public override MapBundle CreateMap()
        var m = new MapBundle {
            v = new MapBoxel[1, 1, 1]

        Debug.Log("Mapsize : " + m.v.GetLength(0) + "x" + m.v.GetLength(1) + "x" + m.v.GetLength(2));

        for (int i = 0; i < m.v.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < m.v.GetLength(1); j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < m.v.GetLength(2); k++)
                    m.v[i, j, k].b = Block.pipe;
                    m.v[i, j, k].t = new Tile[6];

        m.v[0, 0, 0].t[1] = Tile.vendingMachine;
 protected override void GenerateTrivialTopology(MapBundle m)
     for (int i = 0; i < m.v.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < m.v.GetLength(1); j++)
             for (int k = 0; k < m.v.GetLength(2); k++)
                 if (m.v[i, j, k].b == 0)
                     for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
                         m.v[i, j, k].t[f] = 0;
                     for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
                         var v = new Vector3Int(i, j, k) + Util.FaceToLHVector(f);
                         m.v[i, j, k].t[f] = (IsOutofRange(m, v) || m.v[v.x, v.y, v.z].b == Block.nothing) ? Tile.wall : Tile.hole;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Function fills all nodes with default tile info
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
 protected virtual void GenerateTrivialTopology(MapBundle m)
     for (int i = 0; i < m.v.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < m.v.GetLength(1); j++)
             for (int k = 0; k < m.v.GetLength(2); k++)
                 if (m.v[i, j, k].b == Block.nothing)
                     for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
                         m.v[i, j, k].t[f] = Tile.nothing;
                     for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
                         m.v[i, j, k].t[f] = Tile.wall;
Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Implimentation of Wilsons Algorithm
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
    /// <param name="cur">The first element of the path</param>
    /// <param name="Mother">The path which the new path spawned from</param>
    /// <returns>The entire path. The last element is either the first element if the path is cyclic, or the element of the mother path which the path is connected to.</returns>
    List <Vector3Int> Wilson(MapBundle m, Vector3Int cur, List <Vector3Int> Mother)
        List <Vector3Int> Path = new List <Vector3Int>()
        };                                                      //Starting point for new path

        while (true)
            Vector3Int d; //Direction of most recent  step
                d = Util.FaceToLHVector(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 6)); //Choose random cardinal direction
            }while (IsOutofRange(m, cur + d));                           //Check where a step along direction exists limits of map

            var p = cur + d;                                             //position of next node

            if (Mother.Contains(p))                                      //It seems like this should be checking the path that spawn this loop,
                                                                         //but this always set to a list contain only { cur }???
                Path.Add(p);                                             //If you contact the mother path add this node, so you know where you contacted the mother
                break;                                                   //and end the loop
            if (Path.Contains(p))                                        //Checks when we hit the current path
                var i = Path.IndexOf(p);                                 //Find the node we hit
                Path.RemoveRange(i, Path.Count - i);                     //Remove all node between the node we and current
            //If we didn't hit anything simiply add the node to the path
            //and move the current node to the new node
            cur = p;
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Function sets the tiles connecting node to hole tile enum
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
    /// <param name="Path">The path which the new path spawned from</param>
    protected void GenerateCyclePathTopology(MapBundle m, List <Vector3Int> Path)
        var p0  = Path[0];
        var f01 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[Path.Count - 1] - Path[0]);

        m.v[p0.x, p0.y, p0.z].t[f01] = Tile.hole;
        var f02 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[1] - Path[0]);

        m.v[p0.x, p0.y, p0.z].t[f02] = Tile.hole;
        for (int i = 1; i < Path.Count - 1; i++)
            var p  = Path[i];
            var f1 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[i - 1] - Path[i]);
            m.v[p.x, p.y, p.z].t[f1] = Tile.hole;
            var f2 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[i + 1] - Path[i]);
            m.v[p.x, p.y, p.z].t[f2] = Tile.hole;
        var pf  = Path[Path.Count - 1];
        var ff1 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[Path.Count - 2] - Path[Path.Count - 1]);

        m.v[pf.x, pf.y, pf.z].t[ff1] = Tile.hole;
        var ff2 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[0] - Path[Path.Count - 1]);

        m.v[pf.x, pf.y, pf.z].t[ff2] = Tile.hole;
Exemple #6
 public void LoadMapData()
     using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(GameManager.Instance.AppdataPath, "Map.json")))
         string s = SR.ReadToEnd();
         m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MapBundle>(s);
Exemple #7
    public virtual MapBundle CreateMap()
        //Initialize the voxel array and find the pipe scale
        var m = new MapBundle
            v = new MapBoxel[UnityEngine.Random.Range(6 + 2 * margin, 10 + 2 * margin), UnityEngine.Random.Range(6 + 2 * margin, 10 + 2 * margin), UnityEngine.Random.Range(6 + 2 * margin, 10 + 2 * margin)]
        }; //Initialize a 3D voxel array of a random size, FIX SEEDING
        var scale = m.v.GetLength(0) + m.v.GetLength(1) + m.v.GetLength(2) - 6 * margin;

