//logic to add new tile to current map
    private void NewTileButtonLogic()
        //check that map exists
        if (map)
            //create a gameobject to hold the tile
            GameObject newTileObject = new GameObject("Tile");
            //attach the tile to the object
            TileBehavior createdTile = newTileObject.AddComponent <TileBehavior>();
            //assign values to new tile
            createdTile.position.xPos = newTileX;
            createdTile.position.yPos = newTileY;
            createdTile.value.type    = newTileType;
            //check that this tile does not already exist
            if (!map.CheckForSameInBoard(createdTile, 0))
                //attach this new object to the maps object as child
                newTileObject.transform.parent = map.gameObject.transform;

                //add this new tile to the map

                //draw the map again
            //if it does, destroy the object after comparison