// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Manage = GameObject.Find("Manage").GetComponent <Manage>(); Clickaudio = GameObject.Find("Clickaudio").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); if (Particle != null) { Buyaudio = GameObject.Find("Buyaudio").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); } Myimage = GetComponent <Image>(); if (Checksoundsprite == true) { Menuaudio = GameObject.Find("Menuaudio").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); Showsoundsprite(); } if (PlayerLock != null) { Unlockplayer = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Unlockplayer" + Buttonnumber, Unlockplayer); Checkmylock(); } else if (SunglassLock != null) { UnlockSunglass = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("UnlockSunglass" + Buttonnumber, UnlockSunglass); Checkmylock(); } else if (CapLock != null) { UnlockCap = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("UnlockCap" + Buttonnumber, UnlockCap); Checkmylock(); } if (Mymenu != null) { Menu = Mymenu.GetComponent <Menu>(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Manage = GameObject.Find("Manage").GetComponent <Manage>(); Birdaudio = GameObject.Find("Birdaudio" + (Random.Range(1, 4))).GetComponent <AudioSource>(); mycollider = GetComponent <Collider2D>(); if (GetComponent <Animator>() != null) { Anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); } if (Jump == true) { if (transform.position.x <= 0) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1); } if (GetComponent <Animator>() != null) { Anim.SetInteger("Bird", 1); } transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector3(MoveRight, MoveUp); } }
void Start() { x = transform.position.x; y = transform.position.y; m = Manage.instance; int rnd = Random.Range(0, 6); switch (rnd) { case (int)Colors.Yellow: c = new Color32(234, 191, 27, 255); break; case (int)Colors.Orange: c = new Color32(226, 124, 38, 255); break; case (int)Colors.Red: c = new Color32(227, 74, 59, 255); break; case (int)Colors.Green: c = new Color32(68, 185, 109, 255); break; case (int)Colors.Purple: c = new Color32(148, 88, 164, 255); break; case (int)Colors.Blue: c = new Color32(51, 148, 209, 255); break; } this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = c; }
protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = int.Parse(DropDownList2.SelectedValue); if (i == 0) { j = "JudgeLow"; GridView1.DataSource = Manage.ShowData(j); GridView1.DataBind(); } if (i == 1) { j = "JudgeMid"; GridView1.DataSource = Manage.ShowData(j); GridView1.DataBind(); } if (i == 2) { j = "JudgeHigh"; GridView1.DataSource = Manage.ShowData(j); GridView1.DataBind(); } }
public void Deployment() { Engine engine = new Engine(); Logger logger = new Logger(engine); Manage manage = new Manage(engine); engine.Triggers.Register <TurnAddResources>(); var field = engine.Field; var player = engine.Chiefs[0]; var enemy = engine.Chiefs[1]; player.Cards.Factory.CreateDefaultHq <HqConsol>(); enemy.Cards.Factory.CreateDefaultHq <HqStrike>(); var Medium = player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankMedium>(); var Heavy = player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankHeavy>(); var Light = new[] { enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankLight>(), enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankLight>(), enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankLight>() }; manage.Draw(Medium); manage.Draw(Heavy); manage.Draw(enemy, 3); manage.StartGame(player); Assert.AreEqual(3, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(5, player.GetTotalIncrease()); Assert.AreEqual(5, player.GetResources()); Assert.AreEqual(4, enemy.GetTotalIncrease()); Assert.AreEqual(0, enemy.GetResources()); var HeavyDeploy = manage.Deploy(Heavy, field.GetCell(1, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(Status.NotEnoughResources, HeavyDeploy.GetStatus()); Assert.IsTrue(Heavy.GetLocation().IsReserve()); Assert.AreEqual(5, player.GetTotalIncrease()); Assert.AreEqual(5, player.GetResources()); var MediumDeploy = manage.Deploy(Medium, field.GetCell(1, 1)); Assert.IsTrue(MediumDeploy.IsValid()); Assert.IsTrue(Medium.GetLocation().IsBattlefield()); Assert.AreEqual(field.GetCell(1, 1), Medium.GetFieldLocation().GetCell()); Assert.AreEqual(6, player.GetTotalIncrease()); Assert.AreEqual(1, player.GetResources()); manage.EndTurn(player); var deploy = new[] { manage.Deploy(Light[0], field.GetCell(4, 1)), manage.Deploy(Light[1], field.GetCell(3, 