        Debug.Log("Mapsize : " + m.v.GetLength(0) + "x" + m.v.GetLength(1) + "x" + m.v.GetLength(2));

        //Using the wilsion alogithm we genorate a series of non-intesection loops, but store only the last one
        Vector3Int        cur;  //The last connection node for two paths
        List <Vector3Int> Path; //The most recent path output by the wilson alg.

            cur  = new Vector3Int(UnityEngine.Random.Range(margin, m.v.GetLength(0) - margin), UnityEngine.Random.Range(margin, m.v.GetLength(1) - margin), UnityEngine.Random.Range(margin, m.v.GetLength(2) - margin)); //The entrance is set anywhere in the map???
            Path = Wilson(m, cur, new List <Vector3Int> {
            });                                                 //Start wilisons with a mother path of only the random starting node
                                                                //Should generate a loop starting and ending at random node
            Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);                      //Remove the node which interseted the current node
            Debug.Log("Try Wilson Algorithm : " + Path.Count + " Until Path Count is : " + scale);
        } while (Path.Count > 3 * scale || Path.Count < scale); //Check is the loop size is as large as scale which is minimum loop size.

        //Once the path is initialized, intialize all voxels as empty
        for (int i = 0; i < m.v.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < m.v.GetLength(1); j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < m.v.GetLength(2); k++)
                    m.v[i, j, k].b = Block.nothing;
                    m.v[i, j, k].t = new Tile[6]; //Figure out what the tile obj is supposed to do???
        //Then mark the ones on the path as full
        foreach (var v in Path)
            m.v[v.x, v.y, v.z].b = Block.pipe;

        GenerateTrivialTopology(m);         //Setting tile values to default
        GenerateCyclePathTopology(m, Path); //Sets tile holes between connected nodes
        CreateLowerStation(m, Path);        //Sets the lower entrance
        CreateUpperStation(m, Path);        //Sets the upper entrance
        GenerateRandomBranch(m, Path);      //Add 3 loops off the main branch
        GenerateRandomBranch(m, Path);
        GenerateRandomBranch(m, Path);
Exemple #8
    bool IsOutofRange(MapBundle m, Vector3Int v)
            var b = m.v[v.x, v.y, v.z];
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)

Exemple #9
    bool IsOutofRange(MapBundle m, int i, int j, int k)
            var b = m.v[i, j, k];
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)

Exemple #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Place a lower entrance on the bottom of the lowest node in the map
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
    /// <param name="Path">Full list of pipe nodes</param>
    protected void CreateLowerStation(MapBundle m, List <Vector3Int> Path)
        Vector3Int infPoint = Path[0];

        foreach (var x in Path)
            if (x.y < infPoint.y)
                infPoint = x;
        m.v[infPoint.x, infPoint.y, infPoint.z].t[3]     = Tile.hole;
        m.v[infPoint.x, infPoint.y - 1, infPoint.z].b    = Block.pipe;
        m.v[infPoint.x, infPoint.y - 1, infPoint.z].t[3] = Tile.station;
        m.v[infPoint.x, infPoint.y - 1, infPoint.z].t[2] = Tile.stationHole;
Exemple #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Place a upper entrace on the highest node in the map
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
    /// <param name="Path">The path which the new path spawned from</param>
    protected void CreateUpperStation(MapBundle m, List <Vector3Int> Path)
        Vector3Int supPoint = Path[0];

        foreach (var x in Path)
            if (x.y > supPoint.y)
                supPoint = x;
        m.v[supPoint.x, supPoint.y, supPoint.z].t[2]     = Tile.hole;
        m.v[supPoint.x, supPoint.y + 1, supPoint.z].b    = Block.pipe;
        m.v[supPoint.x, supPoint.y + 1, supPoint.z].t[2] = Tile.station;
        m.v[supPoint.x, supPoint.y + 1, supPoint.z].t[3] = Tile.stationHole;
    public LoaderTicket getAsset(string asset_path, string asset_name, _eAsyncAssetLoadType loader_type,
                                 Action <LoaderTicket, string, UnityEngine.Object> bundle_asset_callback)
        LoaderTicket loader_ticket = null;

