Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a MapHeader from a ROM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">BinaryReader to read data from</param>
        /// <param name="mapTable">Offset of the MapTable in the ROM (MapBankTable)</param>
        /// <param name="bankNumber">Bank number to read</param>
        /// <param name="mapNumber">Map number to read</param>
        /// <returns>MapHeader imported from the stream object</returns>
        public static MapHeader HeaderFromStream(BinaryReader reader, long mapTable, byte bankNumber, byte mapNumber)
            MapHeader header;

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(mapTable + (4 * bankNumber), SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reader.BaseStream.Seek((reader.ReadUInt32() & 0x1FFFFFF) + (4 * mapNumber), SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(reader.ReadUInt32() & 0x1FFFFFF, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            uint mapFooterOffset   = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint eventOffset       = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint levelScriptOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint connectionOffset  = reader.ReadUInt32();

            header = new MapHeader()
                Music       = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                Index       = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                Name        = reader.ReadByte(),
                Flash       = reader.ReadByte(),
                Weather     = reader.ReadByte(),
                Type        = reader.ReadByte(),
                Unknown     = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                ShowName    = reader.ReadByte(),
                BattleStyle = reader.ReadByte()
            string mapBasePrefix = "m_" + bankNumber.ToString() + "_" + mapNumber.ToString() + "_";

            header.Footer      = FooterFromReader(reader, mapFooterOffset, mapBasePrefix);
            header.Events      = EventsFromReader(reader, eventOffset, mapBasePrefix);
            header.Connections = ConnectionsFromReader(reader, connectionOffset);
            header.MapScripts  = LevelScriptsFromReader(reader, levelScriptOffset, mapBasePrefix);
        private void ImportMapMenuButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (lastSaveLocation == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please save your project before importing data!", "Error importing", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            ImportDialogModel  data = new ImportDialogModel("", 0, 0, 0);
            ImportDialogWindow importDialogWindow = new ImportDialogWindow(data);

            importDialogWindow.Owner = this;
            bool result = (bool)importDialogWindow.ShowDialog();

            if (result)
                //TODO import
                //TODO warn when map replacement
                    MapHeader importedData = AgbImport.HeaderFromStream(new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(data.ROMPath)), data.Offset, data.Bank, data.Map);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error importing: " + ex.Message, "Import error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemple #3
        /// <see cref="IScenarioManagerBC.OpenScenario"/>
        public void OpenScenario(string filename)
            if (this.activeScenario != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Another scenario is currently active!");
            if (filename == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");

            byte[]     mapBytes  = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
            MapHeader  mapHeader = this.mapLoader.LoadMapHeader(mapBytes);
            IMapAccess map       = this.mapLoader.LoadMap(this.tilesetManager.GetTileSet(mapHeader.TilesetName), mapBytes);

            this.pathfinder.Initialize(new MapWalkabilityReader(map), MAX_MOVING_ENTITY_SIZE);
            this.activeScenario = this.scenarioLoader.LoadScenario(map, mapBytes);


            if (this.ActiveScenarioChanged != null)
Exemple #4
 public void AddMap(MapHeader header)
         this.maps.Add(header.MapName, header);
Exemple #5
        /// <see cref="IMapLoader.LoadMapHeader"/>
        public MapHeader LoadMapHeader(byte[] data)
            if (!this.initThreadStarted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Component has not yet been started!");

            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

            int offset = 0;

            while (offset < data.Length)
                int       parsedBytes;
                RCPackage package = RCPackage.Parse(data, offset, data.Length - offset, out parsedBytes);
                if (package == null || !package.IsCommitted)
                    throw new MapException("Syntax error!");
                offset += parsedBytes;
                if (package.PackageFormat.ID == MapFileFormat.MAP_HEADER)

            throw new MapException("Map header information not found!");
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing method for map input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opts"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int ParseMap(Options opts)
            String        outPath          = opts.OutputPath;
            List <string> inputFiles       = opts.InputFiles;
            MapHeader     mapHeaderBuilder = new MapHeader();

            try {
                //Append all maps into this single StringBuilder's String
                StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (String inputFile in inputFiles)
                    MapHeader mapHeader;
                    // First try to import
                    try {
                        mapHeader = mapHeaderBuilder.ImportFromFile(inputFile);
                    catch (IOException ioex)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("IOError for file '" + inputFile + "'");
                        throw ioex;
                    }catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error at parsing map input file '" + inputFile + "'");
                        throw ex;

