public static void RegisterMap( int mapIndex, int mapID, int fileIndex, int width, int height, int season, string name, MapRules rules )
			Map newMap = new Map( mapID, mapIndex, fileIndex, width, height, season, name, rules );

			Map.Maps[mapIndex] = newMap;
			Map.AllMaps.Add( newMap );
Exemple #2
        public InstanceMap(int index, Map parent, string name, Season season, MapRules rules)
            : base(parent.MapID, index, parent.MapID, parent.Width, parent.Height, (int)season, name, rules)
            InstanceRegions = new List <InstanceRegion>();

            Mobiles = new List <Mobile>();
            Items   = new List <Item>();

            BounceInfo = new Dictionary <PlayerMobile, MapPoint>();

            if (!Maps.InBounds(MapIndex) || MapIndex == 255 || MapIndex == 127)
                Serial  = new InstanceMapSerial(-MapIndex);
                Deleted = true;

            Serial = new InstanceMapSerial(MapIndex);
            Parent = parent;

            Maps[MapIndex] = this;


Exemple #3
    public void LoadMap(Map map, MapRules rules)
        this.Map = map;
        cells    = new Dictionary <Int32, Cell> ();
        // current stair
        FloorManager.FloorStair stair = FloorManager.Instance.Stair;

        int i = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y < Map.Height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < Map.Width; x++)
                Cell cell = Map.getCell(rules, x, y);
                if (Map.Equals(stair.StairMap) && stair.StairPosition == new Vector2(x, y))
                    cell = stair.StairCell.gameObject.GetComponent <Cell>();
                cell = Instantiate(cell, getPositionFromCell(i) + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Cell> ();
                cell.init(i, null);
                cells.Add(cell.Id, cell);
                cell.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                //Debug.Log (i + " " + cell);
                // Rotation for texture
                cell.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180);
        foreach (Cell c in cells.Values)
            //Cell[] neighbors = new Cell[4];
            //neighbors [Cell.LEFT] = (x==0)?null:cells[i-1];
            //neighbors [Cell.TOP] = getCellFromPosition (new Vector2(x,y-1));
            c.BindOn(getCellFromId(c.Id + Map.Width), Cell.TOP);
            c.BindOn((c.Id) % (Map.Height) >= Map.Width - 1?null:getCellFromId(c.Id + 1), Cell.RIGHT);

        foreach (Map.TeleporterLine teleporterLine in Map.Teleporters)
            Teleporter teleporter = getCellFromPosition(teleporterLine.origin).gameObject.AddComponent <Teleporter> ();
            teleporter.Destination(teleporterLine.destinationMap, teleporterLine.destinationPosition);

        /*foreach (Cell c in cells.Values) {
         *      if(
         *              !c ||
         *              c.Left.Right != c ||
         *              c.Right.Left != c ||
         *              c.Top.Bottom != c ||
         *              c.Bottom.Top != c
         *      ){
         *              Debug.LogWarning("Bug cell "+c.Id);
         *      }
         * }*/

        this._ready = true;
Exemple #4
        public static void RegisterMap(int mapIndex, int mapID, int fileIndex, int width, int height, int season,
                                       string name, MapRules rules)
            Map newMap = new Map(mapID, mapIndex, fileIndex, width, height, season, name, rules);

            Map.Maps[mapIndex] = newMap;
Exemple #5
 private static void Init()
     if (Window2.Loaded == null || !Window2.Loaded)
         Window2.Loaded = true;
		public static void RegisterMap(
			int mapIndex, int mapID, int fileIndex, int width, int height, Season season, Expansion ex, string name, MapRules rules)
			var newMap = new Map(mapID, mapIndex, fileIndex, width, height, season.GetID(), ex, name, rules);

			Map.Maps[mapIndex] = newMap;
Exemple #7
 public Cell getCell(MapRules rules, int x, int y)
         //Debug.Log(x + ":" + y + " = " + _txtMap [x][Height-y-1]);
         Cell ret = rules.getCell(_txtMap [Height - y - 1][x]);
         return(ret ? ret : rules.DefaultCell);
     }catch (Exception) {
         Debug.LogWarning("Cell not found during map loading ! Default cell will be used");
Exemple #8
 public static MatchOptions GetOptions(MatchOptions2 Options2)
     if (Options2 == null)
Exemple #9
        public static void Beautify(Element elem, string identifier, MatchOptions2 Options2)
            if (elem == null)

            if (identifier == "ignore")


            string padyam = CleanHTML(elem.InnerHTML.ToUpperCase());
            string html   = "";

            if (Options2 == null)
                Options2 = MapRules.DefaultOptions();

            html = (identifier == null || identifier == "") ? Determine(padyam, Options2) : TryMatch(padyam, identifier, Options2);

            if (html != "")
                elem.InnerHTML = "<div class='formatted'>" + html + "</div>" +
                                 "<div class='orginal'>" + elem.InnerHTML + "</div>";

