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int sy     = int.Parse(parts[1], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int facing = int.Parse(parts[2], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int ex     = int.Parse(parts[3], NumberStyles.Integer);
                        int ey     = int.Parse(parts[4], NumberStyles.Integer);

                        List <int> ds = new List <int>();
                        for (int i = 5; i < parts.Length; i++)
                            ds.Add(int.Parse(parts[i], NumberStyles.Integer));

                        tunnelLines.Add(new TunnelLine(sx, sy, facing, ex, ey, ds));
                    catch (Exception)
                        log.Error("Error reading Tubes (Tunnel) entry with index: " + entry.Key);
Exemple #21
    private void InitializeTerrains()
        MapSection section = GetSection("Terrain");

        if (section != null)
            terrains = new List <Terrain>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                    int coord = int.Parse(entry.Key, NumberStyles.Integer);
                    int x     = coord % 1000;
                    int y     = coord / 1000;

                    terrains.Add(new Terrain(entry.Value, x, y));
                catch (Exception)
                    log.Error("Error reading Terrain entry with index: " + entry.Key);
Exemple #22
    private void InitializeCellTags()
        MapSection section = GetSection("CellTags");

        if (section != null)
            cellTags = new List <CellTag>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                    int coord = int.Parse(entry.Key, NumberStyles.Integer);
                    int x     = coord % 1000;
                    int y     = coord / 1000;

                    cellTags.Add(new CellTag(entry.Value, x, y));
                catch (Exception)
                    log.Error("Error reading CellTags entry with index: " + entry.Key);
Exemple #23
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Cursor.Type = CursorType.Crosshair;

            #region Moving Camera

            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))


            #region Add section

            if (!isKeyAddPressed && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Add))
                isKeyAddPressed = true;

                var bounds = new Rectangle(
                    (int)(Cursor.InGamePosition.X * SCALE),
                    (int)(Cursor.InGamePosition.Y * SCALE),

                int nextSectionIndex = Map.Sections.Count;
                MapSectionContainers.Add(nextSectionIndex, new MapSectionContainer(Map, this, nextSectionIndex, bounds));

                var defaultSpawnPoint = new SpawnPoint(Map, "spawn01");
                var mapSection        = new MapSection(Map, bounds, defaultSpawnPoint.Name);
                mapSection.Entities.Add(defaultSpawnPoint.Name, defaultSpawnPoint);
                Map.Sections.Add(nextSectionIndex, mapSection);
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.Add))
                isKeyAddPressed = false;


            foreach (var section in MapSectionContainers)
                section.Value.Update(new Vector2(
                                         Cursor.InGamePosition.X * SCALE,
                                         Cursor.InGamePosition.Y * SCALE

            cursorPosition.Text = (int)Cursor.InGamePosition.X * SCALE + ";" + (int)Cursor.InGamePosition.Y * SCALE;

Exemple #24
    public void UpdateMapSections()
        int        index   = 0;
        MapSection section = GetSection("Aircraft");

        if (section != null)
            if (aircrafts != null && aircrafts.Count > 0)
                foreach (Aircraft entry in aircrafts)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(index++), entry.ToString());

        index   = 0;
        section = GetSection("Infantry");
        if (section != null)
            if (infantries != null && infantries.Count > 0)
                foreach (Infantry entry in infantries)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(index++), entry.ToString());

        section = GetSection("Units");
        if (section != null)
            if (units != null && units.Count > 0)
                foreach (Unit entry in units)
                    section.Entries.Add(entry.Index, entry.ToString());

        index   = 0;
        section = GetSection("Structures");
        if (section != null)
            if (structures != null && structures.Count > 0)
                foreach (Structure entry in structures)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(index++), entry.ToString());

        section = GetSection("CellTags");
        if (section != null)
            if (cellTags != null && cellTags.Count > 0)
                foreach (CellTag entry in cellTags)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(entry.MapY * 1000 + entry.MapX), entry.ToString());

        index   = 0;
        section = GetSection("Smudge");
        if (section != null)
            if (smudges != null && smudges.Count > 0)
                foreach (Smudge entry in smudges)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(index++), entry.ToString());