                        // Try to convert
                        String baseSymbol = opts.baseSymbol;
                        if (baseSymbol == null)
                            baseSymbol = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFile);

                        b.Append(MapCompiler.MapToString(mapHeader, baseSymbol));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error at converting map '" + inputFile + "':");
                        throw ex;
                    // Export all files
                    File.WriteAllText(outPath, b.ToString());
                }catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error at exporting file '" + outPath + "':");
                    throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #7
 public static MapHeader LoadHeader(string path, int2 headerlessSliceDims, long headerlessOffset, Type headerlessType)
     lock (Sync)
         return(MapHeader.ReadFromFile(path, headerlessSliceDims, headerlessOffset, headerlessType));
Exemple #8
        public bool LoadMap(String fileName)
            // Open the file as a new stream
            _stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);

            // Make sure the filesize is larger than the header chunk
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(fileName);

            Header = new MapHeader();
            if (f.Length < Header.ChunkSize())
                throw new Exception("Not a valid map file!");

            // Load header and tag table header
            LoadMapPortion(Tables = new TableManager(Header, this));

            // Close the stream

            IsLoaded = true;

        private void spawnHeaderComboBox_IndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ushort    headerNumber  = ushort.Parse(spawnHeaderComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Split()[0]);
            MapHeader currentHeader = MapHeader.LoadFromARM9(headerNumber);
            Matrix    headerMatrix  = new Matrix(currentHeader.matrixID);

            matrixxUpDown.Maximum = headerMatrix.maps.GetLength(1) - 1;
            matrixyUpDown.Maximum = headerMatrix.maps.GetLength(0) - 1;

            switch (RomInfo.gameVersion)
            case "D":
            case "P":
                locationNameLBL.Text = locations.messages[((HeaderDP)currentHeader).locationName];

            case "Plat":
                locationNameLBL.Text = locations.messages[((HeaderPt)currentHeader).locationName];

            case "HG":
            case "SS":
                locationNameLBL.Text = locations.messages[((HeaderHGSS)currentHeader).locationName];
Exemple #10
        public BoxNetTrain(string modelName, Options options)

            ModelName = modelName;
            Options   = options;

            TextHeader.Text  = "Retrain " + ModelName;
            TextNewName.Text = ModelName + "_2";

            int CorpusSize = 0;

            if (Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "boxnet2training")))
                foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "boxnet2training"), "*.tif"))
                    MapHeader Header = MapHeader.ReadFromFile(fileName);
                    CorpusSize += Header.Dimensions.Z / 3;

            CheckCorpus.Content = $" Also use {CorpusSize} micrographs in\n {System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "boxnettraining")}";
            if (CorpusSize == 0)
                CheckCorpus.IsChecked = false;
                CheckCorpus.IsEnabled = false;
Exemple #11
        public override void Initalize(MapHeader mapHeader)
            // World Map
            if (!MapLoaded)
                if (mapHeader.MaxElevation > 0)
                    MaxHeight = mapHeader.MaxElevation;
                    MinHeight = mapHeader.MinElevation;
                    MaxHeight = 100;
                    MinHeight = 0;

                South = MapUtil.Deg2Rad(-83.0);
                North = MapUtil.Deg2Rad(83.0);
                //    South = MapUtil.Deg2Rad(-85.0);
                //   North = MapUtil.Deg2Rad(85.0);

                West      = MapUtil.Deg2Rad(-180.0);
                East      = MapUtil.Deg2Rad(180.0);
                ymin      = MercY(South);
                ymax      = MercY(North);
                xFactor   = Width / (East - West);
                yFactor   = Depth / (ymax - ymin);
                GridSize  = mapHeader.GridSize;
                MapLoaded = true;
Exemple #12
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Test code, please ignore
            OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                //open file dialog to open the map
                Stream str = File.Open(fileDialog.FileName, FileMode.Open);

                //Get the header
                MapHeader mh = HeaderReader.ReadHeader(str);

                ///Break out the sections of the file in order to avoid seeks and shit

                //First get the debug section. What the f**k is this for anyways?
                int    debug_offset  = (int)mh.section_offsets[0] + (int)mh.section_bounds[0].offset;
                int    debug_size    = (int)mh.section_bounds[0].size;
                byte[] debug_section = new byte[debug_size];

                if (str.Position != debug_offset)
                    str.Seek(debug_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                str.Read(debug_section, 0, debug_size);

