Exemple #1
        //--------------endOfstartOfmanualSearchkey Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //--------------startOfdownArrow Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public void downArrow(string form, string focus, object obj)
                DataGridView dataGridView = null;

                if (form == "mb" && focus == "dgv") // validate ManualBilling form and DataGridView
                    ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                    dataGridView = mb.dataGridView1;

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "dgv") // validate ManualBilling form and DataGridView
                    Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                    dataGridView = bf.dataGridView1;

                int rows     = dataGridView.RowCount;             // no of rows in datagridview
                int rowIndex = dataGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex; //current row no

                if (rowIndex < (rows - 1) && rowIndex != 0)           //validate current selected row is not the last or first row
                    dataGridView.Rows[rowIndex - 1].Selected = false; //deselect current row
                    dataGridView.Rows[rowIndex].Selected     = true;  // select next row

                else if (rowIndex != 0)

            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again, " + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemple #2
        //--------------endOfEnter Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //--------------startOfManualBilling Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public void manualBilling(string form, string searchKey, object obj = null, string tab = null)
            DBConnection db           = new DBConnection();
            TextBox      textbox      = null;
            DataGridView datagridview = null;
            string       querystring  = null;

            //for ManualBilling form
            if (form == "mb")
                ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                textbox      = mb.txtBoxDescription;
                datagridview = mb.dataGridView1;

            if (form == "admin" && tab == "itm")
                Admin frm = (Admin)obj;
                textbox      = frm.textBox6;
                datagridview = frm.dataGridView1;

            if (form == "admin" && tab == "qty")
                Admin frm = (Admin)obj;
                textbox      = frm.textBox24;
                datagridview = frm.dataGridView5;

            if (form == "admin" && tab == "usrs")
                Admin frm = (Admin)obj;
                textbox      = frm.txtBoxSearch;
                datagridview = frm.dataGridView2;

            if (form == "admin" && tab == "sup")
                Admin frm = (Admin)obj;
                textbox      = frm.textBox18;
                datagridview = frm.dataGridView4;

                string query = null;

                textbox.ReadOnly = false;
                textbox.Text     = textbox.Text + searchKey; //assign character of the pressed key into the end of the textbox
                textbox.Select(textbox.Text.Length, 0);      //move cursor into the end of text in the textbox
                textbox.ReadOnly = true;

                if (form == "mb")//for ManualBilling form
                    querystring = "SELECT * From items WHERE Description LIKE CONCAT('" + textbox.Text + "','%')";

                if (form == "admin" && tab == "itm")
                    if (textbox.Text == "")
                        querystring = "SELECT * From items";
                        querystring = "SELECT * From items WHERE Description LIKE CONCAT('" + textbox.Text + "','%')";

                if (form == "admin" && tab == "qty")
                    if (textbox.Text == "")
                        querystring = "SELECT Item_Code,Description,Quantity From items";
                        querystring = "SELECT Item_Code,Description,Quantity From items WHERE Description LIKE CONCAT('" + textbox.Text + "','%')";

                if (form == "admin" && tab == "usrs")
                    if (textbox.Text == "")
                        querystring = "SELECT * From users";
                        querystring = "SELECT * From users WHERE User_Name LIKE CONCAT('" + textbox.Text + "','%')";

                if (form == "admin" && tab == "sup")
                    if (textbox.Text == "")
                        querystring = "SELECT * From suppliers";
                        querystring = "SELECT * From suppliers WHERE Supplier_Name LIKE CONCAT('" + textbox.Text + "','%')";

                query = querystring;

                if (db.OpenConnection() == true)
                    //populate data gridview from result

                    MySqlCommand     cmd     = new MySqlCommand(query, db.connection);
                    MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                    DataTable        table   = new DataTable();
                    BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
                    bs.DataSource           = table;
                    datagridview.DataSource = bs;

                    if (datagridview.RowCount > 0)
                        datagridview.Rows[0].Selected = true; //auto select first record of datagridview if there is any record
                    MessageBox.Show("DB Connection Error, Please Try Again", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again" + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                bool a = db.CloseConnection();
Exemple #3
        //--------------endOfUpArrow Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //--------------startOfEnter Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void enterButton(string form, string focus, object obj, object formobj = null)
            DBConnection db = new DBConnection();

                if (form == "mb" && focus == "dgv")
                    ManualBilling mb  = (ManualBilling)obj;
                    Billingform   bf  = (Billingform)formobj;
                    int           row = mb.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

                    if (mb.dataGridView1.RowCount != 0)
                        int     code    = (int)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[0].Value;
                        string  des     = mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                        decimal price   = (decimal)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[4].Value;
                        decimal l_price = (decimal)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[5].Value;
                        decimal disc    = (decimal)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[6].Value;;
                        //string other = mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[5].Value.ToString();