        section = GetSection("Terrain");
        if (section != null)
            if (terrains != null && terrains.Count > 0)
                foreach (Terrain entry in terrains)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(entry.MapY * 1000 + entry.MapX), entry.ToString());

        index   = 0;
        section = GetSection("Tubes");
        if (section != null)
            if (tunnelLines != null && tunnelLines.Count > 0)
                foreach (TunnelLine entry in tunnelLines)
                    section.Entries.Add(Convert.ToString(index++), entry.ToString());

        section = GetSection("Waypoints");
        if (section != null)
            if (waypoints != null && waypoints.Count > 0)
                foreach (Waypoint entry in waypoints)
                    section.Entries.Add(entry.ToString(), Convert.ToString(entry.MapY * 1000 + entry.MapX));


        if (sectionsWithNodes != null && sectionsWithNodes.Count > 0)
            foreach (string sectionName in sectionsWithNodes)
                section = GetSection(sectionName);
                if (section != null)
                    string nodeCount;
                    if (section.Entries.TryGetValue("NodeCount", out nodeCount))
                        int count = 0;
                        int.TryParse(nodeCount, out count);
                        if (count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                string countStr = i.ToString("000");
                                if (section.Entries.ContainsKey(countStr))

                        List <BaseNode>             baseNodesInSection = baseNodes.FindAll(bn => bn.SectionName.Equals(sectionName));
                        Dictionary <string, string> sectionEntries     = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
                            sectionEntries.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        nodeCount = "0";
                        if (baseNodesInSection != null && baseNodesInSection.Count > 0)
                            for (int bnCount = 0; bnCount < baseNodesInSection.Count; bnCount++)
                                sectionEntries.Add(bnCount.ToString("000"), baseNodesInSection[bnCount].ToString());
                            nodeCount = baseNodesInSection.Count.ToString();
                        if (sectionEntries.ContainsKey("NodeCount"))
                            sectionEntries["NodeCount"] = nodeCount;
                            sectionEntries.Add("NodeCount", nodeCount);
                        section.Entries = sectionEntries;

        Dictionary <string, string> sizeEntries = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        section = GetSection("Map");
        if (section != null)
            int localX      = localSize[0];
            int localY      = localSize[1];
            int localWidth  = newMapWidth - localSize[4];
            int localHeight = newMapHeight - localSize[5];

            sizeEntries.Add("Size", "0,0," + newMapWidth + "," + newMapHeight);
            if (left >= 0 && top >= 0 && right >= 0 && bottom >= 0 && options.MaintainLocalSize)
                localX      = localSize[0] + left;
                localY      = localSize[1] + top;
                localWidth  = newMapWidth - localSize[4] - right - left;
                localHeight = newMapHeight - localSize[5] - bottom - top;

            if (localX < 1)
                localX = 1;
            if (localY < 2)
                localY = 2;
            if (localWidth < 1)
                localWidth = 1;
            if (localHeight < 2)
                localHeight = 2;

            string mapLocalSize = Convert.ToString(localX) + "," + Convert.ToString(localY) + "," +
                                  Convert.ToString(localWidth) + "," + Convert.ToString(localHeight);
            sizeEntries.Add("LocalSize", mapLocalSize);


        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.MapName))
            section = GetSection("Basic");
            if (section != null)
                Dictionary <string, string> basicEntries = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                basicEntries.Add("Name", options.MapName);
Exemple #25
    private void InitializeTiles()
        MapSection section = GetSection("IsoMapPack5");

        if (section != null)
            tiles = new List <Tile>();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in section.Entries)
            byte[] lzoData     = Convert.FromBase64String(sb.ToString());
            int    cells       = (MapWidth * 2 - 1) * MapHeight;
            int    lzoPackSize = cells * 11 + 4;          // last 4 bytes used for termination
            byte[] isoMapPack  = new byte[lzoPackSize];

            int j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < cells; i++)
                isoMapPack[j]     = 0x88;
                isoMapPack[j + 1] = 0x40;
                isoMapPack[j + 2] = 0x88;
                isoMapPack[j + 3] = 0x40;
                j += 11;