                //Then get the resources section. Images and models maybe? and strings probably!
                int    resource_offset  = (int)mh.section_offsets[1] + (int)mh.section_bounds[1].offset;
                int    resource_size    = (int)mh.section_bounds[1].size;
                byte[] resource_section = new byte[resource_size];

                if (str.Position != resource_offset)
                    str.Seek(resource_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                str.Read(resource_section, 0, resource_size);

                //Get the actual tags
                int    tag_offset  = (int)mh.section_offsets[2] + (int)mh.section_bounds[2].offset;
                int    tag_size    = (int)mh.section_bounds[2].size;
                byte[] tag_section = new byte[tag_size];

                long pos = str.Position;

                if (str.Position != tag_offset)
                    str.Seek(tag_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                str.Read(tag_section, 0, tag_size);

                //Lastly get the localization data
                //But I dont need it now so f**k it

                ConsoleOutput.AppendText("Read in the map file!\n");
Exemple #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(@"D:\onedrive\Hacking\Romhacking\Ressources\Feuerrot\Pokemon Feuerrot (D).gba", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
            MapHeader    header = AgbImport.HeaderFromStream(reader, 0x3525CC, 3, 0);

            header.ExportToFile(header, "test.header");
            MapHeader importedHeader = header.ImportFromFile("test.header");
Exemple #14
        private void tsbtnDebugLoadMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!RTH_Imports.IsConnected)

            uint   HeaderAddress = 0x547700;
            string connectInfo   = tslblDebugStatus.Text;

                tslblDebugStatus.Text = "[Loading Debug Map...]";
                byte[] data = new byte[2048];
                data = (byte[])RTH_Imports.Peek(HeaderAddress, (uint)data.Length);

                MapHeader LoadedMap = new MapHeader(data);

                string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Globals.Prefs.pathMapsFolder, "*.map");

                tslblDebugStatus.Text = "[Comparing Maps...]";
                foreach (string filename in filePaths)
                    // Load file and read header
                    FileStream fs         = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
                    byte[]     headerData = new byte[2048];
                    fs.Read(headerData, 0, 2048);
                    // Compare file to debug header
                    if (LoadedMap.Compare(new MapHeader(headerData)) == 0)
                        // Found our MAP!! YES!! Load It!!
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No matching map found!" +
                                                     "\nType: " + LoadedMap.MapType +
                                                     "\nName: " + LoadedMap.MapName +
                                                     "\nScenario Name: " + LoadedMap.ScenarioName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message == "No xbox processes loaded.")
                    Globals.Global.ShowErrorMsg("Halo 2 not loaded", ex);
                    Globals.Global.ShowErrorMsg("Load map failed!", ex);
                tslblDebugStatus.Text = connectInfo;
Exemple #15
        public void TileCount()
            MapHeader mapHeader = new MapHeader();

            mapHeader.lgWidthInTiles = 5;
            mapHeader.heightInTiles  = 32;

            Assert.AreEqual(32u * 32u, mapHeader.TileCount());
Exemple #16
 public MapHeaderCache(DateTime LastWriteTime, string ScriptFunc, string ScriptModule, string Time, bool NoLogout)
     this.Data              = new MapHeader();
     this.LastWriteTime     = LastWriteTime;
     this.Data.ScriptFunc   = ScriptFunc;
     this.Data.ScriptModule = ScriptModule;
     this.Data.Time         = Time;
     this.Data.NoLogOut     = NoLogout;
Exemple #17
     private string OCIOChunk(MapHeader info, string fname)
         return($@"  - !<Look>
 name: {GetValidFilename($"{info.GetName().ToUpperInvariant()}_{teResourceGUID.Index(info.MapGUID):X}")}
 process_space: linear
 transform: !<GroupTransform>
     - !<FileTransform> {{src: {fname}.spi3d, interpolation: linear}}");
Exemple #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Options opt = new Options();