1)), manage.Deploy(Light[2], field.GetCell(3, 2)), }; Assert.IsTrue(deploy[0].IsValid()); Assert.IsTrue(deploy[1].IsValid()); Assert.IsFalse(deploy[2].IsValid()); Assert.AreEqual(Status.NotEnoughResources, deploy[2].GetStatus()); Assert.AreEqual(field.GetCell(4, 1), Light[0].GetFieldLocation().GetCell()); Assert.AreEqual(field.GetCell(3, 1), Light[1].GetFieldLocation().GetCell()); Assert.IsTrue(Light[0].GetLocation().IsBattlefield()); Assert.IsTrue(Light[1].GetLocation().IsBattlefield()); Assert.IsTrue(Light[2].GetLocation().IsReserve()); manage.EndTurn(enemy); HeavyDeploy = manage.Deploy(Heavy, field.GetCell(1, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(HeavyDeploy.IsValid()); Assert.IsTrue(Heavy.GetLocation().IsBattlefield()); Assert.AreEqual(field.GetCell(1, 0), Heavy.GetFieldLocation().GetCell()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Cookies["Account"] == null) { if (Session["Name"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { if (Convert.ToString(Login.GetPermission(Session["Name"].ToString())) == "2".Trim()) { DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now; String gkt = tmp.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); if (Manage.CheckDate(gkt) == true) { Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0;url=ChamCong.aspx"); } else { Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0;url=QuanLyChamCong.aspx"); } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } } else { if (Request.Cookies["Account"]["Permission"].ToString() == "2".Trim()) { if (Session["Name"] == null) { DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now; String gkt = tmp.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); if (Manage.CheckDate(gkt) == true) { Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0;url=ChamCong.aspx"); } else { Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0;url=QuanLyChamCong.aspx"); } } else { DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now; String gkt = tmp.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); if (Manage.CheckDate(gkt) == true) { Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0;url=ChamCong.aspx"); } else { Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0;url=QuanLyChamCong.aspx"); } } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } }
public void Prediction() { var engine = new Engine(); var logger = new Logger(engine); var manage = new Manage(engine); var field = engine.Field; var player = engine.Chiefs[0]; var enemy = engine.Chiefs[1]; var strike = player.Cards.Factory.CreateDefaultHq <HqStrike>(); var Medium = player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankMedium>(); var Light = player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankLight>(); var Order = player.Cards.Factory.Create <ParisGun>(); var Platoon = player.Cards.Factory.Create <PlatoonEnforceArtillery>(); var guards = enemy.Cards.Factory.CreateDefaultHq <HqGuards>(); var Heavy = enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankHeavy>(); manage.Position(Heavy, field.GetCell(0, 1)); manage.Position(Medium, field.GetCell(0, 2)); manage.Draw(player, 3); manage.SetResources(player, 50); manage.StartGame(enemy); manage.Fight(Heavy, strike); Assert.AreEqual(3, strike.GetDamage()); manage.EndTurn(enemy); var emulated = player.GetEmulated(); emulated.Attack( new Io.Target() { SourceId = Medium.Id, TargetId = Heavy.Id } ); emulated.Order( new Io.Target() { SourceId = Order.Id, TargetId = Heavy.Id } ); Assert.AreEqual( Status.AbilityIsUsed, emulated.Attack( new Io.Target() { SourceId = Medium.Id, TargetId = Heavy.Id } ) ); Assert.AreEqual( Status.NotAtReserve, emulated.Order( new Io.Target() { SourceId = Order.Id, TargetId = Heavy.Id } ) ); var damages = emulated.GetDamagePredictions(); Assert.AreEqual(2, damages.Count); Assert.AreEqual(damages[0].CardId, Heavy.Id); Assert.AreEqual(4, damages[0].Value); Assert.AreEqual(damages[1].CardId, strike.Id); Assert.AreEqual(-2, damages[1].Value); Assert.AreEqual(0, Heavy.GetDamage()); Assert.AreEqual(3, strike.GetDamage()); Assert.AreEqual( Status.Success, emulated.Deploy(new Io.Position { CardId = Light.Id, X = 1, Y = 0 }) ); Assert.AreEqual( Status.Success, emulated.Move(new Io.Position { CardId = Light.Id, X = 1, Y = 1 }) ); Assert.AreEqual( Status.Success, emulated.Deploy(new Io.SingleCard() { CardId = Platoon.Id }) ); Assert.AreEqual(Status.Success, emulated.EndTurn()); }
