Exemple #1
        public void Draw(object domainObj, MapRendererContext context)
            var xyzObject = domainObj as XYZObject;

            if (xyzObject == null)
            using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Aqua))
                var x      = xyzObject.X - xyzObject.Radius;
                var y      = xyzObject.Y - xyzObject.Radius;
                var width  = 2 * xyzObject.Radius;
                var height = 2 * xyzObject.Radius;
                // draw the circle
                context.World.FillEllipse(brush, x, y, width, height);
                // anonotate the drawn circle with the name of the object.
                // place the annotation at the end of the segment
                var bottomRightCorner = new Point2(
                    xyzObject.X + xyzObject.Radius,
                    xyzObject.Y - xyzObject.Radius);
                Point2 annotationPoint = bottomRightCorner;
                // draw the annotation using the paper graphics
Exemple #2
        public Box2 GetBounds(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
            CustomVectorField VF    = (CustomVectorField)o;
            Point2            begin = new Point2(VF.originX, VF.originY);
            Point2            end   = new Point2(VF.originX + VF.gridStep * VF.sizeX, VF.originY + VF.gridStep * VF.sizeY);

            // Return a box that describes the area the object occupies
            return(new Box2(begin, end));
Exemple #3
        public void Dispose(object domainObj, MapRendererContext context)
            var xyzObject = domainObj as XYZObject;

            if (xyzObject != null)
                var propertyChangedEventHandler = context.UserContext as PropertyChangedEventHandler;
                // unsubscribe the change handler
                xyzObject.PropertyChanged -= propertyChangedEventHandler;
Exemple #4
        public Box2 GetBounds(object domainObj, MapRendererContext context)
            var xyzObject = domainObj as XYZObject;

            if (xyzObject == null)
            var topLeftCorner     = new Point2(xyzObject.X - xyzObject.Radius, xyzObject.Y - xyzObject.Radius);
            var bottomRightCorner = new Point2(xyzObject.X + xyzObject.Radius, xyzObject.Y + xyzObject.Radius);

            return(new Box2(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner));
Exemple #5
        public void Initialize(object domainObj, MapRendererContext context)
            // configure rendering layer
            context.RenderingLayers = RenderingLayers.Solid;
            var xyzObject = domainObj as XYZObject;

            if (xyzObject != null)
                // create the property changed handler
                PropertyChangedEventHandler xyzObjectChangedHandler = (sender, args) => { context.Window.Invalidate(xyzObject); };
                // register the change handler
                xyzObject.PropertyChanged += xyzObjectChangedHandler;
                // set the change handler as the context
                context.UserContext = xyzObjectChangedHandler;
Exemple #6
        public void GetPickInfo(object domainObj, MapPickedPoint point, MapRendererContext context)
            var xyzObject = domainObj as XYZObject;

            if (xyzObject == null)
            var circleCenter = new Point2(xyzObject.X, xyzObject.Y);
            var pickedPoint  = new Point2(point.Ray.Origin.X, point.Ray.Origin.Y);
            Segment2 fromPickedPointToCircleCenter = new Segment2(circleCenter, pickedPoint);

            // if the segment length is smaller than the radius then we assume that the object is selected
            if (fromPickedPointToCircleCenter.Length <= xyzObject.Radius)
                point.PickString = new[] { "Picked XYZ" };
                point.IsHit      = true;
Exemple #7
        public bool CanDraw(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
            CustomVectorField cvf = o as CustomVectorField;

            return(!(cvf.VectorField == null));
Exemple #8
 public void Initialize(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
     ctx.RenderingLayers = RenderingLayers.Solid;
Exemple #9
 public void Dispose(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
Exemple #10
        public void Draw(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
            // Get the World coordinates
            Graphics gworld = ctx.World;

            using (Pen pn = new Pen(Color.Black))
                CustomVectorField VF = (CustomVectorField)o;
                double[, ,] field = VF.VectorField;
                float originX               = (float)VF.originX;
                float originY               = (float)VF.originY;
                float increment             = (float)VF.gridStep;
                int   sizeX                 = VF.sizeX;
                int   sizeY                 = VF.sizeY;
                Pen   pn1                   = new Pen(VF.arrowColor);
                AdjustableArrowCap bigArrow = new AdjustableArrowCap(5, 7);
                Pen pn2 = new Pen(VF.arrowColor);
                pn2.CustomEndCap = bigArrow;
                Font       drawFont  = new Font("Arial", 16);
                SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(VF.arrowColor);
                for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; j++)
                        if (field[i, j, 0] > 0.005)
                            if (VF.haveGrid)
                                gworld.DrawRectangle(pn, originX + (float)i * increment, originY + (float)j * increment, increment, increment);
                            gworld.DrawLine(pn1, (float)field[i, j, 2], (float)field[i, j, 3], (float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5]);
                            PointF point1 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5]);
                            PointF point2 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 6], (float)field[i, j, 7]);
                            PointF point3 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 12], (float)field[i, j, 13]);
                            PointF point4 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 16], (float)field[i, j, 17]);
                            PointF point5 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 14], (float)field[i, j, 15]);
                            PointF point6 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 10], (float)field[i, j, 11]);
                            PointF point7 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 8], (float)field[i, j, 9]);