            Format5.DecodeInto(lzoData, isoMapPack);

            foreach (Tuple <int, int> cellCoordinate in coordList)
                tiles.Add(new Tile(0, 0, 0, 0, cellCoordinate.Item1, cellCoordinate.Item2));

            MemoryFile mf = new MemoryFile(isoMapPack);
            for (int i = 0; i < cells; i++)
                int  rx          = (int)mf.ReadUInt16();
                int  ry          = (int)mf.ReadUInt16();
                int  tileIndex   = mf.ReadInt32();
                byte subIndex    = mf.ReadByte();
                byte heightLevel = mf.ReadByte();
                byte iceGrowth   = mf.ReadByte();

                if (tileIndex >= 65535)
                    tileIndex = 0;                                     // Tile 0xFFFF used as empty/clear
                if (rx < 512 && ry < 512)
                    int index = tiles.FindIndex(tile => tile.MapX == rx && tile.MapY == ry);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        tiles[index].TileIndex = tileIndex;
                        tiles[index].SubIndex  = subIndex;
                        tiles[index].Level     = heightLevel;
                        tiles[index].IceGrowth = iceGrowth;
Exemple #26
    private void UpdateTileSection()
        MapSection tileSection = GetSection("IsoMapPack5");

        if (tileSection != null)
            byte[]        encoded;
            List <Tile>   tileSetStage = new List <Tile>();
            List <byte[]> sortedTiles  = new List <byte[]>();

            if (!options.KeepL0ClearTiles)
                foreach (Tile t in tiles)
                    if (t.TileIndex > 0 || t.SubIndex > 0 || t.Level > 0 || t.IceGrowth > 0)

            if (tileSetStage.Count == 0)
                encoded = GetEncoded(tileSetStage);
                sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.MapX).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ToList()));
                sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ToList()));

                if (options.BetterTilesPackCompression)
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.MapX).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapX).ToList()));
                    sortedTiles.Add(GetEncoded(tileSetStage.OrderBy(x => x.Level).ThenBy(x => x.TileIndex).ThenBy(x => x.SubIndex).ThenBy(x => x.MapY).ToList()));

                int smallest      = sortedTiles[0].Length;
                int smallestIndex = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < sortedTiles.Count; index++)
                    if (sortedTiles[index].Length < smallest)
                        smallest      = sortedTiles[index].Length;
                        smallestIndex = index;
                encoded = sortedTiles[smallestIndex];

            string compressed64 = Convert.ToBase64String(encoded, Base64FormattingOptions.None);

            for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < compressed64.Length; i += 74)
                tileSection.Entries.Add(j++.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), compressed64.Substring(i, Math.Min(74, compressed64.Length - i)));
Exemple #27
        private void FindSectionThread()
            VehicleLocation newVehicleLocation = new VehicleLocation();
            string          sectionID          = localData.Location.NowSection;
            string          addressID          = localData.Location.LastAddress;
            MapAGVPosition  now = localData.Real;
            MapPosition     temp;
            MapSection      section;
            double          distanceToHead;
            double          distanceToTail;

            if (now == null)

            if (localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection.ContainsKey(sectionID))
                #region 是否還在目前Section內 (判斷條件 : 頭尾不能超出,寬度為MoveControlConfig.SectionRange 預設是50mm, 非RTurn且 角度誤差在MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta 預設是5度).
                section = localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection[sectionID];
                temp    = computeFunction.GetTransferPosition(section, now.Position);

                if (0 <= temp.X && temp.X <= section.Distance && Math.Abs(temp.Y) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionRange &&
                    Math.Abs(computeFunction.GetCurrectAngle(section.FromVehicleAngle - now.Angle)) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta)
                    if (section.FromVehicleAngle == section.ToVehicleAngle)
                        if (Math.Abs(computeFunction.GetCurrectAngle(section.FromVehicleAngle - now.Angle)) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta)
                            localData.Location.DistanceFormSectionHead = temp.X;

                            distanceToHead = temp.X;
                            distanceToTail = section.Distance - temp.X;

