Exemple #1
        public IList <BsonDocument> MapReduce(string _map, string _reduce, string collName, string fileter, string outputResult, int timeOutSeconds = 60, bool isDel = false)
            IList <BsonDocument> result = new List <BsonDocument>();
            var map = new BsonJavaScript(_map);

            var reduce = new BsonJavaScript(_reduce);

            //const key = this.Date.getFullYear();

            if (isDel && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputResult))
            var coll = mDB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(collName);
            //var options = new MapReduceOptions<BsonDocument, BsonDocument>();//what should be TResult?

            //options.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Inline;
            FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> _filter = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileter))
                _filter = fileter;

            var output = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce(outputResult, nonAtomic: true);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputResult))
                output = MapReduceOutputOptions.Inline;

            MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument>
                Filter        = _filter,
                MaxTime       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeOutSeconds),
                OutputOptions = output,
                Verbose       = true,

                result = coll.MapReduce(map, reduce, options).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception occurred {ex.Message}");

Exemple #2
        public async Task DemoMapReduceAsync(IMongoCollection <ClubMember> collection)
            //The match function has to be written in JavaScript
            //the map method outputs a key value pair for each document
            //in this case the key is the Lastname property value and the value is the Age property value
            var map = new BsonJavaScript(@"function() 
                                             //Associate each LastName property with the Age value
            //The MapReduce method  uses the output from the Map method
            //   to produce a list of ages for each unique LastName value.
            //  Then each key and its associated list of values is presented to the Reduce method in turn.
            var reduce = new BsonJavaScript(@"function(lastName,ages) 
                                                 return Array.sum(ages);
            //The Reduce method returns the Lastname as the key and the sum of the ages as the value
            //The beauty of this technique is that data can be processed in batches
            //The output of one batch is combined with that of another and fed back through the Reducer
            //This is repeated until the output is reduced to the number of unique keys.
            // The results are output to a new collection named ResultsCollection on the server.
            // This saves on the use of computer memory and enables the results to be queried effectively by using indexes.

            var options = new MapReduceOptions <ClubMember, BsonDocument>
                //Replace (the default) : the content of existing collection is dropped, and the new output go into it
                // Merge  The existing collection is kept.When a result with the same Key(the _id) exists, the value in the collection is replaced with it.
                //Reduce : The existing collection is kept.When a result with the same Key(the _id) exists,
                //MongoDB runs the reduce function against the two of them, and stores the result.
                OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce("ResultsCollection")
            var resultAsBsonDocumentList = await collection.MapReduce(map, reduce, options).ToListAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("The total age for every member of each family  is ....");
            var reduction =
                    doc => new { family = doc["_id"].AsString, age = (int)doc["value"].AsDouble });

            foreach (var anon in reduction)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} Family Total Age {1}", anon.family, anon.age);
Exemple #3
        //public static void test()

        //    var coll = mDB.GetCollection<ProtocolByPub>("publog");

        //    string mapFunction = @"function(){
        //                            emit(this.cusid, this.price);
        //                        };";

        //    string reduceFunction = @"function(cusid, prices){
        //                            var total = 0;
        //                            total = Array.sum(prices);
        //                            return { sum: total };
        //                        };";

        //    FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> filter = "{ x : { $regex : /ABC/ } }";
        //    var options = new MapReduceOptions<BsonDocument, ProtocolByPub>();//what should be TResult?
        //    options.Filter = filter;
        //    options.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Inline;
        //    var cusid_prices_results = coll.MapReduce<ProtocolByPub>(mapFunction, reduceFunction);
        //        private const string MapJs = @"function mapF() {
        //    const key = this.Date.getFullYear();
        //    const valuePerYear = { total: 1};

        //    emit(key, valuePerYear);
        //}; ";

        //        private const string ReduceJS = @"function reduceF(year, values) {
        //    var sum = 0;
        //    values.forEach(function(v) {
        //        sum += v.total;
        //    });
        //    return {total: NumberInt(sum)};

        public void test1()
            string MapJs    = @"function mapF() {
    const key = this.firstName;
    const ages = this.age;

    emit(key, ages);
}; ";
            string ReduceJS = @"function reduceF(key, ages) {
    var sum = 0;
    ages.forEach(function(v) {
        sum += v.age;
    return NumberInt(sum);

            //string mongoConnectionString = "my-connection-string";

            IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> collection = mDB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("test2");
            BsonJavaScript map    = new BsonJavaScript(MapJs);
            BsonJavaScript reduce = new BsonJavaScript(ReduceJS);
            FilterDefinitionBuilder <BsonDocument> filterBuilder = new FilterDefinitionBuilder <BsonDocument>();
            var f = filterBuilder.Eq("age", 12);
            //     FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> filter = new BsonDocument{
            //  {"_id",12}
            MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument>
                Filter        = f,
                MaxTime       = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
                OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce("Result", nonAtomic: true),
                Verbose       = true

                var result = collection.MapReduce(map, reduce, options).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception occurred {ex.Message}");
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var client   = new MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost");
            var database = client.GetDatabase("MapReduce");

            if (!database.ListCollections().Any())

            var map     = GetFunction("CustomerMapFunction");
            var reduce  = GetFunction("CustomerReduceFunction");
            var options = new MapReduceOptions <Customer, BsonDocument>();

            options.Filter = Builders <Customer> .Filter.Eq(o => o.CustomerId, 5000);

            options.Verbose       = false;
            options.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace("Out");
            database.GetCollection <Customer>(CUSTOMER_COLLECTION).MapReduce <BsonDocument>(new BsonJavaScript(map), new BsonJavaScript(reduce), options);

            var map2     = GetFunction("OrderMapFunction");
            var reduce2  = GetFunction("OrderReduceFunction");
            var options2 = new MapReduceOptions <Order, BsonDocument>();

            options2.Filter = Builders <Order> .Filter.Eq(o => o.CustomerId, 5000);

            options2.Verbose       = false;
            options2.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce("Out");
            var res = database.GetCollection <Order>(ORDER_COLLECTION).MapReduce <BsonDocument>(new BsonJavaScript(map2), new BsonJavaScript(reduce2), options2);

            var output = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Out");

            foreach (var doc in output.Find(b => true).ToList())

Exemple #5
        public object mapReduce(object map, object reduce, object options)
            var mapReduceOptions = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument>();

            object sort = options.GetProperty("sort");

            if (sort != null)
                mapReduceOptions.Sort = new BsonDocumentSortDefinition <BsonDocument>(sort.ToBsonDocument());

            object query = options.GetProperty("query");

            if (query != null)
                mapReduceOptions.Filter = new BsonDocumentFilterDefinition <BsonDocument>(query.ToBsonDocument());

            object scope = options.GetProperty("scope");

            if (scope != null)
                mapReduceOptions.Scope = scope.ToBsonDocument();

            object limit = options.GetProperty("limit");

            if (limit != null)
                mapReduceOptions.Limit = limit.ToIntOrDefault();

            object verbose = options.GetProperty("verbose");

            if (limit != null)
                mapReduceOptions.Verbose = verbose.ToBoolOrDefault();

            object jsMode = options.GetProperty("jsMode");

            if (jsMode != null)
                mapReduceOptions.JavaScriptMode = jsMode.ToBoolOrDefault();

            object bypassDocumentValidation = options.GetProperty("bypassDocumentValidation");

            if (bypassDocumentValidation != null)
                mapReduceOptions.BypassDocumentValidation = bypassDocumentValidation.ToBoolOrDefault();

            object finalize = options.GetProperty("finalize");

            if (finalize != null)
                mapReduceOptions.Finalize = new BsonJavaScript(finalize.ToStringOrDefault());

            object outCollection = options.GetProperty("out");

            if (outCollection is string)
                mapReduceOptions.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace(outCollection.ToStringOrDefault());
            if (outCollection is IDictionary <string, object> )
                var    outDicionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)outCollection;
                object inline       = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("inline");
                if (inline != null)
                    mapReduceOptions.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Inline;
                    string replaceAction = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("replace").ToStringOrDefault();
                    string mergeAction   = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("merge").ToStringOrDefault();
                    string reduceAction  = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("reduce").ToStringOrDefault();

                    string db        = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("db").ToStringOrDefault();
                    bool?  nonAtomic = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("nonAtomic").ToBoolOrDefault();
                    bool?  sharded   = outDicionary.GetValueOrDefault2("sharded").ToBoolOrDefault();

                    if (replaceAction != null)
                        mapReduceOptions.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace(replaceAction, db, sharded);
                    if (mergeAction != null)
                        mapReduceOptions.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Merge(mergeAction, db, sharded, nonAtomic);
                    if (reduceAction != null)
                        mapReduceOptions.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce(reduceAction, db, sharded, nonAtomic);