        UnityEngine.Object bundle_asset = null;
        string             asset_key    = asset_path + asset_name;

        if (MapBundleAsset.TryGetValue(asset_key, out bundle_asset))
            bundle_asset_callback(loader_ticket, asset_key, bundle_asset);
            if (loader_type == _eAsyncAssetLoadType.LocalBundleAsset)
                if (MapBundle.ContainsKey(asset_path))
                    var asset_bundle = MapBundle[asset_path];
                    bundle_asset = asset_bundle.LoadAsset(asset_name);
                    bundle_asset_callback(loader_ticket, asset_key, bundle_asset);
                    loader_ticket = AsyncAssetLoaderMgr.LocalBundleAsyncLoader.getAssetBundle(asset_path, _loadAssetBundleCallBack);
                loader_ticket = AsyncAssetLoaderMgr.WWWAsyncLoader.getIsDoneWWW(asset_path, _loadAssetWWWCallBack);

            if (loader_ticket != null)
                loader_ticket.UserData = asset_name;
                Dictionary <LoaderTicket, Action <LoaderTicket, string, UnityEngine.Object> > map_ticketandcallback = null;
                if (!MapLoaderTicketAndCallBack.TryGetValue(asset_path, out map_ticketandcallback))
                    map_ticketandcallback = new Dictionary <LoaderTicket, Action <LoaderTicket, string, UnityEngine.Object> >();
                    MapLoaderTicketAndCallBack[asset_path] = map_ticketandcallback;
                map_ticketandcallback[loader_ticket] = bundle_asset_callback;

Exemple #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Add a new loop extending out of the main loop
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
    /// <param name="Mother">The path which the new path spawned from</param>
    /// <returns>FILL IN</returns>
    protected List <Vector3Int> GenerateRandomBranch(MapBundle m, List <Vector3Int> Mother)
        List <Vector3Int> Path;
        Vector3Int        cur;
        var scale = m.v.GetLength(0) + m.v.GetLength(1) + m.v.GetLength(2) - 6 * margin;

                cur = new Vector3Int(UnityEngine.Random.Range(margin, m.v.GetLength(0) - margin), UnityEngine.Random.Range(margin, m.v.GetLength(1) - margin), UnityEngine.Random.Range(margin, m.v.GetLength(2) - margin));
            } while (!Mother.Contains(cur));
            Path = Wilson(m, cur, Mother);
            for (int i = Path.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                var p = Path[i];
                if (Util.CompareBlocks(m.v[p.x, p.y, p.z].b, Block.pipe))
                    Path = Path.GetRange(i + 1, Path.Count - i - 1); break;
                m.v[p.x, p.y, p.z].b = Block.pipe;
            Debug.Log("GenerateRandomBrange : Try Wilson Algorithm : " + Path.Count + " Until Path Count is : " + scale);
        } while (Path.Count > scale || Path.Count <= 1);
        GenerateTrivialTopology(m, Path.GetRange(0, Path.Count - 1));
        var p0  = Path[0];
        var f02 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[1] - Path[0]);

        m.v[p0.x, p0.y, p0.z].t[f02] = Tile.hole;
        m.v[p0.x, p0.y, p0.z].t[2 * (f02 / 2) + 1 - f02 % 2] = Tile.vendingMachine;

        for (int i = 1; i < Path.Count - 1; i++)
            var p  = Path[i];
            var f1 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[i - 1] - Path[i]);
            m.v[p.x, p.y, p.z].t[f1] = Tile.hole;
            var f2 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[i + 1] - Path[i]);
            m.v[p.x, p.y, p.z].t[f2] = Tile.hole;
        var pf  = Path[Path.Count - 1];
        var ff1 = Util.LHUnitVectorToFace(Path[Path.Count - 2] - Path[Path.Count - 1]);

        m.v[pf.x, pf.y, pf.z].t[ff1] = Tile.hole;
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Function fills domain nodes with default tile info
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">A 3D-Voxel array of occupancy</param>
 /// <param name="domain">The voxels which need tile info provided</param>
 protected virtual void GenerateTrivialTopology(MapBundle m, List <Vector3Int> domain)
     foreach (var x in domain)
         if (m.v[x.x, x.y, x.z].b == Block.nothing)
             for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
                 m.v[x.x, x.y, x.z].t[f] = Tile.nothing;
             for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++)
                 m.v[x.x, x.y, x.z].t[f] = Tile.wall;
    public override MapBundle CreateMap()
        var m = new MapBundle {
            v = new MapBoxel[6, 6, 6]

        for (int i = 0; i < m.v.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < m.v.GetLength(1); j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < m.v.GetLength(2); k++)
                    m.v[i, j, k].b = (Block)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    m.v[i, j, k].t = new Tile[6];

Exemple #16
 public void CreateNewMap()
     m = new MapGenerator().CreateMap();
     Debug.Log("Map creation complete.");
Exemple #17
 public void Close()
Exemple #18
 //Short utility functions
 static protected bool IsOutofRange(MapBundle m, int i, int j, int k) //Checks weather this voxel position is inside the map
     return(!(m.v.GetLength(0) - margin > i && margin <= i && m.v.GetLength(1) - margin > j && margin <= j && m.v.GetLength(2) - margin > k && margin <= k));
Exemple #19
 static protected bool IsOutofRange(MapBundle m, Vector3Int v) //Checks weather this voxel position is inside the map
     return(IsOutofRange(m, v.x, v.y, v.z));