                        bf.txtBoxCode.Text        = code.ToString();
                        bf.txtBoxDescription.Text = des;
                        bf.textBox8.Text          = price.ToString();
                        bf.txtBoxDiscount.Text    = disc.ToString();
                        bf.ActiveControl = bf.textBox2;

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "qty")
                    Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;

                    string  code = bf.txtBoxCode.Text;
                    string  des  = bf.txtBoxDescription.Text;
                    decimal price;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.textBox8.Text, out price);
                    decimal disc;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.txtBoxDiscount.Text, out disc);
                    decimal qty;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.textBox2.Text, out qty);
                    decimal tot = 0.00m;

                    if (qty == 0)
                        qty = 1;

                    if (disc == 0)
                        tot = (price * qty);

                        decimal newprice;
                        newprice = (price - ((price / 100) * disc));
                        tot      = (newprice * qty);

                    Decimal.TryParse((tot.ToString().Substring(0, tot.ToString().Length)), out tot);

                    Decimal total;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.label7.Text, out total);

                    tot = Math.Round(tot, 2);

                    bf.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(bf.dataGridView1.RowCount + 1, code, des, qty, disc, price, tot);

                    //reduce qty
                    if (db.OpenConnection() == true)
                        int              quantity = 0;
                        string           query1   = "SELECT Quantity FROM items WHERE Item_Code=" + code + "";
                        MySqlCommand     cmd      = new MySqlCommand(query1, db.connection);
                        MySqlDataAdapter adapter  = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                        DataTable        table    = new DataTable();
                        quantity = int.Parse(table.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());

                        if (quantity > int.Parse(qty.ToString()))
                            quantity = quantity - int.Parse(qty.ToString());

                            string       query2 = "UPDATE items SET Quantity=" + quantity + " WHERE Item_Code=" + code + "";
                            MySqlCommand cmd1   = new MySqlCommand(query2, db.connection);

                            ItemDBConnection idc = new ItemDBConnection();
                            idc.reorder(code, quantity);

                            BillGeneration bg = new BillGeneration();
                            MessageBox.Show("According to Database Stocks in hand is lesser than the Quantity that you going to purchuase", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                            bf.dataGridView1.Rows.RemoveAt(bf.dataGridView1.RowCount - 1);

                            bf.txtBoxCode.Text        = "";
                            bf.txtBoxDescription.Text = "";
                            bf.textBox8.Text          = "";
                            bf.textBox2.Text          = "";
                            bf.txtBoxDiscount.Text    = "";
                            bf.ActiveControl          = bf.txtBoxDescription;

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "des")
                    Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                    if (bf.dataGridView1.RowCount != 0)
                        bf.ActiveControl = bf.textBox3;

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "dgv")
                    Form6 newform = new Form6(obj);

            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again, " + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemple #4
        //--------------endOfdownArrow Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //--------------startOfUpArrow Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public void upArrow(string form, string focus, object obj)
                DataGridView dataGridView = null;
                TextBox      textBox      = null;

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "dgv")
                    Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                    dataGridView = bf.dataGridView1;

                    textBox = bf.txtBoxDescription;

                if (form == "mb" && focus == "dgv")
                    ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                    dataGridView = mb.dataGridView1;

                    textBox = mb.txtBoxDescription;

                int RowIndex = dataGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

                if (RowIndex == 0) //check whether if current selected row is first row or not
                    if (form == "bf" && focus == "dgv")
                        Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                        bf.ActiveControl = bf.txtBoxDescription;//focus into datagridview

                    if (form == "mb" && focus == "dgv")
                        ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                        mb.ActiveControl = mb.txtBoxDescription;//focus into datagridview

                    dataGridView.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;     //change borderStyle to identify active control
                    textBox.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; //change borderStyle to identify active control
                    textBox.Select(textBox.Text.Length, 0);             //move cursor into the end of text in the textbox

                else if (RowIndex > 1)
                    dataGridView.Rows[RowIndex].Selected     = false; //deselect current row
                    dataGridView.Rows[RowIndex - 1].Selected = true;  //select previous row
                else if (RowIndex == 0)

            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again, " + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemple #5
        public object PrvForm;  //variable for hold previous function called form instance

        //--------------startOfmanualSearchkey Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public string manualSearchkey(string keyCode, string character, string form = "dflt", string focus = "dflt", object obj = null)
            string keyChar = null;

            if (form == "Billingform" && obj != null)
                PrvForm = obj;

                if (int.Parse(keyCode) > 64 && int.Parse(keyCode) < 106 || int.Parse(keyCode) == 32) //validate Alphanumeric characters-------------------------
                    if (int.Parse(keyCode) > 95 && int.Parse(keyCode) < 106)                         //validate numberpad inputs to "NumPad" part
                        character = character.Substring(6, character.Length - 6);

                    if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 32)
                        character = " ";

                    keyChar = character;

                    if (form == "Billingform" || form == "ManualBillingform")
                        if (form == "Billingform") //idetify function triggered form
                            ManualBilling mb = new ManualBilling(PrvForm);
                            if (mb.Visible == false) //check whether ManualBilling Form is already initialized or not