private void NouvelleReservationCommande_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { helper.modifier = false; // le form sera aussi utiliser si on veut modifier la reservation mais on part du principe que de base ce n'est pas le cas. try { // On ajoute les participant de la reservation dans la listbox. listBoxPersonnesPresentes.DataSource = Manage.GetParticipantParReservation(Manage.GetListReservation().FirstOrDefault(x => x.numeroReservation == helper.numeroReservation).idReservation); listBoxPersonnesPresentes.DisplayMember = "prenom"; listBoxPersonnesPresentes.ValueMember = "idDetailReservation"; if (listBoxPersonnesPresentes.Items.Count != 0) // A la base elle sera vide, mais si elle n'est pas vide on indique les choix { var selectedParticipant = (ParticipantParReservationModel)listBoxPersonnesPresentes.SelectedItem; labelEntree.Text = Manage.GetCarteByRestaurantAndType(GetNumeroRestaurant(), 1) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.idCarteRestaurant == selectedParticipant.entree).Element; labelPlat.Text = Manage.GetCarteByRestaurantAndType(GetNumeroRestaurant(), 2) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.idCarteRestaurant == selectedParticipant.plat).Element; labelDessert.Text = Manage.GetCarteByRestaurantAndType(GetNumeroRestaurant(), 3) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.idCarteRestaurant == selectedParticipant.dessert).Element; labelPrixTotal.Text = selectedParticipant.prixParPersonne.ToString(); } if (helper.supprimer) // Si on modifie la reservation alors on le bouton supprimer devient visible { button_supprimer.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } }
internal int GetNumeroRestaurant() // On crée une fonction qui recupere l'idRestaurant de la reservation { var idTable = Manage.GetListReservation().FirstOrDefault(x => x.numeroReservation == helper.numeroReservation).idTable; return(Manage.GetTables().FirstOrDefault(x => x.idTables == idTable).idRestaurant); }
public ActionResult Fltr(string parameters) { ContentResult cr = new ContentResult(); cr.Content = "1"; parameters = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parameters); string[] parce = parameters.Split('|'); string searchId = parce[0]; string[] manufparce = parce[1].Split(','); DetailModels dsst = new DetailModels(); dsst.Details = new Dictionary<string, Parameters.DetailInfo>(); DatabaseControl dbc = new DatabaseControl(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); Dictionary<string, Parameters.DetailInfo> dic = new Dictionary<string, Parameters.DetailInfo>(); foreach (var manuf in manufparce) { if (manuf.Trim() == string.Empty) continue; string requestmanuf = "and detail_manuf='" + manuf + "'"; if (manuf == "#all") requestmanuf = string.Empty; SqlDataReader dr = dbc.GetDataFromDB( String.Format("select * from dbo.search_index where id_request='{0}' {1}", searchId, requestmanuf), out conn); while (dr.Read()) { Parameters.DetailInfo di = new Parameters.DetailInfo(); di.Manuf = dr["detail_manuf"].ToString(); di.Name = dr["detail_name"].ToString(); di.Hash = dr["detHash"].ToString(); di.Delivery = dr["detail_delivery"].ToString(); di.BaseCount = dr["detail_basecount"].ToString(); di.Code = dr["det_code"].ToString(); di.PartId = dr["detail_partId"].ToString(); di.Price = decimal.Parse(dr["price"].ToString()); di.RealPrice = Manage.GetSummWithComission(di.Price); di.SearchID = dr["id_request"].ToString(); di.Storage = dr["detail_detStorage"].ToString(); dsst.Filtered = true; if (dic.ContainsKey(di.Hash)) { Parameters.DetailInfo detailInfoTEmp = dic[di.Hash]; if (detailInfoTEmp.Price <= di.Price) // если сумма меньше { if (detailInfoTEmp.AverageDelivery <= di.AverageDelivery) continue; if ((detailInfoTEmp.AverageDelivery - di.AverageDelivery) < 2) continue; } dic[di.Hash] = di; } else { dic.Add(di.Hash, di); } } if (manuf == "all") break; } conn.Close(); string auth = string.Empty; var authcookie = Request.Cookies.Get("Aurh"); if (authcookie != null)auth = authcookie.Value; string response = "<table id=\"detailsTable\" class=\"table\">" + "<tr><th class=\"mainth\" style=\"width: 25px\">п\\п</th>" + "<th class=\"mainth\">Название</th><th class=\"mainth\" align=\"center\">" + "Производитель</th><th class=\"mainth\" align=\"center\" >Срок доставки</th><th class=\"mainth\" align=\"center\" >Склад</th><th class=\"mainth\" align=\"center\" >Цена(руб.)