            if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, opt))
                long       mapTable  = opt.MapTable.ToLong(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                long       nameTable = opt.NameTable.ToLong(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                bool       error     = false;
                FileStream fs        = null;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(opt.OutputFolder))
                    fs = new FileStream(opt.InputFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                        fs = null;
                        MapHeader header = null;
                        if (opt.ExportMap)
                            header = AgbImport.HeaderFromStream(br, mapTable, opt.BankNumber, opt.MapNumber);
                            header.ExportToFile(header, opt.OutputFolder + "/" + opt.BankNumber.ToString("D2") + "_" + opt.MapNumber.ToString("D2") + ".mapheader");
                            //TODO serialize
                        if (opt.ExportTileset)
                            header = header ?? AgbImport.HeaderFromStream(br, mapTable, opt.BankNumber, opt.MapNumber);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(opt.OutputFolder + "/tileset"))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(opt.OutputFolder + "/tileset");
                            Tuple <Tileset, Tileset> sets = AgbImport.TilesetsFromStream(br, header, opt.OutputFolder + "/tileset");
                            sets.Item1.ExportToFile(sets.Item1, opt.OutputFolder + "/tileset/tileset_" + header.Footer.FirstTilesetInternal.ToString("X8") + ".tileset");
                            sets.Item2.ExportToFile(sets.Item2, opt.OutputFolder + "/tileset/tileset_" + header.Footer.SecondTilesetInternal.ToString("X8") + ".tileset");
                            //TODO import tileset
                            //TODO serialize
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("error: {0}", ex.Message);
                    error = true;
                    if (fs != null)
        public IEnumerable<World> GetWorlds(Uri location)
                throw new ArgumentException("World location must be a file on the local system.");
            else if(!new FileInfo(location.LocalPath).Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The world file was not found.");

            List<World> worlds = new List<World>();

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList worldNodesParent = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Worlds");

            foreach(XmlNode worldNodes in worldNodesParent)
                foreach(XmlNode worldNode in worldNodes)
                    World world = new World(worldNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").InnerText);

                    foreach(XmlNode node in worldNode.ChildNodes)
                        if(node.Name == "MapLoc")
                            /* Load the map header from an XML node */

                            string mapname = string.Empty;
                            string mappath = string.Empty;
                            int x = 0, y = 0;

                            foreach(XmlNode cnode in node.ChildNodes)
                                if(cnode.Name == "Name")
                                    mapname = cnode.InnerText;
                                else if(cnode.Name == "Uri")
                                    mappath =  cnode.InnerText;
                                else if(cnode.Name == "X")
                                    x = Convert.ToInt32(cnode.InnerText);
                                else if(cnode.Name == "Y")
                                    y = Convert.ToInt32(cnode.InnerText);

                            MapHeader header = new MapHeader(mapname, new MapPoint(x, y), mappath);



            return worlds;
Exemple #20
            /// <summary>
            /// Compares certain features of two maps to see how similar they are
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="map"></param>
            /// <returns>0 = identical, 10 = very different</returns>
            public int Compare(MapHeader map)
                int temp = 0;

                temp += (fileSize != map.fileSize) ? 3 : 0;
                temp += (mapType != map.mapType) ? 3 : 0;
                temp += (mapName != map.mapName) ? 1 : 0;
                temp += (scenarioName != map.scenarioName) ? 2 : 0;
                temp += (signature != map.signature) ? 1 : 0;

Exemple #21
        public void VersionTagValid()
            MapHeader mapHeader = new MapHeader();


            mapHeader.versionTag = MapHeader.MinMapVersion + 1;

            mapHeader.versionTag = MapHeader.MinMapVersion - 1;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an assembly string of a given mapheader instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapHeader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string MapToString(MapHeader mapHeader, string baseSymbol)
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

            b.Append("@ Map Assembly created by map2agb at ");

            // Append the MapHeader structure
            b.Append(MapHeaderToString(mapHeader, baseSymbol));

 internal override void SetMapHeader()
     DataFromLine = 2;
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorId", 1);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorName", 2);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorAddress1", 3);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorAddress2", 4);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorAddress3", 5);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorCity", 6);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorState", 7);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorZip", 8);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorPhone", 9);
Exemple #24
            public static MapHeader ReadMapHeader(this SCMap scMap)
                MapHeader mapHeader = new MapHeader();

                mapHeader.containerName = scMap.ReadString(4);
                mapHeader.int0          = scMap.ReadInt();
                mapHeader.int1          = scMap.ReadInt();
                mapHeader.int2          = scMap.ReadInt();
                mapHeader.mapSize       = scMap.ReadVector2();
                mapHeader.int3          = scMap.ReadInt();
                mapHeader.sh4           = scMap.ReadShort();
                mapHeader.preview       = scMap.ReadDDS();
                mapHeader.version       = scMap.ReadInt();
Exemple #25
        public static Image LoadMap(string path, int2 headerlessSliceDims, long headerlessOffset, Type headerlessType, int layer = -1)
            lock (Sync)
                MapHeader Header = LoadHeader(path, headerlessSliceDims, headerlessOffset, headerlessType);
                float[][] Data;