                            manualBilling("mb", character, mb); // call manualBilling function
                            manualBilling("mb", character, obj);

                    if (form == "admin")
                        manualBilling("admin", character, obj, focus);

                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 8) //validate BackSpace---------------------------------------------------------------
                    TextBox text     = null;
                    string  formName = null;

                    if (form == "ManualBillingform" && focus == "des")
                        ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                        text     = mb.txtBoxDescription;
                        formName = "mb";

                    if (form == "admin" && focus == "itm")
                        Admin ad = (Admin)obj;
                        text     = ad.textBox6;
                        formName = "admin";

                    if (form == "admin" && focus == "qty")
                        Admin ad = (Admin)obj;
                        text     = ad.textBox24;
                        formName = "admin";

                    if (form == "admin" && focus == "usrs")
                        Admin ad = (Admin)obj;
                        text     = ad.txtBoxSearch;
                        formName = "admin";

                    if (form == "admin" && focus == "sup")
                        Admin ad = (Admin)obj;
                        text     = ad.textBox18;
                        formName = "admin";

                    if (text.Text.Length > 0)                                     //check is there any text in the textbox
                        text.Text = text.Text.Substring(0, text.Text.Length - 1); //remove last character from the text of the textbox

                        text.Select(text.Text.Length, 0);                         //move cursor into the end of text in the textbox

                        character = null;
                        if (text.TextLength == 0)
                            character = "";

                        manualBilling(formName, character, obj, focus);

                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 27)  //validate Esc key---------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (form == "Billingform" && focus == "des")
                        if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Confirm exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            keyChar = "exit";


                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 40) //validate Down Arrow---------------------------------------------------------------
                    DataGridView dataGridView = null;
                    TextBox      textBox      = null;

                    if (form == "Billingform" && focus == "des")
                        Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                        dataGridView = bf.dataGridView1;

                        textBox          = bf.txtBoxDescription;
                        bf.ActiveControl = dataGridView;//focus into datagridview

                    if (form == "ManualBillingform" && focus == "des")
                        ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                        dataGridView = mb.dataGridView1;

                        textBox          = mb.txtBoxDescription;
                        mb.ActiveControl = dataGridView;//focus into datagridview

                    dataGridView.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; //change borderStyle to identify active control
                    textBox.BorderStyle      = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;     //change borderStyle to identify active control

                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 13)//validate enter-------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (form == "Billingform" && focus == "des")
                        enterButton("bf", "des", PrvForm);


            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again, " + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            return(keyChar); //return "exit" string
Exemple #6
 public void getbde(ManualBilling b)
     bde = b;
Exemple #7
        //--------------endOfUpArrow Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //--------------startOfEnter Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void enterButton(string form, string focus, object obj, object formobj = null)
                if (form == "mb" && focus == "dgv")
                    ManualBilling mb  = (ManualBilling)obj;
                    Billingform   bf  = (Billingform)formobj;
                    int           row = mb.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

                    if (mb.dataGridView1.RowCount != 0)
                        int     code    = (int)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[0].Value;
                        string  des     = mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                        decimal price   = (decimal)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[2].Value;
                        decimal l_price = (decimal)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[3].Value;
                        decimal disc    = (decimal)mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[4].Value;;
                        string  other   = mb.dataGridView1.Rows[row].Cells[5].Value.ToString();

                        bf.txtBoxCode.Text        = code.ToString();
                        bf.txtBoxDescription.Text = des;
                        bf.textBox8.Text          = price.ToString();
                        bf.txtBoxDiscount.Text    = disc.ToString();
                        bf.ActiveControl = bf.textBox2;

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "qty")
                    Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;

                    string  code = bf.txtBoxCode.Text;
                    string  des  = bf.txtBoxDescription.Text;
                    decimal price;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.textBox8.Text, out price);
                    decimal disc;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.txtBoxDiscount.Text, out disc);
                    decimal qty;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.textBox2.Text, out qty);
                    decimal tot = 0.00m;

                    if (qty == 0)
                        qty = 1;

                    if (disc == 0)
                        tot = (price * qty);

                        decimal newprice;
                        newprice = (price - ((price / 100) * disc));
                        tot      = (newprice * qty);

                    Decimal.TryParse((tot.ToString().Substring(0, tot.ToString().Length)), out tot);

                    Decimal total;
                    Decimal.TryParse(bf.label7.Text, out total);

                    tot = Math.Round(tot, 2);

                    bf.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(bf.dataGridView1.RowCount + 1, code, des, qty, disc, price, tot);