</th>"; if (auth == "1") response = response + "<th class=\"mainth\" align=\"center\" ></th>"; response=response+ "</tr>"; int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<string,Parameters.DetailInfo> detailInfo in dic) { response = response + "<tr id=\"" + detailInfo.Value.Hash + "\">" + "<td style=\"width: 15px\" class=\"maintd\" name=\"intex-" + i + "\">" + (i + 1) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"maintd\" name=\"detName\" >" + detailInfo.Value.Name + "</td>" + "<td class=\"maintd\" name=\"detManuf\">" + detailInfo.Value.Manuf + "</td>" + "<td class=\"maintd\" name=\"detDelivery\">" + detailInfo.Value.Delivery + "</td>" + "<td class=\"maintd\" name=\"detStorage\">" + detailInfo.Value.Storage + "</td>" + "<td class=\"maintd\" name=\"detPrice\">" + detailInfo.Value.Price.ToString("N", new NumberFormatInfo()) + "</td>"; if (auth == "1") response = response + "<td class=\"maintd\" class=\"tableCell-gray\"><button name=\"tobasket\" id=\"" + detailInfo.Key + "\" type=\"submit\" class=\"buttonCarrito\" value=\"tobasket\" onclick=\"addToBaskt(this.id)\">в корзину</button></td></tr>"; i++; } cr.Content = response + "</table>"; return cr; }
public ManageTest() { _manage = new Manage(new DbManageFake(), new JsonEditorFake(), null, null, false); }
public IEnumerable <BookGroupDto> GetAllBookGroupsWithCategory(IEnumerable <BookGroupDto> bookGroups, IEnumerable <BookCategory> bookCategories, IEnumerable <CategoryDto> categories) { Manage manage = new Manage(); foreach (var rowBookCate in bookCategories) { foreach (var cate in categories) { if (rowBookCate.CategoryId == cate.Id) { manage.add(rowBookCate.BookGroupId, cate); } } } List <BookGroupDto> tmp = new List <BookGroupDto>(); foreach (var bookGroup in bookGroups) { var cateTmp = manage.getItem(bookGroup.Id); if (cateTmp == null) { var bookGroupDto = _entities.Include(c => c.Image).Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.Id == bookGroup.Id) .Select(c => new BookGroupDto { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name, Fee = c.Fee, PunishFee = c.PunishFee, Quantity = c.Quantity, Author = c.Author, PublishingPlace = c.PublishingPlace, PublishingCompany = c.PublishingCompany, PublishDate = c.PublishDate, Description = c.Description, PageNumber = c.PageNumber, Height = c.Height, Width = c.Width, Thick = c.Thick, PublishNumber = c.PublishNumber, Image = c.Image.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList(), RatingAverage = Math.Round((double)c.Feedback.Sum(x => x.Rating) / (c.Feedback.Count), 2) }).FirstOrDefault(); tmp.Add(bookGroupDto); } else { var bookGroupDto = _entities.Include(c => c.Image).Where(x => x.Id == cateTmp.Id && x.IsDeleted == false) .Select(c => new BookGroupDto { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name, Fee = c.Fee, PunishFee = c.PunishFee, Quantity = c.Quantity, Author = c.Author, PublishingPlace = c.PublishingPlace, PublishingCompany = c.PublishingCompany, PublishDate = c.PublishDate, Description = c.Description, PageNumber = c.PageNumber, Height = c.Height, Width = c.Width, Thick = c.Thick, PublishNumber = c.PublishNumber, Image = c.Image.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList(), Category = cateTmp.listRecord, RatingAverage = Math.Round((double)c.Feedback.Sum(x => x.Rating) / (c.Feedback.Count), 2) }).FirstOrDefault(); tmp.Add(bookGroupDto); } } return(tmp); }
public void CardAutoDraw() { Engine engine = new Engine(); Logger logger = new Logger(engine); Manage manage = new Manage(engine); var autoDraw = engine.Triggers.Register <CardAutoDraw>(); var player = engine.Chiefs[0]; var enemy = engine.Chiefs[1]; player.Cards.SetShuffleOff(); var plCards = new FieldCard[] { player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankLight>(), player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankMedium>(), player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankHeavy>(), player.Cards.Factory.Create <TankSpg>() }; var enCards = new FieldCard[] { enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankLight>(), enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankMedium>(), enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankHeavy>(), enemy.Cards.Factory.Create <TankSpatg>() }; Assert.AreEqual(1, autoDraw.GetCount()); autoDraw.SetCount(2); Assert.AreEqual(2, autoDraw.GetCount()); autoDraw.SetCount(1); Assert.AreEqual(1, autoDraw.GetCount()); manage.StartGame(enemy); Assert.AreEqual(0, player.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(0, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); manage.EndTurn(enemy); Assert.AreEqual(1, player.