                            if (distanceToHead <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.InPositionRange && distanceToHead <= distanceToTail)
                                localData.Location.InAddress   = true;
                                localData.Location.LastAddress = section.FromAddress.Id;
                            else if (distanceToTail <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.InPositionRange && distanceToTail <= distanceToHead)
                                localData.Location.InAddress   = true;
                                localData.Location.LastAddress = section.ToAddress.Id;
                                localData.Location.InAddress = false;

                            WriteLog(7, "", String.Concat("Section不變更 : ", sectionID));
                            localData.LastAGVPosition = now;

                #region 搜尋是否在相鄰Section內 (判斷條件 : 頭尾不能超出,寬度為MoveControlConfig.SectionRange 預設是50mm, 非RTurn且 角度誤差在MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta 預設是5度).
                for (int i = 0; i < localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection[sectionID].NearbySection.Count; i++)
                    section = localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection[sectionID].NearbySection[i];

                    if (section.FromVehicleAngle == section.ToVehicleAngle)
                        temp = computeFunction.GetTransferPosition(section, now.Position);

                        if (0 <= temp.X && temp.X <= section.Distance && Math.Abs(temp.Y) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionRange &&
                            Math.Abs(computeFunction.GetCurrectAngle(section.FromVehicleAngle - now.Angle)) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta)
                            if (Math.Abs(computeFunction.GetCurrectAngle(section.FromVehicleAngle - now.Angle)) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta)
                                newVehicleLocation.DistanceFormSectionHead = temp.X;
                                newVehicleLocation.NowSection = section.Id;

                                distanceToHead = temp.X;
                                distanceToTail = section.Distance - temp.X;

                                if (distanceToHead <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.InPositionRange && distanceToHead <= distanceToTail)
                                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress   = true;
                                    newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = section.FromAddress.Id;
                                else if (distanceToTail <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.InPositionRange && distanceToTail <= distanceToHead)
                                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress   = true;
                                    newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = section.ToAddress.Id;
                                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress = false;

                                    if (section.FromAddress == localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection[sectionID].FromAddress ||
                                        section.FromAddress == localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection[sectionID].ToAddress)
                                        newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = section.FromAddress.Id;
                                        newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = section.ToAddress.Id;

                                localData.Location = newVehicleLocation;
                                WriteLog(7, "", String.Concat("切換Section(相鄰) : ", newVehicleLocation.NowSection));
                                localData.LastAGVPosition = now;

            #region Find All (條件 : 頭尾可超出 MoveControlConfig.SectionRange 預設是50mm, 寬度在MoveControlConfig.SectionWidthRange 預設是500mm, 非RTurn且 角度誤差在MoveControlConfig.SectionAllowDeltaTheta 預設是5度 中 找尋數值最接近的)
            MapSection  minSection  = null;
            MapPosition minPosition = null;
            double      min         = -1;
            double      tempMin;
            double      deltaAngle;

            foreach (MapSection tempSection in localData.TheMapInfo.AllSection.Values)
                if (tempSection.FromVehicleAngle == tempSection.ToVehicleAngle)
                    temp = computeFunction.GetTransferPosition(tempSection, now.Position);

                    if (-localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionRange <= temp.X && temp.X <= (tempSection.Distance + localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionRange) &&
                        Math.Abs(temp.Y) <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.SectionWidthRange)
                        deltaAngle = Math.Abs(computeFunction.GetCurrectAngle(tempSection.FromVehicleAngle - now.Angle));

                        tempMin = Math.Abs(temp.Y) + deltaAngle * 50;

                        if (temp.X < 0)
                            tempMin = tempMin - temp.X;
                        else if (temp.X > tempSection.Distance)
                            tempMin = tempMin + temp.X - tempSection.Distance;

                        if (min == -1 || tempMin < min)
                            min         = tempMin;
                            minSection  = tempSection;
                            minPosition = temp;

            if (min == -1)
                if (localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.LosePositionSetNullAddressSection)
                    newVehicleLocation.DistanceFormSectionHead = 0;
                    newVehicleLocation.LastAddress             = "";
                    newVehicleLocation.NowSection = "";
                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress  = false;

                    localData.Location = newVehicleLocation;