            Element Close = Util.FindByClass(elem, "open");

            if (Close == null)

            Util.RegisterClick3(Close, delegate(ElementEvent ee)
                Element Anchor = ee.Target.ParentNode.ParentNode;
                Element Target = Util.FindByClass(Anchor, "ganaVibhajana");

                OverlayDialog OD = new OverlayDialog("", Target.InnerHTML);
                OD.FooterText    = "ఛందం<sup class='copyright'>©</sup> తో పద్యసాహిత్యం మరింత రసమయం..!! [<a target='_blank' href=''></a>]";
                OD.ShowClose     = false;
Exemple #10
		public Map( int mapID, int mapIndex, int fileIndex, int width, int height, int season, string name, MapRules rules )
			m_MapID = mapID;
			m_MapIndex = mapIndex;
			m_FileIndex = fileIndex;
			m_Width = width;
			m_Height = height;
			m_Season = season;
			m_Name = name;
			m_Rules = rules;
			m_Regions = new Dictionary<string, Region>( StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
			m_InvalidSector = new Sector( 0, 0, this );
			m_SectorsWidth = width >> SectorShift;
			m_SectorsHeight = height >> SectorShift;
			m_Sectors = new Sector[m_SectorsWidth][];
        public static InstanceMap CreateMap(Map parent, string name, Season season, MapRules rules)
            // If the map is TerMur, use Spring or Summer to prevent static clouds from being hidden.
            if (season != Season.Spring && season != Season.Summer && parent.MapID == 5)
                season = Utility.RandomList(Season.Spring, Season.Summer);

            var map = new InstanceMap(parent, name, season, rules);

            if (!map.Deleted)
                Maps.AddOrReplace(map.Serial, map);

Exemple #12
        public static void BeautifyAll(string identifier, Element parent, MatchOptions2 Options2)
            ElementCollection List = (parent == null) ? Document.GetElementsByTagName("*") : parent.GetElementsByTagName("*");

            if (List == null)

            Element[] L = new Element[List.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < List.Length; i++)
                L[i] = List[i];
            if (Options2 == null)
                Options2        = MapRules.DefaultOptions();
                Options2.ShowGV = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < L.Length; i++)
                Element elem        = L[i];
                string  chandam     = (string)elem.GetAttribute("chandam");
                string  identifier2 = (string)elem.GetAttribute("chandassu");

                if (chandam == "0")

                if (chandam == "1" || identifier2 != "")
                    if (identifier2 != null && identifier2 != "")
                        Beautify(elem, identifier2, Options2);
                        Beautify(elem, identifier, Options2);
Exemple #13
        public static void BeautifyTags(string tag, string identifier, MatchOptions2 Options2)
            ElementCollection List = Document.GetElementsByTagName(tag);

            Element[] L = new Element[List.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < List.Length; i++)
                L[i] = List[i];
            if (Options2 == null)
                Options2        = MapRules.DefaultOptions();
                Options2.ShowGV = true;
            foreach (Element e in L)
                if (e.TagName.ToLowerCase() == "div")
                Beautify(e, identifier, Options2);
        public BaseInstanceMap(int mapID, int fileIndex, int width, int height, int season, string name, MapRules rules) : base(mapID, Serial.NewMap, fileIndex, width, height, season, name, rules)
            Type ourType = this.GetType();

            m_TypeRef = World.m_InstanceMapTypes.IndexOf(ourType);

            if (m_TypeRef == -1)
                m_TypeRef = World.m_InstanceMapTypes.Count - 1;

        //private Point3D m_EjectPoint; //Where do all the Players go?
        //public Point3D EjectPoint{ get{ return m_EjectPoint; } set{ m_EjectPoint = value; } }

        public BaseInstanceMap(Map model, string name, MapRules rules) : this(model.MapID, model.FileIndex, model.Width, model.Height, model.Season, name, rules)
Exemple #16
        public Map( int mapID, int mapIndex, int fileIndex, int width, int height, int season, string name, MapRules rules )
            m_MapID = mapID;
            m_MapIndex = mapIndex;
            m_FileIndex = fileIndex;
            m_Width = width;
            m_Height = height;
            m_Season = season;
            m_Name = name;
            m_Rules = rules;
            m_Regions = new ArrayList();