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(0, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.IsTrue(plCards[0].GetLocation().IsReserve()); manage.EndTurn(player); Assert.AreEqual(1, player.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(1, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); manage.EndTurn(enemy); manage.EndTurn(player); Assert.AreEqual(2, player.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(2, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); manage.EndTurn(enemy); manage.EndTurn(player); Assert.AreEqual(3, player.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(3, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); manage.EndTurn(enemy); manage.EndTurn(player); Assert.AreEqual(4, player.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); Assert.AreEqual(4, enemy.Cards.CountLocation(Location.Reserve)); manage.EndTurn(enemy); manage.EndTurn(player); manage.EndTurn(enemy); manage.EndTurn(player); manage.EndTurn(enemy); manage.EndTurn(player); Utils.ArrayAreEqual(plCards, player.Cards.FromLocation(Location.Reserve)); Utils.ArrayAreEqual(enCards, enemy.Cards.FromLocation(Location.Reserve)); }
private void Awake() { manage = GameObject.Find("Manager").GetComponent <Manage>(); forceArea = GameObject.Find("ForceArea").GetComponent <forceArea>(); }
public bool DeleteEntity(Manage entity) { return(base.DeleteEntity <Manage>(entity)); }
public bool UpdateEntity(Manage entity) { return(base.UpdateEntity <Manage>(entity)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { manage = GameObject.FindWithTag("Manager").GetComponent<Manage>(); move = GetComponent<Moves>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Manage = GameObject.Find("Manage").GetComponent <Manage>(); }
public void method_21() { foreach (Control control in this.panel1.Controls) { control.Dispose(); } this.panel1.Controls.Clear(); Manage manage = new Manage { TopLevel = false, FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None, Visible = true }; this.panel1.Controls.Add(manage); }
void Awake() { ev = manager.GetComponent <Manage> (); }
private void comboBoxMenu_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataSet oDataSet4 = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 1); listBoxEntreeChoisie.DataSource = oDataSet4.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxEntreeChoisie.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxEntreeChoisie.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; DataSet oDataSet5 = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 2); listBoxPlatChoisi.DataSource = oDataSet5.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxPlatChoisi.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxPlatChoisi.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; DataSet oDataSet6 = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 3); listBoxDessertChoisi.DataSource = oDataSet6.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxDessertChoisi.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxDessertChoisi.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; if (listBoxEntreeChoisie.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxPlatChoisi.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxDessertChoisi.Items.Count != 0) { var selectedEntree = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxEntreeChoisie.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedPlat = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxPlatChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedDessert = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxDessertChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; labelPrix.Text = (Convert.ToInt32((Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedEntree) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedPlat) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedDessert)) * 0.9)).ToString() + " €"; } else { labelPrix.Text = "..."; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String requestId = textBox1.Text; Manage.removeRequest(requestId); }
