Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows the user to restore a map that was deleted during this session.
 /// </summary>
 public static void RestoreMap()
     if (DeletedMaps.Count == 0)
         new MessageBox("Info", "You have not deleted any maps during this session. If you delete a map, it will be available for restoration here for the rest of the session, or until you clear the deleted map cache.", IconType.Info);
         MapPicker picker = new MapPicker(DeletedMaps, "Restore a Map", false);
         picker.OnClosed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e)
             if (picker.ChosenMap != null)
                 bool NewID = false;
                 Map  Map   = picker.ChosenMap;
                 if (Data.Maps.ContainsKey(picker.ChosenMap.ID)) // ID in use, generate new ID
                     Map.ID = GetFreeMapID();
                     NewID  = true;
                 if (NewID)
                     new MessageBox("Warning", "The ID of the restored map was already in use. It has been assigned a new ID. This may affect map connections or transfer commands.", IconType.Warning);
Exemple #2
        public override string Arm(ServerBattle battle, Say e, string arguments = null)
            map = string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)
                ? MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(battle.GetContext())
                : MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments, battle.MinimalMapSupportLevel).FirstOrDefault();

            if (map == null)
                battle.Respond(e, "Cannot find such map.");
            else if (map.InternalName == battle.MapName)
                battle.Respond(e, "Already on this map.");
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments) && map.MapSupportLevel < MapSupportLevel.Supported)
                alternativeMap = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments, MapSupportLevel.Supported).FirstOrDefault();

            if (map.MapSupportLevel >= MapSupportLevel.Supported)
                return($"Change map to {map.InternalName} {GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl}/Maps/Detail/{map.ResourceID} ?");
                return($"Change to UNSUPPORTED map {map.InternalName} {GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl}/Maps/Detail/{map.ResourceID} ?");
    public MatchManager(GameManager gm, int goal, GameObject medalPrefab, GameObject p1_medaltext, GameObject p2_medaltext, GameObject scoreboard, GameObject countdownText)
        this.p1 = gm.p1;
        this.p2 = gm.p2;

        this.goal       = goal;
        this.scoreboard = scoreboard;
        this.countdown  = countdownText;

        this.mapPicker = gm.mapPicker;

        p1_medals = new Image[goal];
        p2_medals = new Image[goal];

        for (int i = 0; i < goal; i++)
            double offset = (i) * (medalPrefab.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x * 1.5f);

            GameObject temp_p1_medal = GameObject.Instantiate(medalPrefab, p1_medaltext.transform);
            temp_p1_medal.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition += Vector2.right * (float)offset;
            p1_medals[i] = temp_p1_medal.GetComponent <Image>();

            GameObject temp_p2_medal = GameObject.Instantiate(medalPrefab, p2_medaltext.transform);
            temp_p2_medal.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition += Vector2.right * (float)offset;
            p2_medals[i] = temp_p2_medal.GetComponent <Image>();
Exemple #4
        public override string Arm(ServerBattle battle, Say e, string arguments = null)
            map = string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)
                ? MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(battle.GetContext())
                : MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments).FirstOrDefault();

            if (map == null)
                battle.Respond(e, "Cannot find such map.");

            return($"Change map to {map.InternalName} {GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl}/Maps/Detail/{map.ResourceID} ?");
Exemple #5
        public override string Arm(ServerBattle battle, Say e, string arguments = null)
            Map = string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)
                ? MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(battle.GetContext(), (battle.MinimalMapSupportLevel > MapSupportLevel.Featured) ? battle.MinimalMapSupportLevel : MapSupportLevel.Featured)
                : MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments, battle.MinimalMapSupportLevel, true).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Map == null)
                var unsupportedMap = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments, MapSupportLevel.None).FirstOrDefault();
                if (unsupportedMap != null)
                    if (battle.IsAutohost)
                        battle.Respond(e, $"The map {unsupportedMap.InternalName} {GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl}/Maps/Detail/{unsupportedMap.ResourceID} is not available on this autohost. Play it in a player hosted battle.");
                        battle.Respond(e, $"The map {unsupportedMap.InternalName} {GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl}/Maps/Detail/{unsupportedMap.ResourceID} is not supported. Unsupported maps can only be played on passworded hosts.");
                    battle.Respond(e, "Cannot find such a map.");
            else if (Map.InternalName == battle.MapName)
                battle.Respond(e, "Already on this map.");
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments) && Map.MapSupportLevel < MapSupportLevel.Supported)
                alternativeMap = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments, MapSupportLevel.Supported, true).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Map.MapSupportLevel >= MapSupportLevel.Supported)
                return($"Change map to {Map.InternalName}?");
                return($"Change to UNSUPPORTED map {Map.InternalName}?");
        private async Task <bool> CreateMultiMapPoll()
            var poll = new CommandPoll(this, false, false, true);

