public Entity(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn pSpawn, byte type, int id) { this.mySpawn = pSpawn; this.myNode = start; this.entityType = type; this.uniqueID = id; }
//skill but on place public Action(ActiveSkill actSkill, Skill skill, Database.Entity attacker, Map.Nod pos) { this.skill = skill; this.actSkill = actSkill; this.attacker = attacker; this.position = pos; }
public Entity(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn pSpawn, byte type) { this.mySpawn = pSpawn; this.myNode = start; this.entityType = type; this.uniqueID = Interlocked.Increment(ref nextID); }
public Mob(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn pSpawn, byte type) : base(start, pSpawn, type) { Map.Nod nod =, start.Y); PosX = (int)nod.X; PosY = (int)nod.Y; cSM = new CoreStateMachine(); ActHealth = 1000; }
public GameEntity(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn spawn) : base(start, spawn) { //this.uniqueID = World.GetID(); this.charPosition = new Map.Nod(); this.charStats = new Stats(); this.charResistances = new Resistances(); }
//skill public Action(ActiveSkill actSkill, Skill skill, Database.Entity attacker, int target) { this.skill = skill; this.actSkill = actSkill; this.attacker = attacker; this.targetID = target; this.position = new Map.Nod(); }
public Entity(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn pSpawn, byte type) { this.mySpawn = pSpawn; this.myNode = start; if (myNode != null) { this.oldNode = new Map.Nod(myNode.X, myNode.Y); } else { this.oldNode = new Map.Nod(0, 0); } this.entityType = type; this.uniqueID = Interlocked.Increment(ref nextID); }
public Entity(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn pSpawn, byte type, int id) { this.mySpawn = pSpawn; this.myNode = start; if (myNode != null) { this.oldNode = new Map.Nod(myNode.X, myNode.Y); } else { this.oldNode = new Map.Nod(0, 0); } this.entityType = type; this.uniqueID = id; }
public void StopMove() { moving = false; state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, PosX, PosY)); newX = newY = 0; Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } sw.Stop(); }
public static void MoveStart(Connection pConn, byte[] data) { int id = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, Program.receivePrefixLength); int x = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, Program.receivePrefixLength + 4); int y = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, Program.receivePrefixLength + 4 + 4); if (Program.DEBUG_recv) { Output.WriteLine("RecvPacketHandlers::MoveStart"); } pConn.client.GetPlayer().newX = x; pConn.client.GetPlayer().newY = y; pConn.client.GetPlayer().isCastingSkill = false; if (Program.DEBUG_recv) { Map.Nod myNod =, (uint)y); Output.WriteLine("Recv player start move to [" + x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString() + "] MAP [" + myNod.X.ToString() + "," + myNod.Y.ToString() + "]"); } GameServerMainLoop.noSleep = true; }
private void Goto() { float elapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f; sw.Restart(); if (Con != null && newX != 0 && newY != 0) { if ((newX != PosX) || (newY != PosY)) { if (moveTarget.X != newX || moveTarget.Y != newY) { moveTarget.X = newX; moveTarget.Y = newY; // On starting movement //Output.WriteLine("MOVING TO : [" + newX.ToString() + "," + newY.ToString() + ",0]"); distance = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(newX - PosX, 2) + Math.Pow(newY - PosY, 2))); //Output.WriteLine("Distance: " + distance.ToString()); directionX = (float)(newX - PosX) / distance; directionY = (float)(newY - PosY) / distance; mX = PosX; mY = PosY; startX = mX; startY = mY; tstartX = mX; tstartY = mY; moving = true; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStart(pl.PlayerPID, pl.newX, pl.newY));// send to client info that server start moving avatar //con.Player.StartMove(con.newX, con.newY, 0);// -> send to all info about move start... //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStart(PlayerPID, newX, newY)); state = new AI.EntityState.StartMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStart(PlayerPID, newX, newY)); sw.Restart(); elapsed = 0; return; } // On update if (moving) { mX = directionX * speed * elapsed; mY = directionY * speed * elapsed; tstartX += mX; tstartY += mY; tmX = (int)(tstartX * 1000); tmY = (int)(tstartY * 1000); //Output.WriteLine("speed " + speed.ToString() + " elapsed " + elapsed.ToString()); //Output.WriteLine("mx,my [" + mX.ToString() + ":" + mY.ToString() + "] tstart [" + tstartX.ToString() + ":" + tstartY.ToString() + "]"); float tmpDistance = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tstartX - startX, 2) + Math.Pow(tstartY - startY, 