                WriteLog(3, "", String.Concat("目前位置 : ", computeFunction.GetMapAGVPositionStringWithAngle(now), " 搜尋不到所在Section"));
                localData.LastAGVPosition = now;
                newVehicleLocation.NowSection = minSection.Id;

                if (minPosition.X < 0)
                    newVehicleLocation.DistanceFormSectionHead = 0;
                else if (minPosition.X > minSection.Distance)
                    newVehicleLocation.DistanceFormSectionHead = minSection.Distance;
                    newVehicleLocation.DistanceFormSectionHead = minPosition.X;

                distanceToHead = Math.Abs(minPosition.X);
                distanceToTail = Math.Abs(minSection.Distance - minPosition.X);

                if (distanceToHead <= localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.InPositionRange && distanceToHead <= distanceToTail)
                    newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = minSection.FromAddress.Id;
                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress   = true;
                else if (distanceToTail < localData.MoveControlData.MoveControlConfig.InPositionRange && distanceToTail < distanceToHead)
                    newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = minSection.ToAddress.Id;
                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress   = true;
                    if (distanceToHead <= distanceToTail)
                        newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = minSection.FromAddress.Id;
                        newVehicleLocation.LastAddress = minSection.ToAddress.Id;

                    newVehicleLocation.InAddress = false;

                localData.Location = newVehicleLocation;
                WriteLog(7, "", String.Concat("切換Section(All) : ", newVehicleLocation.NowSection));
                localData.LastAGVPosition = now;
Exemple #28
 public void ReleaseMapSection(MapSection sect)
 public MapSection(int apiVersion, EventHandler handler, MapSection basis)
     : base(apiVersion, handler, basis)
Exemple #30
        public void ReadSectionCsv()
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SectionPath))
                    LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name,

                string[] allRows = File.ReadAllLines(SectionPath);
                if (allRows == null || allRows.Length < 2)
                    LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name,
                                 $"There are no section in file");

                string[] titleRow = allRows[0].Split(',');
                allRows = allRows.Skip(1).ToArray();

                int nRows    = allRows.Length;
                int nColumns = titleRow.Length;

                Dictionary <string, int> dicHeaderIndexes = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                //Id, FromAddress, ToAddress, Speed, Type, PermitDirection
                for (int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++)
                    var keyword = titleRow[i].Trim();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
                        dicHeaderIndexes.Add(keyword, i);

                for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
                    string[]   getThisRow = allRows[i].Split(',');
                    MapSection oneRow     = new MapSection();
                        oneRow.Id = getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["Id"]];
                        if (!Vehicle.MapInfo.addressMap.ContainsKey(getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["FromAddress"]]))
                            LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, $"LoadSectionCsv read oneRow fail, headAddress is not in the map : [secId={oneRow.Id}][headAddress={getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["FromAddress"]]}]");
                        oneRow.HeadAddress = Vehicle.MapInfo.addressMap[getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["FromAddress"]]];
                        if (!Vehicle.MapInfo.addressMap.ContainsKey(getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["ToAddress"]]))
                            LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, $"LoadSectionCsv read oneRow fail, tailAddress is not in the map : [secId={oneRow.Id}][tailAddress={getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["ToAddress"]]}]");
                        oneRow.TailAddress = Vehicle.MapInfo.addressMap[getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["ToAddress"]]];
                        oneRow.HeadToTailDistance = GetDistance(oneRow.HeadAddress.Position, oneRow.TailAddress.Position);
                        oneRow.Speed = double.Parse(getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["Speed"]]);
                        oneRow.Type  = oneRow.SectionTypeParse(getThisRow[dicHeaderIndexes["Type"]]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, $"LoadSectionCsv read oneRow fail : [lastReadSecId={lastReadSecId}]");
                        LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message);

                    lastReadSecId = oneRow.Id;
                    Vehicle.MapInfo.sectionMap.Add(oneRow.Id, oneRow);



                LogDebug(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, $"Load Section File Ok. [lastReadSecId={lastReadSecId}]");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, $"LoadSectionCsv : [lastReadSecId={lastReadSecId}]");
                LogException(GetType().Name + ":" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message);