Exemple #1
        static private void QR_D()
            int numTestCases = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            for (int zz = 0; zz < numTestCases; zz++)
                string   dimensionsText = Console.ReadLine();
                string[] dimSplits      = dimensionsText.Split(' ');

                int h = Int32.Parse(dimSplits[0]);
                int w = Int32.Parse(dimSplits[1]);
                int d = Int32.Parse(dimSplits[2]);

                MapContents[,] map = new MapContents[w, h];

                int youH = -1;
                int youW = -1;

                // read the map
                for (int hLoop = 0; hLoop < h; hLoop++)
                    string rowText = Console.ReadLine();

                    for (int wLoop = 0; wLoop < w; wLoop++)
                        if (rowText[wLoop] == '#')
                            map[wLoop, hLoop] = MapContents.Mirror;
                        else if (rowText[wLoop] == '.')
                            map[wLoop, hLoop] = MapContents.Empty;
                        else if (rowText[wLoop] == 'X')
                            map[wLoop, hLoop] = MapContents.You;
                            youH = hLoop;
                            youW = wLoop;

                List <Slope> slopesToCheck = new List <Slope>();

                // find slopes to check in a circle
                for (int x = -d; x <= d; x++)
                    for (int y = -d; y <= d; y++)
                        if (x != 0 || y != 0)
                            if ((x * x + y * y) <= (d * d))
                                // the grid point is within d distance, check for it
                                if (slopesToCheck.Any(s => s.Matches(x, y)))
                                    // already have something going that way
                                    slopesToCheck.Add(new Slope(x, y));

                // now i got slopes to check, do crappy raycasting in those directions to a distance of D to see if the ray comes home
                // since the duplicated slopes were removed, every successful ray cast from the list is a visible ME
                int successfulCasts = 0;
                foreach (Slope currentSlope in slopesToCheck)
                    // work on a doubled grid so the center of me is on a grid point just like mirrors
                    double startX   = 2 * youW + 1;
                    double startY   = 2 * youH + 1;
                    double currentX = startX;
                    double currentY = startY;

                    int currentXChange = currentSlope.XChange;
                    int currentYChange = currentSlope.YChange;

                    double distanceRemaining = 2 * d + 0.0001; // 1/10k should be plenty of error, and not something I'l get near, considering the size of the room

                    while (distanceRemaining > 0)
                        double nextX;
                        double nextY;

                        if (currentXChange == 0)
                            nextX = currentX;

                            if (currentYChange > 0)
                                // move up to the next integer
                                nextY = Math.Floor(currentY + 1);
                                // move down to the next integer
                                nextY = Math.Ceiling(currentY - 1);
                        else if (currentYChange == 0)
                            nextY = currentY;

                            if (currentXChange > 0)
                                // move up to the next integer
                                nextX = Math.Floor(currentX + 1);
                                // move down to the next integer
                                nextX = Math.Ceiling(currentX - 1);
                            // currentXChange and currentYChange are non-zero
                            // advance to the next grid line
                            double xChangeToLine;
                            if (currentXChange > 0)
                                xChangeToLine = Math.Floor(currentX + 1) - currentX;
                                xChangeToLine = Math.Ceiling(currentX - 1) - currentX;

                            double yChangeToLine;
                            if (currentYChange > 0)
                                yChangeToLine = Math.Floor(currentY + 1) - currentY;
                                yChangeToLine = Math.Ceiling(currentY - 1) - currentY;

                            if (xChangeToLine / currentXChange > yChangeToLine / currentYChange)
                                // x to line needs more time, use y change to line
                                nextY = currentY + yChangeToLine;
                                nextX = currentX + currentXChange * (yChangeToLine / currentYChange);
                                // y to line needs more time, use x change to line
                                nextX = currentX + xChangeToLine;
                                nextY = currentY + currentYChange * (xChangeToLine / currentXChange);

                        // fix nextX and nextY for close-enough
                        if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(nextX) - nextX) < 0.0001)
                            nextX = Math.Round(nextX);
                        if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(nextY) - nextY) < 0.0001)
                            nextY = Math.Round(nextY);

                        // update distanceRemaining
                        double xDiff = nextX - currentX;
                        double yDiff = nextY - currentY;
                        distanceRemaining -= Math.Sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff);

                        if (distanceRemaining < 0)
                            // outta gas
                            if (nextX == startX && nextY == startY)
                                // back to 'me'
                                bool xAtEvenGridline = (nextX == Math.Round(nextX) && ((int)nextX) % 2 == 0);
                                bool yAtEvenGridline = (nextY == Math.Round(nextY) && ((int)nextY) % 2 == 0);

                                if (xAtEvenGridline && yAtEvenGridline)
                                    // hitting both even grid lines at once
                                    // check for mirror surface hit, or either corner hit, or squeezing

                                    int nextGridX = ((int)(nextX + ((currentXChange > 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5))) / 2;
                                    int nextGridY = ((int)(nextY + ((currentYChange > 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5))) / 2;