private void listBoxDessertChoisi_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBoxEntreeChoisie.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxPlatChoisi.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxDessertChoisi.Items.Count != 0) { var selectedEntree = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxEntreeChoisie.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedPlat = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxPlatChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedDessert = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxDessertChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; labelPrix.Text = (Convert.ToInt32((Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedEntree) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedPlat) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedDessert)) * 0.9)).ToString() + " €"; } else { labelPrix.Text = "..."; } }
private void buttonTerminer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (listBoxPersonnesPresentes.Items.Count != GetNbreParticipant()) // Si pas tous les participant ont été ajoutés { MessageBox.Show( "N'oubliez pas de completer le menu des participants avant de venir. Si les menus ne sont pas completés votre réservation ne sera pas prise en compte !"); this.Hide(); Form1 oNouvelleReservation = new Form1(); oNouvelleReservation.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close(); // On repasse au form initiale oNouvelleReservation.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; oNouvelleReservation.Show(); } else { Manage.ConfirmerReservation(Manage.GetListReservation() // On confirme la reservation dans la db et on rajoute le prix total de la reservation .FirstOrDefault(x => x.numeroReservation == helper.numeroReservation).idReservation, Manage.SumPrixTotalReservation(Manage.GetListReservation() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.numeroReservation == helper.numeroReservation).idReservation)); this.Hide(); Form1 oNouvelleReservation = new Form1(); // On retourne a la forme initiale oNouvelleReservation.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close(); oNouvelleReservation.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; oNouvelleReservation.Show(); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } }
private void CarteMenu_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataSet oDataSet = Manage.SelectCarteRestaurantByType(idRestaurant, 1); listBoxEntree.DataSource = oDataSet.Tables["CarteRestaurant"]; listBoxEntree.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxEntree.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; DataSet oDataSet2 = Manage.SelectCarteRestaurantByType(idRestaurant, 2); listBoxPlat.DataSource = oDataSet2.Tables["CarteRestaurant"]; listBoxPlat.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxPlat.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; DataSet oDataSet3 = Manage.SelectCarteRestaurantByType(idRestaurant, 3); listBoxDessert.DataSource = oDataSet3.Tables["CarteRestaurant"]; listBoxDessert.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxDessert.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; DataSet oDataSet0 = Manage.SelectMenuByRestaurant(idRestaurant); if (oDataSet0.Tables["Menus"].Rows.Count != 0) { buttonSupprimerMenu.Enabled = true; comboBoxMenu.DataSource = oDataSet0.Tables["Menus"]; comboBoxMenu.DisplayMember = "idMenu"; comboBoxMenu.ValueMember = "idMenu"; DataSet oDataSet4 = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 1); if (oDataSet4.Tables["CarteMenus"].Rows.Count != 0) { listBoxEntreeChoisie.DataSource = oDataSet4.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxEntreeChoisie.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxEntreeChoisie.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; } else { buttonDeleteEntree.Enabled = false; } DataSet oDataSet5 = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 2); if (oDataSet5.Tables["CarteMenus"].Rows.Count != 0) { listBoxPlatChoisi.DataSource = oDataSet5.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxPlatChoisi.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxPlatChoisi.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; } else { buttonDeletePlat.Enabled = false; } DataSet oDataSet6 = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 3); if (oDataSet6.Tables["CarteMenus"].Rows.Count != 0) { listBoxDessertChoisi.DataSource = oDataSet6.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxDessertChoisi.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxDessertChoisi.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; } else { buttonDeleteDessert.Enabled = false; } if (listBoxEntreeChoisie.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxPlatChoisi.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxDessertChoisi.Items.Count != 0) { var selectedEntree = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxEntreeChoisie.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedPlat = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxPlatChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedDessert = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxDessertChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; labelPrix.Text = (Convert.ToInt32((Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedEntree) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedPlat) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedDessert)) * 0.9)).ToString() + " €"; } else { labelPrix.Text = "..."; } } else { buttonAddEntree.Enabled = false; buttonAddPlat.Enabled = false; buttonAddDessert.Enabled = false; buttonDeleteEntree.Enabled = false; buttonDeletePlat.Enabled = false; buttonDeleteDessert.Enabled = false; buttonSupprimerMenu.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } }
internal int GetNbreParticipant() // On crée une fonction qui recupère le nombre de participant dans la reservation { return(Manage.GetListReservation().FirstOrDefault(x => x.numeroReservation == helper.numeroReservation).nbreDePersonnes); }
private void buttonAddPlat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Manage.InsertCarteRestaurantMenu((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxPlat.SelectedItem)["idCarteRestaurant"]); DataSet oDataSet = Manage.GetCarteMenuNoLinq((Int32)((DataRowView)comboBoxMenu.SelectedItem)["idMenu"], 2); listBoxPlatChoisi.DataSource = oDataSet.Tables["CarteMenus"]; listBoxPlatChoisi.DisplayMember = "Element"; listBoxPlatChoisi.ValueMember = "idCarteRestaurant"; if (buttonDeletePlat.Enabled == false) { buttonDeletePlat.Enabled = true; if (listBoxEntreeChoisie.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxPlatChoisi.Items.Count != 0 && listBoxDessertChoisi.Items.Count != 0) { var selectedEntree = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxEntreeChoisie.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedPlat = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxPlatChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; var selectedDessert = (Int32)((DataRowView)listBoxDessertChoisi.SelectedItem)["idcarteRestaurant"]; labelPrix.Text = (Convert.ToInt32((Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedEntree) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedPlat) + Manage.GetPrixGroupe(selectedDessert)) * 0.9)).ToString() + " €"; } else { labelPrix.Text = "..."; } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } }
/// <summary> ///添加电影院 /// </summary> /// <param name="ddy"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool addManage(Manage ddy) { return(DAL.ManageServer.addManage(ddy)); }
/// <summary> /// 左导航条 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult LeftNav() { return(PartialView(Manage.GetFunctions(LoginUserDetail.Nick, true, 0))); }
public static void Menu() { Console.Clear(); Return.PlayerInfo(); Return.Managers(); Write.Line(90, 17, Color.SPEAK + "Toggle Information" + Color.RESET); Write.Line(90, 19, "[S]tats"); Write.Line(90, 20, "[I]njuries"); Write.Line(90, 21, "[E]quipment"); if (display == Display.Stats) { Return.Roster(player, 5); } else if (display == Display.Injuries) { Manage.Injuries(); } else if (display == Display.Equipment) { Manage.Equipment(); } while (day < 11) { Write.Line(0, 18, "[1] " + Color.GOLD + "Hire Gladiators\n" + Color.RESET); Write.Line("[2] " + Color.ENERGY + "Manage Gladiators" + Color.RESET); Write.Line("[3] " + Color.ITEM + "Purchase Equipment" + Color.RESET); Write.Line("[4] " + Color.ENERGY + "Jobs" + Color.RESET); if (Graveyard.graveyard.Count > 0) { Write.Line("[5] " + Color.DURABILITY + "Graveyard" + Color.RESET); } else { Write.Line("[X] " + Color.MITIGATION + "The graveyard is empty" + Color.RESET); } int gladiatorsWithAWin = 0; foreach (Owner o in Create.owners) { foreach (Gladiator g in o.roster) { if (g.wins > 0) { gladiatorsWithAWin++; } } } if (gladiatorsWithAWin > 9) { Write.Line("[6] " + Color.XP + "Top 10 Gladiators" + Color.RESET); } else { Write.Line("[X] " + Color.MITIGATION + "Not enough gladiators have won a match" + Color.RESET); } Write.Line("[7] " + Color.XP + "Owner Rankings" + Color.RESET); if (audience) { Write.Line("[8] " + Color.XP + "Audience with the emperor" + Color.RESET); } else { Write.Line("[X] " + Color.MITIGATION + "The emperor has no interest in