2))); //Output.WriteLine("tmpDistance: " + tmpDistance.ToString()); if (tmpDistance >= distance) { PosX = newX; PosY = newY; moving = false; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(pl.PlayerPID, pl.tmX, pl.tmY));//send stop packet to user //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, tmX, tmY)); state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, PosX, PosY)); newX = newY = 0; //Output.WriteLine(":1 MOV STOP [" + PosX.ToString() + "," + PosY.ToString() + "]"); Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } sw.Stop(); } else { if (PosX == newX && PosY == newY) { moving = false; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(pl.PlayerPID, pl.tmX, pl.tmY)); //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, tmX, tmY)); state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, PosX, PosY)); newX = newY = 0; //Output.WriteLine(":2 MOV STOP : [" + PosX.ToString() + "," + PosY.ToString() + "]"); Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } sw.Stop(); return; } //Output.WriteLine("[" + mX.ToString() +"," + mY.ToString() + "] to [" + tstartX.ToString() + "," + tstartY.ToString() + "]"); //Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.Move(PlayerPID, tmX, tmY)); //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.Move(PlayerPID, tmX, tmY)); //state = new AI.EntityState.Move(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.Move(PlayerPID, tmX, tmY)); //Output.WriteLine("MOV [" + tmX.ToString() + "," + tmY.ToString() + "]"); int bX = (int)tstartX - PosX; int bY = (int)tstartY - PosY; if (bX != 0 || bY != 0) { //con.Player.Move(bX, bY, 0);//update player position in sever //for test we do it here.... // update the own position PosX += bX; PosY += bY; PosZ += 0; Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } } } } } else { moving = false; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(pl.PlayerPID, pl.tmX, pl.tmY)); //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, tmX, tmY)); state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(PlayerPID, PosX, PosY)); newX = newY = 0; //Output.WriteLine(":2 MOV STOP : [" + PosX.ToString() + "," + PosY.ToString() + "]"); Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } sw.Stop(); return; } } }
public Player(Connection connection, Map.Nod startNod) : base(startNod, null, 0, connection.client.PlayerID) { con = connection; PlayerPID = con.client.PlayerID; moveTarget = new GameServerMainLoop.Vector3(); }
public static void SkillExecute(int skillID, Database.Player.RACE race, Database.Player pAttacker, int targetID = 0, Map.Nod position = null) { if (!pAttacker.isCastingSkill || pAttacker.currentCastingSkillID != skillID) { Output.WriteLine("SkillHandler::SkillExecute " + " Try to cast skill but isCastingSkill is FALSE or skill ID missmatch"); return; // if no Skillrequest executed or player break the skill execute then return } Skill skill = null; Dictionary <int, Skill> dict = null; ActiveSkill activeSkill; if (!pAttacker.activeSkillList.TryGetValue(skillID, out activeSkill)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } try { switch (race) { case Database.Player.RACE.KNIGHT: dict = knightSkillList; break; case Database.Player.RACE.MAGE: dict = mageSkillList; break; case Database.Player.RACE.ARCHER: dict = archerSkillList; break; default: throw new NullReferenceException(); break; } skill = dict[skillID]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Output.WriteLine("SkillHandler::SkillExecute " + "Someone tried to execute a skill for that no handler exists. " + e.Source.ToString() + " : " + e.TargetSite.ToString()); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // Should never ever happen -.- Output.WriteLine("SkillHandler::SkillExecute " + "Someone tried to request a skill for an unknown race!"); } if (activeSkill.ElapsedCast() > 0 && activeSkill.ElapsedCast() < skill.castTime) { Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "SkillHandler::SkillExecute - can't cast skill (still in cast time)"); Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "SkillHandler::SkillExecute cast time: " + activeSkill.ElapsedCast().ToString()); return; } Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, "SkillHandler::SkillExecute cast time: " + activeSkill.ElapsedCast().ToString()); //this is place where we do actions for execution the skill Output.WriteLine("SkillExecute: " +; Output.WriteLine("cast time: " + skill.castTime); Output.WriteLine("cool down: " + skill.coolDown); Output.WriteLine("info: " +; Output.WriteLine("lvl: " + skill.lvl); Output.WriteLine("mana cost: " + skill.manaCost); Output.WriteLine("race: " + skill.race); Output.WriteLine("range: " + skill.range); activeSkill.StartCoolDown(); activeSkill.startCast = DateTime.UtcNow; pAttacker.isCastingSkill = false; pAttacker.currentCastingSkillID = -1; //BroadcastPacket bPacket = new BroadcastPacket((uint)pAttacker.PosX, (uint)pAttacker.PosY, (int)World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.AttackMag(pAttacker.PlayerPID, targetID, activeSkill.skillID, activeSkill.skillLvl)); //; switch (skill.demageFlag) { //skills that need to give target entity case SKILL_DEMAGE_FLAG.SINGLE_TARGET_FLAG: case SKILL_DEMAGE_FLAG.MULTI_TARGET_FLAG: { Action act = new Action(activeSkill, skill, pAttacker, targetID);; Output.WriteLine("Skill enqueue as target skill"); } break; //skills that are place related not target entity case SKILL_DEMAGE_FLAG.POSITION_TARGET_FLAG: case SKILL_DEMAGE_FLAG.CON_45_FLAG: case SKILL_DEMAGE_FLAG.CON_90_FLAG: case SKILL_DEMAGE_FLAG.AOE_TARGET_FLAG: { Action act = new Action(activeSkill, skill, pAttacker, position);; Output.WriteLine("Skill enqueue as position skill"); } break; default: Output.WriteLine("Skill has inncorrect DEMAGE FLAG SET"); break; } }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here we go. Let's define the functions that get called whenever a skill is executed. * This is the place where you wanna start to create your own custom skills. Perhaps some * kind of scripting support will be added in the far future. * */ public static void SkillRequest(int skillID, Database.Player.RACE race, Database.Player pAttacker, int targetID = 0, Map.Nod position = null) { Skill skill = null; Dictionary <int, Skill> dict = null; ActiveSkill activeSkill; if (!pAttacker.activeSkillList.TryGetValue(skillID, out activeSkill)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } try { switch (race) { case Database.Player.RACE.KNIGHT: dict = knightSkillList; break; case Database.Player.RACE.MAGE: dict = mageSkillList; break; case Database.Player.RACE.ARCHER: dict = archerSkillList; break; default: throw new NullReferenceException(); break; } skill = dict[skillID]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Output.WriteLine("SkillHandler::GetSkillExecuteHandler " + "Someone tried to execute a skill for that no handler exists. " + e.Source.ToString() + " : " + e.TargetSite.ToString()); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // Should never ever happen -.- Output.WriteLine("SkillHandler::GetSkillExecuteHandler " + "Someone tried to request a skill for an unknown race!"); } //This is place where we do actions for requested skill Output.WriteLine("SkillRequest: " +; if (activeSkill.ElapsedCoolDown() > 0 && activeSkill.ElapsedCoolDown() < skill.coolDown) { Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "SkillHandler::SkillRequest - can't cast skill (still on CoolDown)"); Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "SkillHandler::SkillRequest CoolDown: " + activeSkill.ElapsedCoolDown().ToString()); return; } Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, "SkillHandler::SkillRequest CoolDown: " + activeSkill.ElapsedCoolDown().ToString()); pAttacker.isCastingSkill = true; pAttacker.currentCastingSkillID = skillID; activeSkill.StartCast(); BroadcastPacket bPacket = new BroadcastPacket((uint)pAttacker.PosX, (uint)pAttacker.PosY, (int)World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.SkillAnim(pAttacker.PlayerPID, targetID, activeSkill.skillID, activeSkill.skillLvl));; }
private void Goto() { if (Program.DEBUG_MOB_STOP) { if (currentState == EntityState.STATE.START_MOVE || currentState == EntityState.STATE.MOVE) { state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(InternalID, PosX, PosY)); } currentState = EntityState.STATE.STOP_MOVE; cSM.SetState = AI.CoreStateMachine.State.STAND; sw.Stop(); return; } float elapsed = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f; sw.Restart(); if (newX != 0 && newY != 0) { if ((newX != PosX) || (newY != PosY)) { if (moveTarget.X != newX || moveTarget.Y != newY) { moveTarget.X = newX; moveTarget.Y = newY; // On starting movement //Output.WriteLine("MOVING TO : [" + newX.ToString() + "," + newY.ToString() + ",0]"); distance = (float)(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(newX - PosX, 2) + Math.Pow(newY - PosY, 2))); //Output.WriteLine("Distance: " + distance.ToString()); directionX = (float)(newX - PosX) / distance; directionY = (float)(newY - PosY) / distance; mX = PosX; mY = PosY; startX = mX; startY = mY; tstartX = mX; tstartY = mY; moving = true; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStart(pl.PlayerPID, pl.newX, pl.newY));// send to client info that server start moving avatar //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStart(uniqueID, newX, newY)); currentState = EntityState.STATE.START_MOVE; state = new AI.EntityState.StartMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStart(InternalID, newX, newY)); sw.Restart(); elapsed = 0; return; } // On update if (moving) { mX = directionX * speed * elapsed; mY = directionY * speed * elapsed; tstartX += mX; tstartY += mY; tmX = (int)(tstartX * 1000); tmY = (int)(tstartY * 1000); if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tstartX - startX, 2) + Math.Pow(tstartY - startY, 2)) >= distance) { PosX = newX; PosY = newY; moving = false; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(pl.PlayerPID, pl.tmX, pl.tmY));//send stop packet to user //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(uniqueID, tmX, tmY)); currentState = EntityState.STATE.STOP_MOVE; state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(InternalID, PosX, PosY)); newX = newY = 0; Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod == null) { curNod =, MapPosition.Y); if (curNod == null) { Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Mob::Goto Nod null!"); Despawn(null); return; } PosX = (int)curNod.X; PosY = (int)curNod.Y; Despawn(null); return; } if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile if (PosX > || PosX < || PosY > || PosY < { Despawn(null); return; } MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } cSM.SetState = AI.CoreStateMachine.State.STAND; sw.Stop(); } else { if (PosX == newX && PosY == newY) { moving = false; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(pl.PlayerPID, pl.tmX, pl.tmY)); //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(uniqueID, tmX, tmY)); currentState = EntityState.STATE.STOP_MOVE; state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(InternalID, PosX, PosY)); Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); newX = newY = 0; if (curNod == null) { curNod =, MapPosition.Y); if (curNod == null) { Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Mob::Goto Nod null!"); Despawn(null); return; } Despawn(null); return; } if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile if (PosX > || PosX < || PosY > || PosY < { Despawn(null); return; } MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } cSM.SetState = AI.CoreStateMachine.State.STAND; sw.Stop(); return; } //Output.WriteLine("[" + mX.ToString() +"," + mY.ToString() + "] to [" + tstartX.ToString() + "," + tstartY.ToString() + "]"); //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMove(uniqueID, tmX, tmY)); currentState = EntityState.STATE.MOVE; state = new AI.EntityState.Move(PosX, PosY, null);//new AI.EntityState.Move(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMove(InternalID, tmX, tmY)); int bX = (int)tstartX - PosX; int bY = (int)tstartY - PosY; if (bX != 0 || bY != 0) { // update the own position PosX += bX; PosY += bY; PosZ += 0; Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); if (curNod == null) { curNod =, MapPosition.Y); if (curNod == null) { Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Mob::Goto Nod null!"); Despawn(null); return; } Despawn(null); return; } if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile if (PosX > || PosX < || PosY > || PosY < { Despawn(null); return; } MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } } } } } else { moving = false; //pl.Con.Send(new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MoveStop(pl.PlayerPID, pl.tmX, pl.tmY)); //, PosY, World.DEBUG_SIGHT_RANGE, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(uniqueID, tmX, tmY)); currentState = EntityState.STATE.STOP_MOVE; state = new AI.EntityState.StopMove(PosX, PosY, new Packet.SendPacketHandlers.MobMoveStop(InternalID, PosX, PosY)); Map.Nod curNod =, (uint)PosY); newX = newY = 0; if (curNod == null) { curNod =, MapPosition.Y); if (curNod == null) { Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Mob::Goto Nod null!"); Despawn(null); return; } Despawn(null); return; } if (curNod.X != MapPosition.X || curNod.Y != MapPosition.Y) { //player moved to new map tile if (PosX > || PosX < || PosY > || PosY < { Despawn(null); return; } MapPosition.X = curNod.X; MapPosition.Y = curNod.Y;, OldMapPosition, MapPosition); OldMapPosition.X = curNod.X; OldMapPosition.Y = curNod.Y; } cSM.SetState = AI.CoreStateMachine.State.STAND; sw.Stop(); return; } } }
//physicall attack public Action(Database.Entity attacker, int target) { this.attacker = attacker; this.targetID = target; this.position = new Map.Nod(); }
public Player(Connection connection, Map.Nod start) : base(start, null, 0, connection.client.PlayerID) { this.con = connection; }
public Entity(Map.Nod start, Map.Spawn spawn) { this.start = start; this.spawn = spawn; this.uniqueID = Interlocked.Increment(ref nextID); }