                            PointF[] curvePoints =
                            gworld.FillPolygon(drawBrush, curvePoints);
                            //gworld.DrawLine(pn1, (float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5], (float)field[i, j, 6], (float)field[i, j, 7]);
                            //gworld.DrawLine(pn1, (float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5], (float)field[i, j, 8], (float)field[i, j, 9]);
                            //PointF[] f = new PointF [4];
                            //for (int rrr = 0; rrr < 4 ; i++){

                            /*  f[0].X = (int)field[i, j, 6];
                             * f[0].Y = (int)field[i, j, 7];
                             * f[1].X = (int)field[i, j, 4];
                             * f[1].Y = (int)field[i, j, 5];
                             * f[2].X = (int)field[i, j, 8];
                             * f[2].Y = (int)field[i, j, 9];
                             * f[3].X = (int)field[i, j, 10];
                             * f[3].Y = (int)field[i, j, 11];
                             * gworld.DrawPolygon(pn1, f);*/
                            //gworld.FillPolygon(drawBrush, f);
Exemple #11
 public bool CanDraw(object domainObj, MapRendererContext context)
     return(domainObj is XYZObject);
 public void Initialize(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
     ctx.RenderingLayers = RenderingLayers.Solid;
 public Box2 GetBounds( object o, MapRendererContext ctx )
     CustomVectorField VF = (CustomVectorField)o;
     Point2 begin = new Point2(VF.originX, VF.originY);
     Point2 end = new Point2(VF.originX + VF.gridStep * VF.sizeX, VF.originY + VF.gridStep * VF.sizeY);
     // Return a box that describes the area the object occupies
     return new Box2( begin, end );
        public void Draw( object o, MapRendererContext ctx )
            // Get the World coordinates
            Graphics gworld = ctx.World;
            using (Pen pn = new Pen(Color.Black))
                CustomVectorField VF = (CustomVectorField)o;
                double[, ,] field = VF.VectorField;
                float originX = (float)VF.originX;
                float originY = (float)VF.originY;
                float increment = (float)VF.gridStep;
                int sizeX = VF.sizeX;
                int sizeY = VF.sizeY;
                Pen pn1 = new Pen(VF.arrowColor);
                AdjustableArrowCap bigArrow = new AdjustableArrowCap(5, 7);
                Pen pn2 = new Pen(VF.arrowColor);
                pn2.CustomEndCap = bigArrow;
                Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 16);
                SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(VF.arrowColor);
                for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++)

                    for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; j++)
                        if (field[i, j, 0] > 0.005)
                            if (VF.haveGrid)
                                gworld.DrawRectangle(pn, originX + (float)i * increment, originY + (float)j * increment, increment, increment);
                            gworld.DrawLine(pn1, (float)field[i, j, 2], (float)field[i, j, 3], (float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5]);
                            PointF point1 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5]);
                            PointF point2 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 6], (float)field[i, j, 7]);
                            PointF point3 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 12], (float)field[i, j, 13]);
                            PointF point4 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 16], (float)field[i, j, 17]);
                            PointF point5 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 14], (float)field[i, j, 15]);
                            PointF point6 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 10], (float)field[i, j, 11]);
                            PointF point7 = new PointF((float)field[i, j, 8], (float)field[i, j, 9]);

                            PointF[] curvePoints =

                            gworld.FillPolygon(drawBrush, curvePoints);
                            //gworld.DrawLine(pn1, (float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5], (float)field[i, j, 6], (float)field[i, j, 7]);
                            //gworld.DrawLine(pn1, (float)field[i, j, 4], (float)field[i, j, 5], (float)field[i, j, 8], (float)field[i, j, 9]);
                            //PointF[] f = new PointF [4];
                            //for (int rrr = 0; rrr < 4 ; i++){
                              /*  f[0].X = (int)field[i, j, 6];
                                f[0].Y = (int)field[i, j, 7];
                                f[1].X = (int)field[i, j, 4];
                                f[1].Y = (int)field[i, j, 5];
                                f[2].X = (int)field[i, j, 8];
                                f[2].Y = (int)field[i, j, 9];
                                f[3].X = (int)field[i, j, 10];
                                f[3].Y = (int)field[i, j, 11];
                                gworld.DrawPolygon(pn1, f);*/
                                //gworld.FillPolygon(drawBrush, f);
 public void Dispose(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
 public bool CanDraw(object o, MapRendererContext ctx)
     CustomVectorField cvf = o as CustomVectorField;
     return !(cvf.VectorField == null);