            //m_Tiles = new TileMatrix( fileIndex, width, height );

            m_InvalidSector = new Sector( 0, 0, this );

            m_SectorsWidth = width >> SectorShift;
            m_SectorsHeight = height >> SectorShift;

            m_Sectors = new Sector[m_SectorsWidth][];
Exemple #17
     * Create a map according to its position in the floor
    public Map GetMap(MapRules rules, int widthFloor, int heightFloor, int[] coordinatesMap)
        // Init map
        char[][] txtMap = rules.GetMapModel();
        // x = width, y = height
        int widthMap  = txtMap.Length;
        int heightMap = txtMap [0].Length - 1;
        List <Map.TeleporterLine> teleporters = new List <Map.TeleporterLine> ();

        // Create corridor in txtMap
        List <PosCorridor> posCorridors = GetCorridors(widthFloor, heightFloor, coordinatesMap);

        foreach (PosCorridor corridor in posCorridors)
            int     originCorridor, x, y;
            int[]   destinationMap = new int[2];
            Vector2 originTeleporter, destinationTeleporter;

            // TODO créer une seule méthode pour les 4 positions de corridor
            switch (corridor)
            case PosCorridor.BOTTOM:
                // Teleporter
                originCorridor        = widthMap / 2;
                destinationMap [0]    = coordinatesMap[0];
                destinationMap [1]    = coordinatesMap[1] - 1;
                originTeleporter      = new Vector2(originCorridor, 0);
                destinationTeleporter = new Vector2(originCorridor, heightMap - 2);

                teleporters.Add(new Map.TeleporterLine(originTeleporter, destinationMap, destinationTeleporter));
                // Construct corridor
                x = originCorridor;
                y = heightMap - 1;
                while (txtMap [y] [x] != 'G')
                    txtMap[y][x] = 'G';

            case PosCorridor.TOP:
                // Teleporter
                originCorridor        = widthMap / 2;
                destinationMap [0]    = coordinatesMap[0];
                destinationMap [1]    = coordinatesMap[1] + 1;
                originTeleporter      = new Vector2(originCorridor, heightMap - 1);
                destinationTeleporter = new Vector2(originCorridor, 1);

                teleporters.Add(new Map.TeleporterLine(originTeleporter, destinationMap, destinationTeleporter));
                // Construct corridor
                x = originCorridor;
                y = 0;
                while (txtMap [y] [x] != 'G')
                    txtMap[y][x] = 'G';

            case PosCorridor.LEFT:
                // Teleporter
                originCorridor        = heightMap / 2;
                destinationMap [0]    = coordinatesMap[0] - 1;
                destinationMap [1]    = coordinatesMap[1];
                originTeleporter      = new Vector2(0, originCorridor);
                destinationTeleporter = new Vector2(widthMap - 2, originCorridor);

                teleporters.Add(new Map.TeleporterLine(originTeleporter, destinationMap, destinationTeleporter));
                // Construct corridor
                x = 0;
                y = heightMap - originCorridor - 1;
                while (txtMap [y] [x] != 'G')
                    txtMap[y][x] = 'G';

            case PosCorridor.RIGHT:
                // Teleporter
                originCorridor        = heightMap / 2;
                destinationMap [0]    = coordinatesMap[0] + 1;
                destinationMap [1]    = coordinatesMap[1];
                originTeleporter      = new Vector2(widthMap - 1, originCorridor);
                destinationTeleporter = new Vector2(1, originCorridor);

                teleporters.Add(new Map.TeleporterLine(originTeleporter, destinationMap, destinationTeleporter));
                // Construct corridor
                x = widthMap - 1;
                y = heightMap - originCorridor - 1;
                while (txtMap [y] [x] != 'G')
                    txtMap[y][x] = 'G';
        // Convert char[][] to string[]
        // Why convert ? char[][] problems with memory recording
        string[] resultMap = new string[15];
        int      i         = 0;

        foreach (char[] line in txtMap)
            resultMap [i] = new string(line);
        return(new Map(widthMap, heightMap, resultMap, teleporters));
        public static void RegisterMap(
            int mapIndex, int mapID, int fileIndex, int width, int height, Season season, Expansion ex, string name, MapRules rules)
            var newMap = new Map(mapID, mapIndex, fileIndex, width, height, season.GetID(), ex, name, rules);

            Map.Maps[mapIndex] = newMap;