            poll.PollEnded += MapVoteEnded;
            var        options    = new List <PollOption>();
            List <int> pickedMaps = new List <int>();

            pickedMaps.Add(HostedMap?.ResourceID ?? 0);
            using (var db = new ZkDataContext())
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfMapChoices; i++)
                    Resource map = null;
                    if (i < NumberOfMapChoices / 2)
                        map = MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(GetContext(), (MinimalMapSupportLevel < MapSupportLevel.Supported) ? MapSupportLevel.Supported : MinimalMapSupportLevel, MapRatings.GetMapRanking(Mode).TakeWhile(x => x.Percentile < 0.2).Select(x => x.Map).Where(x => !pickedMaps.Contains(x.ResourceID)).AsQueryable()); //choose at least 50% popular maps
                    if (map == null)
                        map = MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(GetContext(), (MinimalMapSupportLevel < MapSupportLevel.Featured) ? MapSupportLevel.Supported : MinimalMapSupportLevel, db.Resources.Where(x => !pickedMaps.Contains(x.ResourceID)));
                    options.Add(new PollOption()
                        Name       = map.InternalName,
                        URL        = $"{GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl}/Maps/Detail/{map.ResourceID}",
                        ResourceID = map.ResourceID,
                        Action     = async() =>
                            var cmd = new CmdMap().Create();
                            cmd.Arm(this, null, map.ResourceID.ToString());
                            if (cmd.Access == BattleCommand.AccessType.NotIngame && spring.IsRunning)
                            if (cmd.Access == BattleCommand.AccessType.Ingame && !spring.IsRunning)
                            await cmd.ExecuteArmed(this, null);
            return(await StartVote(new CmdMap().GetIneligibilityReasonFunc(this), options, null, "Choose the next map", poll, MapVoteTime));
        public override string Arm(ServerBattle battle, Say e, string arguments = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments))
                arguments = battle.server.Game ?? GlobalConst.DefaultZkTag;
            game = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Mod, arguments).FirstOrDefault();

            if ((battle.Mode != AutohostMode.None || !battle.IsPassworded) && arguments != "zk:stable" && !battle.IsAutohost)
                battle.Respond(e, $"You can only do this on custom passworded hosts.");

            if (game == null)
                battle.Respond(e, "Cannot find such game.");

            return($"Change game to {game.RapidTag} {game.InternalName}?");
 public RecommendedMapResult GetRecommendedMap(BattleContext context, bool pickNew)
     return(MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(context, pickNew));
        public void ValidateAndFillDetails()
            if (IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
                Title = $"{FounderName}'s game";
            if (IsNullOrEmpty(EngineVersion) || (Mode != AutohostMode.None))
                EngineVersion = server.Engine;
            server.Downloader.GetResource(DownloadType.ENGINE, server.Engine);

            switch (Mode)
            case AutohostMode.Game1v1:
                MaxPlayers = 2;

            case AutohostMode.Planetwars:
                if (MaxPlayers < 2)
                    MaxPlayers = 16;

            case AutohostMode.GameChickens:
                if (MaxPlayers < 2)
                    MaxPlayers = 10;

            case AutohostMode.GameFFA:
                if (MaxPlayers < 3)
                    MaxPlayers = 16;

            case AutohostMode.Teams:
                if (MaxPlayers < 4)
                    MaxPlayers = 16;

            case AutohostMode.None:
                if (MaxPlayers == 0)
                    MaxPlayers = 16;
            if (MaxPlayers > 32)
                MaxPlayers = 32;

            HostedMod = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Mod, ModName ?? server.Game ?? GlobalConst.DefaultZkTag).FirstOrDefault();
            HostedMap = MapName != null
                ? MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, MapName).FirstOrDefault()
                : MapPicker.GetRecommendedMap(GetContext());

            ModName = HostedMod?.InternalName ?? ModName ?? server.Game ?? GlobalConst.DefaultZkTag;
            MapName = HostedMap?.InternalName ?? MapName ?? "Small_Divide-Remake-v04";

            if (HostedMod != null)
                    HostedModInfo = MetaDataCache.ServerGetMod(HostedMod.InternalName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.TraceWarning("Error loading mod metadata for {0} : {1}", HostedMod.InternalName, ex);
 public override string Arm(ServerBattle battle, Say e, string arguments = null)
     maps = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Map, arguments, battle.MinimalMapSupportLevel).Take(200).ToList();
 public override string Arm(ServerBattle battle, Say e, string arguments = null)
     games = MapPicker.FindResources(ResourceType.Mod, arguments).Take(200).ToList();