                Data = IOHelper.ReadMapFloat(path, headerlessSliceDims, headerlessOffset, headerlessType, layer);

                return(new Image(Data,
                                 new int3(Header.Dimensions.X, Header.Dimensions.Y, layer < 0 ? Header.Dimensions.Z : 1),
 internal override void SetMapHeader()
     MapOverflow   = new MapOverflow("VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID", 75, false);
     BreakPageLine = 81;
     MapHeader.AddField("PaymentNumber", 73, 57, 8);
     MapHeader.AddField("PaymentDate", 73, 38, 10);
     MapHeader.AddField("PaymentAmount", 73, 66, 13);
     MapHeader.AddField("PayeeId", 81, 12, 8);
     MapHeader.AddField("FreeFormAddress1", 75, 12, 35);
     MapHeader.AddField("FreeFormAddress2", 76, 12, 50);
     MapHeader.AddField("FreeFormAddress3", 77, 12, 50);
     MapHeader.AddField("FreeFormAddress4", 78, 12, 50);
     MapHeader.AddField("FreeFormAddress5", 79, 12, 50);
 public override void SetMapHeader()
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
     DataFromLine = 2;
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorId", 1);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorName", 2);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorAddress1", 3);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorAddress2", 4);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorAddress3", 5);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorCity", 6);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorState", 7);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorZip", 8);
     MapHeader.AddField("VendorPhone", 9);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile the map instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Output file name</param>
        /// <param name="header">Map header to be included</param>
        public void Compile(string fileName, MapHeader header)
            FOCommon.Utils.Log("Compiling " + fileName + " using preset '" + Config.CurrentPreset + "'.");
            Preset p = PresetsManager.GetPreset(Config.CurrentPreset);

            if (p == null)
                FOCommon.Utils.Log("Error: preset '" + Config.CurrentPreset + "' not found.");
                throw new CompilerException("internal: preset '" + Config.CurrentPreset + "' not found");

            FOMap m = new FOMap();

            m.Header = header;

            header.MaxHexX  = (ushort)(2 * Config.BigTileEdgeSize * Width);
            header.MaxHexY  = (ushort)(2 * Config.BigTileEdgeSize * Height);
            header.Version  = 4;
            header.WorkHexX = (ushort)(header.MaxHexX / 2);
            header.WorkHexY = (ushort)(header.MaxHexY / 2);

            // tiles
            for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    compileTile(m, p, x, y);

            // scrollblockers
            if (scrollBlockers.Count > 3)
                for (int i = 2; i < scrollBlockers.Count; i++)
                    Pair <int, int> from = scrollBlockers[i - 1];
                    Pair <int, int> to   = scrollBlockers[i];
                    LineTracer.TraceHex(new ScrollblockersPlacer(from, to, this, m));
                LineTracer.TraceHex(new ScrollblockersPlacer(scrollBlockers[scrollBlockers.Count - 1], scrollBlockers[1], this, m));

            FOMapParser parser = new FOMapParser(fileName);

            parser.Map = m;
            FOCommon.Utils.Log("Compilation successful.");
Exemple #29
        public Dictionary <teResourceGUID, MapHeader> GetMaps()
            Dictionary <teResourceGUID, MapHeader> @return = new Dictionary <teResourceGUID, MapHeader>();

            foreach (teResourceGUID key in TrackedFiles[0x9F])
                MapHeader map = GetMap(key);
                if (map == null)
                @return[key] = map;

Exemple #30
        public DialogTomoMatch(TiltSeries[] series, string pathTemplate, Options options)

            Series       = series;
            PathTemplate = pathTemplate;
            Options      = options;

            DataContext = Options;

            TextTemplateName.Value = Helper.PathToNameWithExtension(pathTemplate);
            MapHeader Header = MapHeader.ReadFromFile(pathTemplate);

            if (Math.Abs(Header.PixelSize.X - 1f) > 1e-6f)
                Options.Tasks.TomoMatchTemplatePixel = (decimal)Header.PixelSize.X;
Exemple #31
        public void SaveToFile(string path, bool olt = false)
            if (olt)
                var oltMapHeader = new MapHeader();
                *(oltMapHeader.Ctm)     = 0x43;
                *(oltMapHeader.Ctm + 1) = 0x54;
                *(oltMapHeader.Ctm + 2) = 0x4D;
                oltMapHeader.Version_hi = 1;
                oltMapHeader.Version_lo = 0;