                                    if (map[nextGridX, nextGridY] == MapContents.Mirror)
                                        int oldGridX = ((int)(nextX + ((currentXChange > 0) ? -0.5 : 0.5))) / 2;
                                        int oldGridY = ((int)(nextY + ((currentYChange > 0) ? -0.5 : 0.5))) / 2;

                                        bool otherXisMirror = (map[oldGridX, nextGridY] == MapContents.Mirror);
                                        bool otherYisMirror = (map[nextGridX, oldGridY] == MapContents.Mirror);

                                        if (otherXisMirror && otherYisMirror)
                                            // mirror corner, double bounce
                                            currentXChange = -currentXChange;
                                            currentYChange = -currentYChange;
                                        else if (otherXisMirror)
                                            // both x blocks are mirrors, bounce along y
                                            currentYChange = -currentYChange;
                                        else if (otherYisMirror)
                                            // both y blocks are mirrors, bounce along x
                                            currentXChange = -currentXChange;
                                            // nailing a mirror corner - die
                                        // not crashing into a mirror, so keep going
                                else if (xAtEvenGridline)
                                    // check for mirror surface hit
                                    int gridX;
                                    if (currentXChange > 0)
                                        gridX = ((int)(nextX + 0.5)) / 2;
                                        gridX = ((int)(nextX - 0.5)) / 2;

                                    int gridY = ((int)nextY) / 2;
                                    if (map[gridX, gridY] == MapContents.Mirror)
                                        // bounce
                                        currentXChange = -currentXChange;
                                else if (yAtEvenGridline)
                                    // check for mirror surface hit
                                    int gridY;
                                    if (currentYChange > 0)
                                        gridY = ((int)(nextY + 0.5)) / 2;
                                        gridY = ((int)(nextY - 0.5)) / 2;

                                    int gridX = ((int)nextX) / 2;
                                    if (map[gridX, gridY] == MapContents.Mirror)
                                        // bounce
                                        currentYChange = -currentYChange;

                        currentX = nextX;
                        currentY = nextY;

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Case #{0}: {1}", zz + 1, successfulCasts));
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()
            MapContentControlContainer = GetTemplateChild(PART_MAP_CONTENT_CONTAINER_CONTROL) as ContentControl;
            if (MapContentControlContainer != null)
                MapContentControl               = new MapContents();
                MapContentControl.Name          = PART_MAP_CONTENT_CONTROL;
                MapContentControl.Map           = View.Map;
                MapContentControl.Configuration = new MapContentsConfiguration {
                    ContextMenuToolPanelName = "EditModeLayerConfigurationContextMenu", Mode = Mode.TopLevelLayersOnly

                if (MapContentControlContainer.Resources != null)
                    MapContentControl.ScrollViewerStyle          = MapContentControlContainer.Resources["BuilderMapContentsScrollViewerStyle"] as Style;
                    MapContentControl.SelectionColorBrush        = MapContentControlContainer.Resources["BuilderSelectedLayerColorBrush"] as Brush;
                    MapContentControl.SelectionOutlineColorBrush = MapContentControlContainer.Resources["BuilderSelectedLayerOutlineColorBrush"] as Brush;
                    MapContentControl.ToggleButtonStyle          = MapContentControlContainer.Resources["MapContentsControlNodeToggleButton"] as Style;

                // Push foreground and background to map contents
                Binding b = new Binding("Foreground")
                    Source = this
                MapContentControl.SetBinding(MapContents.ForegroundProperty, b);
                b = new Binding("Background")
                    Source = this
                MapContentControl.SetBinding(MapContents.BackgroundProperty, b);

                MapContentControlContainer.Content = MapContentControl;

            layerConfigurationLayout = GetTemplateChild(PART_CONFIGURE_LAYER_CONTROL_LAYOUT) as Grid;
            LayerConfiguration       = GetTemplateChild("LayerConfigurationDialog") as LayerConfiguration;
            if (LayerConfiguration != null)
                LayerConfiguration.View = View.Instance;

            mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout = GetTemplateChild(PART_MAP_CONTENTS_LAYER_CONFIGURATION_LAYOUT) as Grid;
            if (mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout != null)
                mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout.Loaded      -= mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout_Loaded;
                mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout.Loaded      += mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout_Loaded;
                mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout.SizeChanged -= mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout_SizeChanged;
                mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout.SizeChanged += mapContentLayerConfigurationLayout_SizeChanged;

            mapContentsLayout               = GetTemplateChild(PART_MAP_CONTENT_CONTROL_LAYOUT) as Grid;
            btnConfigurationComplete        = GetTemplateChild(PART_CONFIGURE_COMPLETE_BUTTON) as Button;
            _layerConfigToolbar             = GetTemplateChild(PART_TOOLPANEL) as ToolPanel;
            _allLayersConfigToolbar         = GetTemplateChild(PART_ALLLAYERSTOOLPANEL) as ToolPanel;
            _mapContentsContenxtMenuToolbar = GetTemplateChild(PART_EDIT_MODE_LAYER_CONFIGURATION_CONTEXT_MENU) as ToolPanel;
            _layerConfigPanel               = GetTemplateChild(PART_LAYERCONFIGPANEL) as FrameworkElement;

            // hide the layer configuration elements until we need them