            return(new MongoEvaluatedCursor <BsonDocument>(
                       _collection.MapReduce <BsonDocument>(
                           new BsonJavaScript(map.ToStringOrDefault()),
                           new BsonJavaScript(reduce.ToStringOrDefault()),
        public async void GroupByAccountFromCommand(string companyName)
                    string.Concat("Calculation Test: Mapreduce on Sharded Cluster: ",
                                  companyName, " Started."));

                const string reduceCollectionName = "calculationresults";

                var accountMapScript       = Helpers.GetScriptContent(@"SampleMongoScripts\MapReduce\accountMap.mongojs");
                var accountFactorMapScript =
                var reduceScript   = Helpers.GetScriptContent(@"SampleMongoScripts\MapReduce\reduce.mongojs");
                var finalizeScript = Helpers.GetScriptContent(@"SampleMongoScripts\MapReduce\finalize.mongojs");

                var mapReduceAggregationScript =
                    .Replace("[[TargetCollection]]", reduceCollectionName)
                    .Replace("[[CompanyName]]", companyName);

                var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                Task.Run(async() =>
                    await MongoDataContext.Repository <Account>()
                    .MapReduceAsync(accountMapScript, reduceScript,
                                    new MapReduceOptions <Account, BsonDocument>
                        Finalize      = finalizeScript,
                        OutputOptions =

                    await MongoDataContext.Repository <AccountFactor>()
                    .MapReduceAsync(accountFactorMapScript, reduceScript,
                                    new MapReduceOptions <AccountFactor, BsonDocument>
                        Finalize      = finalizeScript,
                        OutputOptions =
                    ConsoleLogger.LogWarning(string.Concat("Mapreduce finished. New collection created: ",

                ConsoleLogger.LogWarning(string.Concat("Document count for ", reduceCollectionName, ": ",
                                                       MongoDataContext.Database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(reduceCollectionName)

                var result =
                    MongoDataContext.Database.GetCommandResultAsync <MapReduceCalculationResult>(


                Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "### MapreduceOnShardedCluster >> ",
                                                companyName, " ###"));

                var timespan = timer.Elapsed;
                    string.Concat("Calculation Test: Mapreduce on Sharded Cluster: ",
                                  companyName, " Finished. Duration: ",
                                  string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", timespan.Minutes, timespan.Seconds,
                                                timespan.Milliseconds / 10)));

                ConsoleLogger.LogWarning(string.Concat("Test(s) left: ", _testCounter, "/", _testCount));
            catch (Exception ex)
        public virtual IEnumerable <TResult> MapReduce <TEntity, TResult>(MapReduceOptionsProxy <TEntity, TResult> options) where TEntity : CollectionEntityBase, new()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Map))
                throw new Exception("map is must");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Reduce))
                throw new Exception("reduce is must");
            var o = new MapReduceOptions <TEntity, TResult>();

            if (options.OutputEnum.Equals(MapReduceOutputOptionsEnum.Inline))
                o.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Inline;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DatabaseName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.CollectionName))
                    throw new Exception("DatabaseName and CollectionName is must");
                if (options.OutputEnum.Equals(MapReduceOutputOptionsEnum.Merge))
                    o.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce(options.CollectionName, options.DatabaseName);
                else if (options.OutputEnum.Equals(MapReduceOutputOptionsEnum.Reduce))
                    o.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Reduce(options.CollectionName, options.DatabaseName);
                else if (options.OutputEnum.Equals(MapReduceOutputOptionsEnum.Replace))
                    o.OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace(options.CollectionName, options.DatabaseName);
            o.BypassDocumentValidation = options.BypassDocumentValidation;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Filter))
                o.Filter = options.Filter;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Finalize))
                o.Finalize = options.Finalize;
            o.JavaScriptMode = options.JavaScriptMode;
            o.Limit          = options.Limit;
            o.MaxTime        = options.MaxTime;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Sort))
                o.Sort = options.Sort;
            o.Verbose = options.Verbose;
            var r = this.CurrentCollection <TEntity>().MapReduce <TResult>(new MongoDB.Bson.BsonJavaScript(options.Map), new MongoDB.Bson.BsonJavaScript(options.Reduce), o);

            if (options.OutputEnum.Equals(MapReduceOutputOptionsEnum.Inline))