                MapFactory.SaveToFile(path, oltMapHeader, Entries, true);
                MapFactory.SaveToFile(path, mapHeader, Entries);
Exemple #32
        public static List <Replay> ParseReplay(string filePath)
            Console.Out.WriteLine($"Processing file: {Path.GetFileName(filePath)}");
            List <Replay> replays = new List <Replay>();

            var buffer = (Memory <byte>)File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

            if (buffer.Length == 0)

            foreach (var(filename, b64Str) in ProcessAtoms(buffer))    // hash, payload, settinghash?
                byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(b64Str[1]);
                // string hex = BitConverter.ToString(bytes);

                var replayInfo = new Mp4Replay();

                var heroStu   = STUHelper.GetInstance <STUHero>(replayInfo.Header.HeroGuid);
                var hero      = new Hero(heroStu);
                var unlocks   = new ProgressionUnlocks(heroStu);
                var skins     = unlocks.GetUnlocksOfType(UnlockType.Skin);
                var skinTheme = skins.FirstOrDefault(skin => ((STUUnlock_SkinTheme)skin.STU)?.m_skinTheme == replayInfo.Header.SkinGuid);

                ulong mapHeaderGuid = (replayInfo.Header.MapGuid & ~0xFFFFFFFF00000000ul) | 0x0790000000000000ul;
                var   mapData       = new MapHeader(mapHeaderGuid);

                var replay = new Replay {
                    Title         = filename,
                    Hero          = hero.Name,
                    Map           = mapData.Name,
                    Skin          = skinTheme?.Name ?? "Unknown",
                    RecordedAt    = $"{DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(replayInfo.Header.Timestamp).ToLocalTime()}",
                    HighlightType = $"{replayInfo.Header.Type:G}",
                    Quality       = $"{replayInfo.Header.QualityPct}% ({(ReplayQuality)replayInfo.Header.QualityPct})",
                    FilePath      = filePath

Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile the map instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Output file name</param>
        /// <param name="header">Map header to be included</param>
        public void Compile(string fileName, MapHeader header)
            FOCommon.Utils.Log("Compiling " + fileName + " using preset '" + Config.CurrentPreset + "'.");
            Preset p = PresetsManager.GetPreset(Config.CurrentPreset);
            if (p == null)
                FOCommon.Utils.Log("Error: preset '" + Config.CurrentPreset + "' not found.");
                throw new CompilerException("internal: preset '" + Config.CurrentPreset + "' not found");

            FOMap m = new FOMap();
            m.Header = header;

            header.MaxHexX = (ushort)(2 * Config.BigTileEdgeSize * Width);
            header.MaxHexY = (ushort)(2 * Config.BigTileEdgeSize * Height);
            header.Version = 4;
            header.WorkHexX = (ushort)(header.MaxHexX / 2);
            header.WorkHexY = (ushort)(header.MaxHexY / 2);

            // tiles
            for(int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    compileTile(m, p, x, y);

            // scrollblockers
            if (scrollBlockers.Count > 3)
                for (int i = 2; i < scrollBlockers.Count; i++)
                    Pair<int, int> from = scrollBlockers[i-1];
                    Pair<int, int> to = scrollBlockers[i];
                    LineTracer.TraceHex(new ScrollblockersPlacer(from, to, this, m));
                LineTracer.TraceHex(new ScrollblockersPlacer(scrollBlockers[scrollBlockers.Count - 1], scrollBlockers[1], this, m));

            FOMapParser parser = new FOMapParser(fileName);
            parser.Map = m;
            FOCommon.Utils.Log("Compilation successful.");
        public frmHeaderEditor( MapHeader header )
            if( header == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "header" );


            this.txtVersion.Text = header.Version + "";
            this.txtSizeW.Text = header.MaxHexX + "";
            this.txtSizeH.Text = header.MaxHexY + "";

            if( header.ScriptModule != "-" && header.ScriptFunc != "-" )
                this.txtModule.Text = header.ScriptModule;
                this.txtFunction.Text = header.ScriptFunc;
                this.checkScripted.Checked = true;

            if( header.NoLogOut )
                this.checkNoLogout.Checked = true;

            this.checkScripted_CheckedChanged( null, null );

            string[] _DayColor = { header.DayColor0, header.DayColor1, header.DayColor2, header.DayColor3 };

            int idx = 0;
            foreach( string color in _DayColor )
                string _color = color;
                while( _color.Contains( "  " ) )
                    _color = _color.Replace( "  ", " " );
                this.dayColor[idx++] = Utils.GetColor( _color.Trim(), ' ' );

            this.Header = header;
        public static void SetCurrentMap(Map map)
            if (map == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("map");


