Exemple #1
	public bool isEndNear(MapHexa hexa) {
		//MapHexa.Coordinate endCoords = gameController.GetComponent<MapData> ().getRoadEnd ().getCoords ();
		List <MapHexa.HexDir> directions = initDirections ();
		if (hexa == null)
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < directions.Count; i++) {
			if (hexa.getNeighbour (directions [i]) == null)
			MapHexa nearby = hexa.getNeighbour (directions [i]).GetComponent<MapHexa>();
			if (nearby.getHexType () == MapHexa.HexType.End)
				return true;

		return false;
Exemple #2
	private MapHexa isOtherRoadNearby(MapHexa hexa, int myRoadId) {
		//Debug.Log ("asdf");
		List <MapHexa.HexDir> directions = initDirections ();
		if (hexa == null)
			return null;
		for (int i = 0; i < directions.Count; i++) {
			if (hexa.getNeighbour (directions [i]) == null)
			MapHexa nearby = hexa.getNeighbour (directions [i]).GetComponent<MapHexa>();

			if (nearby.getHexType () == MapHexa.HexType.Road && nearby.roadBlock != null && nearby.roadBlock.roadId != myRoadId) {
				return nearby;

		return null;
Exemple #3
	// Builds first road from start to end.
	private int buildMainRoad(ref Roads.Road road,MapHexa currentHexa, Roads.Road.RoadBlock currentBlock,int id,MapHexa.HexDir incDir) {
		//if (id == 83)
		//	return 1;
		//MapHexa.Coordinate currentCoords = currentRoadBlock.getCoords ();
		//bool foundNext = false;
		//Debug.Log ("<color=red> Now at "+currentHexa.getCoords().rowId+" "+currentHexa.getCoords().hexaId+" </color> ");
		Roads.Road.RoadBlock newBlock;
		List <MapHexa.HexDir> possibleDirections = initDirectionsExcNbours (incDir);

		// Randomize next direction
		for (int i = possibleDirections.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
			// Randomize direction
			MapHexa.HexDir dir = possibleDirections [Random.Range (0, i+1)];
			possibleDirections.Remove (dir);
			//Debug.Log ("Checking direction "+dir);
			// Take hexa from that direction

			if (currentHexa.getNeighbour (dir) == null) continue;
			MapHexa hexa = currentHexa.getNeighbour (dir).GetComponent<MapHexa>();
			// Check if we have reached end
			if (isEndNear(hexa)) {
				//Debug.Log ("End found");
				newBlock = new Roads.Road.RoadBlock (hexa.getCoords (),id);
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = road.roadId;
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = newBlock.blockId;
				road.addRoadBlock (newBlock);
				newBlock.finalRoad = true;
				newBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = Constants.RoadEndId;
				newBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = Constants.RoadEndId;
				hexa.finalR = true;
				return 1;
			//Debug.Log ("<color=red>Going to </color> "+dir);

			// Check if we can go there
			if (isHexaAtTheEdge (hexa.getCoords ())) {
				// Continue to next direction if we can't
			if (isHexaNearThisRoad(hexa.getCoords(),road.roadId,getCounterDir(dir)) ){
				// Continue to next direction if we can't
			// Add new roadBlock with given id
			newBlock = new Roads.Road.RoadBlock (hexa.getCoords (),id);
			road.addRoadBlock (newBlock);
			// Call next roadblock
			int ret = buildMainRoad(ref road, hexa,newBlock,id+1,getCounterDir(dir));
			// Check if we have been successful reaching the end, set hexa to road
			if (ret == 1) {
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = road.roadId;
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = newBlock.blockId;
				newBlock.finalRoad = true;
				hexa.finalR = true;
				// Finally, remove all the extra blocks
				if (id == 1) {
					for (int a = road.roadBlocks.Count-1; a >=0; a--) {
						if (!road.roadBlocks [a].finalRoad) {
							road.deleteRoadBlock (road.roadBlocks[a].coord);
				return 1;
			// Leave the block only if ret is 1
			// Else we have to continue if we can reach the end from here
		// If we fail at this point, clean made block and return to previous block

		return 0;
Exemple #4
	private int buildSecRoads(ref Roads.Road road,MapHexa currentHexa, Roads.Road.RoadBlock currentBlock,int id,MapHexa.HexDir incDir) {
		Roads.Road.RoadBlock newBlock;
		List <MapHexa.HexDir> possibleDirections = initDirectionsExcNbours (incDir);

		// Randomize next direction
		for (int i = possibleDirections.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) {

			// Randomize direction
			MapHexa.HexDir dir = possibleDirections [Random.Range (0, i+1)];
			possibleDirections.Remove (dir);
			//Debug.Log ("Checking direction "+dir);
			// Take hexa from that direction

			if (currentHexa.getNeighbour (dir) == null) continue;
			MapHexa hexa = currentHexa.getNeighbour (dir).GetComponent<MapHexa>();
			// Check if we have reached end OR we are colliding other road here
			if (isHexaAtTheEdge (hexa.getCoords ())) {
				// Continue to next direction if we can't
			MapHexa nearbyHexa = isOtherRoadNearby (hexa, road.roadId);
			if (nearbyHexa != null) {
				newBlock = new Roads.Road.RoadBlock (hexa.getCoords (),id);
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = road.roadId;
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = newBlock.blockId;
				road.addRoadBlock (newBlock);
				newBlock.finalRoad = true;
				newBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = nearbyHexa.roadBlock.roadId;
				newBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = nearbyHexa.roadBlock.blockId;
				hexa.finalR = true;
				return 1;

			if (isEndNear(hexa)) {
				newBlock = new Roads.Road.RoadBlock (hexa.getCoords (),id);
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = road.roadId;
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = newBlock.blockId;
				road.addRoadBlock (newBlock);
				newBlock.finalRoad = true;
				newBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = Constants.RoadEndId;
				newBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = Constants.RoadEndId;
				hexa.finalR = true;
				return 1;
			// Check if we can go there

			if (isHexaNearThisRoad(hexa.getCoords(),road.roadId,getCounterDir(dir)) ){
				// Continue to next direction if we can't

			// Add new roadBlock with given id
			newBlock = new Roads.Road.RoadBlock (hexa.getCoords (),id);
			road.addRoadBlock (newBlock);
			// Call next roadblock
			int ret = buildSecRoads(ref road, hexa,newBlock,id+1,getCounterDir(dir));
			// Check if we have been successful reaching the end, set hexa to road
			if (ret == 1) {
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadId = road.roadId;
				currentBlock.nextRoadBlock.roadBlockId = newBlock.blockId;
				newBlock.finalRoad = true;
				hexa.finalR = true;
				// Finally, remove all the extra blocks
				if (id == 1) {
					for (int a = road.roadBlocks.Count-1; a >=0; a--) {
						if (!road.roadBlocks [a].finalRoad) {
							road.deleteRoadBlock (road.roadBlocks[a].coord);
					//Debug.Log ("Roadhexas block: "+ road.getRoadBlock(2).blockId +" and "+  mapData.getHexa(road.getRoadBlock(2).coord).GetComponent<MapHexa>().roadBlock.blockId);
				return 1;
			// Leave the block only if ret is 1
			// Else we have to continue if we can reach the end from here
		// If we fail at this point, clean made block and return to previous block

		return 0;