you" + Color.RESET); } if (fightsToday) { Write.Line("[A] " + Color.STRENGTH + "The Arena!" + Color.RESET); } else { Write.Line("[X] " + Color.MITIGATION + "There are no other fights today" + Color.RESET); } Write.Line("[0] " + Color.TIME + "Next day" + Color.RESET); Write.Line("[Q] Quit"); string choice = Return.Option(); if (choice == "1") { Slaver.Hire(); } else if (choice == "2") { Manage.Gladiators(); } else if (choice == "3") { Purchase.Equipment(); } else if (choice == "5" && Graveyard.graveyard.Count > 0) { Graveyard.Visit(); } else if (choice == "6" && gladiatorsWithAWin > 9) { Rankings.Gladiators(); } else if (choice == "7") { Rankings.Owner(); } else if (choice == "a") { fightsToday = false; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Owner o = owners[Return.RandomInt(0, owners.Count)]; schedule.Add(o); owners.Remove(o); } owners = schedule; ScheduleDisplay(); Combat.Start(schedule[0].roster[0], schedule[1].roster[0]); Combat.Start(schedule[2].roster[0], schedule[3].roster[0]); Combat.Start(schedule[4].roster[0], schedule[5].roster[0]); } else if (choice == "0") { day++; player.actions = 3; if (day % 3 == 0) { Slaver.NewStock(); } // All the next day stuff fightsToday = true; } else if (choice == "s") { display = Display.Stats; } else if (choice == "e") { display = Display.Equipment; } else if (choice == "i") { display = Display.Injuries; } else if (choice == "q") { Environment.Exit(0); } Menu(); } Console.Clear(); Write.Line("YOU ARE IN THE NEXT STAGE OF THE GAME! CONGRATS!"); Write.KeyPress(); Environment.Exit(0); }
private void dataOfficialsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(this.HomeClub.ClubId != 0 && this.GuestClub.ClubId != 0) { FrmAddOfficials dataAddOfficials = new FrmAddOfficials(this.HomeClub.ClubId, this.GuestClub.ClubId, this.HomeClubOfficials, this.GuestClubOfficials); dataAddOfficials.ShowDialog(); if (dataAddOfficials.OfficialsAddSuccess) { Thread loadingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(showLoadingForm)); loadingThread.Start(); this.HomeManages = new BindingList<Manage>(); this.GuestManages = new BindingList<Manage>(); this.HomeClubOfficials = dataAddOfficials.HomeOfficialsManage; this.GuestClubOfficials = dataAddOfficials.GuestOfficialsManage; this.HomeTeamOfficials.Clear(); this.GuestTeamOfficials.Clear(); using (var db = new MatchReporterEntities()) { List<Manage> previousManages = new List<Manage>(db.Manage.Where<Manage>(m => m.MatchId == this.Match.MatchId).ToList<Manage>()); foreach (Manage manage in previousManages) { db.Manage.Remove(manage); } db.SaveChanges(); } foreach (ClubOfficial official in this.HomeClubOfficials) { TeamOfficial teamOfficial = new TeamOfficial(official.ClubOfficialId, official.FirstName, official.LastName); this.HomeTeamOfficials.Add(teamOfficial); Manage manage = new Manage(this.Match.MatchId, official.ClubOfficialId); this.HomeManages.Add(manage); } foreach (ClubOfficial official in this.GuestClubOfficials) { TeamOfficial teamOfficial = new TeamOfficial(official.ClubOfficialId, official.FirstName, official.LastName); this.GuestTeamOfficials.Add(teamOfficial); Manage manage = new Manage(this.Match.MatchId, official.ClubOfficialId); this.GuestManages.Add(manage); } using (var db = new MatchReporterEntities()) { foreach (Manage manage in this.HomeManages) { db.Manage.Add(manage); } foreach (Manage manage in this.GuestManages) { db.Manage.Add(manage); } db.SaveChanges(); this.SavedManages = true; } dgvHomeOfficials.DataSource = this.HomeTeamOfficials; dgvGuestOfficials.DataSource = this.GuestTeamOfficials; dgvHomeOfficials.Refresh(); dgvGuestOfficials.Refresh(); btnHomeOfficialWarning.Enabled = true; btnGuestOfficialWarning.Enabled = true; btnHomeOfficialSuspension.Enabled = true; btnGuestOfficialSuspension.Enabled = true; btnHomeOfficialDisqualification.Enabled = true; btnGuestOfficialDisqualification.Enabled = true; btnHomeOfficialUndo.Enabled = true; btnGuestOfficialUndo.Enabled = true; loadingThread.Abort(); } //dataAddOfficials.Dispose(); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "Da biste dodali službene osobe, prvo je potrebno dodati momčadi.", "Greška", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
void Start() { Manage = GameObject.Find("Manage").GetComponent <Manage>(); LoopRgb2d = Loop.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); Balloonaudio = GameObject.Find("Balloonaudio").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Manage.delegateView(); }