            MapEditorManager.CurrentMap = map;

            MapHeader header = new MapHeader(map.Name, new MapPoint(0, 0), string.Empty);
            header.Map = map;

            World world = new World("Default");


            var camera = GameInstance.Engine.SceneProvider.Cameras.GetItems().FirstOrDefault().Value;
            if (camera != null)
                camera.CenterOriginOnPoint(0, 0);
                camera.CurrentMap = header;

Exemple #36
        //this is used to draw a map at 0,0 incase we use a custom rendertarget
        public static void DrawMapLocal(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapHeader header)
            Check.NullArgument (spriteBatch, "spriteBatch");
            Check.NullArgument (header, "header");

            TileEngine.DrawLayerMapLocal(spriteBatch, header, MapLayers.UnderLayer);
            TileEngine.DrawLayerMapLocal(spriteBatch, header, MapLayers.BaseLayer);
            TileEngine.DrawLayerMapLocal(spriteBatch, header, MapLayers.MiddleLayer);
            TileEngine.DrawLayerMapLocal(spriteBatch, header, MapLayers.TopLayer);
Exemple #37
        public static void DrawLayerMapLocal(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapHeader header, MapLayers layer)
            Check.NullArgument (spriteBatch, "spriteBatch");
            Check.NullArgument (header, "header");

            Map currentMap = header.Map;
            ScreenPoint camOffset = TileEngine.Camera.Offset();
            ScreenPoint tileSize = currentMap.TileSize;

            for (int y = 0; y < currentMap.MapSize.Y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < currentMap.MapSize.X; x++)
                    ScreenPoint pos = new MapPoint(x, y).ToScreenPoint();
                    Rectangle des = pos.ToRect(tileSize.ToPoint());

                    Rectangle sourceRectangle = currentMap.GetLayerSourceRect(new MapPoint(x, y), layer);

                    if (sourceRectangle.IsEmpty)

                    spriteBatch.Draw(currentMap.Texture, des, sourceRectangle, Color.White);
        private void DrawLayerMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, BaseCamera camera, MapLayers layer, MapHeader header, Color tint)
            Check.NullArgument(spriteBatch, "spriteBatch");
            Check.NullArgument(header, "header");

            Map currentMap = header.Map;
            ScreenPoint camOffset = ScreenPoint.Zero;// camera.Offset;
            int tileSize = currentMap.TileSize;

            for (int y = 0; y < currentMap.MapSize.Y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < currentMap.MapSize.X; x++)
                    ScreenPoint pos = new MapPoint(x, y).ToScreenPoint() + camOffset + header.MapLocation.ToScreenPoint();
                    Rectangle des = new Rectangle(pos.IntX, pos.IntY, tileSize, tileSize);
                    MapPoint point = new MapPoint(x, y);

                    if (!camera.CheckIsVisible(des))

                    // Opaque only and not opaque
                    var opacity = currentMap.GetLayerValue(point, MapLayers.OpaqueLayer);

                    if (opacity >= 1)
                        var info = new Rectangle()
                            X = pos.IntX,
                            Y = pos.IntY,
                            Width = tileSize,
                            Height = tileSize


                    Rectangle sourceRectangle = currentMap.GetLayerSourceRect(point, layer);

                    if (sourceRectangle.IsEmpty)

                    spriteBatch.Draw(currentMap.Texture, des, sourceRectangle, tint);
        public IEnumerable<IMapEvent> GetMapsEvents(string worldname, MapHeader mapheader, MapPoint globalposition)
            MapPoint pos = globalposition - mapheader.MapLocation;

            // If the globalposition is not located in the mapheader
            if(pos.X < 0 || pos.Y < 0 || pos.X > mapheader.Map.MapSize.X || pos.Y > mapheader.Map.MapSize.Y)
                // Find globally
                MapHeader header = this.context.WorldManager.GetWorld (worldname).GetLocalMapFromPoint (globalposition);
                MapPoint localpos = globalposition - header.MapLocation;