                    BillGeneration bg = new BillGeneration();

                if (form == "bf" && focus == "des")
                    Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                    if (bf.dataGridView1.RowCount != 0)
                        bf.ActiveControl = bf.textBox3;
            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again, " + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        public object PrvForm;  //variable for hold previous function called form instance

        //--------------startOfmanualSearchkey Function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public string manualSearchkey(string keyCode, string character, string form = "dflt", string focus = "dflt", object obj = null)
            string keyChar = null;
            if (form == "Billingform" && obj != null)

                PrvForm = obj;


                if (int.Parse(keyCode) > 64 && int.Parse(keyCode) < 106 || int.Parse(keyCode) == 32) //validate Alphanumeric characters-------------------------

                    if (int.Parse(keyCode) > 95 && int.Parse(keyCode) < 106) //validate numberpad inputs to "NumPad" part
                        character = character.Substring(6, character.Length - 6);

                    if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 32)
                        character = " ";

                    keyChar = character;

                    if (form == "Billingform" || form == "ManualBillingform")

                        if (form == "Billingform") //idetify function triggered form
                            ManualBilling mb = new ManualBilling(PrvForm);
                            if (mb.Visible == false) //check whether ManualBilling Form is already initialized or not


                            manualBilling("mb", character, mb); // call manualBilling function 

                            manualBilling("mb", character, obj);

                    if (form == "admin")

                        manualBilling("admin", character, obj);



                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 8) //validate BackSpace---------------------------------------------------------------
                    TextBox text = null;
                    string formName = null;

                    if (form == "ManualBillingform" && focus == "des")
                        ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                        text = mb.txtBoxDescription;
                        formName = "mb";


                    if (form == "admin" && focus == "search")
                        Admin ad = (Admin)obj;
                        text = ad.textBox6;
                        formName = "admin";


                    if (text.Text.Length > 0) //check is there any text in the textbox

                        text.Text = text.Text.Substring(0, text.Text.Length - 1); //remove last character from the text of the textbox

                        text.Select(text.Text.Length, 0); //move cursor into the end of text in the textbox

                        character = null;
                        if (text.TextLength == 0)
                            character = "";


                        manualBilling(formName, character, obj);


                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 27)  //validate Esc key---------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (form == "Billingform" && focus == "des")
                        if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Confirm exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            keyChar = "exit";





                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 40) //validate Down Arrow---------------------------------------------------------------
                    DataGridView dataGridView = null;
                    TextBox textBox = null;

                    if (form == "Billingform" && focus == "des")
                        Billingform bf = (Billingform)obj;
                        dataGridView = bf.dataGridView1;

                        textBox = bf.txtBoxDescription;
                        bf.ActiveControl = dataGridView;//focus into datagridview

                    if (form == "ManualBillingform" && focus == "des")
                        ManualBilling mb = (ManualBilling)obj;
                        dataGridView = mb.dataGridView1;

                        textBox = mb.txtBoxDescription;
                        mb.ActiveControl = dataGridView;//focus into datagridview

                    dataGridView.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; //change borderStyle to identify active control
                    textBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; //change borderStyle to identify active control


                else if (int.Parse(keyCode) == 13)//validate enter-------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if (form == "Billingform" && focus == "des")

                        enterButton("bf", "des", PrvForm);





            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Please Try Again, " + exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            return keyChar; //return "exit" string

Exemple #9
        public void init_container(Vardhman.childContainer c)
            switch (c)
            case childContainer.e_Billing:
                bill           = null;
                bill           = new Billing_dataentry();
                bill.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_Recepit:
                recepit           = null;
                recepit           = new Recepit();
                recepit.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_AccountHead:
                account           = null;
                account           = new Account_Head();
                account.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_EmptyBill:
                empty           = null;
                empty           = new emptybill();
                empty.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_ItemTypeMerge:
                itemTypeMerge           = new ITEM_TYPE_MERGE();
                itemTypeMerge.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_NewLedger:
                newLedger           = new new_ledger();
                newLedger.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_ManualRecepit:
                manualRecepit           = new ManualRecepit();
                manualRecepit.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_ManualBilling:
                manualBilling           = new ManualBilling();
                manualBilling.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_PriceList:
                priceList           = new Price_List();
                priceList.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_Deletion:
                deletion           = new Deletion();
                deletion.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_Ledger:
                ledger           = new Ledger_showall();
                ledger.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_ItemTypeEdit:
                itemTypeEdit           = new ItemTypeEdit();
                itemTypeEdit.MdiParent = this;

            case childContainer.e_pendingReceivables:
                pendingReceivables           = new PendingReceivavles();
                pendingReceivables.MdiParent = this;