Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="type">the current type being extended</param>
        /// <param name="extensionMethodTemplate">A reference to the extension method. For generic methods, this is a reference to the
        /// non-specialized method, e.g. System.Linq.Enumerable.Select``2.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="specialization">When the current type implements or inherits from a specialization of a generic type,
        /// this parameter has a TypeNode for the type used as apecialization of the generic type's first template param.
        /// </param>
        private void AddExtensionMethod(XmlWriter writer, TypeNode type, Method extensionMethodTemplate, TypeNode specialization)
            // If this is a specialization of a generic method, construct a Method object that describes the specialization
            Method extensionMethodTemplate2 = extensionMethodTemplate;

            if (extensionMethodTemplate2.IsGeneric && (specialization != null))
                // the specialization type is the first of the method's template arguments
                TypeNodeList templateArgs = new TypeNodeList();
                // add any additional template arguments
                for (int i = 1; i < extensionMethodTemplate.TemplateParameters.Count; i++)
                extensionMethodTemplate2 = extensionMethodTemplate.GetTemplateInstance(type, templateArgs);
            TypeNode      extensionMethodTemplateReturnType = extensionMethodTemplate2.ReturnType;
            ParameterList extensionMethodTemplateParameters = extensionMethodTemplate2.Parameters;

            ParameterList extensionMethodParameters = new ParameterList();

            for (int i = 1; i < extensionMethodTemplateParameters.Count; i++)
                Parameter extensionMethodParameter = extensionMethodTemplateParameters[i];
            Method extensionMethod = new Method(extensionMethodTemplate.DeclaringType, new AttributeList(), extensionMethodTemplate.Name, extensionMethodParameters, extensionMethodTemplate.ReturnType, null);

            extensionMethod.Flags = extensionMethodTemplate.Flags & ~MethodFlags.Static;

            // for generic methods, set the template args and params so the template data is included in the id and the method data
            if (extensionMethodTemplate2.IsGeneric)
                extensionMethod.IsGeneric = true;
                if (specialization != null)
                    // set the template args for the specialized generic method
                    extensionMethod.TemplateArguments = extensionMethodTemplate2.TemplateArguments;
                    // set the generic template params for the non-specialized generic method
                    extensionMethod.TemplateParameters = extensionMethodTemplate2.TemplateParameters;

            // Get the id
            string extensionMethodTemplateId = reflector.ApiNamer.GetMemberName(extensionMethodTemplate);

            // write the element node
            writer.WriteAttributeString("api", extensionMethodTemplateId);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("source", "extension");
            isExtensionMethod = true;
            isExtensionMethod = false;
Exemple #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Add extension method information to a type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">The reflection data XML writer</param>
        /// <param name="type">the current type being extended</param>
        /// <param name="extensionMethodTemplate">A reference to the extension method. For generic methods,
        /// this is a reference to the non-specialized method, e.g. System.Linq.Enumerable.Select``2.</param>
        /// <param name="specialization">When the current type implements or inherits from a specialization
        /// of a generic type, this parameter has a TypeNode for the type used as a specialization of the
        /// generic type's first template parameter.</param>
        private void AddExtensionMethod(XmlWriter writer, TypeNode type, Method extensionMethodTemplate,
                                        TypeNode specialization)
            // !EFW - Bug fix
            // Don't add extension method support to enumerations and static classes
            if (type != null && (type.NodeType == NodeType.EnumNode || (type.NodeType == NodeType.Class &&
                                                                        type.IsAbstract && type.IsSealed)))

            // If this is a specialization of a generic method, construct a Method object that describes
            // the specialization.
            Method extensionMethodTemplate2 = extensionMethodTemplate;

            if (extensionMethodTemplate2.IsGeneric && specialization != null)
                // The specialization type is the first of the method's template arguments
                TypeNodeList templateArgs = new TypeNodeList();

                // Add any additional template arguments
                for (int i = 1; i < extensionMethodTemplate.TemplateParameters.Count; i++)

                extensionMethodTemplate2 = extensionMethodTemplate.GetTemplateInstance(type, templateArgs);

            ParameterList extensionMethodTemplateParameters = extensionMethodTemplate2.Parameters;

            ParameterList extensionMethodParameters = new ParameterList();

            for (int i = 1; i < extensionMethodTemplateParameters.Count; i++)
                Parameter extensionMethodParameter = extensionMethodTemplateParameters[i];

            Method extensionMethod = new Method(extensionMethodTemplate.DeclaringType, new AttributeList(),
                                                extensionMethodTemplate.Name, extensionMethodParameters, extensionMethodTemplate2.ReturnType,

            extensionMethod.Flags = extensionMethodTemplate.Flags & ~MethodFlags.Static;

            // For generic methods, set the template arguments and parameters so the template data is included in
            // the ID and the method data.
            if (extensionMethodTemplate2.IsGeneric)
                extensionMethod.IsGeneric = true;

                if (specialization != null)
                    // Set the template arguments for the specialized generic method
                    extensionMethod.TemplateArguments = extensionMethodTemplate2.TemplateArguments;
                    // Set the generic template parameters for the non-specialized generic method
                    extensionMethod.TemplateParameters = extensionMethodTemplate2.TemplateParameters;

            // Get the ID
            string extensionMethodTemplateId = mrw.ApiNamer.GetMemberName(extensionMethodTemplate);

            // Write the element node
            writer.WriteAttributeString("api", extensionMethodTemplateId);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("source", "extension");

            isExtensionMethod = true;
            mrw.WriteMember(extensionMethod, false);
            isExtensionMethod = false;