                // Ensure no crash
                if(!this.events.ContainsKey (header.MapName))
                    this.events.Add (header.MapName, new List<IMapEvent> ());

                return this.events[header.MapName].Where (m => m.Rectangle.Contains ((localpos).ToPoint ()));
                if(!this.events.ContainsKey (mapheader.MapName))
                    return new List<IMapEvent> ();

                // Ensure no crash
                if(!this.events.ContainsKey (mapheader.MapName))
                    this.events.Add (mapheader.MapName, new List<IMapEvent> ());

                return this.events[mapheader.MapName].Where (m => m.Rectangle.Contains ((pos).ToPoint ()));
Exemple #40
        public void Load(XmlNode worldNode, IMapProvider mapprovider, MapEventManager mapmanager)
            foreach (XmlNode node in worldNode.ChildNodes)
                if (node.Name == "DefaultSpawn")
                    this.DefaultSpawn = node.InnerText;
                else if (node.Name == "MapLoc")
                    /* Load the map header from an XML node */
                    MapHeader header = new MapHeader();
                    header.MapProvider = new XMLMapProvider();
                    header.MapManager = mapmanager;

                    int x = 0, y = 0;

                    foreach(XmlNode cnode in node.ChildNodes)
                        if(cnode.Name == "Name")
                            header.MapName = cnode.InnerText;
                        else if(cnode.Name == "FilePath")
                            header.MapFileLocation = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Maps\\" + cnode.InnerText);
                        else if(cnode.Name == "X")
                            x = Convert.ToInt32(cnode.InnerText);
                        else if(cnode.Name == "Y")
                            y = Convert.ToInt32(cnode.InnerText);

                    header.MapLocation = new MapPoint(x, y);

                    this.MapList.Add(header.MapName, header);

            var worldName = worldNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name");
            this.Name = worldName.InnerText;
Exemple #41
            /// <summary>
            /// Compares certain features of two maps to see how similar they are
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="map"></param>
            /// <returns>0 = identical, 10 = very different</returns>
            public int Compare(MapHeader map)
                int temp = 0;
                temp += (fileSize != map.fileSize) ? 3 : 0;
                temp += (mapType != map.mapType) ? 3 : 0;
                temp += (mapName != map.mapName) ? 1 : 0;
                temp += (scenarioName != map.scenarioName) ? 2 : 0;
                temp += (signature != map.signature) ? 1 : 0;

                return temp;
Exemple #42
        private void tsbtnDebugLoadMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!RTH_Imports.IsConnected)

            uint HeaderAddress = 0x547700;
            string connectInfo = tslblDebugStatus.Text;

                tslblDebugStatus.Text = "[Loading Debug Map...]";
                byte[] data = new byte[2048];
                data = (byte[])RTH_Imports.Peek(HeaderAddress, (uint)data.Length);

                MapHeader LoadedMap = new MapHeader(data);

                string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Globals.Prefs.pathMapsFolder, "*.map");

                tslblDebugStatus.Text = "[Comparing Maps...]";
                foreach (string filename in filePaths)
                    // Load file and read header
                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
                    byte[] headerData = new byte[2048];
                    fs.Read(headerData, 0, 2048);
                    // Compare file to debug header
                    if (LoadedMap.Compare(new MapHeader(headerData)) == 0)
                        // Found our MAP!! YES!! Load It!!
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No matching map found!" +
                                                      "\nType: " + LoadedMap.MapType +
                                                      "\nName: " + LoadedMap.MapName +
                                                      "\nScenario Name: " + LoadedMap.ScenarioName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message == "No xbox processes loaded.")
                    Globals.Global.ShowErrorMsg("Halo 2 not loaded", ex);
                    Globals.Global.ShowErrorMsg("Load map failed!", ex);
                tslblDebugStatus.Text = connectInfo;
Exemple #43
 public MapHeaderCache(DateTime LastWriteTime, string ScriptFunc, string ScriptModule, string Time, bool NoLogout)
     this.Data = new MapHeader();
     this.LastWriteTime = LastWriteTime;
     this.Data.ScriptFunc = ScriptFunc;
     this.Data.ScriptModule = ScriptModule;
     this.Data.Time = Time;
     this.Data.NoLogOut = NoLogout;
Exemple #44
        public static void DrawLayerMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapHeader header, MapLayers layer)
            Check.NullArgument (spriteBatch, "spriteBatch");

            DrawLayerMap(spriteBatch, header, layer, Color.White);